Junk's Growing Log

  • Thread starter SmithsJunk
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It's that time again.

Just broke out and cleaned for use the most expensive piece of plastic I've ever owned. I spent a whole lot of money on equipment last year because I'd planned on making a lot more. Then Cali legalised herb and the bottom dropped out of the market. Even though I didn't get a good return on investment, I'm glad I have very nice equipment to use this year. Makes life so much easier having the right tools for the job.

Honey Bee pollen sifter w/100 & 150 micron trays. Purchased for $120 during harvest season last year, about $100 right now.
20181011 110131
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Grow Log 10/11/18 #1 (tent)

Giving RNK#1 a couple more days to show sex. After that I'll just start spraying a couple lower branches on it with the colloidal silver. If it's female, good, if it's male I'll cull it and keep the more virile one.
20181011 201021

RNK#1(?), RNK#2(M), BIC#4(F), BIC#5(F)
20181011 201035
20181011 201129
20181011 201134
20181011 201143
20181011 201152


These buds are absolutely loaded with fat trichs. The pics don't do them justice. There's 10x more than can be seen but I just can't seem to get it on camera. Using Kool Bloom 2-45-28, Hawaiian Bud & Bloom 5-50-17, and Earth Juice Hi-Brix is working out great. I know the hi-brick feeds the microbes but it sure seems to help sugar up the girls too (maybe it's just my imagination). When I look past the outside layer into the gaps, it looks like solid freezer frost. I can't see leaves or calyxes, it's pure white.
20181012 123745
20181012 123705
20181012 123735


The leaves were pretty but I ain't growin salad. This will reduce the likelihood of mold, mildew, and fungus. Along with increasing airflow and light to more productive sets. Watch, I'll get 13+ fingered fans now, hehe.

Switched the RNKs so the possible female gets better light.

RNK#2(M), RNK#1(?), BIC#4(F), BIC#5(F)
20181012 133829


Found pillar/worm damage today. Must have killed them in both buds cause they bored back out. All I found was the damage to the stem. Sprayed Spinosad a few days back and it must've got em.

To the right of the pic is the dead stalk. I made sure to cut off below it with clean shearing scissors.
20181012 184002


Switching to straight water and will begin flushing the Orange Creamsicle and Banana Ice Cream #1 & #3 today. Planning on harvesting OC & BIC#1 in 4-6 days. With how cold the weather is the buds are slowing their growth. Should give me the time I need. Banana Ice Cream #3 is next after them (about a week from now) and Banana Crack and BIC#2 will be along shortly after that (1.5-2 weeks).

20181013 0821020
20181013 082057
20181013 082045

20181013 081752
20181013 081813

My plan is fluid and may change if I feel I can get a little more out of them without wrecking their stone.


One gallon kombucha jar filled with a mix of Banana Crack and Banana Ice Cream #2 & #3. My half of the storm damaged branches. I call this a party bowl. Not really marketable (in good conscience) but plenty good enough to get a very large group of people high for an evening (or one person high for months). The mix of strains and phenos make it even more fun.
20181013 090548

These are machine trimmed. I didn't want waste my time on a tight hand trim.


It's tea season once again. My favorite time of year. One of my platypi is brewing me some mega caffeine rich Chai Love loose leaf tea. This tea is so sweet on it's own it barely needs sugar. I am a chai junkie. 75% of the tea in my cabinet is chai, the rest I mix with chai.
20181013 092132
20181013 092848
20181013 092659
20180914 131422


Switching to straight water and will begin flushing the Orange Creamsicle and Banana Ice Cream #1 & #3 today. Planning on harvesting OC & BIC#1 in 4-6 days. With how cold the weather is the buds are slowing their growth. Should give me the time I need. Banana Ice Cream #3 is next after them (about a week from now) and Banana Crack and BIC#2 will be along shortly after that (1.5-2 weeks).

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View attachment 835935 View attachment 835937

My plan is fluid and may change if I feel I can get a little more out of them without wrecking their stone.

If I see anything more than negligible growth in the OC or BIC and I think I can get something substantial by giving them some extra days, I will. Harvesting is a series of audibles. If I have to resort to harvesting only portions of a plant I will. This year I hold out for fire. Even at the risk of wheelie weed. If I see enough growth in 3 days I'll feed them again.
Sticker375x360 bgffffffu6


Grow Log 10/13/18 (outdoor)

Banana Ice Cream #1, nearly ready to harvest. Probably within the next week. As soon as I see the rosettes get as big as possible and start to slow, I'll cut (or if I start seeing a lot of amber trichs, not even one showing yet).
20181013 155911

Banana Ice Cream #2, about 2 weeks out from harvest. Most of the stigma still need to senesce but the calyxes are pretty far along.
20181013 155938

Banana Crack, in about the same place as BIC#2. They are very stinky and frosty. Look almost like White Widow.
20181013 193224
20181013 193140

Banana Ice Cream #3, most of the stigma are fully senesced, the calyxes are plumping and beginning to form new rosettes. I think about a week and a half to go.
20181013 160039

Orange Creamsicle, this one is truly going to be a photo finish. It has small rosettes forming but I'm also seeing an amber trich here and there. Not sure how big the calyxes will get before I'm forced to harvest her. Last year I cut too early and I'm determined to take it to it's very last possible day. If rosettes continue to form then I will feed her again in 3 days but I'm very much on the fence with this one. The last thing I want to do is ruin her flavor with a late feeding that didn't get flushed. I'll error on the side of caution with her nutes and stop if I'm unsure, but she is going right to the edge. No foofy buds coming off her this year.
20181013 160052

Idunnoes, is actually developing some respectable colas since the storm wiped out 75% of her branches and stalk. I have no idea when she'll be ready, Dec? Jan? Don't really care too much but am still interested in what her flowers will look and taste like. I assume, very small but may still be frosty and likely a diesel taste. We will see if she even makes it before the winter cold kills her.
20181013 160137
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Grow Log 10/14/18 (tent)

Tagged and sprayed colloidal silver on a lower branch on RNK#1 and BIC#4. RNK#1 has what looks like a preflower forming so I should know what *she* is soon (*wishful thinking*).
20181014 125900
20181014 125950


I say let her go and make sure flush complete. Getting too close, unless you really want to Be patient and go for the couch lock.

Nope, can't hold her off any longer. She's flushed and I'm clipping her in the morning. Had to trim off a few colas today because even one more day was too long. I did what I planned. She'll only go downhill from here. I switched her off of the heavier nitrogen ferts last week and tomorrow it'll be 4 days and two solid flushes from the ripening nutes, so she's good.

Here are some of the colas I had to pluck...
20181014 111615
20181014 111104
20181014 111046
20181014 111210


I'll have my Sony Alpha just in time to take pics of the rest.
Catching up on your diary man.Wow,you are a busy guy! I'd love to be able to do that outside,everything looking fantastic!

Dude, I'm feeling busy. It's nice to have big ol plants but harvest season is no joke when you do. About to spend the next 2-3 weeks trimming (on and off). If I were doing it all by hand I'd be miserable right now thinking about how burnt I'll be. I mean, I like trimming just fine but that sise harvest is overwhelming when your in pain all the time. I thank God I bought that trim bowl last season. It does most of the heavy lifting and it only takes an hour to do a rough trim on a pound instead of 2-3 days. The fine tuning of the nugs afterwards is a dream compared to 100% hand trimmed. It only takes 6-8 hrs to fine tune a lb after the trim bowl does it's thing. I used to be fast but now I constantly nod off from my pain meds and get woke up from stabbing myself with the trimming scissors. Lol.


I almost never post pics of the Banana Crack colas. Usually it's because when I'm taking pics the sun is in just the right place to give them the worst lighting. Now that they're coming along I figured I'd better get some pics posted up...
20181014 145655
20181014 145530
20181014 145642
20181014 145523
20181014 145535
20181014 145512
20181014 145624


I know it's gonna get very cold, very soon. That's part of living near the snow line in the mountains. I feel the pressure trying to get this tent grow finished before the weather shifts too much. I bought the tent when I was still living in a 34' 5th wheel trailer with a full sise bedroom. The point of buying the tent was to give me the ability to grow through the winter. I had no idea I'd buy a little 25' 5th wheel that has a bedroom with a 3'-4' ceiling. Obviously I can't use my 5' tall grow tent inside so I'm looking into a couple of different sises more compatible with my winter growing needs. The two I'm looking at are 30x18x36 and 24x24x36. The 18" would fit the best but I don't know if there's enough room to successfully grow anything to term in it. The 24" is cheaper and easier to find. I could at least do a single plant in it that will give me the ability to create clones for my garden while outside temps are still prohibitive. Clones will allow me to start later with zero risk of males. Maybe I can scrounge enough together to get both tents and use the 18" for clone propagation. During the summer I can use it for autoflowering shorties like Lowrider.

The 30x18x36 Vivosun tent...
1 81618669 db19 496b a6d4 96e8dc994c92 2000x

Found a couple styles of 24x24x36. Leaning towards the Cool Grow like my 2x4x5 because of it's setup for full sise ventilation.
61JfshBO9ML AC SL1500
61zOepHW6UL AC SL1500

I can use my 100w(67w) CXB3590 in the 24" for a mother and my 200w CXB3590 dimmed in the 18" for clones. Or I can use the 24" for a for a bud harvest only plant and the 18" for seeds I've bred (the dimmable 200w useful for beanlings as well).

There are many possibilities.
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I'll have my Sony Alpha just in time to take pics of the rest.

Dude, I'm feeling busy. It's nice to have big ol plants but harvest season is no joke when you do. About to spend the next 2-3 weeks trimming (on and off). If I were doing it all by hand I'd be miserable right now thinking about how burnt I'll be. I mean, I like trimming just fine but that sise harvest is overwhelming when your in pain all the time. I thank God I bought that trim bowl last season. It does most of the heavy lifting and it only takes an hour to do a rough trim on a pound instead of 2-3 days. The fine tuning of the nugs afterwards is a dream compared to 100% hand trimmed. It only takes 6-8 hrs to fine tune a lb after the trim bowl does it's thing. I used to be fast but now I constantly nod off from my pain meds and get woke up from stabbing myself with the trimming scissors. Lol.
I hear you! No fan of the trim here either.In my mind I'm still that young spry buck but it doesn't take long before my body starts telling me otherwise. I like the idea of a trimmer,been looking at Toms Tumbler. Lol,careful with them scissors!


I hear you! No fan of the trim here either.In my mind I'm still that young spry buck but it doesn't take long before my body starts telling me otherwise. I like the idea of a trimmer,been looking at Toms Tumbler. Lol,careful with them scissors!

Dude, that thing is expennnnsive. Have you looked into a Trim Bowl or ever tried one out? $126 right now on Amazon.
61nHq7N1nVL AC SL1500

(The shears in the pic are absolute sh*t though. So buy scissors, hehe.)


I love mine. Once I learned the "Do's & Dont's", I found it to be an amazingly efficient and easy to use machine. Does a really good job too, pretty tight, not much fine tuning needed. I don't like the tumblers. All the bud I've seen, that I knew came out of them, was beat up and fluffy. I think that without the pressure of the rubber fingers it needs to be run too long. But that's just my opinion and I don't own one. I can see the uses for it though. If you have a substantial grow then a Trim Bowl just won't cut it. You need a big drum then, or those big fan ones that fit over the 50gal drums. Those things are sick! I've seen videos of skilled trimmers using them and they can do a cola in seconds.

If you already have your heart set on a tumbler then I don't want to dissuade you. I'm just a very frugal shopper and I like to give people options when I see they can possibly get a better deal.

(Note: I've heard of people having problems with bowls breaking, but those bowls are pretty friggin tough. I'd chalk that up to user error or an occasionally damaged bow. Likely from shipping. They probably aren't cleaning out the bigger stems or not replacing a dulled blade. That would create jams and put undue stress on the crank and bowl. Or if they try to start it by pressing through a jam instead of reversing it a little so it has room for momentum. I can assure you, the blade is very sharp and capable, rofl.)

I just saw that remnant above your quote from a post I decided not to write. I like that it backs up what you write but sometime it's way too persistent in trying to restore it. I wish they'd put in a clear comment or "C" button, like on a calculator.
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