Junk's Growing Log

  • Thread starter SmithsJunk
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This should have been my entry for POTM. Even without a flash and the camera in vibrant color mode this BIC#1 cola is really colorful.
20181007 092950


The Orange Creamsicle and Banana Ice Cream #3 are finally forming those rosettes I've been waiting for. It's been a real test of my patience and a bane to my anxious nature trying not to give in to an early harvest on the OC. I don't want that foofy bud like last year and I remember seeing a Leafly example of an OC with thick calyxes. I was worried that the OC couldn't produce them after seeing how pathetically small the preflower bracts were. I'm glad she's proving me wrong. It's sucks thinking back to last year and realising I probably lost more than half the nug weight on three plants and produced an undesirable, unmarketable bud with what I did harvest. On the other hand, I still have 4 OC seeds since I didn't bother hatching them due to last years sh*tty harvest. I only grew the OC in the garden because one of my last remaining co-op members actually liked it. I'm glad I did. Shouldn't have a problem with the spider mites on it in a tent grow. Those little bastards are all over it in the garden and constantly come back.

Orange Creamsicle
20181008 073101

Banana Ice Cream #3
20181008 073037


Now I've got a dilemma. I just ordered colloidal silver and the big Royal Nepal is male. Are beans made naturally any better than fems? I'm leaning towards pulling him for space and if the other RNK goes male I'll keep it and hold off on the colloidal silver till next run. I want it's genetics so I'm getting them one way or another.

One of the Banana Ice Cream is showing female, so right now I've got the genetic X I want. I think I'll see what the second RNK shows before I pull the known male.


Man, I don't know about this Nuke Em it doesn't seem to working very well on my spider mites but this late in bloom they're doesn't seem to be that many options. I don't know what else I can do. I guess I'll just have to ride it out and hope the last two gallons of Nuk Em can hold them off till harvest. They're mostly on the OC and don't seem to be bugging the other plants too much. There's a few here and there but overall it's not too bad. I don't think they'll be a problem on any of the Bananas. Didn't see any baby double-dot Borg anywhere on them.

They're are also thrips everywhere still but they don't seem to be hurting the bananas much either. (Sorry, @Farmer P , there doesn't look like any great solution to your thrip problem. I couldn't use as much as directed because I didn't have enough. It would have taken 9 gal mixed just the first day and, 27 gal for the whole run. I only had 8 gal worth, @$50. But I did use 2 gal and there should have been some dead ones.)

One thing I do know is that Traizicide killed the f^ck out of everything. I will be using that sh*t again. I paid $110 between Azamax and Nuke Em and that Traizicide did a 2000% better job than them at $24 bucks, and I got six sprays for that, full on day-luuuge of two full 9 day runs. They were so soaked branches broke off. And all the buggies were sent to bug heaven, or in the Broad Mites' case, bug hell.

In the end, the mites may have slightly effected the overall harvest but I don't think it will be a noticeable loss. So, Que será, será...

Looks like one of my little homies has been up in the trichs. Probably hunting for roaches. Lounge Lizaaard.
20181008 112145
20181008 112936
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Was cleaning up my Trim Bowl last night after un-storing. While cleaning the back of the trimming grate I bumped the blade and it spun back around and sliced the tip of my pinky off. No worries it wasn't deep but totally f^ckin surreal watching the disc of flesh fly off. My friends, be very careful with these blades if you have or intend to have one. They are a lot sharper than they look and the weight of the gears driving them makes their slicing effortless. Take the handle off before flipping the top over cause it's weight makes the blade spin when it adjusts to a hanging position.

...and don't be as stoned as I was while cleaning one. That wound was a b*tch to get to stop bleeding everywhere.

20181009 074646
20181009 074759


Now I've got a dilemma. I just ordered colloidal silver and the big Royal Nepal is male. Are beans made naturally any better than fems? I'm leaning towards pulling him for space and if the other RNK goes male I'll keep it and hold off on the colloidal silver till next run. I want it's genetics so I'm getting them one way or another.

One of the Banana Ice Cream is showing female, so right now I've got the genetic X I want. I think I'll see what the second RNK shows before I pull the known male.

Looking wonderful around here! I like interesting or different effects from special strains. Sounds like the Banana Ice Cream is a good one. Seedlings are looking like they are nice and healthy too. I'm not too versed on breeding techniques but I have heard that the colloidal silver foliar idea is very effective for nearly 100% feminized seeds. I'm assuming the only benefit to normal seeds is the ability to grow some males and try to get certain characteristics from one of them?


Looking wonderful around here! I like interesting or different effects from special strains. Sounds like the Banana Ice Cream is a good one. Seedlings are looking like they are nice and healthy too. I'm not too versed on breeding techniques but I have heard that the colloidal silver foliar idea is very effective for nearly 100% feminized seeds. I'm assuming the only benefit to normal seeds is the ability to grow some males and try to get certain characteristics from one of them?

Thank you.

I learned tons from last year's grow. The most important lesson, patience. Battling with every pest I've ever had for that Orange Creamsicle. It is extremely popular with aphids, thrips, spider mites, and some other bugs I've never seen before. It's like a pest kegger. But I'm holding, holding, holding... lol. Paying off though, it's developing larger calyxes than I knew it was capable of. So cool, the bug battle is worth it. Looking back, as great as the Nepal bud was last year I think I was early on it too. But not this year, I want to see some amber.

What I've gathered the last few days fem vs male seed... Male seeds tend to be larger, more vital, and less likely to herm. To me, that's not worth making them over fems. A 95% female rate would save me a lot of trouble. I'll hold the showing male till I see what the other Nepal is. If the second goes male I'll keep the first because it's stronger. If the second is a female I'll use the colloidal on a few branches. I don't know if I'll dump the male or hold it till I know the silver is working. Either way, I'll flip when the silver gets here.

Thanks for your input.


Read back through trying to get some ideas for my indoor run, looks like you’re about two months from seed at this point. I realize this is very strain dependent, but in general, would you say two months and this size is what you are looking for to flip them and be able to fit them in this size tent?

My guess is you can flip in 30 days, maybe less under optimal grow conditions. I was waiting for them to show sex but I'm pretty sure they've already designated before they show. That should give you a better idea of your overall time table.

In roughly 35 days 2/4 are showing. Maybe more but I haven't checked yet today.


Grow Log 10/10/18 (tent)

Sheesh, those Royal Nepal get big quick. Definitely better suited for the space of an outdoor garden but it'll be a good learning experience trying to keep them (or it, if I cull the male) managed in this small space. Fun, fun, fun...

20181010 083616


My guess is you can flip in 30 days, maybe less under optimal grow conditions. I was waiting for them to show sex but I'm pretty sure they've already designated before they show. That should give you a better idea of your overall time table.

In roughly 35 days 2/4 are showing. Maybe more but I haven't checked yet today.

Thanks, I was thinking of popping 6, getting them to pretty much max the space out in 30-45 days, then flip and hopefully end up with 3 females. I’d cull the best if I end up with more than 3 fems, then scrog them.

Thats 35 from beginning of soak or emergence of tap root?


Thanks, I was thinking of popping 6, getting them to pretty much max the space out in 30-45 days, then flip and hopefully end up with 3 females. I’d cull the best if I end up with more than 3 fems, then scrog them.

Thats 35 from beginning of soak or emergence of tap root?

From germination, root in the soil. Only took a day for these to germ.


The second Banana Ice Cream (#4) in the tent is showing female (99% sure).

The top cola and 2 branches taken out by the storm on BIC#1 weighed out just shy of a QP (dry weight, machine trimmed, will be lighter when finish trimmed by hand). Her calyxes are running about 25-40% formed, so she's still got weight to put on. I'm estimating 3-3.5lbs dry at 100%.
20181010 160355
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Not that long ago most of the herb I bought looked about like this.
20181010 171045 002 01

That explains why it was called "Green Bud". I just smoked the other half of this nugget and I wasn't all that bad. I remember us talking bout how good the bud was cause of all the orange hairs, hahaha. This would have been premo when I was a kid up against all that raggy dirt weed we used to smoke.

Pretty sure this one is Banana Crack. The branches got mixed up when I was straightening up from storm damage but it tastes and smells right. It has a sweeter banana taste than the Banana Ice Cream and a stronger smell. Even 2-4 weeks early it's really good smoke. Looking forward to smoking it ripe with a good cure.

It crept up and whammied me just now. I am soooo baked. Wow. No wonder it's so popular.


The colloidal silver was delivered today. Need to go out and get a little pump mister bottle for the diluted C-silver tomorrow, then mix flowering nutes, and set the 12/12 cycle on the lights.

I'm getting leaf tip curl which is usually a sign of over watering. I haven't watered in days and I check them with a moisture meter. They're are on the moist side still. This cooler weather has slowed evaporation. I'll trim up the lower fan leaves tomorrow morning. A bit more airflow should help and I need to manicure them for flower anyway. I wish RNK#1 would declare it's sex already so I know which plant to cull and can free up some space.


Realised I didn't need to buy an atomiser bottle, already had one that would work perfectly. CK1 bottles are refillable so I took an old one I had and cleaned it thoroughly with hot water.
20181011 072454
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