Junk's Growing Log

  • Thread starter SmithsJunk
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Tornado watch/warning all over the North Valley this morning. I miss watching the tornados form up down there. About 20 yrs ago, out in the Sacto delta (my old home) at my little brothers wake. There was only one cloud in the sky. It was a few miles across and dark grey. As we watched it move a little F1 tornado dropped out of it. It totally trashed and terrorised the golf course in Freeport, hahaha. (I hate golf courses because they always destroy good land to make them and ruin the local ecosystems.)

I'm about 15 miles NE of I80 where their tracks usually end (but we still get the micro-bursts from them like what hit my garden).
20181005 071155

I'm in Grass Valley (perfect name) at the center of the circle.

Trying to upload other pics this morning but my Verizon Jetpack is being a complete piece of sh*t. I'll do it later.


Grow Log 10/5/18

Tied up the girls (that sounds F'd up, hehe). Lost about 20% including the Idunnoes. Drying the loose broken branches to trim.

The pics may be mixed between before and after I tied them up but I'm too tired to sort them.
20181005 165055
20181005 165028
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20181005 165004
20181005 164531
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20181005 143412
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20181005 164643


Tornado watch/warning all over the North Valley this morning. I miss watching the tornados form up down there. About 20 yrs ago, out in the Sacto delta (my old home) at my little brothers wake. There was only one cloud in the sky. It was a few miles across and dark grey. As we watched it move a little F1 tornado dropped out of it. It totally trashed and terrorised the golf course in Freeport, hahaha. (I hate golf courses because they always destroy good land to make them and ruin the local ecosystems.)

I'm about 15 miles NE of I80 where their tracks usually end (but we still get the micro-bursts from them like what hit my garden).
View attachment 834359
I'm in Grass Valley (perfect name) at the center of the circle.

Trying to upload other pics this morning but my Verizon Jetpack is being a complete piece of sh*t. I'll do it later.

Pwaaahahaha! Those weren't tornado warnings. I wonder what dipsh*t decided to make the tornado warnings the same color as the highways. Nevertheless, I know tornado weather and the day before yesterday's storm had that feel to it. Anyone who who lives/lived in tornado country has those spidey senses (unless you're a meatball). That shift between cold and warm air, the pressure in your ears, etc... Aside from the swirling mass of clouds that passed by my house (we get the clouds at ground level here). Yesterday, when I went to the hydro store to pick up cushioned wire tie to fix my girls, the manager told me a lot of growers got b*tch slapped by this storm. National Weather Service must have a temp working at the warning desk cause we all got caught unawares. Just like it's supposed to be partly cloudy right now and yet it's full on raining. Glad I bought the cush wire instead of green tape. Hopefully my girls hold up to this extra helping of "oh sh*t I'm soaked". Luckily, not that I believe in luck, I didn't just flop the colas back into an upright position, then tape. I figured this might not be the end of it and took the time to pin the colas into secure positions.

Here's my half of the early release branches I collected from storm damage (I share 50/50 with my cousin for him letting me use his garden). Technically the one on the far left isn't a branch. It's the top of BIC#1. It's a shame, the colas are already the width of two soda cans and it was just beginning to swell. Probably would have gained another half again in sise. On a positive note, these will be the last I have to dry outside. Since my cous didn't grow this year he's letting me use his drying shed. Yay, I didn't get my front porch finished yet so I didn't have anywhere to dry.
20181005 234638
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Grow Log 10/6/18 (outdoor garden)

I think I'm about done with the restoration project. My goal wasn't to stand all the colas up straight again. I only wanted to get them back into a position where they're in the sunlight for most of the day. In fact, I like how they grow when they fall sideways or down. Makes for wider denser buds with a better coverage of mature well cooked trichs.

My hydra, Banana Ice Cream #1, cut off one head and seven more take it's place. I tied up any good sise colas that could reach the top or come close to it. Then optimised them to get as much sunlight as possible while not interfering with light to the others. Should finish out with some crazy fat dangerous nuggets.
20181006 143358

Banana Ice Cream #2, damage looks worse than it was. Like BIC#1, BIC#2 lost it's top but instead of 3', it lost 6'. It was a fairly sparse top, though, they were nice colas. It did give me the available sunlight to train what was left in such a way that I might actually end up with a better overall yield with nugs of a higher average quality.
20181006 143440

Already lost a few branches in this zone before the top came down and it was blocking the light from some good sise branches. Those branches were lost in the thicket of the Banana Crack but I pulled them out and formed them in into a bowl shape with a few other large and formerly shaded heavies. Now they all have a good number of full sun hours. Should be cool looking when they're fully ripe.
20181006 113832

The Banana Crack was damaged but it's hard to tell. I've got wires strung al through her. Getting an up close look at that triple cola hanging on the fence was pretty groovy.
20181006 113921
20181006 113945

BIC#3, she lost a few branches but held up very well. Lots of wire running through her as well. Now she looks like a porcupine that rolled around in marshmallows.
20181006 114018

Orange Creamsicle, was not injured at all. Just bent over a few of the taller stalks.
20181006 114058

The Idunnoes got smoked. But I didn't expect much from her anyway and don't really care that there are only a few branches left. Even if her buds are a great stone she wasn't worth the time,money, and space for such a small yield. This will be the last time I grow an unknown bean.
20181006 114204
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Read back through trying to get some ideas for my indoor run, looks like you’re about two months from seed at this point. I realize this is very strain dependent, but in general, would you say two months and this size is what you are looking for to flip them and be able to fit them in this size tent?

Images didn’t come through, but these.

View attachment 834629 View attachment 834628

Yeah, but I didn't know what I was doing yet and that should have been them at 5-6 weeks. My current set are are right at 4 weeks...
20181006 204739

They are not far behind my last set at twice the time. My first ones were light deprived when I started them. I was using that 15w T5 that was only barely enough to hatch them. Bought my two COB fixtures after that, and the 67w first. They froze, were poisoned by my propane heater, then burned because I didn't know how to use the COBs at first, and later overwater perpetually.

This time I had both fixtures, only hatched them with the T5, knew pretty much where to set the COBs, only overwatered a little (lol), are in warmer temps, started in good soil that matched what they were transplanted into, and weren't shocked from up-planting (because of the peat pots). It's a good recipe for quick growth. I haven't even fed them this time but the soil is so good I don't need to till flowering.


Read back through trying to get some ideas for my indoor run, looks like you’re about two months from seed at this point. I realize this is very strain dependent, but in general, would you say two months and this size is what you are looking for to flip them and be able to fit them in this size tent?

I'm expecting to flip in another week or two.


Yeah, but I didn't know what I was doing yet and that should have been them at 5-6 weeks. My current set are are right at 4 weeks...
View attachment 834638

They are not far behind my last set at twice the time. My first ones were light deprived when I started them. I was using that 15w T5 that was only barely enough to hatch them. Bought my two COB fixtures after that, and the 67w first. They froze, were poisoned by my propane heater, then burned because I didn't know how to use the COBs at first, and later overwater perpetually.

This time I had both fixtures, only hatched them with the T5, knew pretty much where to set the COBs, only overwatered a little (lol), are in warmer temps, started in good soil that matched what they were transplanted into, and weren't shocked from up-planting (because of the peat pots). It's a good recipe for quick growth. I haven't even fed them this time but the soil is so good I don't need to till flowering.

Right on, how much longer/bigger before you flip em? Trying to get a rough idea of sprout to flip time. I think I have decided on some Flo x Jet Fuel beans that I was gifted a pile of, should be a 60-65 day strain, want to see if they are worth running outdoor next season.


I'm expecting to flip in another week or two.


...and I'm only waiting that long because I'm buying colloidal silver to make fem seeds instead of waiting to see if I have a male. Fem seeds are better anyway for my purposes. I could safely flip them at the first sign of preflowers, and they are right about there.


Right on, how much longer/bigger before you flip em? Trying to get a rough idea of sprout to flip time. I think I have decided on some Flo x Jet Fuel beans that I was gifted a pile of, should be a 60-65 day strain, want to see if they are worth running outdoor next season.

As an outdoor grower those numbers never made sense to me. Do you mean 60-65 for flower or from seed to harvest? Being that I am only starting indoor growing that number seemed awful small for a full life cycle. Now that I know enough to be dangerous I think that seems reasonable for a full life cycle of indoor if grown at optimal speeds for small plants.


As an outdoor grower those numbers never made sense to me. Do you mean 60-65 for flower or from seed to harvest? Being that I am only starting indoor growing that number seems awful small for a full life cycle. Now that I know enough to be dangerous I think that seems reasonable for a full life cycle of indoor if grown at optimal speeds for small plants.

Yeah me neither lol, Flo is listed at 45, Jet Fuel 63-72, those numbers should be from flip to finish flower. That’s how I have been treating them, so say 40 days from seed to flip, then 60 for flower, 100 from germination to chop.



45 seems too short. Must be flower time???

Honestly, anything beyond the point of those older pics is all theoretical for me. Those went into the garden that day.



45 seems too short. Must be flower time???

Honestly, anything beyond the point of those older pics is all theoretical for me. Those went into the garden that day.

Yeah, flower. Could be a really awesome plant if it finishes fast and has some of the diesel and OG characteristics.

7DAA1588 CF2F 43D5 8BC9 D0CAE7D7DAD4


Yeah, flower. Could be a really awesome plant if it finishes fast and has some of the diesel and OG characteristics.

View attachment 834639

This is what I don't get, they say 25-30gr but that's gotta be some way underestimated BS, cause who would spent that much time and money on a zip. It goes to reason if they underestimated yield then they likely overestimated grow time. Exceeding people's expectations is good business, smart. Stops a lot of the people with weak growing skills from blaming the breeders and makes most people feel good about themselves when they exceed the bean specs.

...or do I have this all wrong and expect way too much because I'm used to huge outdoor harvests? (Not bragging. Anyone with a big enough pot and summer sun can do the same.)


This is what I don't get, they say 25-30gr but that's gotta be some way underestimated BS, cause who would spent that much time and money on a zip. It goes to reason if they underestimated yield then they likely overestimated grow time. Exceeding people's expectations is good business, smart. Stops a lot of the people with weak growing skills from blaming the breeders and makes most people feel good about themselves when they exceed the bean specs.

...or do I have this all wrong and expect way too much because I'm used to huge outdoor harvests? (Not bragging. Anyone with a big enough pot and summer sun can do the same.)

That specifically mentions sea of green for those numbers, for sure the bigger it is before flip the more it will produce.


Grow Log 10/7/18 #1

Before we get to the girls, this Banana Ice Cream from Holy Smoke is something special. In the description they talk a little about the flavor and say they really enjoyed the high but not very descriptive of the high itself. I so get it now. This weed is an experience. The high is powerful, euphoric, and body oriented. It's only slightly dopey. I've never tasted banana weed like this. It's like the banana flavor, intense, soaks into your toungue...
20181007 113704

...then it's slathered in butter. It tastes like fried bananas. These buds aren't even mature yet. I'm very happy right now cause I got a whole lot of it. Hehehe.

...to the girls...
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20181007 091837
20181007 091856
20181007 092354
20181007 092334
20181007 091951
20181007 092003
20181007 092318
20181007 092129
20181007 092022


Just in case all go fem, I ordered 8oz 240ppm colloidal silver to make fem seeds from the Royal Nepal x Chocolate Diesel and Banana Ice Cream. Should work if I dilute 5x. 40oz at 48ppm is more than enough for one application a day. It'll be great to have a stockpile of my own beans. Yay.

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