Council Of First Knowledge, Jedi Temple Training Facility

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Farmer P

Farmer P

I was just reading about the uc system. I saw the ad on the right and noticed it was your setup (with 32 sites wow). Yeah, for sure epic! Gonna be a jungle.


Photo bomb... hell i forgot how old they are... :)
hell i dont even keep track of veg lol
well time to mix another res
oh boy do i have the site for you... found it by mistake... i use it to see how old my plants are as i didn't keep track of much except the date i planted them lol....
this link will not work, read the words and replace with the date you planted...->>
so the date for mine was: (i just replaced the words with my planted info...) hope you get what i mean... hehe


Well the UC just got here.. Looks good, nice and clean, wel well taken care of.. well i guess its hard to destroy something in 5 months...

What do I like most after getting it out the box..
This thing Is well built.
Air pump looks like something from nasa!
main air line is 1" thick..
the air diffusion in the epicenter is like nothing i have ever seen! Looks like a big black UFO when its inflated! Wow!
And then the air diffusion in the buckets are not stones but funky looking rubber rings that hang from side to side for air everywhere...
And then maybe my fav part,,
Bulkheads instead of uniseals!!!!!!!!

So what makes the UC better than most rdwc units
The amount of air and HOW IT IS diffused throughout the whole system.
And then the bulkheads...
Plus the buckets hold 8 gal instead of 5,
mic drop...............
We all know about my size, or lack there of :(
Anyway, it does work with my height issues to my advantage!

Well off to catch a train...
When i get my capt and coke, and my seat in the dinig car i will be back, intill then we return you to your original broadcasting, General Hospital :) lol
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Im home :)
No pumps burnt up..
Res was dry..
Nothing over flowed but one pot was sitting in drain waste..
Only 1 clone showed roots :(
All plants seem to have done just fine :)
Waiting for the ro to pump out 15 gal so I can get a res made..
Im gonna have to just go get me a 50 to 100 gal res for my system, and might as well use it for this dtw in the mean time..
All the pots feel pretty dry..

I get some pics up in a few..


Well remember now I defoled 6 days ago, then I took ALL the fans off FRI when I left..
Well here is what I came back to. I swear they grew a few inches even!
So I flipped them tonight.. Never topped, just selective defol.. and a few inch lollipop..
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so just want to let everyone know what is really going down

this is the best deal I have seen yet
custom coco salts
mix with Calnit and Mg/S and you are golden
plugged it into canna stats
shit is perfect
Looks pretty interesting! Have you used it yet? Im sure you already got the calnit, so that is all you prob need!


Hmmm. Hell of a deal. And you have tried it or just based off the numbers it's legit? Have you heard reviews?
based on the numbers it is literally almost exact same numbers as Botanicare CNS17 Bloom
which I ran for years until I fell off the trax and stared messin with Maxibloom/Veg+Bloom
but I have been thinkin long and hard about goin back to CNS17
then I found these salts
ran through the calculator.....and a light went off
CNS17 that will last me for ever for the same price as 1 gallon of botanicare
that is
the Calnit+Hydro coco mix

and the awesome thing about a 2part salt
you can slowly drop the N during flower without having to switch to a bloom nutrient
you just cut the Calnit in half and you have a finishing formula


based on the numbers it is literally almost exact same numbers as Botanicare CNS17 Bloom
which I ran for years until I fell off the trax and stared messin with Maxibloom/Veg+Bloom
but I have been thinkin long and hard about goin back to CNS17
then I found these salts
ran through the calculator.....and a light went off
CNS17 that will last me for ever for the same price as 1 gallon of botanicare
that is
the Calnit+Hydro coco mix

and the awesome thing about a 2part salt
you can slowly drop the N during flower without having to switch to a bloom nutrient
you just cut the Calnit in half and you have a finishing formula
Very interesting. I will need new nutrients after this run as I'll be down to the bottom so I'm gonna look into it. I'll have to see if they have it at my hydro shop
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