Here We Go!!!! White House Signals Looming Crackdown On Recreational Marijuana

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What direction do you think Mr. Sessions will go. Hot off the press. Not much detail but you can rest assured farmers the clouds are gathering on the horizon.

Thursday, February 23, 2017 09:32PM
The Justice Department will step up enforcement of federal law against recreational marijuana, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Thursday, offering the Trump administration's strongest indication to date of a looming crackdown on the drug, even as a solid majority of Americans believe it should be legal.

"I do believe you'll see greater enforcement of it," Spicer said in response to a question during a news conference. But he offered no details about what such enforcement would entail. President Donald Trump does not oppose medical marijuana, he added, but "that's very different than recreational use, which is something the Department of Justice will be further looking into."

A renewed focus on recreational marijuana in states that have legalized pot would present a departure from the Trump administration's statements in favor of states' rights. A day earlier, the administration announced that the issue of transgender student bathroom access was best left to states and local communities to decide.

Enforcement would also shift away from marijuana policy under the Obama administration, which said in a 2013 memo that it would not intervene in state's marijuana laws as long as they keep the drug from crossing state lines and away from children and drug cartels.

But the memo carried no force of law and could be rewritten by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who has consistently said he opposes legal marijuana but has not indicated what he might do.

Eight states and Washington, D.C., have legalized marijuana for recreational use. The Justice Department has several options available should it decide to enforce the law, including filing lawsuits on the grounds that state laws regulating pot are unconstitutional because they are pre-empted by federal law. Enforcement could also be as simple as directing U.S. attorneys to send letters to recreational marijuana businesses letting them know they are breaking the law.

Washington's attorney general, Bob Ferguson, said he and Gov. Jay Inslee, both Democrats, requested a meeting with Sessions about his approach to legal, regulated marijuana. Ferguson led the states in fighting off Trump's executive order on immigration in court and said Thursday he's prepared to lead the way in defending legal marijuana, too.

"We will resist any efforts to thwart the will of the voters in Washington," Ferguson said.

Kevin Sabet, head of the group Smart Approaches to Marijuana, said pot enforcement is needed for public safety and Spicer's comments made him hopeful.

"The current situation is unsustainable," Sabet said in a statement. "This isn't an issue about states' rights, it's an issue of public health and safety for communities."

Spicer's comments came the same day as a Quinnipiac poll said 59 percent of Americans think marijuana should be legal and 71 percent would oppose a federal crackdown.

Pot advocates said they hoped Spicer's prediction would not come to pass.

"It is hard to imagine why anyone would want marijuana to be produced and sold by cartels and criminals rather than tightly regulated, taxpaying businesses," said Mason Tvert, communications director for the Marijuana Policy Project.

States have been flouting the U.S. Controlled Substances Act since at least 1996, when California voters approved marijuana for sick people, a direct conflict with federal guidelines barring the use of marijuana for medical purposes.

And presidents since Bill Clinton have said the federal government unequivocally rejects a state's ability to modify federal drug law.

However, three presidents over the last 20 years have each concluded that the limited resources of the U.S. Department of Justice are best spent pursuing large drug cartels, not individual users of marijuana.

Nevada state Senate Majority Leader Aaron Ford said in a statement Thursday that meddling in recreational pot laws would be federal overreach and harm state coffers that fund education.

In Washington state, sales at licensed pot shops now average nearly $4.4 million per day - with little evidence of any negative societal effects. That's close to $1 billion in sales so far for the fiscal year that began last July, some $184 million of which is state tax revenue.


Now now, nothing political on this site is allowed. O wait, this is against Trump. Never mind, carry on.........

I'm not sure what the rules say, but there is a subforum called "marijuana news". So there must be some exception there

And as to it being "against" trump. This is what Trump supporters wanted. Sessions is a popular pick among those assholes.

He ran on "law and order", well guess what federal law says?


Premium Member
I'm not sure what the rules say, but there is a subforum called "marijuana news". So there must be some exception there

And as to it being "against" trump. This is what Trump supporters wanted. Sessions is a popular pick among those assholes.

He ran on "law and order", well guess what federal law says?

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lol I think I commented on something I was a little ignorant on

I should have just kept it to talking about the national politics perspective. I have no idea about the rules. Clearly there is something going on between you and the mods. I saw you mention water in a dif thread but beyond that really no context.

And no opinion because I have no idea what's going on here really.

That being said they are assholes. I mean we're a bunch of pot growers or wanna be pot growers (me). I think that's fair.

I don't begrudge some one for thinking Trump had more upside than Clinton. But thinking he's a good leader or is a good guy is a little too rich for me
Evil Monkey

Evil Monkey

Premium Member
Sessions is gonna try the classic have his cake and eat it too. This guy is supposed to be one of the biggest proponents for states rights, yet on this issue he implies the states are idiots and should not legalize. His president is about job creation yet this policy will slow down one the the fastest growing markets in the country. The only thing sessions said that I agree with is Congress should change the federal law. Sorry to say I'm not that much of a optimist. The Feds should get out of the way plain and simple and let the states experiment. I'm not a physic but saw this one coming. Going to be interesting to see how the states and the voters react.


Better make freind with your local medical farmer. They won't be coming for us, yet. First they'll raid the largeer dispensarys taking all product and cash in the process jailing employees and owners. Thus shutting down distribution centers. Then they'll go after large scale recreational grows. I'm a medical grower I pay $400 a year to grow. On my state legal paper work it says in large bold print" THIS PERMIT DOES NOT PROTECT YOU FROM FEDERAL PROSECUTION". Dumb fucks new it was coming and did nothing to protect the industry. Just tax dollars glowing in there eyes. its pretty pitiful.


Civil Asset Forfeiture on the minds of the Ruling Elites. Fed and State sharing of the wealth is a huge contributing factor but is limited in scope depending on the state. The state of Maine has many more protections against citizens property from this type of action than a state like Washington which has some of the worst. This IS WHAT IT IS ABOUT my friends, learn it, know it, fight it. Nothing new just a backdoor way for states to fill their coffers with citizens money without showing the world how BROKE the states really are. Prison quotas to fill, government contracts to gain, Equitable Sharing is the teet that makes it happen.

“one out of five people whose assets were seized [in one county in the state] were never charged with a crime.”

"Most importantly, though, Maine forfeiture law avoids the most troubling aspect of many state forfeiture regimes: a monetary incentive to police and prosecute for profit. "
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Civil Asset Forfeiture on the minds of the Ruling Elites. Fed and State sharing of the wealth is a huge contributing factor but is limited in scope depending on the state. The state of Maine has many more protections against citizens property from this type of action than a state like Washington which has some of the worst. This IS WHAT IT IS ABOUT my friends, learn it, know it, fight it. Nothing new just a backdoor way for states to fill their coffers with citizens money without showing the world how BROKE the states really are. Prison quotas to fill, government contracts to gain, Equitable Sharing is the teet that makes it happen.
Well said!!


Civil Asset Forfeiture on the minds of the Ruling Elites. Fed and State sharing of the wealth is a huge contributing factor but is limited in scope depending on the state. The state of Maine has many more protections against citizens property from this type of action than a state like Washington which has some of the worst. This IS WHAT IT IS ABOUT my friends, learn it, know it, fight it. Nothing new just a backdoor way for states to fill their coffers with citizens money without showing the world how BROKE the states really are. Prison quotas to fill, government contracts to gain, Equitable Sharing is the teet that makes it happen.

Maine has nice protections against asset seizure

But your assets aren't going to do you any good in prison

Unless you're just growing your own headstash...Not a safe place to be. And teh feds can take your shit with our without your states approval I'm pretty sure


You are completely right that none of us are safe completely but no monetary incentive usually means no will to enforce.




I saved my Gorilla Grow Seeds,, Yahooooooooooooooooo... We'll be cashN in again! home growers will be headed back out to the bush to grow, We'll just be in the bush again...

Legal grow and outlets,, Ive always said; not a good Biz model and illegal canna Fed biz model is not a good idea.

You are GPS and they know we GROW and WHERE we grow already.. Cops got this shit planned and mapped on a cell ph apps. DEA,,, local drug cops,,, salivating to pounce on us... they've been waiting for this moment for over a decade!

Profits for balls big again,,, no pussy growers allowed....


haterrs look at the bright side,,, IF Trump goes thru with this and he'll be a 1 term Pres............... and another bright side: we'll get rid of the scum bag grow market and go underground again....


I'll put my $$$ on Sessions ! He'll drop the REC hammer,,, Ive said it a 100 times.,, Hillary was coming after MMJ and REC with Dow/Dupont... Lets not forget , even tho they owned Hill,,, these are the Trumpsters homies.... They'll shut down REC and take over MMJ.

To much profit for Gates/Buffett/banks to pass up. dispensed weed is the gateways to pills is what Sean Spicer said last nite and others said last nite

"You are going to see Federal Enforcement like you have not seen!"

""opioid addiction crisis blossoming in so many states around this country, the last thing we should be doing is encouraging people. There is still a federal law we need to abide by in terms of when it comes to recreational marijuana."

""The White House said Thursday it expects law enforcement agents to enforce federal marijuana laws when they come into conflict with states where recreational use of the drug is permitted. ""

"I do believe you will see greater enforcement of it," White House press secretary Sean Spicer said regarding federal drug laws, which still list marijuana as an illegal substance. ""


The longer this goes, the less sense it makes to me.

When I was in middle school (grades 5-8), which was 30 years ago, in a town with a population of 10,000, any kid in that school could get cannabis. I bought a bag full of seeds one time, just to look cool. I through the seeds away. Rural NH, 30 years ago, in a small town.

Any kid in middle school can get it. This isn't protecting the kids. Nixon is on tape (or someone in his admin) talking about the law's purpose is to put black people in jail. And the evidence that it has immense medical benefits is overwhelming.

Something that's branded illegal for every wrong reason, and it's also a cash cow. If they were smart, they would use a new approach and start paying some real bills.

Enough with the stupidity already.


moments ago:
reported ask Trumps press coordinator:
Will you arrest Legal Marijuana Shop owners from legal states with - no knock warrants?

He turn his back to the press and walked off the podium ,,,
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