My Cheap Ass Grow.

  • Thread starter jipp
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I was bored.. i went digging for taproots. hah.. nothing in the dirt.. so yeah..
the soil was probably the perfect moisture for seedlings so that is something. just watering the solo cup with 100ml of water, let what little water would drain.. then mist when top of the dirt is dry ( or at least that is what works with 71grams of soil/perlite 3-1 mix. so i guess each soil probably drys out at a different rate, so maybe i did not learn a damn thing. sigh, time to get high).. so at least i learn a few things from this fail germinating feisco of my own making. laughs.
reclaim the dirt for my unofficial solo cup entry hah.



I was bored.. i went digging for taproots. hah.. nothing in the dirt.. so yeah..
the soil was probably the perfect moisture for seedlings so that is something. just watering the solo cup with 100ml of water, let what little water would drain.. then mist when top of the dirt is dry ( or at least that is what works with 71grams of soil/perlite 3-1 mix. so i guess each soil probably drys out at a different rate, so maybe i did not learn a damn thing. sigh, time to get high).. so at least i learn a few things from this fail germinating feisco of my own making. laughs.
reclaim the dirt for my unofficial solo cup entry hah.

That's is a bad habit.. That's like the doc sticking his hand up your old lady every day of her pregnancy. ..
Just put them in and water them real good and mist top of soil lightly one a day.. that seedling could live for the next two week on a soda cap worth of water...


I've def gone digging for tap roots after I suspected that I might have some failed seeds.. probs cause i drowned more than i should have looking back. I always went with glass of water method myself but until i stopped goin past a 24 soak time it was always hit or miss. Also since only use soil ive latley been adding a little bit of the dirt I'm planing to plant into the glass. Seems to help..? Not really sure, but seems kinda like a more natural setting for all that chemical reaction stuff to occur. Anyone else do that?


just back from the hospital.. going blind in my left eye. well i cant see worth a damn out of it as it is.. so im may as well be blind.

anyhow, i like her leaf character. seems like prehistoric fish back bone or some shit.

hah, lesson learn.. i will wait next time. hah.
i figured they were toast since i screwed up so much.

hope everyone is having a better day than me.. if it aint one damn thing its something else. shrugs.

rock on.


seeds after 24 hours about give or take 15 mins.

and of course the prehistoric girl.

whuts up brother? Going blind? Remember what they said would make you go blind when you was a kid? Been busy huh???? Lmao... haha
On the real tho, sorry to hear that! I face a million problems every day, prob most men got, and then i think a couple more... Just got to keep on, keeping on...
So is that some tails sticking out of them seeds in the water?


I've def gone digging for tap roots after I suspected that I might have some failed seeds.. probs cause i drowned more than i should have looking back. I always went with glass of water method myself but until i stopped goin past a 24 soak time it was always hit or miss. Also since only use soil ive latley been adding a little bit of the dirt I'm planing to plant into the glass. Seems to help..? Not really sure, but seems kinda like a more natural setting for all that chemical reaction stuff to occur. Anyone else do that?
No brother i cant see that making a scientific difference. But hey, i don't have a Phd in anything, sooooooo
But what i guess matters is that you think it does and if that gives you peace of mind, then that's half the battle and maybe you quit sticking your lil grubby finger in her hole to see if she is ovulating :)


whuts up brother? Going blind? Remember what they said would make you go blind when you was a kid? Been busy huh???? Lmao... haha
On the real tho, sorry to hear that! I face a million problems every day, prob most men got, and then i think a couple more... Just got to keep on, keeping on...
So is that some tails sticking out of them seeds in the water?
morning. yeah shit keeps piling up.. i could see fine if i would put a eye patch over my eye but doctors said no. it would weaken the muscle more.. so yeah i deal with glossy vision, or virtually none.. few years ago i woke up blind.. they found a anurizom behind my left eye.. the MIR came back negative, the anurizom has not grown. so its in the eye i dunno.

rock on my friend..

i would say what does not kill us makes us stronger.. but fuck man iv already died for a min and half. hha.. so where do we go from there.. ohb yeah growing dope on a rope i guess.



i have planted the two with larg tap roots.. other 3 look like they want to bust open any minute.

i was very careful this time unlike last time all man handling the seedling and shit.. i went all medical with some stainless tweezers. hah.

also this time im at 1/4 and also made sure to spray the top of the dirt with mist of water to get it moist.. then i took 50ml of water and split between the two cups.. hey im getting better at this. hah

can read all you want but till you do its just theory. hah.

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i have not used the heat mat i went to the ER instead.. these are what the seeds look like dis morning.. so i planted the two that had roots showing. yea iw as much careful this time. hah.. not s o much first time around. and the seed i dropped is the one that popped up, hah. so they can take a little bit of abuse i guess but yeah not good idea to man handle them.

heh since i do not sleep.. when the light comes on and my light as a dimmer knob.. i start the light out low like sun rise, then over the hour i slowly crank the light to full blast in veg mode.. no need for flower/veg booster at this point. probably wont make a damn difference but its fun to play nature, what can i say.,
life marches on.


get them on the heat mat the even warm heat should have them popping up in no time. i hate the ER spent 4 hours in full cardiac arrest a few months ago before they got me into the cath lab and the food was terrible.

yeah, i had a real assshole doctor too.. i had to walk home. anyhow i did not know this i thought i had a ride so forgot my sunglasses.. i asked for a eye patch so i could walk home.. he said we do not do eye patches here.. im like its a fucking hospital jack asss.. and then i just said fuck it, im leaving. i did jack some gauze and tape and made my own eye patch..but took it off when i got home, as not to weaken the bad eye to much more.



what would you call the first set of leafs.. i know the pedal looking ones are water leafs.. but do the first set of leafs have a name too?
also why do young plants like lots of humid? but in older plants can cause problems.. or do some strains deal with humidity just fine.. just throwing out some random thoughts dis morning. hah . which i will surly search for today, laughs.. even if i should chill on reading so much.. i need to load up them see through blue solo cups today for the solo cup challenge im unofficially entered in. hah

rock on.


The Beast Slayer
what would you call the first set of leafs.. i know the pedal looking ones are water leafs.. but do the first set of leafs have a name too?
also why do young plants like lots of humid? but in older plants can cause problems.. or do some strains deal with humidity just fine.. just throwing out some random thoughts dis morning. hah . which i will surly search for today, laughs.. even if i should chill on reading so much.. i need to load up them see through blue solo cups today for the solo cup challenge im unofficially entered in. hah

rock on.

The first set of a seedlings leaves are called cotyledons.


Humidity dome for clones that need rooting and popping seeds! Each strain can have weird traits but none like super high humidity indoors from my experiance it can bring on problems having a flower area high in humidity.
yeah, mold and stuff. ill just go with the norm.. i know humidity will not be a issue here. heat will be my problem..

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