My Cheap Ass Grow.

  • Thread starter jipp
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Chris, i gotta completley clean out two rooms and a 4 x 4 tent (sterilizations) then restart with an easy medium for these sat heavy aces. Only thing ive ever had that kicked my ass stonage wise came from spain most recently.
Please do get yourself Regardless of breed youd do great with a companion im betting. My dogs a shithead!


Hay guys Im new to the site and new to growing and this seemed like a friendly chat so I hope you guys don't mind a newbie jumping in I just wanted to say your guys set ups and plants look amazing and since I'm going to be growing for the first time ever and wondering if you guys have any advice for a new grower, I've done a lot of research but I like hearing from experienced people like you guys. Ill post pictures of my set up later


welcome. Im about as new as you can get ( yeah iv read a ton before i really started chatting on the forum.. ).. i would recommend just reading through this.. that will get you started.. yeah i hear ya on working epxeirence.. lots of help here.. i recommend you get your grow journal up, and the help will come. but i would recommend using the search function too..

what are you planing on growing.. and you are welcome to post or chit chat here man its all good.

hope you are having a good day.


Well I got some bag seeds from a batch of Larry OG so I thought what the heck, I've always wanted to grow. They are still very small btw probably only 4 inches. I rent a house so I can't really do anything in the yard but I've always loved the idea of closet grows and hydroponics so rn I have plans for a single plant closet DWC system


so day 5 1/2 under the lower light.. the little leafs shooting a peace sign.
looks like there is even 2 more leafs shooting out of the two just reaching for the COB.

and the critical kush seeds all have cracked it would seem now i wait for longer tails tomorrow and plant.

also is it my fucked up vision or them leaf vains black.. so when she grows up she will have them bicthen looking leafs yeah? or am i just fubar and my vision fucking with me..
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so day 5 1/2 under the lower light.. the little leafs shooting a peace sign.
looks like there is even 2 more leafs shooting out of the two just reaching for the COB.

and the critical kush seeds all have cracked it would seem now i wait for longer tails tomorrow and plant.

also is it my fucked up vision or them leaf vains black.. so when she grows up she will have them bicthen looking leafs yeah? or am i just fubar and my vision fucking with me..
looks good! Dont let it stretch on you. i let a couple a few times get a lil stretched on me... Falling over lol... I left it hanging lol! I was like you will pick yourself back up, or off to the guillotine!


so i should take the dome tents off now?
i do one thing im told another.. sigh.
ill just fake it and see what happens. ill learn from mistakes anyhow at this stage.

only problem i have is i need the meds or i would not give a shit. hha.

You're gonna get a million answers in here. I taper mine off after a week I'll leave them off for an hour and go up from there till they stay off. It helps them get acclimated without shocking em.
what would you call the first set of leafs.. i know the pedal looking ones are water leafs.. but do the first set of leafs have a name too?
Just wanted yo clear this up. Cotyledons are the "round" leaves or seed leaves. The first "true" set of leaves are called just that.


i wonder why my stem is purple and yours is green.. interesting.. i guess ill have some purple stems in my kush, shrugs.
I could be wrong but i believe its a sign of over watered at or around the crown.. Just let it dry throughly, and see if it greens up in the process. And i ask about it, see if i can get you a better answer.

DO NOT PANIC. A seedlings purple stem doesn’t necessarily indicate an unhealthy plant. Please take the following possibilities into consideration:

1 - Purple Stems could be a result of that wonderful thing we call genetics, if this is the reason, you are to expect a purple stem throughout the life of the plant. It must be noted that purple stems aren’t a dominant trait, and are rarely genetically induced.

2 - A baby sprout with a purple stem is almost always 100% natural. Young seedlings are still adjusting to their environment and may be slightly lacking in a Nutrient. If this is the case, healthy plants will regain their green/greenish-brown color within a few days to a week or two.

3 - If you have ruled out the possibilities of genetics and the seedlings adjustments to life, you should begin looking for a nutrient deficiency. Purple stems are commonly caused by a Phosphorous (P) or Magnesium deficiency, if there is a P deficiency you may also notice symptoms such as brittle leaves or greyish spots. To assist the uptake of Phosphorous (as well as most other nutes) you should ensure the pH is correct.


I could be wrong but i believe its a sign of over watered at or around the crown.. Just let it dry throughly, and see if it greens up in the process. And i ask about it, see if i can get you a better answer.

DO NOT PANIC. A seedlings purple stem doesn’t necessarily indicate an unhealthy plant. Please take the following possibilities into consideration:

1 - Purple Stems could be a result of that wonderful thing we call genetics, if this is the reason, you are to expect a purple stem throughout the life of the plant. It must be noted that purple stems aren’t a dominant trait, and are rarely genetically induced.

2 - A baby sprout with a purple stem is almost always 100% natural. Young seedlings are still adjusting to their environment and may be slightly lacking in a Nutrient. If this is the case, healthy plants will regain their green/greenish-brown color within a few days to a week or two.

3 - If you have ruled out the possibilities of genetics and the seedlings adjustments to life, you should begin looking for a nutrient deficiency. Purple stems are commonly caused by a Phosphorous (P) or Magnesium deficiency, if there is a P deficiency you may also notice symptoms such as brittle leaves or greyish spots. To assist the uptake of Phosphorous (as well as most other nutes) you should ensure the pH is correct.

yeah i can see that could be a problem.. but man I dunno look here day 1. ( i guess this would mean it was to moist for the seed.. )

so it was purple from the st art.. but yeah im sure i over watered.. will do better on the other seedlings.
im not stressing the color.. i know i have a little ways before it goes bad.. but not a whole lot.. im just trying to occupie my mind with growing. so i was looking at them stems reason i asked, and im glad i did i learn something very usefull, so thank you.

Day 1


yeah i can see that could be a problem.. but man I dunno look here day 1.

so it was purple from the st art.. but yeah im sure i over watered.. will do better on the other seedlings.

No not unless you think you did! I cant judge from here and i retract my statement a little bit when i said that i thiught it was over watered... I think its genetics, but when i had purple i had over watered rockwool, so i think its really a lack of 02 in my case... yours may be genetic or just young and will green up or wont...


Well I got some bag seeds from a batch of Larry OG so I thought what the heck, I've always wanted to grow. They are still very small btw probably only 4 inches. I rent a house so I can't really do anything in the yard but I've always loved the idea of closet grows and hydroponics so rn I have plans for a single plant closet DWC system
watch for nanners!


iv been careful so i do not think i over water.
but i will keep it the back of my mind.. it will be fun to see if the other critical kush pop up with purple stems.. im using much less water this time.

instead of 100ml, i did 50ml split between two cups.. then ill just keep the plastic bag dome moist, and we see if we get purple stems. but i guess we wont know for sure till she gets older whats going on.. seedling i guess its a toss up.



I live in the same hot & dry environment and also avoid spraying the seedlings,I mist the soil only.As soon as it comes up out of the soil it's never covered and they seem do fine for me. I keep the little seedling on a heat mat for a week or so buffered by the bottom tray of a humidity dome,cycling the mat on and off will most likely achieve the same thing an even 72* temperature. with the correct feed and watering your stems should eventually turn green.Like EH says keep it simple,water and spray them gently.


( if this does not put you in a good mood, smoke more herb i think. heh )

day six. i put her in a bad spot i guess. since she was leaning.. i do not have all 4 ligts on yet.. just the ones for early babys/veg.

these critical kush seeds are almost 48 hours.. i think i will plant the one with the larger tap root dismorning.. and then wait for the others.

or should i pop them all in now and be patient. hah no digging for tap roots i know.
i did no realize how little water a baby needs..
say day 36 of withdrawals woke up sick as a dog.. i knew yesterday was to good to be true to think it was over with. hah. vision still black in left eye glossy in right.
so with that i say lets jam to some positive music.. rock on.


is it my vision os that stem green now?
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planted another seed. im pretty s ure one of them in the jar is toast looks like it has some kind of fungus on it maybe? or maybe tap root and my eyes fucked. hah.

anyhow, what works for me so far.. put 1/4 indent in soil, add seed. if tap root is about 1/4" or smaller if you can put it up, read this is how its done in nature.. so what the hell i tried to follow natures lead.. figure wont matter either way. laughs.

once misted the top, i added 25ml ( 23grams. figure i better weigh the water if im using weight to judge when to water. ) i added the water on the edge of the cup and not to push the seed down further.. misting really help this.. this soil is full of air which is good iv read for root development and proper drainage.

and misted bag, and we wait.

the plastic saucers are from some healthy frozen food thing.. maybe healthy for you but damn that shit has no flavor. hah but at least i got some cool 2 peice water traps..

even tho at this stage they are not needed.. but what the hell tossed in there see if they will work.. will find out.. once i go to 3g smart cloth pots ill have to figure something else out, probably plates.. i notice even with high temp, if you use a ceramic material it keeps cool.. so what im thinking this would benefit my plants having the roots cooler if its 80 id guess roots would be at least 5 degree cooler with the good porcelain plates. my logic is here carpet heats the house up, but if you have tyle floor it keeps you house cooler.. etc.

just looked at the picture showing the baby, if 71g dry.. she has plenty of water.
anyhow just thinking out loud.. trying to keep my mind busy.
rock on friends.
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