The New Shit,show Ya Pics.

  • Thread starter keiksweat
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Keep up the good work, it is a rough road no doubt.
yeah, but the part that bugs me the most looking around my place.. how many fucking hobbis i had before i started the pills. i was all over the place from building tube amp clones, bows, cars, RC quads.. flint knapping ( yeah i never got good at it but i could make a arrow head to bring down a elk.. just not very pretty to look at, and our cavemen recitatives would of laughed at it. heh ) drawing, and most important music. i use to play and record, it was my life.. and i just let my gear get dust.. not really put any effort into my playing in years.. and i use to pick up a new hobbie every year it seems.
i had to give up tying flys and fly fishing because no where to fly fish in the desert, so that collects dust.. my guns would collect dust if not in there safe. hah. i dunno, sad how life can be robbed from one, and the person sorta sees it but does not care.. really sad to dwell on. one thing about having so many interest.. it makes it so fucking easy to get along with so many people. heh. guess having a type of personality people do not being around helps :D but instead of reaching out, i slowly just drifted into a internal mental hell.

such a sad thing to realize, ones life's interest could fade and become a body bag for just big pharma. sigh.. ok deep breath. hah.

I need some PMA adjustment. im thinking some a long beach band comes to mind.

he that dog is boss. he is holding down the beach juist fine. heh..
i miss my pup, he died a couple of years ago. american bulldog. he looked so fucking grumpy, so we just called him Mr. Grumpy. once i get heal i will consider a new pup, i think i wo9uld be good for me to have a good friend at my side again.
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yeah, but the part that bugs me the most looking around my place.. how many fucking hobbis i had before i started the pills. i was all over the place from building tube amp clones, bows, cars, RC quads.. flint knapping ( yeah i never got good at it but i could make a arrow head to bring down a elk.. just not very pretty to look at, and our cavemen recitatives would of laughed at it. heh ) drawing, and most important music. i use to play and record, it was my life.. and i just let my gear get dust.. not really put any effort into my playing in years.. and i use to pick up a new hobbie every year it seems.
i had to give up tying flys and fly fishing because no where to fly fish in the desert, so that collects dust.. my guns would collect dust if not in there safe. hah. i dunno, sad how life can be robbed from one, and the person sorta sees it but does not care.. really sad to dwell on. one thing about having so many interest.. it makes it so fucking easy to get along with so many people. heh. guess having a type of personality people do not being around helps :D but instead of reaching out, i slowly just drifted into a internal mental hell.

such a sad thing to realize, ones life's interest could fade and become a body bag for just big pharma. sigh.. ok deep breath. hah.

I need some PMA adjustment. im thinking some a long beach band comes to mind.

he that dog is boss. he is holding down the beach juist fine. heh..
i miss my pup, he died a couple of years ago. american bulldog. he looked so fucking grumpy, so we just called him Mr. Grumpy. once i get heal i will consider a new pup, i think i wo9uld be good for me to have a good friend at my side again.
It will take time after you heal to get back to your former self.


yeah, have to get in shape.. so weak. funny how the opiates masks feeling weak.. i hate it.
already finding my self squeezing my muscles trying to feel strong again. hah. i hope with in a year ill be laughing at this shit. hard part will probably building up my arms, since they have done nothing but type and what not for last 10 years. but its a goal. get back to my bad ass young self, only in a much older, i would say ugly, but i like chiseled looks, sounds more Hollywood, hah. and beat to hell body. hah.

i did work out for the first time the other day, about killed me.. but iv been doing a couple of reps here and there. nope, no desire to be some meat head just want to feel like i use too. strong and healthy.. oh well, i did it to my self, now i have a lot of work to put in,
if i was thinking this way 3 days ago i would be one depressed fool.. but now im just looking at it for what it is.. right/wrong.. do it.. or do not do it. no middle ground here. no point letting feelings get in the way of healing.. so i think im getting more stable mentally as the chemicals in my brain come back to normal? i dunno, but man. the medical system needs a wake up call. i hope im in 100 percent better shape when i last saw the doctor since i still have to see her to get my MMH ID. i cant wait to gety healthy and show them pain doctors herb is a valid option even for someone as fucked up as me.
so that is sorta a back handed goal i have, just to make point to them bastards at the pain clinic. man my gut hurts, hah.

maybe i will try a bowl of that resin i scraped yesterday.
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thats my problem tho, im always been a pretty spontaneous person. and i always dive head in first to everything i do. its one of my many character flaws. laughs

but yeah man, one day at a time.


so yeah i scrap my pipe yesterday. man it did not smoke well tasted harsh.. anyhow, im hurting here, my back is fuciking spasms out.. so said fuck it, i need something to smoked it, help my back so far.. for a little while anyhow.. but holy shit taste bad. hah.



i did the dumbest thing yet. hah. i grab my bow from my rack and went to see if i could fling a arrow three.. hah. damn man, its pathetic.. i can not even shoot my 60lb deflex/refex carbon fiber backed long bow.. felt like such a pussy. only 60lbs man.. blah.

i guess im gonna have to grab a board at home depot and make a quick stick bow, 30lbs and work my way back up ( but i think i need to slow down and heal more, laughs ). i sure and the fuck do not want to hurt my rotator cup.. man, i was feeling good till i decided and try to be me again. hah. for the record at 30 yards i could robbin hood the arrows no problem.. no sights or anything just stick/string.. i could never get into compounds.. seems way to complicated for hunting let along stocking with that added weight. ill take a few oz over a half lb or whatever the new compound weigh.
fuck me dude. why did i do that. hah, one step forward one step back it seems.

ok here is country. :D
like i mention about as far into new country i can get.. i like the old stuff me granny raised me on :d

im so drain no fucking energy. reading seems to get slower and slower as the days go buy i can only assume from not eating well if at all.. and iv killed sugar from my diet as best as i can.. i just do not crave it like i did on the opiates. its pretty much just juice, and water with a ornage slice for me. i dunno, life is a fucking brain fuck.


i did the dumbest thing yet. hah. i grab my bow from my rack and went to see if i could fling a arrow three.. hah. damn man, its pathetic.. i can not even shoot my 60lb deflex/refex carbon fiber backed long bow.. felt like such a pussy. only 60lbs man.. blah.

i guess im gonna have to grab a board at home depot and make a quick stick bow, 30lbs and work my way back up ( but i think i need to slow down and heal more, laughs ). i sure and the fuck do not want to hurt my rotator cup.. man, i was feeling good till i decided and try to be me again. hah. for the record at 30 yards i could robbin hood the arrows no problem.. no sights or anything just stick/string.. i could never get into compounds.. seems way to complicated for hunting let along stocking with that added weight. ill take a few oz over a half lb or whatever the new compound weigh.
fuck me dude. why did i do that. hah, one step forward one step back it seems.

ok here is country. :D
like i mention about as far into new country i can get.. i like the old stuff me granny raised me on :d

im so drain no fucking energy. reading seems to get slower and slower as the days go buy i can only assume from not eating well if at all.. and iv killed sugar from my diet as best as i can.. i just do not crave it like i did on the opiates. its pretty much just juice, and water with a ornage slice for me. i dunno, life is a fucking brain fuck.
Dehydration you are high risk for that. Once you reach a point only IV hydration is really the only option. You may have reached that point and not know it. The results can be deadly, to put it bluntly.
Protracted vomiting, diarreah, anorexia, may lead to metabolic ketone acidosis.
Are you able to eat soft foods and water, and keep it down?
If not then go to the ER as this has been going on to long without intervention.
You may want to try some oatmeal water, tablespoon of oatmeal boil it. In a couple cups of water strain and drink. Add a little sugar or honey. Hot or cold.


Yeah clone chamber I use the plastic lid from a store bought cake the lid is normally high enough.even a clear plastic tote works
I am doing ok, just have a nasty head cold, it will pass.
I hope you are doing better?
Thats what I been using... clear tote works.
sorry about the cold


Dehydration you are high risk for that. Once you reach a point only IV hydration is really the only option. You may have reached that point and not know it. The results can be deadly, to put it bluntly.
Protracted vomiting, diarreah, anorexia, may lead to metabolic ketone acidosis.
Are you able to eat soft foods and water, and keep it down?
If not then go to the ER as this has been going on to long without intervention.
You may want to try some oatmeal water, tablespoon of oatmeal boil it. In a couple cups of water strain and drink. Add a little sugar or honey. Hot or cold.
i did ot realize it could be that bad.. could explain my brain functions slowing down.

i am eating crackers with some meat.. i can eat like 2.. then i have to stop.. but i keep munching on them. bu you are right. i should probably grab a Gatorade instead of water.
thank you.. and man be frank with me anytime you need to im a big boy wont hurt my feelings for telling me the truth.. that is what friends do regardless of the consequences, if true friend they will thank you in the end.. but lots of fake people out there i digress.

so ill be sure to drink at least 1 Gatorade a hour.. that should help yeah? not puked today.. so that is a start. so maybe 2 night no puke, just dry heaving.. but yeah the runs and all the sweating and shit im probably right on that edge. of a ride to the ER which im not gonna do.
i hate the ER. but i guess they would not judge me this time hah.
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i did ot realize it could be that bad.. could explain my brain functions slowing down.

i am eating crackers with some meat.. i can eat like 2.. then i have to stop.. but i keep munching on them. bu you are right. i should probably grab a Gatorade instead of water.
thank you.. and man be frank with me anytime you need to im a big boy wont hurt my feelings for telling me the truth.. that is what friends do regardless of the consequences, if true friend they will thank you in the end.. but lots of fake people out there i digress.

so ill be sure to drink at least 1 Gatorade a hour.. that should help yeah? not puked today.. so that is a start. so maybe 2 night no puke, just dry heaving.. but yeah the runs and all the sweating and shit im probably right on that edge. of a ride to the ER which im not gonna do.
i hate the ER. but i guess they would not judge me this time hah.
Drink fluids,diet as tolerated in my opinion.


so keep doing what im doing.. and try to get more fluids in that come out. laughs.

so i go to check the mail and look what i almost walk into.

he was cool, bit slow from being cold.. but yeah i thought it was cool he choose my front door to warm up.
hard to tell but he is one of the larger dragons ( ok that is what i call them, they are really helie monsters hour ever you spell it, iv seen. he was almost 3 feet long ( probably closer to 2 1/2 feet but whatever.).and really fat, fucker has been eating well. heh.

hmm any dragon OG out there? laughs.
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Drink fluids,diet as tolerated in my opinion.

hey man, i know it comes off as a dumb ass when you mention ER and i sorta shrugged it off. i had a really bad experience at the local ER, so ever since then i basically have to be on my death bed and one of my family's would have to drag me in..

they treated me like some druggie, thought i was just in there to get pills. i knew something was wrong, my vision was blurry, head aches etc... so i waited all day, trying to get some comfort. nothing so i said fuck it, and left.

following day i woke up blind * this happen 2 years ago*. ambulance came and shit..
they found a 5mm anurziom behind my left eye. they sent me too the best hospital in the USA for brain surgery in phoenix.

so they do all there test.. go in through my groin. relive pressure and shit.. but they could not fix it because of the weird angel and location behind my left eye.

anyhow, that is why i hate the hospital now.. fuckers almost cost me my vision. my vision came back about 2 weeks after the operation.

i talk to much, laughs. im gonna ago lay down.. im hoping i can get some herb tonight, we see what happens. thanks again for the advice. rock on..


hey man, i know it comes off as a dumb ass when you mention ER and i sorta shrugged it off. i had a really bad experience at the local ER, so ever since then i basically have to be on my death bed and one of my family's would have to drag me in..

they treated me like some druggie, thought i was just in there to get pills. i knew something was wrong, my vision was blurry, head aches etc... so i waited all day, trying to get some comfort. nothing so i said fuck it, and left.

following day i woke up blind * this happen 2 years ago*. ambulance came and shit..
they found a 5mm anurziom behind my left eye. they sent me too the best hospital in the USA for brain surgery in phoenix.

so they do all there test.. go in through my groin. relive pressure and shit.. but they could not fix it because of the weird angel and location behind my left eye.

anyhow, that is why i hate the hospital now.. fuckers almost cost me my vision. my vision came back about 2 weeks after the operation.

i talk to much, laughs. im gonna ago lay down.. im hoping i can get some herb tonight, we see what happens. thanks again for the advice. rock on..
NP ,just take care of yourself


so keep doing what im doing.. and try to get more fluids in that come out. laughs.

so i go to check the mail and look what i almost walk into.

he was cool, bit slow from being cold.. but yeah i thought it was cool he choose my front door to warm up.
hard to tell but he is one of the larger dragons ( ok that is what i call them, they are really helie monsters hour ever you spell it, iv seen. he was almost 3 feet long ( probably closer to 2 1/2 feet but whatever.).and really fat, fucker has been eating well. heh.

hmm any dragon OG out there? laughs.
Very cool animal!

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