I'm pissed. Neighbors, BS. Please advice

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Tasty Buds

Tasty Buds

I've kept my nose clean in terms of cultivating cannabis, as well as kept the amount of bud I have to a personal level, and only smoke for pain, and it's not much.

To the point. Several cops, unmarked detectives, a K9 truck with a German Shepherd went to my neighbors house today, and knocked on their door while I was outside shooting baskets (it's about all I can do since I've had a failed Spinal fusion.
The neighbor works for the power company, and although I've tried to be cool with them, I don't get along with either husband! They are good friends with each other.
About 5 minutes before the police, K9, and unmarked came to my street, the neighbor came by to bs with my wife, invite her somewhere, then left with their SUV. Next thing I know all these cops show up at that neighbors house (THEY WENT TO THE WRONG HOUSE IMHO). The cops knocked on THEIR door, and finally after a full 5 minutes the kids answered. I continued shooting baskets, as I was on a roll, and have nothing to hide.
Now, there is a spike in my electric overnight, as I record, and produce music, but no more than 1k watts.
These neighbors have an autistic child who run away MAYBE twice a year? Thing is the kid ran away earlier this week, everyone on our block was notified, but the police went looking forcthe kid, NEVER went to the house!
The neighbor's came home as soon as the cops left. She didn't tell us the kid was missing, then came back 15 minutes later with the kid. (She had got him when she came home those few minutes, and snuck him in the SUV.
When they came back, I was still shooting hoops, and she started with a story how they found him in someone's pool.
Wait, doesn't a pool have to be surrounded by a fence?
They tried to have us busted!
I know that's a long read, but I'm not growing, and the last time I grew 1 plant was longer than the statute of limitations.
I should bring some tomatoes in from outside, have em break in, and sue their ass!
I hope ya got that, as I'm dyslexic. I'm educated, but with awful written communication skills.
I'm pissed


Went through a similar situation last year man. Except, I had a few more than most legal states even allow.

Late September, had been on locked down since March, decided fuck it, let's have a small BBQ.

Buddies come over and one of em brings up a game called Stump. You stack some large rounds end to end on top of each other. Each person playing lightly taps in a nail in front of them. The goal is to be the last man standing, per se. Each player takes a turn tossing a hammer end over end in the air, and wherever they catch it, they have to hit a nail from there. Simple enough, fun as hell.

Well, we've had a few drinks, ate, were bullshitting around the fire pit and things were winding down. Somewhere around midnight. One couple gets up to leave, exits the garage, then about two minutes later comes back and says, "yo, there's some sheriffs out front that want to talk to you." Knowing my crowd, I call bullshit. They repeat, more seriously. Get up, and wander out front, and sure as shit, three units, six fully equipped county sheriffs are standing at the entrance to my garage.

Long story short, apparently a neighbor called in we were throwing hatchets at each other.

While that was likely a true statement, what I think actually was going on was some cockfaced neighbor was trying to get me hemmed up because my yard had the entire neighborhood smelling something fierce. Five plants outdoors, five indoors. The ones outdoors were topping out ~6ft, so not massive, but if you've ever been around a bush that size, it's not shy about letting you know it's there from a distance.

Don't sweat it man. You're still free, and your neighbor's still an asshole. Biggest lesson I learned (after I spent months shouting obscenities and making sure my loud car was extra loud, every time i drove real slow by the suspect's house) was don't shit where you sleep. Neighborly wars don't end well for anyone.


IT's kinda unclear the way you wrote this up.. You said your Wife left with the accused?? What did she have to say?
I really don't think they could fuck that up if they tried to finger you.. If they went to the wrong house the neighbor would say so and then what would stop them from going to yours??
Tasty Buds

Tasty Buds

Dam, that's crazy. I would have played 10-15 years ago, but as I'm getting older, with more, and more old injuries, and surgeries coming to say hello more often, I'd probably have passed on the hatchet throwing lol.
The screwed up part is I offered to coach one of the neighbors kids in baseball, as he had a good arm for his age. I spoke to the wife, we agreed that would be a good idea, but only if a parent was present.
Now the guy who works for the power company must have seen a spike in electric for about 12 hours, and probably went looking in my garage, and basement/studio.
Yeah, I have a good amount of grow equipment from when I lived in Colorado, but it's in my garage under a tarp.
Anyway, the guy who works for the electric co drives a big truck. The other day I watched him pick up the other neighbors yard waste, and take it in the power co's vehicle.
I know what they're up to. I can't threaten the guy, or that's blackmail. I could go to the company, report him, and have his ass fired!.
I want to so bad right now, BUT that would make me a rat.
Well, if they do search the house, break up my stuff, that's a big law suit against the cops. I'm okay with that.
I'm just not sure how to play this one.
One of the guys names is Rich Johnson. DICK JOHNSON. TOO PERFECT


yeah, it's too much hassle man. like you said, throw the age component in the mix and stuff like this tends to put one on the losing end of the stick. Perhaps a better venture would be to figure out how to mend the relationship. Passive aggressiveness is often bred from some subtle misunderstanding. Correct the understanding, and correct the aggressiveness.
Tasty Buds

Tasty Buds

IT's kinda unclear the way you wrote this up.. You said your Wife left with the accused?? What did she have to say?
I really don't think they could fuck that up if they tried to finger you.. If they went to the wrong house the neighbor would say so and then what would stop them from going to yours??
No, right before she left, she came over to bs my wife about a party invite. She wanted it to seem all was good. Wheb the neighbor left, not more than 5 min, I saw all the cops pull in my cul-de-sac.
I had my drivway blocked off, as I always do when I shoot hoops. I hate chasing the ball down the street lol.
Anyway, I thought the same, but when they saw I kept shooting w/out a care, they had no probable cause, couldn't get to my garage, and all element of surprise was long gone.
I do think there's a good chance they'll come back, IF a judge would sign off.
It's not a crime where I live to smell like cannabis, as I'm sure my equipment does. Maybe one of the kids went to their parents and said the house smelt funny? BTW, I never let anyone I don't really know in. Strangest thing. Last week one of the teens used our bathroom to change, when she lived across the street. A few days ago my 4 year ild daughter asked if some 17 year old could come in. WTF??? I said hell no!
Still a 11-14 hour 1K surgevin my electric...Could that be enough?

When I did grow last a few years ago, before the statute, I'd grow 1 plant. Id test S1's Id crossed in Col, stress em, made sure they were potent, and yielded.
I had read you probably wouldn't get in trouble for 1 plant. Not much anyway..
So I did it up.

Here's to my neighbors. 3 years too late
Here's a SECTION of ONE plant! Dispite a little leafy, it was a keeper.
Dam...RATS are bad enough, but this is F'd. They're super religious HYPOCRITES! I've been steaming
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Tasty Buds

Tasty Buds

yeah, it's too much hassle man. like you said, throw the age component in the mix and stuff like this tends to put one on the losing end of the stick. Perhaps a better venture would be to figure out how to mend the relationship. Passive aggressiveness is often bred from some subtle misunderstanding. Correct the understanding, and correct the aggressiveness.
I've really tried. I know what the underlying issue is. I think Dick is a Dick, and I'll flirt with his wife right infront of him. I'm not attracted, plus I'm married. I'm just being myself, and it's messing with him.
It's not, and STILL not my problem if he's insecure. I get along with the wives, but the dudes are fake ass punk
I don't mind religious people. I actually like em, if they practice what they preach. I never intended to come off that way. I think that may happen often to people who get married early/mid 20's? Idk,???


I've really tried. I know what the underlying issue is. I think Dick is a Dick, and I'll flirt with his wife right infront of him. I'm not attracted, plus I'm married. I'm just being myself, and it's messing with him.
It's not, and STILL not my problem if he's insecure. I get along with the wives, but the dudes are fake ass punk
I don't mind religious people. I actually like em, if they practice what they preach. I never intended to come off that way. I think that may happen often to people who get married early/mid 20's? Idk,???
nah, there are just a lot of dudes that are insecure. They know what they have is out of their league and could easily pull someone ten times their quality. Again though, I'd err on the side of caution and not pull alphamale shit on betas when they're neighbors. This world is filled with betas now. It's better to blend in until alpha behavior is necessary I've learned.

I'm also somewhat suspecting the cops weren't there for you at all. Regardless you being outside or not, they wouldn't give two shits if they were there to serve a warrant. A missing autistic kid explains the k9 units. A whole squad facilitates easy planning from the origin point to be able to set up a perimeter from the centralized point. Where I live, I share a fence with low income apartments. I regularly talk to the sheriffs as they're setting up perimeters or looking for person of description.

And once again, don't sweat it. If you don't have anything to be truly hemmed up on, don't stress. Unlawful search and seizure is like chum to ACLU. Otherwise, keep on top of your opsec and don't shit where you sleep by flirting with the douche neighbor's wife. just saying.
Tasty Buds

Tasty Buds

nah, there are just a lot of dudes that are insecure. They know what they have is out of their league and could easily pull someone ten times their quality. Again though, I'd err on the side of caution and not pull alphamale shit on betas when they're neighbors. This world is filled with betas now. It's better to blend in until alpha behavior is necessary I've learned.

I'm also somewhat suspecting the cops weren't there for you at all. Regardless you being outside or not, they wouldn't give two shits if they were there to serve a warrant. A missing autistic kid explains the k9 units. A whole squad facilitates easy planning from the origin point to be able to set up a perimeter from the centralized point. Where I live, I share a fence with low income apartments. I regularly talk to the sheriffs as they're setting up perimeters or looking for person of description.

And once again, don't sweat it. If you don't have anything to be truly hemmed up on, don't stress. Unlawful search and seizure is like chum to ACLU. Otherwise, keep on top of your opsec and don't shit where you sleep by flirting with the douche neighbor's wife. just saying.
I hear ya. Here's the biggest issue. My oldest is 4. Her only friends are tbeir kids. She's loving having friends, so I've done all I could just to avoid em.
I'll keep my mouth shut, eyes, and ears open. We're supposed to be going legal rec soon.
For a Microgrowers license, only $250, and that's for 150 ct.
On 150 count, even at 2k per (cheap as hell here, and med is garbage) it shouldn't take me too long to get a facility to accommodate me. According to Google it's in effect, and legal now, but that's not correct.
67% want it legalized, so that gives me a good shot of opening soin. No need to rock the boat.
Thanks.. Good stuff Tobh


I have heard the quote from a police Sargeant
"If you're not dropping bodies and selling coke they don't have time for you."
I asked him if the medical licenses were a trap.
So if you live in a place with real crime. And don't sell it. Don't sweat. Not worth the money to bust. And they would have already got you.


I’m sure happy I have awesome neighbors omg. If they were concerned about your place they would stake it out prior to knocking on your door if that’s not the case try to stay chill and fake out lame conversations with them in a friendly sincere tone like how’s your son doing? Anything I can do to help? Anything to help get to know him a bit better? Dunno man wish you luck!!!!


Not much help I’m legal long as I grow indoors.

What I found funny is I have a Cop next door and he knew the day I got my permit. I was freaking until I realized him knowing kept down the BS.

Years ago they was trying to give me 10 years for bringing Marijuana into the local jail which I didn’t. They caught the guy bringing it in.

Explain this to me. I have been on Pain Medication for years our Pastor is ok with this but not with Marijuana.



Not much help I’m legal long as I grow indoors.

What I found funny is I have a Cop next door and he knew the day I got my permit. I was freaking until I realized him knowing kept down the BS.

Years ago they was trying to give me 10 years for bringing Marijuana into the local jail which I didn’t. They caught the guy bringing it in.

Explain this to me. I have been on Pain Medication for years our Pastor is ok with this but not with Marijuana.

Maybe give him advice instead of asking him for it. You tell him what's what.


Sounds like a bit of paranoia to me lol. I dunno man. I wouldnt be pissed at my neighbors. Just go talk to em about it. Theyll probably look at you like your crazy. I mean you put a huge list of different things together. Seems kinda crazy u think the power co guy gives a rats ass and is trying to be sherlock holmes. Especially when they have an autistic kid who runs away. U really think they hid him in the car when they got back. Very elaborate collaboration of everyone for 1k watts over avg on an electric bill lol. Thats why i only take one hit before bed now if im growin too...tired of thinkin its a setup! The neighbors know!


i used to deal back in the day, 10/15 people a day and the cop station was about 200 yds down the street, never a problem, (28 yrs)
had hash, oil, mushrooms and acid and growing sometimes, but that stunk up the neighborhood!!
i remember i’d take my friend an ounce of hash every week and we would sit out back smoking and his neighbour was a cop and didn’t give a shit..
he would shoot the shit with us while smoking.
he would get a gram off my buddy once in a while just for girls that he brought home to the hot tub..


I've kept my nose clean in terms of cultivating cannabis, as well as kept the amount of bud I have to a personal level, and only smoke for pain, and it's not much.

To the point. Several cops, unmarked detectives, a K9 truck with a German Shepherd went to my neighbors house today, and knocked on their door while I was outside shooting baskets (it's about all I can do since I've had a failed Spinal fusion.
The neighbor works for the power company, and although I've tried to be cool with them, I don't get along with either husband! They are good friends with each other.
About 5 minutes before the police, K9, and unmarked came to my street, the neighbor came by to bs with my wife, invite her somewhere, then left with their SUV. Next thing I know all these cops show up at that neighbors house (THEY WENT TO THE WRONG HOUSE IMHO). The cops knocked on THEIR door, and finally after a full 5 minutes the kids answered. I continued shooting baskets, as I was on a roll, and have nothing to hide.
Now, there is a spike in my electric overnight, as I record, and produce music, but no more than 1k watts.
These neighbors have an autistic child who run away MAYBE twice a year? Thing is the kid ran away earlier this week, everyone on our block was notified, but the police went looking forcthe kid, NEVER went to the house!
The neighbor's came home as soon as the cops left. She didn't tell us the kid was missing, then came back 15 minutes later with the kid. (She had got him when she came home those few minutes, and snuck him in the SUV.
When they came back, I was still shooting hoops, and she started with a story how they found him in someone's pool.
Wait, doesn't a pool have to be surrounded by a fence?
They tried to have us busted!
I know that's a long read, but I'm not growing, and the last time I grew 1 plant was longer than the statute of limitations.
I should bring some tomatoes in from outside, have em break in, and sue their ass!
I hope ya got that, as I'm dyslexic. I'm educated, but with awful written communication skills.
I'm pissed
Call your lawyer. If there is anything you can do, he will know.
Also, check the Police blotter for your area. That way you can find out what they were there for.


Admittedly I didn’t read every post but you are in a legal state right? Are you in compliance with plant count and possession amount? If so why get worked up over nothing? If I let every jackoff piss me off I’d never be happy.

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