***** My Journey To 3 Michelin Leafs ******

  • Thread starter Connor Sewer
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Funk junky

Funk junky

What works for you. Iā€™m using regs thereā€™s theories on you get more females. Have not done comparison but I donā€™t see slower growth. There big pots to start seedlings in
Funk junky

Funk junky

No plant in wild get 18-6. But Iā€™ve started under 24-0 before no problems run out of timers so just put under fluresant
Connor Sewer

Connor Sewer

What works for you. Iā€™m using regs thereā€™s theories on you get more females. Have not done comparison but I donā€™t see slower growth. There big pots to start seedlings in

The seeds i have are feminized. Pots are big but i was told as long as i dont overwater then it should be ok.


Hi Guys!
I'm with Junky on the pot size. I always start small and up-pot at least twice. I find the plants do better and I don't have to lug big pots around till later. Also - up-potting gives your plant NEW soil each time.
1) start in small cups or pots. I like a good potting soil with a bit of organic nutes. Seedlings don't need food at first but they will eventually. NEVER feed new seedlings - you can burn them real easy. If you absolutely MUST feed those babies, use something weak and organic so it won't burn them.
2) When seedlings start getting too big for their cups, move to 1-gal pots. I add organic VEG nutes to the soil.
3) Once sexed - I move to 5-gal pots and add organic BLOOM nutes to soil.
I don't feed my plants anything else except a bit of compost tea if they look hungry.

As for lights - I prefer T5's for seedlings and mothers/fathers. Very bright but won't burn/cook them.
I know there's been many people that played around with light times but not enough info to prove anything. Besides not all strains want/need the same things.
I stick with 18/12 for seedlings but only cuz I got moms and dads in there. Gotta make sure they don't flip. If I didn't have them, I'd go with 12/12.
Most growth on seedlings is happening underground. They have to lay down roots first to support top growth. So if they seem to have stopped growing, they just workin in the basement. In the end, the ROOTS are the part of the plant you want to make sure grows thick and strong. Without them, you don't have shit.
I've been using Dr.Earth organic nutes. They have several different strains of ecto and Endo Mycorrhizae in there. GREAT STUFF FOR ROOTS!! Mycorrhizae is a fungus that helps break down nutes so roots can absorb them better.

But the most important tip I can give anyone is RELAX! It's just a damn plant! Stop overthinking things, stop "loving" your plants to death. I find they do best with a bit of neglect.
Connor Sewer

Connor Sewer

Hi Guys!
I'm with Junky on the pot size. I always start small and up-pot at least twice. I find the plants do better and I don't have to lug big pots around till later. Also - up-potting gives your plant NEW soil each time.
1) start in small cups or pots. I like a good potting soil with a bit of organic nutes. Seedlings don't need food at first but they will eventually. NEVER feed new seedlings - you can burn them real easy. If you absolutely MUST feed those babies, use something weak and organic so it won't burn them.
2) When seedlings start getting too big for their cups, move to 1-gal pots. I add organic VEG nutes to the soil.
3) Once sexed - I move to 5-gal pots and add organic BLOOM nutes to soil.
I don't feed my plants anything else except a bit of compost tea if they look hungry.

As for lights - I prefer T5's for seedlings and mothers/fathers. Very bright but won't burn/cook them.
I know there's been many people that played around with light times but not enough info to prove anything. Besides not all strains want/need the same things.
I stick with 18/12 for seedlings but only cuz I got moms and dads in there. Gotta make sure they don't flip. If I didn't have them, I'd go with 12/12.
Most growth on seedlings is happening underground. They have to lay down roots first to support top growth. So if they seem to have stopped growing, they just workin in the basement. In the end, the ROOTS are the part of the plant you want to make sure grows thick and strong. Without them, you don't have shit.
I've been using Dr.Earth organic nutes. They have several different strains of ecto and Endo Mycorrhizae in there. GREAT STUFF FOR ROOTS!! Mycorrhizae is a fungus that helps break down nutes so roots can absorb them better.

But the most important tip I can give anyone is RELAX! It's just a damn plant! Stop overthinking things, stop "loving" your plants to death. I find they do best with a bit of neglect.

Ok....but do you have any specific advice for what Im going through/what I should do?


The seedlings look OK, the biggest one looks like the root broke off.
I plant seeds like Junky does, just barely cover them. I lay them on their sides so the root has an easier time going down. Even if they are planted upside-down, the root will twist around to the right direction - will just take some extra time is all.

As for the smell, I don't know how much I can help. I always look for the stinkiest plants but I'm in a greenhouse so smell don't matter as much as an indoor grow. Keep those fans running all the time and replace filters regularly. If possible, vent it directly outside. Get some nice aromatherapy candles to cover any leaking smells.
Connor Sewer

Connor Sewer

The seedlings look OK, the biggest one looks like the root broke off.
I plant seeds like Junky does, just barely cover them. I lay them on their sides so the root has an easier time going down. Even if they are planted upside-down, the root will twist around to the right direction - will just take some extra time is all.

As for the smell, I don't know how much I can help. I always look for the stinkiest plants but I'm in a greenhouse so smell don't matter as much as an indoor grow. Keep those fans running all the time and replace filters regularly. If possible, vent it directly outside. Get some nice aromatherapy candles to cover any leaking smells.

So is this salvageable? The lights are on right now. I watered 100ml each plant today...with calmag and PHd it all...Do i need to water again now or wait until ~24hr from when i first watered?

I read a whole bunch, but am totally lost when actually doing it. Its not like i can find the seeds and replant just below the surface, next time i suppose lol.


Its not like i can find the seeds and replant just below the surface
Sure you can! As long as you are very careful and don't break the main root off, they will be fine. I've dug up lots of seeds. If you already know where they are (approximately) use a chopstick to carefully lift the soil up a bit at a time till you see them. If they in big pots already, you can just scoop the whole center out and set on a plate and gently spread the soil apart.
If that big one's root broke off, toss it. Dig up the others and take a peek. If you see their little heads coming up, just stop there. They'll "see" the light and take it from there.
Funk junky

Funk junky

Keep it moist not soggy! Iā€™m looking at pictures and what Iā€™m seeing is a tech niche for growing autos. You tend to pot in final pot. And as your using coco you want to keep it at that consistency if you can. Put a bit between fingers it doesnā€™t want to be seeping it want to be moist. You should make sure the medium is this consistency to before you plant, this I find is why we use small pots the run down is static down the bottom where roots not reach. That can encourage fungus and parasites but probably not but you never want put work in and lose it at last hurdle. Prevention better than cure have you got fan circulating air other than extraction?
Connor Sewer

Connor Sewer

Ok so i am going to try and dig up the seeds and take a pic and show you guys....then replant and wait to hear back i suppose?

Since im growing in coco....wtf do i do about my water/nute situation? Just keep it with the cal mag for now until they sprout? Keep watering at 100ml? ~250 ppm? ~6ph?

What about my light? is 16in from tops a good starting point, and then i can put lower once they sprout?


Just use plain water. They got nutrients in their cotyledons to feed off of for a while.
Yeah, 16" is fine - they just need some light to figure out which way is up. After they have a leaf or 2, you can drop it if necessary.
Funk junky

Funk junky

2 weeks but if you see yellowing try feed. Is so much easier fix a problem if you under feed than over feed. Itā€™s Jedi shift man Rome wernt built in a day. Most of us get to the conclusion that we done something wrong then look twice and draw conclusions from that, you learn better from mistakes


That bag of wormix your using does have some nutes in it. Thats what the worm castings are for. As far as seedlings i never feed until they have atleast 5 nodes. I grow in soil. So with proper up potting i barely have to feed until flower. Ive had seeds take a week to break soil before.
Funk junky

Funk junky

Go by colour if they look healthy let em be with water, but I would now be giving a rhizotonic solution now. I grow in close proximity to people.
Funk junky

Funk junky

As is coco yeah defo. But I would have to talk to coco grower. Coco is very forgiving and harder to over feed. When we grow soil we let the pots get bone dry. donā€™t do this wth coco apply water to keep it moist without drying out!

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