4x4 Tent, Galaxyhydro 300w Led (x2) In Soil. First Grow.

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took a few pics of the girls sleeping this morning. last week started LST, safety pins on the side of the fabric pots, plant ties to keep em in place. i'll take photos after htey have a few hours of light and wake up as well. they look like they could use some more love in the way of LST, but they are getting bushy.




also to note, it was warm the last few days so i had the space heater off, and when i came in this morning it was 63.5f. might need to put the heater back on, but i'm looking it up now. with lights on it's been maintaining 73-78, usually at 75.


They look thirsty and hungry, have you fed them?
Last night, soil is still damp. Last two waterings where light on nutes, last night mini flush with nutes. Hoping they look a little more lively when the lights come on


When you water are you soaking the soil until water runs out the bottom?
Most of it runs out the sides, I think because it's a fabric pot. I should do a better flush though. Definitely didn't get 20% run off. Should I wait until the soil dries or just do it now?


Wait until the soil dries, no need to flush unless you have nute lockout or are getting ready to flip. With cloth pots, if you can carry them to the shower or a floor drain is the best. A plastic tub or tote works too, you just have to dump out or reuse the runoff after you water.


Flushing is watering untill you have heavy runoff and then watering more, twice the normal amount of water that you normally use. Watering with 20% runoff is a normal watering you should do every time.


Flushing is watering untill you have heavy runoff and then watering more, twice the normal amount of water that you normally use. Watering with 20% runoff is a normal watering you should do every time.

I have been under watering. Well, that's what learning is all about!! Thank you again. I swear I've read that in so many FAQs but it just stuck wrong. Thanks!


update: had an unfortunate underwatering issue last week, but the plants recovered amazingly. right before that i noticed some gnats in the tent, so i started giving the girls a spinosad regimen. seems to have worked so far. haven't seen the guys in three days so i figure just a few more days to make sure none hatch on me. so i'm debating about switching to flowering, pics to follow. just sort of looking for an opinion and guidance.
the tent: i do have plenty of room to go up if needed i think. you can see the edge of the carbon filter that's pressed against the top.

now for some better shots of the plants. the ones on the left are the GSC. they are bushy lil ladies. the GDP is a bit taller, and i didn't LST them as well.

trying to give you all an idea to scale.

my phone's camera was being odd and it didn't take the pictures very well. or i guess i didn't take them well... whatever. so am i being impatient, or do you think it's close to flip?

thank you guys so much for all the help. in fact i think half the reason i want to flip is to do a better grow with what you guys have taught me.


They will double in height or more after the flip and you need room between the light and canopy. I let mine go too long and had to supercrop at week two of flowering last time.


They will double in height or more after the flip and you need room between the light and canopy. I let mine go too long and had to supercrop at week two of flowering last time.

good call. maybe i should flip em and see what kind of room i have left over. i have enough room just about triple in height, but that would be maxed out and probably sketchy.


flipped to flowering today and fed them on the week one bloom schedule at half strength, followed by spinosad. will update with pics after a few days of 12/12. the GSC is looking awesome. wishing i had a clone setup for the one that's super bushy. just don't have time and funds to set that up yet. plus i have 20 seeds to go through still!


How much they stretch really kind of depends on the color spectrum of your LEDs. LEDs are a lot different than traditional HIDs when it comes to, well, a lot of things, but particularly the stretch. Most of my plants stretched mayyyyybe fifty percent when I flipped and that's because of my Apache's spectrum. If I remember correctly, it's got a 2:1 ratio of white to red light (white being the equivalent of blue light or, er, something like that haha). But yeah, once I flipped, only two of the eight plants stretched more than fifty percent. Granted, the Apollos are known for not being big stretchers, but the others aren't, and like I said, very little stretch. That has to do, I think, with the fact that it emits more "blue" light than red light. And this is a lamp that was designed specifically for growing cannabis.

I should also mention that I reduced the lighting schedule from 16/8 to 14/10 for two weeks before the flip, which may have reduced stretch even further. But yeah, the spectrum of your LEDs plays a big part in how much or how little they stretch.

How're they looking???


How much they stretch really kind of depends on the color spectrum of your LEDs. LEDs are a lot different than traditional HIDs when it comes to, well, a lot of things, but particularly the stretch. Most of my plants stretched mayyyyybe fifty percent when I flipped and that's because of my Apache's spectrum. If I remember correctly, it's got a 2:1 ratio of white to red light (white being the equivalent of blue light or, er, something like that haha). But yeah, once I flipped, only two of the eight plants stretched more than fifty percent. Granted, the Apollos are known for not being big stretchers, but the others aren't, and like I said, very little stretch. That has to do, I think, with the fact that it emits more "blue" light than red light. And this is a lamp that was designed specifically for growing cannabis.

I should also mention that I reduced the lighting schedule from 16/8 to 14/10 for two weeks before the flip, which may have reduced stretch even further. But yeah, the spectrum of your LEDs plays a big part in how much or how little they stretch.

How're they looking???

awesome, thanks for the feedback! i straight up flipped to 12/12 on thursday. they have already grown a bit. definitely bushier in the case of the GSC. they are getting watered/fed tonight when i get home, didn't have time before work. i'll try and measure them as well. plant pr0n:



also to note: i need to learn how to take better pics.


awesome, thanks for the feedback! i straight up flipped to 12/12 on thursday. they have already grown a bit. definitely bushier in the case of the GSC. they are getting watered/fed tonight when i get home, didn't have time before work. i'll try and measure them as well. plant pr0n:



also to note: i need to learn how to take better pics.

Man... You may wanna space those plants out just a bit. They look awfully crowded. I dunno what the footprint of your lights are, but if it were me, I'd maybe give them just a bit more room.

Of course, it's hard to tell, just because of your shitty photography skills and all.... Hahaha!!!!

Just fucking with you, my camera "skills" (if you wanna call them "skills" haha) suck. If you want better pics without that "interplanetary LED light" thing going on, you might just take them out of the tent for individual plant shots. That's what I ended up doing. And my light doesn't have nearly that weird "growing plants on Mars" thing going on haha. But it was still a bitch to get pics that weren't flooded with light, so I finally just took pics when I watered them (I took each plant out of the tent and watered by hand). It was a pain, for sure, but the pics looked better, which allowed for better feedback, which is why I posted my log in the first place, which is why which is why which is why etc etc....


Man... You may wanna space those plants out just a bit. They look awfully crowded. I dunno what the footprint of your lights are, but if it were me, I'd maybe give them just a bit more room.

Of course, it's hard to tell, just because of your shitty photography skills and all.... Hahaha!!!!

Just fucking with you, my camera "skills" (if you wanna call them "skills" haha) suck. If you want better pics without that "interplanetary LED light" thing going on, you might just take them out of the tent for individual plant shots. That's what I ended up doing. And my light doesn't have nearly that weird "growing plants on Mars" thing going on haha. But it was still a bitch to get pics that weren't flooded with light, so I finally just took pics when I watered them (I took each plant out of the tent and watered by hand). It was a pain, for sure, but the pics looked better, which allowed for better feedback, which is why I posted my log in the first place, which is why which is why which is why etc etc....

Haha! yup, they aren't as crowded as they look. i mean the ends of the widest parts touch a bit. i could space them out a little bit more, but when they are spaced the fans don't hit all the plants evenly. is the idea of not crowding them so they don't grow into each other? i'll get some individual shots when i water. solid plan.


two shots of each plant. got two bushes and two that are kinda scraggly. the one bushed up super nice. no gnats again! whoo hoo! now i gotta work on humidity management. hung up a sock full of kitty litter right after i took these, but i get the feeling i'll need to pony up for a dehumidifier.



Hey man! Super excited I found this post! I have almost the same exact set up as you and have been hunting for threads with a similar set up! The only difference is I have the 600 watt galaxy hydro! I'd love to see where you're at in the process now!

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