Curmudgeonland...home Of The Old Farts Club

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Last word on the topic:

I feel that for me to not reflect upon or be noticeably affected by what has happened to my family would be the ultimate disrespect to my son's memory. Even so...I will try to not bring it up here again so I don't put anyone here out or ruin their own happy little reality.... SMFH.
Scoop I have no problem with you posting about your son. If you need to talk you can pm me any time.
I am so sorry for your los. NO ONE should have to outlive their children or have to tell their loved ones about the loss.

No worries on the meet up. I bought 3/8 yesterday from the legal hucksters....and I'm trying my best to give it all a break anyway. Just don't want to deal with the 6-week long headache or I'd be there already. Fuck me.

Take care/be well guys

Ok. This is for all you dusty old men who didnt get enough fiber and now they are butt hurt for one reason or another . stop talkn trash if ya cant take it also reporting fellow lomg time members = snitchen. We are all adults and should act accordingly especially in this thread yall are all old enough to me be my grandpa . im leaving all the posts as i want notging to do with this trainwreck because i know you all mean well....
I hear miralax is greqt for bowel movement
Funny shit Gravecat.
Pun intended.

miralax my ass Metamucil every night = a good poop every morning
Way to much info Sun.


Back from the carny. Man, that thing is SMALL. No freaks, no burlesque tent. no double Ferris wheel, no vendors for shit other than food (made the Old Hen promise to buy me a tie dyed T shirt), but lots 'o cute little gals that ran and hid when I started breathing hard.

$17 for three corn dogs and a large fry. Not as bad as I though it would be. It'll hold me 'til next year. Time for a cool shower and a warm bowl.


Alright you old farts I've been in a pissy mood all fucking day. Read about half of this banter and the wife called me to dinner. I noticed while we were eating that my mood had finally changed for the better.
Thank you.

10/25/2010 The worst day of my life! I had to hold my wife in my arms and tell her we lost our youngest. I would not let her see her son like that! Very gruesome to say the least.

I told you all this so I could say this. I could not look at a picture of our son without seeing him the way I found him. I had a lot of anger and self doubt about it being my fault. I talked to the army and they help find a shrink close to me that specializes in grief therapy. I did a lot of hard work with that man. And it has done a world of good for me/us.
I could not and will not let our loss dictate the rest of my life. The anger alone was enough to consume me.
I'm better today but will never be the same. is life all roses and unicorns FUCK no. But I can find peace and some happiness.

I have a good friend at work and fellow grower. His step son did the same thing a year later than my son. His wife found her son. I have talked to them both and recommended my therapist. Just not ready for that i guse. To me they are both on self destruct mode. Very hard to watch.

My eyes are too blurry to continue enough of my shit.

Can't we all just get along?
I'm pretty sure nobody meant any harm today.:)

I'm going to go burn a phatty with the wife. Be well.:smoking:


So sorry for your loss. I have been hurt by what happened here today. Two peeps I though were my friends shit right down my throat.....left a bad taste in my mouth....permanently. Will never forget. Now one of them is after a mod......


I hope you can understand that I can't "like" your post, stone. I do, however, acknowledge and respect your pain beyond measure.

All I can say is that I hope our sons have met...wherever it is that dead sons who were great kids go.

I can never forget either, pute. The big difference, however, is that what I can't forget >actually fucking matters<.
G gnome

G gnome

Of course haha

So sorry for your loss. I have been hurt by what happened here today. Two peeps I though were my friends shit right down my throat.....left a bad taste in my mouth....permanently. Will never forget. Now one of them is after a mod......
Really? Cmon pute.....

I hope you can understand that I can't "like" your post, stone. I do, however, acknowledge and respect your pain beyond measure.

All I can say is that I hope our sons have met...wherever it is that dead sons who were great kids go.

I can never forget either, pute. The big difference, however, is that what I can't forget >actually fucking matters<.

Geez u guys......


in perspective,

ive been mairied to the same women for 43 years.

never yelled or said a bad thing to her. lol

I'll never get married.. I was one of those kids growing up who HAD to have a different bowl of cereal for breakfast everyday.. I'm still that kid at 36 and single and honestly I don;t really want a girlfriend outside of for sexual purposes.. Past that Id prefer to be left the fuck alone. Women at least the ones ive delt with are not worth the trouble.

Lifes just easier when your single i guess :D Least for me.. Im happier then i ever been when i was with anyone.

But with that said, Congrats on 43 years! Marriage is like the army.. Its just not for everyone :D


Premium Member
I'll never get married.. I was one of those kids growing up who HAD to have a different bowl of cereal for breakfast everyday.. I'm still that kid at 36 and single and honestly I don;t really want a girlfriend outside of for sexual purposes.. Past that Id prefer to be left the fuck alone. Women at least the ones ive delt with are not worth the trouble.

Lifes just easier when your single i guess :D Least for me.. Im happier then i ever been when i was with anyone.

But with that said, Congrats on 43 years! Marriage is like the army.. Its just not for everyone :D
Ha that was me for a long time but i was eating 3 different types a day in my prime and never wanted to get married a few weeks it will be one year ago that i married my best friend a fine pasty skinned redhead


35 years here....but I met her in 8th grade in '71 at the drinking fountain when we split a 4-way hit of White Lightning LSD. We went through Jr High/HS and college together as great friends ( I used to borrow her Apt. on weekends in college and fuck her friends....LOL). It wasn't til I moved in as a roomie with her BF of 9 years that I found out he was cheating on her. Not too long after that he made a few more stupid decisions and I said "Idiot" and banged the fuck out of her. Then I moved out and took her with me. He didn't know what hit him. Been together ever since....

These days she makes a killer breakfast. I did all the cooking our entire married life 'cus her cooking..well..sucked. I think it was all an act...cus now she's turning out things i am amazed by....and I'm struggling to stay the same waist size I've been since we were married....
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