New Grow New Problems!

  • Thread starter SL8R
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Ya this has me aggravated haha, honestly she has grown alot since I've put them in these pots, the stalks are 5x the size n branches but it could be very simple as let them fix them self now that the exhaust fans are back up n humidity is around normal but I'm not sure


Well honestly no I have not. The run off after watering them was 470ppm its still has nutes in soil I believe no bad discolored leaves yet no yellowing just a lighter coloring on the bag seed with drooping leaves. Kritikal has droopy leaves... But I have fox farm trio nutes gro big big bloom etc. I just don't know what n how much to use ...

That might be the cause of your problem, you are giving them too much water.
If the water runs out the bottom you are generally saturating the soil, which you don't want.

Mine are in 14 litre pots which is about 3 gallons, and they are bigger plants, yet when I water them water doesn't usually run out the bottom of the pot.
It would if I gave them more water but I don't, I lift each pot up and if it's heavy I don't water, and if it's light then I water.

You don't have to wet all the soil in the pot, you can leave some of it dry.
You can just water around the edges and leave the middle of the pot dry.

Don't go giving them bleach now, that will mean another un-necessary watering, which will make the problem worse, even if there is bleach in the water.

Another way of watering which helps prevent overwatering is bottom watering.

Get those round plastic pot trays from the garden centre, get some bigger than the base of the pot, and sit the pot in them and then when you water put some water in the tray and the pot will draw the water up into the soil through the holes in the bottom of the pot. Don't top water them at the same time.

The guy who said poke a stick into the soil to let air into it is right, but poke a lot more than three holes as he suggests in the soil, don't worry if you chop off a few roots, the plants has heaps more.

Anyway, the most important thing is get used to picking your pots up and guaging the weight of them, to tell how much moisture is in the soil.
This is the most important thing I can tell you.
When potting soil is dry the pot will be light as a feather, and yet the plant will still be looking healthy.

Go and pick up your pots now, pick each of them up the same way for consistency, and then tell us how light or heavy they are.
I recommend using both hands on opposite sides of the pot, rather than picking them up one handed.


Well there perking back up slowly but surely.I think they may have been over stressed I'll send pics once I me back home... Hopefully thy pull threw so I can hit with nutes for a few then flip to flower soon I need to move room asap New lamps new tent new aquaclone gonna start trying to run this critical till I can keep a good control environment... Dam this crazy weather....


Just wish I knew what exactly happened so I can write in journal for notes


Would be overwatering.

They would be perking back up as the pot dries out and the roots get some oxygen.

I recommend don't water for a while, let them get real dry, it wont hurt them, and then when you do water give them less water than you usually do.

Most plants in pots, whether MJ or just house plants, are killed by overwatering.
It's hard to kill a plant by underwatering, so err on the side of underwatering.

As an experiment I suggest don't water until you see the leaves droop, and then lift the pot and see how light it is.
This will give you an idea of how heavy the pot is when it's dry, so you will be able to contrast that with how the pot is at other times when you are wondering if you need to water.


I have no idea I mean had watering system down me and wife.. then bam but there starting to pray again I like to call it reaching for lumens.... I know it's early buto really thinking of feeding them for once maybe this weekend mix a starter dose of grow big ... or am I pushing it, really would determine on how they are I would guess .


Well good news perked up and looking life like again bad news phew at the yellowish leaves ugghhh... just don't know if it's lack of nutes or what...
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Dried up and waiting on water tie to hit garden also cabbage needs some water.... I'll send a few more pics shortly but I am water feeding for 3 more weeks them flipping switchespecially for flowering... kritikal strain is showing beautiful long hairs herself now ....


I would fertilize them now.
The yellowing bottom leaves is usually a sign of lack of nitrogen, but it can also mean overwatering.


Well I did a normal water on them as of today. There usually on a schedule of every other but past 2 weeks been almost daily... they did grow another inche on side branches but there just yellowish ones 2 toNE


I think daily watering may be too often, but obviously not being able see the pots in real life and how heavy they are, I can't say for sure.

Don't water to a schedule, let the plants tell you if they need watering.
And if they don't need watering, then don't go ahead and water them because it's a scheduled watering day.


I water by weight, it's normally on schedule tho I alway pick up my pots and compare to the dry pot I have as an idea for complete dry pot... this kritikal strain has been out the dirt n growing since Jan 25


@Nog so if I never mixed a solution, I read on bottles start with half recommended dose. Do I mix just grow big in gal of water or can I do multi like grow big and big bloom or etc ???? This is my first ever they were perfect a week ago I need them back my journals incomplete without making to the end lol...


I have never used fertilizers made specially for cannabis, as cannabis like all plants needs nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, and trace elements.

You can get these cheaply from a garden shop in packets of water soluble fertilizer, and I don't think expensive fertilizers
made especially for cannabis would contain anything else apart from the above nutrients.

So I'm not familiar with the products you are talking about, but if veging the plants then give them the one with the highest nitrogen, but if flowering then give them one with high potassium and low nitrogen.

The "big bloom" you talk about sounds like a flowering fertilizer, so don't give them that unless you are now putting them into the flowering cycle.

And the "grow big" sounds like a veging fertilizer, so if putting them into flower then don't give them that one.

Just remember once you put them into 12/12 they will need less water, as they wont be using up much water sitting in the dark for 12 hours a day.

I also note you are using fine perlite in your pots; coarse perlite is better as it provides more aeration.
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I have temp at 80 humidity 50, I'm gonna let them dry next 2 days see what happens if they bounce back I'll start a feed schedule of N and pray I make it to flowering. Just going to leave them alone for today check back in am on them...


Here we are again lol, there dry but I think I'm gonna give them another day to completely dry out.. the pots are showing same weight as dry pot I use for water weight. .. I dunno what else to do my humidity is high 50s almost 60% .
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