For Sale Tenguseedco

  • Thread starter Trustfall
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I can see those being just as good! Madmarty and Cinderella 👨 both come from my Indiana bubblegum x c99 male that leaned heavy on the bubblegum. Wish I had kept him but didn’t really know what I was doing then. The papaya cake makes them both heavier then their predecessor being a indica hasher strain. Was super happy with as 4 papaya man phenos, but the photo winner was just gorgeous(lost it) but Still trying to save the terp filled pheno. It’s crazy how I can notice all 4 strains in the terp pheno. If it doesn’t make it I’ll be doing more of them soon.
And by the way the Madmartigan male offspring are in flower for the first time🤞🏻I feel I got super lucky with the Cman male and female,the male offspring are putting off the same terps as the female. ( I had nine other papaya 👨 females and everyone of them sucked balls very little terps 🤣) The growth was very similar between the two.
Madmartigan male was very similar to the female as well, They look almost identical in veg. And only having 4 seeds to work with I will feel like I won the lottery if they are similar. The two other female phenos were dog shit just like the other Cinderella mans 😆.
These mean a lot to me because I built them from the ground up. First seeds I was ever gifted(c99) and the first pollination I have ever done.
I also went another route that I haven’t played with yet but I did lemon tree (original diesel x c99). Will be the best high out of them all, I’d bet my bottom dollar on it which ain’t much😅 but it’s what I got.
Man I've gotta say, you truly inspire me. I don't know left from right when it comes to hunting phenos or identifying terps or breeding or anything like that. Hell ive never even had a male plant or have the space to clone and keep plants I like but dude, one day I want what you've got going on 👌


Man I've gotta say, you truly inspire me. I don't know left from right when it comes to hunting phenos or identifying terps or breeding or anything like that. Hell ive never even had a male plant or have the space to clone and keep plants I like but dude, one day I want what you've got going on 👌
It’s a lot of work not going to lie. I squeeze more shit it every round. I think back when I just ran my coco plants on the water system and man that shit was so easy. 😂
Feom 2000-2017-8 I only ever grew clones. So when I was offered free c99 seeds from a friend said sure why not. After growing a few out, they looked like crap would never sel in the market today and too speedy for most smokers(not me 😁) but the terp profiles I found Is what clicked for me. I’ve learned a lot in just a few years. Growing weed is addicting but when you start making strains and testing them and they exceed expectations then you go full blown addict lol. I’m constantly thinking of ways to work things now even when I’m sleeping. A lot of these combos I come up with in the middle of the night🌃 I always prioritize high in cannabis even when I just grew clones so that’s what I do with the seeds. The terps are just icing on the top and when I find them I keep them.


So normal I’m about 50/50 or even lean a little heavy on the male side…
These never got cold or stunted at all, best ratio I’ve ever got if you want females. I was planning on hacking half of them lol. The room just got more complicated then it already was.
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I’ve heard running a cooler temps helps produce more females. My basement generally stays on the cooler side and I have stupid good luck with regs being female. Until I said that now I’m sure I’ll pop a bunch of dudes


I can see those being just as good! Madmarty and Cinderella 👨 both come from my Indiana bubblegum x c99 male that leaned heavy on the bubblegum. Wish I had kept him but didn’t really know what I was doing then. The papaya cake makes them both heavier then their predecessor being a indica hasher strain. Was super happy with as 4 papaya man phenos, but the photo winner was just gorgeous(lost it) but Still trying to save the terp filled pheno. It’s crazy how I can notice all 4 strains in the terp pheno. If it doesn’t make it I’ll be doing more of them soon.
And by the way the Madmartigan male offspring are in flower for the first time🤞🏻I feel I got super lucky with the Cman male and female,the male offspring are putting off the same terps as the female. ( I had nine other papaya 👨 females and everyone of them sucked balls very little terps 🤣) The growth was very similar between the two.
Madmartigan male was very similar to the female as well, They look almost identical in veg. And only having 4 seeds to work with I will feel like I won the lottery if they are similar. The two other female phenos were dog shit just like the other Cinderella mans 😆.
These mean a lot to me because I built them from the ground up. First seeds I was ever gifted(c99) and the first pollination I have ever done.
I also went another route that I haven’t played with yet but I did lemon tree (original diesel x c99). Will be the best high out of them all, I’d bet my bottom dollar on it which ain’t much😅 but
Out of a bunch I put in your original D + C99 were standouts as far strength and look after germination.
Keep you posted.


It’s a lot of work not going to lie. I squeeze more shit it every round. I think back when I just ran my coco plants on the water system and man that shit was so easy. 😂
Feom 2000-2017-8 I only ever grew clones. So when I was offered free c99 seeds from a friend said sure why not. After growing a few out, they looked like crap would never sel in the market today and too speedy for most smokers(not me 😁) but the terp profiles I found Is what clicked for me. I’ve learned a lot in just a few years. Growing weed is addicting but when you start making strains and testing them and they exceed expectations then you go full blown addict lol. I’m constantly thinking of ways to work things now even when I’m sleeping. A lot of these combos I come up with in the middle of the night🌃 I always prioritize high in cannabis even when I just grew clones so that’s what I do with the seeds. The terps are just icing on the top and when I find them I keep them.
You know your onto something when you water young seedlings and you notice the lovely aromas omitted.


Do you have a kind of photo studio with that dark background ?
Truly beautiful pictures and videos.
And amazing looking buds.
Great work, artist level.
We can call it a studio if you would like 😁haha.
If I had more time could have done better with the lighting and adjusting.
When you use a black background then you can go in and edit the black point and shadows giving that super dark look. Here’s a pic before I edit it.
These are all done from my iPhone but I’ve also been taking pics with my full frame camera just haven’t had the time to upload to the computer then edit.
The more I practice the better I get but then I take a couple months off and the photo skills go back down.
After this round of seed making I’m taking a break and will focus on making these gals look good and promote some seed lines.
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