Mushroom thread

  • Thread starter 1diesel1
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Listen to this. Seriously, the whole thing.

This album is hands down imho the best trip music to come out in the last 15 years.

We listened to this whole album on an 8th each during our last fishing trip. Listened to the whole thing laying on the deck of the boat while watching meteors streak across the sky. It was amazeballs. My face was sore the next day from all the smiles!
This album is as psychadelic as it gets.

Tame Impala at Bonnaroo 2016
They had all the confetti
20160611 011557
20160611 021158


Besides tripping for fun, any of you use musrooms for mental health reasons?

I was diagnosed with bonafide PTSD by a psychologist this time last year. Needless to say It was really affecting my life in a bad way. It was brought on by several extremely horrendous calls i attended during my time as an officer with the fire dept, i wont get into details, but one of them was for the violent death of a very close friend and fellow first responder that i was first on scene for. That one really messed me up.

In addition to the FD putting me through councelling sessions with a psychologist, i also took a leave of absense and microdosed about .25g of mushrooms twice a day for about 3 months, and it helped immensely. Again its hard to explain just how, but i sure noticed improved mood, being more positive. Seeing the glass as half full rather than half empty. It really pulled me out of a brutal downward spiral of a slump.
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Besides tripping for fun, any of you use musrooms for mental health reasons?

I was diagnosed with bonafide PTSD by a psychologist this time last year. Needless to say It was really affecting my life in a bad way. It was brought on by several extremely horrendous calls i attended during my time as an officer with the fire dept, i wont get into details, but one of them was for the violent death of a very close friend and fellow first responder that i was first on scene for. That one really messed me up.

In addition to the FD putting me through councelling sessions with a psychologist, i also took a leave of absense and microdosed about .25g of mushrooms twice a day for about 3 months, and it helped immensely. Again its hard to explain just how, but i sure noticed improved mood, being more positive. Seeing the glass as half full rather than half empty. It really pulled me out of a brutal downward spiral of a slump.
I have asked about their use therapeutically, as well as ecstasy, as there’s some research being done with that in mental health. I’ve had no luck finding someone to work with in that manner.


That's my whole new respect, admiration, anf love for them... microdosing that is.

I've been fighting debilitating depression, OCD, chronic anxiety, bipolarism, possible hereditary schizophrenia... you name it, my brain chemistry has fucked it up somehow... since I was around 10 years old.
Dozens of therapists and psychologists throughout the early years.
Refusal to take pharmaceuticals/synthetics ever since I can remember... I wouldn't take analgesics for pain/headaches nor cold medicine even when I was a little tot - antibiotics and novocain were the only things I'd accept.
Started "self-medicating" (escaping) with tobacco, cannabis, and mushrooms all by the time I was 13. Drinking not long after.. Did some heavier plant drugs along the way as well - opium, cocaine. And eventually broke my code of non-synthetics with different RC hallucinogens until I bugged out so hard that it broke me away from any kind of normalcy for well over a year.
That actually did a lot of good for me... the whole messy history. I'd probably have pulled the plug way sooner if I had faced it with a straight face during the turbulent hormonal progressions of adolescence.

Anyway, after cutting everything off for a long time and developing a healthy lifestyle of nutrition, meditation, and exercise... my imbalances eventually resurfaced pretty heavily. Tried weed again - that exasperated it too often to be able to trust it.
Then I was turned onto the popularizing idea of psychedelic microdosing. Read into the science and it just made so much sense to me... I've always felt so in-tune with my body (especially after such heavy psychedelic use) that I can literally feel when the chemical imbalances (serotonin/5-HT receptor dysfunction) are happening and what they'll lead to.
So... I started growing them. Grinding them up into capsules, and experimenting with legitimate self-medication. Started with 350mg daily... did that for about 3 months until it became perceptive... dropped down to 200mg daily for another 6 months until that became perceptive... then 100mg every other day, every third day, once a week, etc... I'm now to the point where I'm balanced enough that I can take that small amount for acute therapy if I'm having a particularly rough time neurochemically or otherwise.
It's been so fucking life changing I can't even explain. 30 years of suicidal thoughts and depression, I'm finally able to just let myself be myself and feel generally good about it.


I have asked about their use therapeutically, as well as ecstasy, as there’s some research being done with that in mental health. I’ve had no luck finding someone to work with in that manner.

Unless you have a terminal illness, good luck getting into any of the trials.

Ive actually been making microdose caps for my sister who has been using them to treat her anxiety and depression for the last year with spectacular results. I got her off the antidepressants she was on, only thing she takes now is my mushroom pills. Changed her life.


That's my whole new respect, admiration, anf love for them... microdosing that is.

I've been fighting debilitating depression, OCD, chronic anxiety, bipolarism, possible hereditary schizophrenia... you name it, my brain chemistry has fucked it up somehow... since I was around 10 years old.
Dozens of therapists and psychologists throughout the early years.
Refusal to take pharmaceuticals/synthetics ever since I can remember... I wouldn't take analgesics for pain/headaches nor cold medicine even when I was a little tot - antibiotics and novocain were the only things I'd accept.
Started "self-medicating" (escaping) with tobacco, cannabis, and mushrooms all by the time I was 13. Drinking not long after.. Did some heavier plant drugs along the way as well - opium, cocaine. And eventually broke my code of non-synthetics with different RC hallucinogens until I bugged out so hard that it broke me away from any kind of normalcy for well over a year.
That actually did a lot of good for me... the whole messy history. I'd probably have pulled the plug way sooner if I had faced it with a straight face during the turbulent hormonal progressions of adolescence.

Anyway, after cutting everything off for a long time and developing a healthy lifestyle of nutrition, meditation, and exercise... my imbalances eventually resurfaced pretty heavily. Tried weed again - that exasperated it too often to be able to trust it.
Then I was turned onto the popularizing idea of psychedelic microdosing. Read into the science and it just made so much sense to me... I've always felt so in-tune with my body (especially after such heavy psychedelic use) that I can literally feel when the chemical imbalances (serotonin/5-HT receptor dysfunction) are happening and what they'll lead to.
So... I started growing them. Grinding them up into capsules, and experimenting with legitimate self-medication. Started with 350mg daily... did that for about 3 months until it became perceptive... dropped down to 200mg daily for another 6 months until that became perceptive... then 100mg every other day, every third day, once a week, etc... I'm now to the point where I'm balanced enough that I can take that small amount for acute therapy if I'm having a particularly rough time neurochemically or otherwise.
It's been so fucking life changing I can't even explain. 30 years of suicidal thoughts and depression, I'm finally able to just let myself be myself and feel generally good about it.
I am so very happy for you to have found something which helps.


Besides tripping for fun, any of you use musrooms for mental health reasons?

I was diagnosed with bonafide PTSD by a psychologist this time last year. Needless to say It was really affecting my life in a bad way. It was brought on by several extremely horrendous calls i attended during my time as an officer with the fire dept, i wont get into details, but one of them was for the violent death of a very close friend and fellow first responder that i was first on scene for. That one really messed me up.

In addition to the FD putting me through councelling sessions with a psychologist, i also took a leave of absense and microdosed about .25g of mushrooms twice a day for about 3 months, and it helped immensely. Again its hard to explain just how, but i sure noticed improved mood, being more positive. Seeing the glass as half full rather than half empty. It really pulled me out of a brutal downward spiral of a slump.

Yeah, shrooms and acid both have pulled me out of depressions before, but PTSD is another animal entirely. Nothing has helped me regain my emotional stability more than dosing edibles throughout the day and dabbing when it's really bad, but then again I haven't tried microdosing shrooms either. Probably will now!

All of you should add How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan to your reading lists, if you haven't read it already. It's one of the most up-to-date sources on how psychedelics effect the brain, especially emphasizing the importance of the default mode network.


I’m visiting the old walled city of Quebec in the 70’s, stoned on some great smoke, my cousin Dave and I in a bar, theres a bunch of crazy shit attached to the ceiling, dolls, strollers, kitchen sinks, chairs... they’re playing this...we were transfixed for a long minute..

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We just legalized mushrooms for medical use here in Oregun.
They’ll have the program up and running in 2 years.
It apparently has to be consumed under the supervision of your doctor or counselor, at this point.
It will be a matter of time until you can purchase it at a dispensary......medically.
They also legalized the personal possession of all class A narcotics.


We just legalized mushrooms for medical use here in Oregun.
They’ll have the program up and running in 2 years.
It apparently has to be consumed under the supervision of your doctor or counselor, at this point.
It will be a matter of time until you can purchase it at a dispensary......medically.
They also legalized the personal possession of all class A narcotics.
Oregon is on my list of potential places to live.


Yeah, shrooms and acid both have pulled me out of depressions before, but PTSD is another animal entirely. Nothing has helped me regain my emotional stability more than dosing edibles throughout the day and dabbing when it's really bad, but then again I haven't tried microdosing shrooms either. Probably will now!

All of you should add How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan to your reading lists, if you haven't read it already. It's one of the most up-to-date sources on how psychedelics effect the brain, especially emphasizing the importance of the default mode network.

Lol yep, read it. And seen a ton of his interviews, ive always loved his work even before he was into psychadelics.

And yes man, PTSD is a bitch. Honestly the mushrooms helped a ton, but i cant discount the benefit i got from talking to a psychologist. And to be clear i dont mean a therapist or psychiatrist, I specifically mean a psychologist that specializes in PTSD. The bitch is that they arent cheap. Mine was $170 per session, and i went for a total of 4 sessions. But 3 would have been sufficient. Thankfully in my case the fire dept picked up the bill, otherwise i likely wouldnt have done it. But i will say, it is well worth saving up for. Its what finally broke me open after struggling with severe anxiety and depression for years. It 100% helped me not just recover, but experience post traumatic growth. Which is an incredible phenominon in which you can become a far stronger, more resilient individual as a result of the trauma. You can reach a state of mental fortitude that would otherwise be unobtainable without that trauma. Like cracking the stem of a plant to make it thicker and stronger, and bear a larger fruit..

I think societies approach to mental health needs to change. People have no problem spending hundreds or thousands a year on physio to treat physical injuries but when it comes to spending money on something like a psychologist to treat a mental injury, people tend to shy away for the fear that talking to a shrink means theyre crazy or it wont work and is a waste of money or something. The important thing is that PTSD is a mental health injury caused by trauma, and it can be treated. Left untreated, you end up with a limp for life. Proverbially speaking. And believe me i had my doubts going in to see a psychologist, but it changed everything for me.
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So you kinda supercropped yourself?

That's one of the few things I don't have as an affliction... PTSD... except maybe some shared symptoms from literally losing my mind. They don't really go away no matter what and I basically just treat them as building blocks of my character.
Definitely nothing like the traumas from a traditional sort of PTSD...
So much love for those of you who put yourselves in traumatic situations for the good of others...


Lol yep, read it. And seen a ton of his interviews, ive always loved his work even before he was into psychadelics.

And yes man, PTSD is a bitch. Honestly the mushrooms helped a ton, but i cant discount the benefit i got from talking to a psychologist. And to be clear i dont mean a therapist or psychiatrist, I specifically mean a psychologist that specializes in PTSD. The bitch is that they arent cheap. Mine was $170 per session, and i went for a total of 4 sessions. But 3 would have been sufficient. Thankfully in my case the fire dept picked up the bill, otherwise i likely wouldnt have done it. But i will say, it is well worth saving up for. Its what finally broke me open after struggling with severe anxiety and depression for years. It 100% helped me not just recover, but experience post traumatic growth. Which is an incredible phenominon in which you can become a far stronger, more resilient individual as a result of the trauma. You can reach a state of mental fortitude that would otherwise be unobtainable without that trauma. Like cracking the stem of a plant to make it thicker and stronger, and bear a larger fruit..

I think societies approach to mental health needs to change. People have no problem spending hundreds or thousands a year on physio to treat physical injuries but when it comes to spending money on something like a psychologist to treat a mental injury, people tend to shy away for the fear that talking to a shrink means theyre crazy or something. The important thing is that PTSD is a mental health injury caused by trauma, and it can be treated. Left untreated, you end up with a limp for life. Proverbially speaking. And believe me i had my doubts going in to see a psychologist, but it changed everything for me.
When the trauma happens repeatedly at a very young age, therapy becomes essential for survival. And it tends to be more of a long-term project with the goal of improving coping, functioning, and sense of well-being. All three can certainly be a reach.


Yeah, shrooms and acid both have pulled me out of depressions before, but PTSD is another animal entirely. Nothing has helped me regain my emotional stability more than dosing edibles throughout the day and dabbing when it's really bad, but then again I haven't tried microdosing shrooms either. Probably will now!

All of you should add How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan to your reading lists, if you haven't read it already. It's one of the most up-to-date sources on how psychedelics effect the brain, especially emphasizing the importance of the default mode network.
Kindle version has been downloaded. Thank you.


Grain jars upstairs,
Last of the PF jars downstairs:)View attachment 1054920

Awesome man! How long did you rock the Pftek before jumping to grain?
Im skipping the PF altogether and jumping straight to rye and oats. Not sure if its the best decision... Who knows. Ill find out soon.

I did kinda the same with beer making, jumped straight into all grain and bypassed extract kits completely. 😅


When the trauma happens repeatedly at a very young age, therapy becomes essential for survival. And it tends to be more of a long-term project with the goal of improving coping, functioning, and sense of well-being. All three can certainly be a reach.

100%, early chidhood trauma is something else completely. Sorry i shouldnt lump all PTSD scenarios together. Some are more easily treated than others. I didnt start to pile on any trauma in my life until i was in my early 20's. So i was a lot more easily treated in my 40's compared to someone who is traumatized young or worse cant even remember their trauma.
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