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Pain Releaf

Finished my hydro cloner and cut my very first batch of clones. Feels like some small right of passage somehow.

By the way, if any of you guys haven't grown Candida (CD-1) and were considering it, the one thing both I and a much more experienced friend have seen is that at least in soil it tolerates far, far less nutes than many other strains. I was hoping to run it next round in rdwc with multiple other strains but it looks like I may need to keep those off to the side in soil or a smaller dedicated rdwc.


Lol, i have plenty patience. I just like watching it. Learning about everything and literally watching every little growth. Its really awesome to me how these plants can just thrive and grow like this!!! Obviously im wanting to keep them healthy as possible. Haha


Who cares if he deletes it, dewd thats freakn awesome bud. Glad ur doing well n they got all that mess out of u. I literally just lost my dad a little over a month ago to tumors and cancer. Smh its a nasty thing but i am glad to hear they got all the tumor out. Pops had like 4 or 5 massive tumors and stage 4 colon cancer. They couldnt do any surgrey on pops to try to remove the tomurs cuz the cancer was too bad already smh.
I'm so sad to hear about your pops! Cancer is a horrible way to go. I lost my mom 8 years ago now. The suffering seems unimaginable.


That is great news dude. And those scars will make for great stories like, "I remember this one time when I got grabbed by this gator and had to fight him off with only a soup spoon..." Seriously man, congrats on the successful surgery amd that's fantastic news on the no chemo front! Glad you are back!
That's some funny shit. I'm definitely using that gator story.


Yeah, it is def a junk light, just was a quantum leap from the already-exaggerated claims I had read from dozens of other SELLERs as far as what they are willing to say to get a sale. Definitely no typo...this is in the questions/answers that cover the 300w, 600w and 1000w (the latter of which even only draws a stated 140w:

Whats the area this grow light will cover and what are the best heights over plants so they get the desired light they need?
The optimum height is 6M (18feet), designed for greenhouse lighting, creates a 12M (36feet) diameter growing area. Can be used as high as 10M (33feet).
By Loretta Green LLC SELLER

If (as if) any of us needed an example to confirm that the claims of many low end LED sellers on Amazon were meaningless, hey look no further.
sounds like it is specifically made for greenhouse supplemental lighting
as in they are on during sun up
enhancing the the intake of light from the plants
those are NOT meant for growing with them alone
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Shes still pretty yellow but i think the stem is starting to get a lil thicker and seems to still be growig pretty fast. I dont see why the sj is soo yellow when the purp looks beyond healthy. Lol
the plant has an excess of either P or K or both
or your ph is out of whack

one plant is more sensitive then the other

make sure your ph is right on

if it isnt that plant will stunt and never do anything


really glad you are on the road to recovery....lets stay medicated for more cancer!!!!
healthy healthy
good food/good smoke/good exercise!!
Thank you sir!
Staying medicated for maintenance is my motto. :)
Must not be 100% effective. Lol
Although it's been 2 weeks and no smoke! My wife says when I can sneeze without screaming I can go smoke.
So I'm trying to learn how to fake sneeze. lmao
I love to exercise...unfortunately I only started eating right 5 years ago. When I quit cigs.
I'm all on board with the "no more cancer"!!!
Wisher thank you! Not just for the kind words but also all the help over the last 6 months.


Thank you sir!
Staying medicated for maintenance is my motto. :)
Must not be 100% effective. Lol
Although it's been 2 weeks and no smoke! My wife says when I can sneeze without screaming I can go smoke.
So I'm trying to learn how to fake sneeze. lmao
I love to exercise...unfortunately I only started eating right 5 years ago. When I quit cigs.
I'm all on board with the "no more cancer"!!!
Wisher thank you! Not just for the kind words but also all the help over the last 6 months.
bake some healthy coconut cookies with some cannabis coconut oil
should def help with pain
and if they got you on pain meds
it will help you take less meds
get well soon
lots of low cal smoothies
just want to see everyone here succeed and be healthy as possible


Soo wisher or toph whenever i get the bio and tea how would u suggest i mix it without the +life, same as suggested before just minus the life. I think it was like 15ml tea and 5ml bio to a gal of my tap? You was saying the ppm dont really matter but i need to make sure when i mix it the ph is around 5.8 right because u was thinking the yellowing could be ph issues or excess n & p
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Thank you guys for all the kind words! It real does mean a lot.
I've never really had online friends guys are more like family to me. SERIOUSLY
God Bless all of you!
Same here bud. I appreciate you guys. Busy life so I don't see a lot of people right now but it's good to have friends still.
Thank you sir!
Staying medicated for maintenance is my motto. :)
Must not be 100% effective. Lol
Although it's been 2 weeks and no smoke! My wife says when I can sneeze without screaming I can go smoke.
So I'm trying to learn how to fake sneeze. lmao
I love to exercise...unfortunately I only started eating right 5 years ago. When I quit cigs.
I'm all on board with the "no more cancer"!!!
Wisher thank you! Not just for the kind words but also all the help over the last 6 months.
Eat to treat bro. Make some canna oil and Medicare that way. Healthier for you too.
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