Led Grow

  • Thread starter HomgrwnTX
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Also its on the old growth......all the new stuff and the small leaves around the colas werr wilted so bad 2 days ago.....now they are springin up...they still show wounds tho...but they are 100% healtheir lookin than they were 2 days ago...

Yeah, I agree with ya there, she is looking better. Watch the new growth for any bad signs. I do not see any of the white spots that concerned me the most. Something could still be going on though. Pictures with wet leaves are deceiving.


These are actually dry here...so.......yea but i notice the older fan leaves are yellower than the rest of the plant....is that ok


Hello everyone. It's been about a month since I didn't update I just been real busy and kind of working too much but here we go. I am having some problems with I guess see what looks like to be nutrient burn. I first found out that I was I had heat burn from the amount of light that was protruding off the three bulbs. I turned off one of the bulbs and it seemed to really help me plant immensely. Well I have got had some Rose food that was a mix from a lady that my wife had got her rose bushes from she gave us a bag of this stuff. It's in a ziplock bag and there's no names or nothing on it. It looks to be a lot of Epsom salt mixed with some kind of yellow granular rocks as well. Like I said I don't know how much to use or what to use but she the lady told my wife to use a spoonful on her rose bush bushes and they seem to really really grow and really really flourish. I also put a little bit on my pepper plant growing outside and it has easily tripled in growth within the last 2 weeks. So with that being said I tried it on my plant and I have noticed a significant burn on the end of the plant. The plan is actually still growing at a very fast rate and is continually rolling @a extremely fast rate. But all the new growth and all the existing growth seem to have the same problem. And that is the end of the tips are burning and curling. I put one teaspoon of that fertilizer and I spread it around the plants. Soil. It grew and was growing a lot faster but still the end if even the new growth was burning I don't know if it's affecting the plant but it seems to be growing a heck of a lot better and I really don't think it is nutrient burn. My water is pH at 6.6 and is lukewarm as well. I have about 60 gallon of collected rainwater and this is what I'm watering the plant with. I will add some pics and please man help me I don't want to lose her I really had taken her a long way. She seems to be liking the nutrients but I really don't understand why she is burning at the tips here are some pics much love Brothers.........
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Yeah, I agree with the others about nute burn being your big problem. I`m no expert for sure. I`m noticing your soil looks like it may be too "heavy", not drying out fast enough.
Also, what is the distance from the lights to the plants ?


Thanks bro....i literally only put one baby teaspoon round it......and i had 3 bright ass led lights i used....come to find out it was to hot and thats what was killing het.....turned off 1 lghtvand now she is kickin ass...well besides the nute burn......


Thanks bro....i literally only put one baby teaspoon round it......and i had 3 bright ass led lights i used....come to find out it was to hot and thats what was killing het.....turned off 1 lghtvand now she is kickin ass...well besides the nute burn......
cool,you have to be careful with leds.too much light can trick you into thinking its a deficiency or ph probs.good luck,stick with it pal,you'll be ok.


Appreciate that brother. ..next week we shall put her to flowering stage.....u think this is ok or should i do the flush first


What is the distance between your LED`s and the top of your plant ? Some LED`s need to be up to 2 feet away.


What's good everyone. Well just come in and let you update how about what's going on with the plant. Come to find out that it was the nutrients and I did a thorough flush on it. She is now looking a lot better and I took most if not all of the dying leaves off. I gave her a good trim and she is not ready to go into flower mode. I don't know if I should trim anymore off or if I even did a good job at that. Just please help me and correct me if I need to trim anything else off or what do y'all think. Maybe I trimmed too much are just please let me know like I said I'm about to put her into flower coming Monday. All I know is that the plant really has the closet space smelling really skunky. And I assume it's going to get worse whenever she starts to Bud. Also should I add any more fertilizer at all to it or just let it take its natural course. I'm really leaning towards the natural course. Well anyways almost shoot up some pics hope you like them in please like I said help me out with my trimming skills I don't know if I'm doing a good job or real being the best job. Much love from Texas
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I wouldn't keep pulling leaves off whilst she is still small.give it chance to recover.should bounce back.


I wouldn't keep pulling leaves off whilst she is still small.give it chance to recover.should bounce back.
She is 21 inches now...i wanted to put het in flowet already....is this ok.....wt would u recommend?


What's good everyone. Well just come in and let you update how about what's going on with the plant. Come to find out that it was the nutrients and I did a thorough flush on it. She is now looking a lot better and I took most if not all of the dying leaves off. I gave her a good trim and she is not ready to go into flower mode. I don't know if I should trim anymore off or if I even did a good job at that. Just please help me and correct me if I need to trim anything else off or what do y'all think. Maybe I trimmed too much are just please let me know like I said I'm about to put her into flower coming Monday. All I know is that the plant really has the closet space smelling really skunky. And I assume it's going to get worse whenever she starts to Bud. Also should I add any more fertilizer at all to it or just let it take its natural course. I'm really leaning towards the natural course. Well anyways almost shoot up some pics hope you like them in please like I said help me out with my trimming skills I don't know if I'm doing a good job or real being the best job. Much love from Texas
The leafs are her solar panel

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