Legit Or Low Key?

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Get caught with a firearm.and mj. Your NOT getting out of prison, yes prison for 15yrs minimum. Your gambling with federal time, not state time. Federal time is day for day, no good time. Have fun with that.


agreed go big or go home. If your gonna take the risk at least make it worthwhile while your rollin. It is very easy to grow larger grows you just have to do your due diligence and make sure you are secured. 1st bit of advice is tell no one. Loose lips sink ships. And when I say no one that includes wives, girlfriends, buddies, patients, customers etc. Never brag about what you have going and dont flash cash or large volumes of bud.
I agree to keep quiet. I don't really plan to go super big. I've always wanted to grow for myself and just recently put plans in motion to do so. I don't have a big cash scheme in mind or anything.


Get caught with a firearm.and mj. Your NOT getting out of prison, yes prison for 15yrs minimum. Your gambling with federal time, not state time. Federal time is day for day, no good time. Have fun with that.
I would never have both for that reason. I don't want to do any time let alone fed time. I may do the same and relinquish my cpl to be safe.


True..hard to do but necessary
But the cats out of the bag for most of us and the days of cash wads are long long gone
Funny how so many who never had the balls to grow are now pot snobs with there little tents in their basements and there's is the best..Good for them but us old timers get little respect for leading the way and taking the risk.
They love to get genetics which old timers developed then all of a sudden a pot star/snob is born...
If not for us old timers, been growing myself off and on for 45 years they would be sunk and to me it's old hat the thrill is gone...
Way under legal and med allowance here , good to be a small fish here with a big heart...
Legally cannot move so it's rubs and oils donated to friends and the results of pain relief is payment for us.
Also nice to retaliate against the greedy bastards who only wish to cash in..
Looking forward to you and wife coming for visit, cannot comment to your remark on old farts thread but this is a very very special healing spiritual place that everyone who visits gets almost like reborn.
Lots of love here hearts and doors are open..
And we have met the most incredible people here, their good energy blasts the hate away every time
Be a blast for you guys to help a bit then go play...
Thinking your wife guts, my wife plucks, we fish and dinner and sex better be ready when we get home..
seriously tho you will love it here and I will show you a high time living the good life well I know..
I think I'm more along the lines of what you're doing. Not in it for a quick buck or anything. I would like to help people as well but not sure how to do that and remain underground at the same time. I can say this..without the old timers paving the way I wouldn't even know where to start. I don't have anyone showing me how to grow. Its from talking to the experienced guys online that made me confident I could grow at all.


agreed go big or go home. If your gonna take the risk at least make it worthwhile while your rollin. It is very easy to grow larger grows you just have to do your due diligence and make sure you are secured. 1st bit of advice is tell no one. Loose lips sink ships. And when I say no one that includes wives, girlfriends, buddies, patients, customers etc. Never brag about what you have going and dont flash cash or large volumes of bud.
No worries there...no cash or large volumes of bud here to flash haha.


Any ammount of mj and a firearm is fed time. They deem both together as gangster activity. Or something along those lines. Straight out of a police captians mouth. I was at a bar talking with one for a while about how f d the law ls are and how we as caregivers are unable to legally protect ourselves against thugs and such.


Any ammount of mj and a firearm is fed time. They deem both together as gangster activity. Or something along those lines. Straight out of a police captians mouth. I was at a bar talking with one for a while about how f d the law ls are and how we as caregivers are unable to legally protect ourselves against thugs and such.
Couldn't agree more. I won't even carry if I'm medicated. It does step the charges up to some crazy charge to have both on you and I would never take the risk. I'm not an everyday smoker even. I think for what I have planned its best to relinquish my cpl and just get my cert. I'm not planning a big for profit grow or anything. Just a nice quiet hobby with an awesome reward


I live in a med state and plan on growing in the near future. I wanted to get some opinions and weight the pros and cons on whether or not to get certified. The plant count is pretty low(12) and the dried plant count even lower (2.5 oz) making it tough to stay in the lines. So weigh in...is it better to be on paper an potentially bring unwanted attention your way or stay low and keep your fingers crossed?
Your defense is always much strong with a med card, are doctors writing scripts for more then 12 out there?


Each card is good for 12 plants and 2.5oz of usable material (trim, bud, ect). ALL concentrates and edibles have now been banned as of 4 months or so ago.


Your defense is always much strong with a med card, are doctors writing scripts for more then 12 out there?
Yea you can't even claim a med defense if you're above plant count but there is legal wiggle room for the amount of meds if you have a card. Like @DemonTrich said 12 plants and 2.5 ounces of dried useable mj per patient up to yourself and 6 patients.


In CO, personally I am not comfortable with registering a grow. The advantages do not outweigh giving up that amount of evidence in my eyes. This is entirely based on the ability to legally grow some...plant counts...well just grow bigger plants.

If the only avenue to do this legally was to register, I would give it some consideration. It is amazing not having the bit o weed in my pocket be cause for concern. 20+ years of dealing with it being illegal didn't really stop me or even slow me down, but holy crap am I appreciative of where some states are now at. As I have slowed down and settled down, being able to sit and relax the way I choose is valuable to me, so I would get over my weirdo conspiracy theories in my head and just register with whatever if that was the only option. Luckily that isn't the case so I don't have to make the decision, no point in giving "the man" more than is necessary.


In CO, personally I am not comfortable with registering a grow. The advantages do not outweigh giving up that amount of evidence in my eyes. This is entirely based on the ability to legally grow some...plant counts...well just grow bigger plants.

If the only avenue to do this legally was to register, I would give it some consideration. It is amazing not having the bit o weed in my pocket be cause for concern. 20+ years of dealing with it being illegal didn't really stop me or even slow me down, but holy crap am I appreciative of where some states are now at. As I have slowed down and settled down, being able to sit and relax the way I choose is valuable to me, so I would get over my weirdo conspiracy theories in my head and just register with whatever if that was the only option. Luckily that isn't the case so I don't have to make the decision, no point in giving "the man" more than is necessary.
It really just depends what pair of glasses you are wearing, have you ever been in trouble with the law?
A medical defense is helpful when working a deal out with the da because it shows you were at least trying to do the right thing usually resulting in a differed felony depending on your background.
From 2010-2012 they were busting everybody they could for growing the green! But as case by case was being won in jury trial do to our medical right to use and cultivate with our doctors recommendations the city was losing too much money to continue to charge people.
they have shifted there focus to duid's to take our money and time with an easy conviction of 5 ng limit behind the wheel.
Now there are cases being won because a good lawyer can convince the jury you were just taking your medication just like bety takes her Zoloft and Xanax and were not "impaired" by the mj.:)


Premium Member
The duid thing scares me..
even tho I have not drank in 15 years I do have a few dwai s on record, 20 years back. They can use those against you and I bet when pulled over they know the history..
Hard not to huff and drive but we all should really be careful
Costs a ton to defend
Before they were not looking like they are now.
Heard a story. cop took this long hair to hosp. after a traffic stop
a drug recognition expert declared him sober. While they were releasing the cop had a heart attack collapsed and was hauled to the ER....
good thing he did not collapsed behind the wheel on way to get him checked.....


That is a very good point @GrowGod
Did you know that a probation piss test only can only detect as low as 50 ng the in your urine/blood, so it usually takes 30-60 days to piss clean if you were a heavy smoker. So that means at the 5 ng limit we are all subject to duid even when not smoking for weeks or months lol.
And guess who was there to help put this 5 ng limit with a 800$ price tag for your blood test if your over the limit:) the biggest green activist we thought were on our side norml.
Why not just make the limit 50 ng and use a regular po test that cost 10$? Because they like to rape us with no lube.


The duid thing scares me..
even tho I have not drank in 15 years I do have a few dwai s on record, 20 years back. They can use those against you and I bet when pulled over they know the history..
Hard not to huff and drive but we all should really be careful
Costs a ton to defend
Before they were not looking like they are now.
Heard a story. cop took this long hair to hosp. after a traffic stop
a drug recognition expert declared him sober. While they were releasing the cop had a heart attack collapsed and was hauled to the ER....
good thing he did not collapsed behind the wheel on way to get him checked.....
If you have 3 already your next one is a felony with jail time even if you were just smoking the green :opps:not to mention 100's of hours of therapy and community service


Premium Member
wondering how to check for how many???
Rolling one for the road.. Bad idea will hold off till I get home..NOT..
A few puffs and off I go..
just do not smoke behind wheel and god forbid have an accident even if not at fault could be screwed...


Colorado is different than any other state in that we have medical and recreational, and two sets of rules/regs/laws/etc. I am both a red card med patient and recreational consumer. If I am outside of my home with more than two zones, I carry my medical paperwork and EPC documents, just in case. If I am inside my place, assuming that's where I grow, then I am recreational, as rec rules do not have limits on amount in possession as long as the product stays where it was grown. This could be a problem for some but not for me. I don't know of any other states that do not have possession limits for rec, nor do I know of any states with medical use in the constitution. I feel very comfortable with taxes and fees and tabor.

Colorado has a constitutional tax amendment that other states with legalized and taxed marijuana don’t have: TABOR

According to the Tax Foundation’s study, “harmonizing marijuana taxes” with TABOR “has resulted in implementation headaches.” Headaches maybe, but also a holiday.

Colorado’s 1992 Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights amendment requires state government to issue refunds to taxpayers when and if state spending or revenue collections end up being more than government forecasts predict.

The question was posed to westword, obviously for Colorado:

Dear Stoner: I had a medical marijuana card but didn’t renew it. Am I now eligible for a concealed-carry permit?
Nicholas Wiggle

Dear Nick: MMJ patients are blocked from purchasing firearms, thanks to a form that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives requires them to fill out before buying a gun. One of the form’s questions, which asks if you are an “an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana,” is federally binding, so it doesn’t matter that pot is legal in Colorado: If you answer “yes,” then you get denied, and if you answer “no,” you’re committing perjury. And just in case you thought this state had your back, the Colorado law for purchasing firearms takes the same stance.

And even if you owned a gun prior to becoming a patient, Colorado’s concealed-handgun permit application features another hurdle, even though marijuana is legal here. Colorado county sheriffs are responsible for reviewing concealed-carry applications, and they tend to deny applicants who admit to marijuana use because of a 2011 directive from the ATF telling legal-marijuana states to refuse to register weapons to pot users.

Still, if you’re no longer a registered MMJ patient or recreational user, or you feel comfortable lying under oath about your marijuana use on the application, then your chances of being approved are much higher. A Colorado petition was started earlier this year to prevent sheriffs from denying concealed-carry permits for pot users, but it died after failing to receive enough signatures to reach the ballot. The group organizing the petition, the Colorado Campaign for Equal Gun Rights, says it hopes to have the resources required to get it on the November 2016 ballot. For now, though, it looks like you’ll still have to choose between marijuana and guns — or risk a felony weapons offense.


Yea you can't even claim a med defense if you're above plant count but there is legal wiggle room for the amount of meds if you have a card. Like @DemonTrich said 12 plants and 2.5 ounces of dried useable mj per patient up to yourself and 6 patients.
Yes my friend was pulled over driving back to Ohio from his med grow in the mitt got pulled over with some grow trash in the truck, these pigs arrested him raided both his properties witch were legal caregiver grows with 72 plants, tore down everything charged him, they also called the Ohio pigs and had them raid his Ohio home. Got into his bank account and froze his 50+k.
He had a great lawyer and the Charges were eventually dropped and his cash and equipment returned. And the best part is the 2 arresting officers were charged and convicted with felony's for stealing during there commando raid 2 days before Christmas.


Colorado is different than any other state in that we have medical and recreational, and two sets of rules/regs/laws/etc. I am both a red card med patient and recreational consumer. If I am outside of my home with more than two zones, I carry my medical paperwork and EPC documents, just in case. If I am inside my place, assuming that's where I grow, then I am recreational, as rec rules do not have limits on amount in possession as long as the product stays where it was grown. This could be a problem for some but not for me. I don't know of any other states that do not have possession limits for rec, nor do I know of any states with medical use in the constitution. I feel very comfortable with taxes and fees and tabor.

Colorado has a constitutional tax amendment that other states with legalized and taxed marijuana don’t have: TABOR

According to the Tax Foundation’s study, “harmonizing marijuana taxes” with TABOR “has resulted in implementation headaches.” Headaches maybe, but also a holiday.

Colorado’s 1992 Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights amendment requires state government to issue refunds to taxpayers when and if state spending or revenue collections end up being more than government forecasts predict.

The question was posed to westword, obviously for Colorado:

Dear Stoner: I had a medical marijuana card but didn’t renew it. Am I now eligible for a concealed-carry permit?
Nicholas Wiggle

Dear Nick: MMJ patients are blocked from purchasing firearms, thanks to a form that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives requires them to fill out before buying a gun. One of the form’s questions, which asks if you are an “an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana,” is federally binding, so it doesn’t matter that pot is legal in Colorado: If you answer “yes,” then you get denied, and if you answer “no,” you’re committing perjury. And just in case you thought this state had your back, the Colorado law for purchasing firearms takes the same stance.

And even if you owned a gun prior to becoming a patient, Colorado’s concealed-handgun permit application features another hurdle, even though marijuana is legal here. Colorado county sheriffs are responsible for reviewing concealed-carry applications, and they tend to deny applicants who admit to marijuana use because of a 2011 directive from the ATF telling legal-marijuana states to refuse to register weapons to pot users.

Still, if you’re no longer a registered MMJ patient or recreational user, or you feel comfortable lying under oath about your marijuana use on the application, then your chances of being approved are much higher. A Colorado petition was started earlier this year to prevent sheriffs from denying concealed-carry permits for pot users, but it died after failing to receive enough signatures to reach the ballot. The group organizing the petition, the Colorado Campaign for Equal Gun Rights, says it hopes to have the resources required to get it on the November 2016 ballot. For now, though, it looks like you’ll still have to choose between marijuana and guns — or risk a felony weapons offense.
If you have guns and are over the two ounce limit You may be up for intent to distribute and your gun can lead to a 5 year prison term :D

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