Trying Organics With Better Organix

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Happy Thursday

I haven't been able to spend much time with my outdoor garden or my lovely cannabis due to workload. :D I figured I would take some photographs of some local area's. Hope everyone's gardens are doing well and I will upload some other Box Plant photos in just a bit. :D

Here is some Family Land with a Big Oak tree. I absolutely love some of the beautiful Oak tree's I am blessed to see. :)

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Here is a Pine tree that was struck from a lightning storm in the past. I suspect local wildlife has some munchies. LOL :D

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Hope everyone had a good evening and here is the Pine tree in previous photo and some other local tree's. :D

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Evening shot of some wooded areas on family sections. I will take pictures of the local creek area's and nature soon. :D -- Puff Puff Pass

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Happy Growing Friends #BeeFriendly

hurting me with these photo's brother,,got my neck sweeling up,got that hunting bug creeping up on me,,i could really make that a play ground for wild life,,you make me sick ,hurting a old man like this,,lmmfao


The Beast Slayer
I find it interesting that you foliar spray in late bloom. I just have never been big on even spraying water on my MJ plants.

I am curious too why some people foliar.

I understand that if there is something you need to deliver to the plant in a fast acting manner. That foliar feeding works great.

But if your plant is healthy enough why not just let the roots & microbes handle it?

I never foliar feed. I also almost never water mist either maybe 2x a grow. I figured I feed and water them frequently enough they will not want/need more.


I am curious too why some people foliar.

I understand that if there is something you need to deliver to the plant in a fast acting manner. That foliar feeding works great.

But if your plant is healthy enough why not just let the roots & microbes handle it?

I never foliar feed. I also almost never water mist either maybe 2x a grow. I figured I feed and water them frequently enough they will not want/need more.
dont know about the rest of guys and gals,,but i feed mine threw soil and foilar,,at times you can lock out and foilar to feed while it all adjust back to were it needs to be,,i use some product that work together,,in difrent spectrums,but plant enjoy and you can tell,,


I am curious too why some people foliar.

I understand that if there is something you need to deliver to the plant in a fast acting manner. That foliar feeding works great.

But if your plant is healthy enough why not just let the roots & microbes handle it?

I never foliar feed. I also almost never water mist either maybe 2x a grow. I figured I feed and water them frequently enough they will not want/need more.
why do I foliar is all I can answer buddy, but may be others do the same?

1. I foliar young plants, sometimes to assist with moisture in a relative humidity sense, sometimes to feed where I might want to keep the media on the drier side to keep young, forming roots, actively seeking new sources of water, air, food, and where newly applied mycorrhiza need time to associate, for example,. in the case of transplanting a cutting, but where a fast growing plant might benefit from a little help with Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and even N, P and K, all depends. I might foliar Boron in a field application to developing plants, I might do this indoors too in reused media, depends on the plant and relative conditions in the soil.
2. I foliar plants that may be suffering from some root zone problem, eg high salt, high water content, low biology. Here I use organic acids, bio stimulants that help to regulate the plants internal sap pH, boost biological interactions, free up trapped leaf nutrients etc. Here I might use something like Bio Balance Foliar at 5 parts, to 2 parts KAMINO, or I might apply NanoU if I live in areas of high salt and I get Nitrogen uptake issues.
3. I foliar plants to provide FACE style applications of nano milled CO2 where I have higher rates of light but lower rates of biological respiration.
4. I foliar Aspirin to make my tomatoes sweeter
5. I foliar to enable Bio Control for leaf biting insects, I use plant leaf and stem living fungus and soil dwelling bacteria etc among others.

I have more reasons I wont go in to now

I hope that helps :)


why do I foliar is all I can answer buddy, but may be others do the same?

1. I foliar young plants, sometimes to assist with moisture in a relative humidity sense, sometimes to feed where I might want to keep the media on the drier side to keep young, forming roots, actively seeking new sources of water, air, food, and where newly applied mycorrhiza need time to associate, for example,. in the case of transplanting a cutting, but where a fast growing plant might benefit from a little help with Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and even N, P and K, all depends. I might foliar Boron in a field application to developing plants, I might do this indoors too in reused media, depends on the plant and relative conditions in the soil.
2. I foliar plants that may be suffering from some root zone problem, eg high salt, high water content, low biology. Here I use organic acids, bio stimulants that help to regulate the plants internal sap pH, boost biological interactions, free up trapped leaf nutrients etc. Here I might use something like Bio Balance Foliar at 5 parts, to 2 parts KAMINO, or I might apply NanoU if I live in areas of high salt and I get Nitrogen uptake issues.
3. I foliar plants to provide FACE style applications of nano milled CO2 where I have higher rates of light but lower rates of biological respiration.
4. I foliar Aspirin to make my tomatoes sweeter
5. I foliar to enable Bio Control for leaf biting insects, I use plant leaf and stem living fungus and soil dwelling bacteria etc among others.

I have more reasons I wont go in to now

I hope that helps :)
perfect answer brother


now after all that data, I will show you some foliar treated plants that have had some or all of the above treatments, perhaps not on all, but across the various strains :)
damn eco you garden has taken over your yard,,lol hell just 2 weeks ago wasnt that blown up,,,,hey love the shot of sun and moon with beauty of plants,,picture perfect,,i love that bed,,and gonna replicate it when i get settled,,got to be bigger,,lol mama was just talking about the strawberry plants yesterday,,i still havent got them in soil,,lmao


A good Friday to you Moto, I always love the images of your surroundings and your updates. Its been a crazy outdoor growing season here. Winter seems to be coming early here in the Rockies. We had our first snow on the high peaks night before last. Our linden tree is already yellowing her leaves. Both of our pepper plants stopped flowering three weeks ago. We have some native wildflowers in the front yard that normally bloom two to three times and have only bloomed once.
I find it interesting that you foliar spray in late bloom. I just have never been big on even spraying water on my MJ plants. I have two components in the Nectar for the Gods that can be sprayed but I only add to the soil when feeding.

Take care!:)

Hey buddy,

Thanks for swinging in and we have had a very crazy year for outdoor weather also. I have never tested Nectar of the god's line personally so I cannot speak to the purpose of there Foliar applications. :) Generally I don't spray in late bloom, but that lady caught over spray of Nano Breathe from the new flower girls close to her. The flower room is unsealed with a passive intake from negative pressure so I want to capture all possible C02 with much more benefits. :D Hope this helps some

Feel free to show off some of those pictures of your local nature. Would love to see if you get time. Thanks for your kind comments as always :D

Have a good weekend

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I am curious too why some people foliar.

I understand that if there is something you need to deliver to the plant in a fast acting manner. That foliar feeding works great.

But if your plant is healthy enough why not just let the roots & microbes handle it?

I never foliar feed. I also almost never water mist either maybe 2x a grow. I figured I feed and water them frequently enough they will not want/need more.

Hey buddy,

Thanks for swinging in and I will follow up on my personal reasoning and opinion on some of the benefits I see from BOX Foliars. :)


Here is a good example of when I Foliar Indoors and see beyond great results that could never of been done otherwise. In my previous testing of clones which I will share soon. I am able to get amazing growth rates and health of plants right after initial root spikes of clones. Still in testing of course but as of right now I am able to top my clones and see great growth and health of plant before I can even see initial roots in solo cup after coming out of humidity dome. Time is precious to me since I can spend that with my family or other current things going on in life. Happy Girls= Happy Life for me. :D


In America we have seen some crazy storm systems this year for Outdoor Farmers/Growers. With Foliars I can save crops or keep them in best health possible during heavy storm systems since you are unable to do any drench applications. I haven't been able to water my outdoor Container Mafia in a long time because of storm system. They have been waterlogged and I haven't been able to give them any feeding in a long time due to this. I am able to keep the plants growing and for the most part healthy with Foliar Applications. :D

In bigger applications on growing/farming Foliar can be a life saver since no one likes to lose there crops and mostly not when you have acres and it's your income for your family. Instead of the normal drench applications as most people think we can do Foliars to save crops of vegetables/fruits etc and also increase there Growth/Health during horrible outdoor conditions. WaterLogged Media, Tropical Storms salt, Young Plants, Bad Environment Conditions etc. :D

Root Exudates and Foliar Applications

It has now been demonstrated conclusively that application of certain compounds to leaves affects the quantity and types of exudates. The use of Foliar sprays to modify root exudation has important implications in the fields of plant nutrition, root hygiene, and control of plant-plant interactions. Thus, we have before us an exciting field of study involving the combined efforts of plant physiologists, microbiologists, and soil scientists.

While we are on this topic this is a way for you to think of Foliars actually helping the plant in the long run not only on a short term. There is a whole world on the surface of the leave with biology that we are just starting to explore into. We as growers/researchers are learning new things everyday. I hope to be able to help people along the way since we all want to grow the best plants possible and I am willing to test and share. I hope this helps some of you'll on understanding why I do certain things and the benefits I see. Whether it be Pest Preventative/ Increased Growth Rates/ Frostier and Stinkier Cannabis/ Best Tasting Vegetables/Fruits possible. :D

@Ecompost if you have anything you would like to add feel free to. :D

Sharing Is Caring and feel free to ask any questions and I will do my best to help or reach out for an answer

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Are you growing the seeds for rootstock? Those are some healthy leaves. This is the way to do it, if you have a few extra years and don't mind a large (standard) apple tree without dwarfing rootstock. Interestingly enough with germinating apple seeds you never know what you are bound to get when they grow out (often gnarly or sour), but you can take those rootstocks and graft scion from a known tasty apple tree a few weeks before they come out of dormancy in the spring.

Definitely possible to find the next honeycrisp gem from seed though.....thats what
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