Fresh Run. Fresh Room

  • Thread starter tattoojim
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Unknown farmer
That sucks maybe warranty will cover that not sure, yeah Benchmades are usually always solid, got a large fix blade 154cm that I love had for about 13yrs got when I was in the service nowadays she just guts Fish and Elk!
I think they will I just have to pay to have it shipped back. Been lazy and careful, not trying to cut off multiple fingers
Papa Indica

Papa Indica



Late morning guys......

Just finished in the garden for the day. I see lots of trimming coming up in the near future. Lucinda and Diesel first followed by White Fire, Chemdog #4, Golden Pineapple and Head Wreck. Been nice not to have scissors glued to my hands for a few weeks. Unfortunately I will be back at it soon. Actually it's good......running low.

That snow storm I said missed me yesterday.....ahhhh NO. Moved in late yesterday afternoon and hasn't let up since. Colo went from what looked like a dry spring to a mess in the last 10 days or so. We need the moisture but....shit this is enough.

Time to get some house cleaning done, a haircut this afternoon and dinner out tonight.....

Be well potheads.......


Can someone tell me what these are? Only seen in the tray of my big mom.
View attachment 585250 And she's dying. I thought it was a lockout at first,so I've pulled her to flush the shit out of her and I see these in her tray.
Will a mosquito dunk work on these or what will. I'd hate for them to move throughout my grow.

Almost certainly harmless springtails... those are not long enough to be symphylids.

DE-Diatomaceous Earth..powdered Dino bones.

Actually, its a fossilized hard shelled algae called diatoms which are algae with distinctive, transparent cell walls made of silicon dioxide

Any you guys get armadillos?

Dont eat em... you'll get the leprosy... yer thumbs'll fall off and shit....

Do you know what Jeffery Dalmer said to Lorena Bobbit....?????....ya gonna eat that????

What did he have in the shower? Head & Shoulders....

What did he keep in his bird cage? A cock-or-two....

You can buy A/C units that are meant to just sit on the floor, all you have to do is run the exhaust duct out a window or whatever.
Here's one example. @str8smokn
I don't actually have any experience with them, never needed one I guess, always had window units.

The windowbangers just need to be boxed in and vented... you can put em anywhere...


These cracks in my screen r gettin worse. Im typin like shit.
He must be tending a wound from the slivers of glass hes calling a screen lol

Clear packaging tape... careful... and poke bubbles with a needle to smooth em out.
your phone will still feel your touch, but you wont lose glass to your thumb.... I've been using a broken phone for 2 years with no issues other than bright sunlight... it sparkles off the cracks and makes it impossible to see... my phones only nemesis is a lack of shade....

So you just keep burying the stemm? I never heard of that.

all the way up to just under the cotyledons ... I always have had done... keeps em from lookin stupid and stretchy at that point as well as giving support and they will root... I consider it manually helping the taproot grow faster...
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