Missouri Recreational might make it the Nov ballot

  • Thread starter Cashmeh
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Sloppy boring business. Remember when seed company’s had like 5 strains they worked and were famous for? Now these company’s have hundreds of diluted regurgitated bullshit with whatever the next hype train is. Over and over and over again. None bother working lines just fem out the runtz pancakes or whatever is to come next. Biggest problem is looks have out effect in the back seat.
Man I know you power grow high end stuff, what’s the story where you are? Able to make a good living?


Fish actions are the best place to buy fish.
But just like weed strains,once let out they spread like wild fire and the prices nose dive.
I like to keep thinking outside the box. Obviously I wouldnt want to stay a small time grower if I got my foot in the door. With all aspects, if you cant beat them, join them. No reason to go broke because idiots up top are greedy. Obv is they are buying the weeds from me they need me more than I need them. As for getting off the ground fast, I feel if others put in the work, they could too. I guess in the end, there wont be room for small time growers ill agree.
For me, going hydro only, I think this will benefit me more than most growers. I have taken the ball and ran with it for a year now, by November it will be 1.5 years. If im subcontracted for growing work, its a possible career change. Atm I make to much money to switch to a cultivator job, they pay less. I would need to work with them, perhaps convert some of their space. Idk honestly. . the skys the limit when I read that Missouri is going rec. I guess my ambition to perhaps employee someone or work side by side with a business owner outweighs my concerns for the price crashes. ultimately everyone benefits from the prices falling right? Everyone except . .those who have been benefiting up until this point. . those small dealers. I dont sell the shit so it dont really bother me, im just trying to get my face behind some of this talent ive got, but I cannot until its legal. I dont think I would get fired for growing, but its for sure a possibility.


Man I know you power grow high end stuff, what’s the story where you are? Able to make a good living?
In town it’s very very difficult. If you don’t have people coming to pick up from out of state your not in business anymore.
All you guys who have your ounce customer base will watch it dwindle once rec passes. Something about going into shops and pretty packaging makes people happy. Even if your weed is better they would rather go look through what the shops have.


In town it’s very very difficult. If you don’t have people coming to pick up from out of state your not in business anymore.
All you guys who have your ounce customer base will watch it dwindle once rec passes. Something about going into shops and pretty packaging makes people happy. Even if your weed is better they would rather go look through what the shops have.
Marketing aint no joke. Guaranteed if we spend just as much money on our marketing campaign as our grow operations that it would be worth it. People dont care, they do what they are told lol. Give them 20 shitty choices and they gladly pick one. Look at these new crypto campaigns, look at the medical marketing shit, hell our damn politicians tell us what we need lol. . and we just go yea yea yea. . we do. Its nothing more than doing what your told.
Alot of people are use to overpaying also, and have been doing it forever now, and for shitty weed. To them, when someone shows them that picture, and gives them some numbers on it, with a cool new name. . well, lets just say I plan on marking the hell out of my services.
Not trying to help anyone break any laws, but if people are having a hard time selling their weed, chances are they grow shitty weed or are way to greedy. So if any of these old guys act as if they gonna go broke after spending 20 years making bank, come on now lol. . perhaps its time to follow the law and make more money doing the same thing.
If they dont legalize it here, I might relocate to somewhere where its easier to do what I want. Currently debt free and needing a reason to sell it all again and move. I flipped it all and will flip the next one too.
Sorry for ranting, but I like the upbeat chatter because theres always a way to win.


I've seen and lived this from several angles in my life. I was busted for cultivation and distribution in the mid 1980's here in Okiehoma. Was looking at a 40 year to life sentence and beat them at there own games because I had public support and enough money to pay for lawyers that played golf and softball with the judge and da and the money to pay all the insane fines they made up as they went along. Was a oil producer back in those days so I was flush with cash at the time. The guy they busted after me had one plant, no money or resources. He got 20 years in the pen. Lost his home, wife, kid,,,, everything. Now it has went nuts the other direction. And there are still laws and rules to be followed and penalty's in some cases worse than every before depending on the mess one gets themselves into. Rec has got through the state senate and judicial review. Now it has to go through petition to be put on the ballot. Then voted on by the people and if passed then state congress to be screwed with even more then the gov. signature. With many of us not going to sign the petition or vote yes on rec because of the insanity medical has caused.


Sorry if I am being a Debbie downer. I run a largish company so I’m sure I look at things completely differently than you. I’m sure you will find a way to prosper if there is one.


I've seen and lived this from several angles in my life. I was busted for cultivation and distribution in the mid 1980's here in Okiehoma. Was looking at a 40 year to life sentence and beat them at there own games because I had public support and enough money to pay for lawyers that played golf and softball with the judge and da and the money to pay all the insane fines they made up as they went along. Was a oil producer back in those days so I was flush with cash at the time. The guy they busted after me had one plant, no money or resources. He got 20 years in the pen. Lost his home, wife, kid,,,, everything. Now it has went nuts the other direction. And there are still laws and rules to be followed and penalty's in some cases worse than every before depending on the mess one gets themselves into. Rec has got through the state senate and judicial review. Now it has to go through petition to be put on the ballot. Then voted on by the people and if passed then state congress to be screwed with even more then the gov. signature. With many of us not going to sign the petition or vote yes on rec because of the insanity medical has caused.
We are far better off now than we were before in MIssouri. I speak to the hole though, as to everyone I know who smokes lol. So much money was going to illinois for weed. Now its all here still, well at least in jobs and quality of product. The prices drop and I see no risk of prison or jail. I guess because I havent made bank selling it illegally I dont feel those changes. I see everyone on here feeling them though lol. . mb guys. I apologize for supporting legalization lol. I was always too big of a puss to grow and risk it all. I only started growing because it became legal. So if im designing hydro systems and growing trees for some big company 3 years from now it was worth it. Had they never went legal to begin i would be at step 0 right now. So to me legalization has done nothing but benefit me.
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Sorry if I am being a Debbie downer. I run a largish company so I’m sure I look at things completely differently than you. I’m sure you will find a way to prosper if there is one.
Lol i bet I do too


We are far better off now than we were before in MIssouri. I speak to the hole though, as to everyone I know who smokes lol. So much money was going to illinois for weed. Now its all here still, well at least in jobs and quality of product. The prices drop and I see no risk of prison or jail. I guess because I havent made bank selling it illegally I dont feel those changes. I see everyone on here feeling them though lol. . mb guys. I apologize for supporting legalization lol. I was always too big of a puss to grow and risk it all. I only started growing because it became legal. So if im designing hydro systems and growing trees for some big company 3 from now it was worth it. Had they never went legal to begin i would be at step 0 right now. So to me legalization has done nothing but benefit me.
I didn’t start till legal either. 👍


Legalization will benefit…..at first……then it will spit you out and step on your face.
If your not the money man IE; owner, ass kisser at the government level you don’t have a chance. Legalization rolled in here a few years ago made no one rich except those mentioned above.
You want a permit from the state to grow?
Well they’ll tell you fat chance, unless you got a buddy in the system.
Don’t get me wrong you can still get one from some broke bastard that’s sitting on it cause he got it at the right time when the getting was good at the beginning. Ohh and he wants 300k because he lost his ass and invested a million plus, now he’s fucked and wants to fuck you.
Don’t get me wrong looks all fine and dandy with all the fun and games at the beginning but gets real extremely fast.
Got one buddy that invested 650k to start a legal grow. Had to invest the money before finalization of the permit. State rolled in looked at all his set up that was installed to the T as the state wanted…..DENIED!!!!
What a fucking stab in the back, apparently didn’t have the inside government kiss ass that was needed to play with the big boys.


The price fell out the bottom of the bag here in NY.
Going for $100 an ounce to the right people here. Was $250 an ounce and straight 1k for Qp...
Lb. was just procured for $800, pure fire !
Poor guys who thought they would make money !
THCA is going for $300 an ounce through a money making middle man ! It takes an ounce to make 3 grams ...
My experience in jumping into the competitive market is you need to offer higher quality for less $ to become recognized .This could take well over a year of sales and proper marketing .
Once the public knows who you are you can work on recouping the ' investment and time' .
I did this with tropical fish ,and became one the most sought out breeders of a particular fish .
Similar to the Trader Joe's grocery store model: what they sell tastes great and sells for much less than you think possible. Their everything bagel shaker is a category killer -- no better options anywhere. Why not combine all the ingredients in 1 applicator?


Oh by the way, thanks Oklahoma for fucking the entire country on the black market!!
I got a big middle finger for them fucking bastards.
Dispensary’s here pay $2500-$3000 a pound to the industrial grows (shit weed)
Black market here $800-$1500 a pound
All the result of legalization in Oklahoma
And fuck ya:)


The whole system is a joke. Imagine if the plant was free to do what we want with it. Boutique growers selling seeds at the farmers market, easy startups for small business who want to share their findings with the world.
All this regulation is not needed for a plant that doesn’t harm anyone. They regulate instead of legalize to fatten pockets nothing more nothing less.
In 20-30 years when there is only a hand full of owners and ounces go for pennys that’s when they will say you can do what you want with the plant.🤨
For me I’ve never and will never obey silly laws and regulations within this plant. I’ve never hurt anyone growing this plant or making a living off of it.


The whole system is a joke. Imagine if the plant was free to do what we want with it. Boutique growers selling seeds at the farmers market, easy startups for small business who want to share their findings with the world.
All this regulation is not needed for a plant that doesn’t harm anyone. They regulate instead of legalize to fatten pockets nothing more nothing less.
In 20-30 years when there is only a hand full of owners and ounces go for pennys that’s when they will say you can do what you want with the plant.🤨
For me I’ve never and will never obey silly laws and regulations within this plant. I’ve never hurt anyone growing this plant or making a living off of it.


So, with the current laws in Mo. they have made it possible for you to cultivate for yourself and others in a caregiver capacity. Why not try that out and see how it goes for you? I mean I had to laugh about Mo making us legal weed dealers anyway, right?
I have a list of people that have contacted me just for that. Thus far, I turn it down. I bought this secluded home way the hell out in the woods to get away from ppl, I sure don’t want them in my drive to buy weed.
I saw how politically charged this first approval was. They told us all it would be Missouri people doing the cultivating. What crap. We have members of the Rothschild family legally growing in Mo. It was bought and sold among politicians like gold. Stupid Mo ppl lieing saying they were board members for useless stocks. Others investing millions into a market that was largely predefined by back alley deals and greed.
Knowing all of this and seeing how all of that went leaves one with a bad taste in their mouth and not exactly something I would base a sound business model on.
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Oh by the way, thanks Oklahoma for fucking the entire country on the black market!!
I got a big middle finger for them fucking bastards.
Dispensary’s here pay $2500-$3000 a pound to the industrial grows (shit weed)
Black market here $800-$1500 a pound
All the result of legalization in Oklahoma
And fuck ya:)
Don’t waste my time, I am older. Next time just tell us how ya REALLY feel! 😂


The debate will rage on. In the meantime the wife and I will set our happy asses on the front porch with our iPads. Big Head Todd and the Monsters playing, good coffee and weed. Doing our thing…
Me and the wife are joining you:)
In mind and spirit!!
Im Gona play with the hemp side legally.
No huge investments, the snake oil of our time:)


Ahh silly growers, even if they let you sell to dispensary’s in the beginning to get things rooling they will boot your asses right out once things are settled in. Seed to sale tracking will be implemented and only licensed facilities will be able to sell products. Moratoriums will pop up everywhere and the big company’s will buy up the license.
Home growers will not benefit from rec one bit. Like mentioned above the only people that will enjoy is the Walmart weed customers lol.
Anyway I highly doubt rec passes in Mo. anyway.
Already here in Florida medical and the seed to sale thing sux for everyone including the end user ! Just promotes greed and shitty product
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