New Grow New Problems!

  • Thread starter SL8R
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Things like temperature and humidity are not that important, it's the basics like having an aerated soil mix and not overwatering and giving them heaps of light that are important.

My humidity was 85% yesterday for a while, and it didn't affect them in the slightest.

What you can do is put your hand over the soil on the top of the pot, with the stem of the plant between your fingers, and tip the pot upside down and lift the pot off the soil.
The plants roots should bind the soil together, so it wont all fall away, the soil should stay in the shape of the pot.

You can then see what's happening in the soil at the bottom of the pot, whether still wet, and how the plants roots look.
It's easy with smaller pots, a bit harder with bigger pots, but can be done.

Then when finished put the pot back over the soil and tip right way up again.

But just looking at that last pic, overwatering definately, and I think some root disease as well, from overwatering.
Going by the thickness of the main stem, they have been growing for a while, but are way smaller than they should be for that amount of time growing.

I would say flower them immediately, and hope to get some smoke off them before they die on you.

And then try again next time with a more aerated soil mix; use potting mix instead of potting soil, and get some coarse perlite, not the fine stuff, and mix heaps of that in.

But for now, I would put straight into 12/12, no point in continuing on with what you are doing, you are going no-where with it.
That plant in the pic above is fucked, and probably can't be turned around, just flower it and try and get something to smoke off it before it dies.
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There only 2 months old I have done lst both have 90 bends and growing horizontal


Pots are completely dry by meter weight n eye sight roots are faded white looking but still look good


For a 2 month old plant that is very small.
Something is very wrong there.
And it's missing a lot of leaves.

Don't waste any more time veging it, just put it into flower.
2 months is a long enough time to veg for, most people don't veg anywhere near that long.
If you keep veging you will not see anything else happening, besides maybe the plant dies.

Have you checked the leaves for spidermites or other insects?
A magnifying glass helps.
Spidermites are black and mostly are on the undersides of the leaves.

They will kill the leaves starting from the lower leaves.
They suck the sap out of the leaves.
You might have an insect problem, spidermites are the most common.
My current plants were looking sucky and then I got the magnifying glass and found spidermites and also some small white crawling insects.
One spray and they recovered quickly, I caught them early so they only damaged the lowest leaves.
You need to check for them to rule them in or out.

But to me it looks like root damage from overwatering, like some disease of the roots.

I have had the occasional plant look like that, and it was from overwatering, even though I have then gone on to water properly after overwatering it, they never recovered.

I would say don't waste any more time on that plant, if they have been overwatered seriously enough they can't recover, as I said just put it into veg and see if you can get something to smoke off it, and meanwhile start planning your next grow, and what you will do differently.
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Don't understand, root system is fine no prob hell soil is dry...
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Seeing as they are 2 months old and yet are still very small plants for that age, then it seems that whatever their problem is it has been going on for a long time.
They should be much bigger than that.

The soil mix looks nice and aerated, and the roots look ok.

I think you say you haven't fertilized them in that 2 months?
That's a long time to go without fertilizing them.
Maybe the potting soil you are using had fertilizer in it when you bought it, but don't forget they make these for house and garden plants, which don't need the high levels of fertilizer we give MJ to make it grow fast as it can.
You should have fertilized it at least 4 times in that 2 months, probably more.

It definately needs fertilizer and lots of it.

But I don't think that is the main problem.

Going through the symptoms.

Drooping leaves: Can be a symptom of both overwatering or underwatering.

Yellowing leaves: Can be a symptom of both overwatering, underwatering, lack of nitrogen.

Leaves falling off: Can be a symptom of overwatering or underwatering.

It doesn't look like underwatering, but soils when they get really dry can go hydroscopic, which means they repel water, so what happens in that case is you water and the water just runs out the bottom of the pot without being retained in the soil.
You can check that by watering and then picking up the pot 10 minutes later and seeing if it's heavier.
You can also lift the pot off the soil as you have done above and check after watering.

But I would say it has a root disease caused by overwatering some time in the past, and given the size of the plant, it probably happened when the plant was smaller, say about 3 or 4 weeks old.

There's no point in continuing to veg it, it wont grow into a monster plant producing a pound of buds, you are just wasting your time.
Better to cut your losses and flower it out, you will get about 1/2 oz off the smaller one and about an oz off the bigger one, if they make it through to harvest, better than nothing.
Better to get those ones out of the way and start again and better luck next time.


Looks underwatered, I would up pot, veg two more weeks and flip


See I'm lost I mean both plants healthy until just a week ago roots are nice the was on a scheduled water then bam.... @Nog you said repel water I've noticed I have to poor water very slowly for it to absorb ..


Next time you water, sit the pot in a saucer or tray, pour about an inch of water in the tray or saucer and let the soil in the pot draw it up into the pot.
Don't water from the top at the same time.
See what happens then.


Yesterday I did a 10 ounces of water n grow big nitrogen... 2table spoons in a gal it brought ppm from 150 well to 580 with nitro nutes... I added table spoon of Epson salt as my buddy @miko requested it brought some life to them I also trimmed up dead leaves and pokemore holes in pot... She is retaining water as normal and slowly perking up...I may be in troublelack of nutes who knows sucks this far ahead and hit a wall... Any info would be greatly appreciated guys n gals thanks again I hope they bounce back there trying now...just don't know why it's taking so long to water and them to absorb water ...


Don't flower your plants while they are wilting and deficient, correct the problem then flower. I had mentioned to you about a week ago that you need to feed them.

Seriously spend the $30 and get a dam grow book. You keep asking the same questions.



Don't flower your plants while they are wilting and deficient, correct the problem then flower. I had mentioned to you about a week ago that you need to feed them.

Seriously spend the $30 and get a dam grow book. You keep asking the same questions.

Bahahah yeah meters just to make me feel better I have a mail scale I use to tell if gals need water ... Hell no Jay I'd be embarrassed to try n flower thesegals man I'd rather snatch up n plant cheese or Neville haze try again... I like this kritikal strain read great review on it I'm messing up some where bud I just can't fig it out sucks ... Hate how sensitive they are inside 2 yrs ago I dropped seeds by a creek and didn't check till all most winter they did 20x better
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Unbelievable. You've been given good advice throughout your entire grow with these plants and you've chosen to ignore all of it and figure you'll just wait and see what happens doing it your own way. Yet you keep asking the same questions and when you get the same answers, you ask the questions again, never once taking advice. It's really no surprise to me that they're in this state now.
I told you at least a month ago that they needed to be fed, we never gave you bad advice and I never was trying to be an ass to you, even though I was frustrated as hell with you, no matter what some people may think.

I've used FoxFarm nutrients for a long time, Big Bloom is made to be used in conjunction with Grow Big through the vegetative stage and with the Tiger Bloom through flower, it's a blend of micronutrients that are beneficial to your plants throughout the entire grow cycle. If you just go on the lightest end of the general feeding you shouldn't have any trouble with them, just make sure you are shaking the bottles up real well before you use them.
Your roots look terrible and the plants themselves reflect that but, cannabis is very resilient, if you want to keep trying to save them then listen to the advice people have been giving you here and you might stand a chance of bringing them back.
If you had listened to the advice that you were asking for all along you would have some nice looking plants in flower right now.
Nobody here is going to want to keep giving you the same answers over and over and over again and having you not listen, why ask if you're not going to listen? I understand even wanting to get some different views, starting a thread is good for that but, you should've done it a long time ago if that's what you wanted and actually taken some advice and you wouldn't be in this predicament of having all of this time into plants that are dying.
Good luck.


Unbelievable. You've been given good advice throughout your entire grow with these plants and you've chosen to ignore all of it and figure you'll just wait and see what happens doing it your own way. Yet you keep asking the same questions and when you get the same answers, you ask the questions again, never once taking advice. It's really no surprise to me that they're in this state now.
I told you at least a month ago that they needed to be fed, we never gave you bad advice and I never was trying to be an ass to you, even though I was frustrated as hell with you, no matter what some people may think.

I've used FoxFarm nutrients for a long time, Big Bloom is made to be used in conjunction with Grow Big through the vegetative stage and with the Tiger Bloom through flower, it's a blend of micronutrients that are beneficial to your plants throughout the entire grow cycle. If you just go on the lightest end of the general feeding you shouldn't have any trouble with them, just make sure you are shaking the bottles up real well before you use them.
Your roots look terrible and the plants themselves reflect that but, cannabis is very resilient, if you want to keep trying to save them then listen to the advice people have been giving you here and you might stand a chance of bringing them back.
If you had listened to the advice that you were asking for all along you would have some nice looking plants in flower right now.
Nobody here is going to want to keep giving you the same answers over and over and over again and having you not listen, why ask if you're not going to listen? I understand even wanting to get some different views, starting a thread is good for that but, you should've done it a long time ago if that's what you wanted and actually taken some advice and you wouldn't be in this predicament of having all of this time into plants that are dying.
Good luck.
Wow well thanks but when 10ppl say do and 10 say don't where am I suppose. Stand ... I mean hell one room I go o seem like it's all jokes and bs then get told get out room to find Info I need ... How can something b water logged if it has no weight of water ... How is it one forum says feed one says no ... Thanks for the help any ways ... I know I'm no were experienced as most of you guys but its hard to fi answers when ppl say do and don't ... So I failed my first indoor grow my bad...


Then worse part is you come to dog me on another forum kinda weird how you guys offered some help but there was so many differ advice now You come I. This forum like your trying make me look bad...


Maybe pull them up and start again.
Write it off as experience.
We all make mistakes, even when we have been growing for a while, and that's how we learn.
Just don't give up.
Experience is like money in the bank, so you have gained something by failing. And you have failed, those plants are a write off, can't be saved.
Start some more, can you get more seeds?
Main thing is don't get discouraged or doubt yourself and give up.

My first grow, which was from bagseed, all turned out to be hermies, there was a reason there were so many seeds in the bag of weed I found them in, the weed came from a hermie plant.

The second grow, I didn't know when you where supposed to harvest, so they grew buds, got lots of crystals, and still I left them, and then the crystals dissappeared and the buds dried out and died.
And then I realised I should have harvested them when the had buds with crystals on them.

But I didn't give up and went on to grow 120 plants outdoors one year.
And I'm still learning, and still make the odd mistake, but I'm happy with that, as I learn from the mistakes and as I said the experience is like money in the bank.

And I think 50 percent perlite in your pots is too much, most growers use between 20 and 25% perlite.
Also do a google search for the difference between potting soil and potting mix.


Ok I have Fox farm fert n soil I bought cheap miracle grow permits... The kritikal is still alive wife said she is looking better the other bag seed gal is 2 tonedcolor light to dark green... Ya when I get back home I believe I'll see if its worth the time or replant New I the water at house is high in iron since the weather cause our water table to rise rivers are up so I don't know if that's 2 blame but I'll blame me ha...
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