CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread for General BS and Good Will

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I went for ride yesterday and almost put the top down for just a little bit!
The sun was shinning and it was beautiful.
I knew I needed to get out yesterday, they have been building this storm up to be 'biggest of the year'.
The sun makes a huge difference. It doesn't need to be warm out if you are in the sun.
Can't wait to get the summer car out again!
Love going for rides in the Adirondacks or down around Chatham and Hudson.
Hunter and Windham mountains there in background.
Picture taken from the Taconic parkway not yesterday!
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All you others have the fifth season we don't who have winter.
Some get hurricane season, others tornado season, wildfire season or floods and landslides.. 🤷‍♂️ WTF?
We get winter. You can plan for it and most survive it and learn to deal.
Still not thrilled, but on the bright side the tractor has no top, so I'll be going topless tomorrow! 🤣
Is that a standard C6 'Vette? I don't see any Z06 badges. Fun track car with the traction control turned off.


This guy i know shot a 628 pound black bear right here in Albany County NY. Things head and front legs hung off the tailgate in an 8ft truck bed, so like 12 feet long. Thing was massive. Couldnt imagine an 800+ pound bear....
The difference between a 600-something pounder and an 800-something pounder seems to be fat. Part of the population lives by raiding fields and part live mostly in the wildlife refuges. The farmers would consider them pests if they didn't get so much money for renting their lands to guides and hunt clubs. And, of course, some of them are avid bear hunters, too.


Im just coming off a 30 year tolerance break . I cant imagine all this but have made some crude hash. For now my nickname is 1 toke Dave. That is all it takes for a 3 hour high.
I used to constantly have it. From my teenage years to about 30-35 it was every day. Then little by little, either due to being a busier adult, or me just not wanting to be fuzzed out all the time, my brain chemistry changing......probably all of the above, I started having less and less. Over the last 15+ years (I'm 53), I'm down to an occasional one-hit, either a vape pen/cartridge, or one hit in a bowl, or an edible......maybe 2 or 3 days a week. I can easily go a week and have nothing. So at this point, combined with the fact that it's all great, potent stuff, a little bit is all I need.


Called in today.
Second time in 4 years!
Storm is coming tonight they say but it is snowing and raining already here. I don't need to be out in it! 🤷‍♂️
I am in the 8-12 inch area with 18-24 inches being just east and west of me at higher elevations.
Of course, this is not supposed to start till tonight. 🤔
All north easters, eh? ;). Looks like different amounts of rain/sleet mixed in, at least to start. Up here in the northern Adirondacks we might get all snow. We were supposed to drive back to NYC tomorrow......looks like that's changing to Wednesday....


South to me is Columbia County! 🤣
Got half my family in FL. and other is in AZ.
I am only one left in my family who lives with winter.
I don't like it but think there are great days in all seasons.
Getting past Gov't NY has more to offer then many states. I love Maine but would not want to work there or live there in tourist season.
No real desire beside weather to go to any other state at all.
Hoping they are over hyping the power outages..
I rarely lose power, but used to on the regular.
Our power supplier [ 🤬 ] installed some funny box/ switch on the pole across the street from me several years ago.
Since whatever it is I might be in the 10% of people in my town that don't lose power when everyone one else does.
I don't know what it is but I like it!
We get a house up here for quiet living, to escape heat and humidity, with an eye on the next 30+ years.......and now we gotta put up with Elise Stefanik.... :(


Just made my first vegan gummy last night... Never again lol. The texture from using agar agar as the vegan substitute for gelatin is ... Not that appetizing to me

Those are nerds in the middle of the smiley face. Grape juice as the base.

Just going to stick to hard candy in the mean time, I think I got that down pretty well
When it comes to gummies, candies, chocolates.....I just buy them. I'll make tincture, and brownies or cookies.
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So far I've been able to "squeeze" about 10 grams of weed into 1 fluid ounce of final tincture. At some point physics steps in. Either too much of the good stuff is left sticking to the now not fully spent weed, or reducing it starts getting thicker than what we would call a liquid tincture. The more resin that gets stuck to the leftover weed, the better it is for then making butter out of. It's all about how efficiently you can get everything out of the weed and into whatever final edible.
I feel like a 10 percent return seems to be pretty standard on any concentrate I've made, hash, tincture, rso... always seem to get about 10 percent back. Are all buds 10% good stuff and 90% plant material? Mayyyybe lol.


I feel like a 10 percent return seems to be pretty standard on any concentrate I've made, hash, tincture, rso... always seem to get about 10 percent back. Are all buds 10% good stuff and 90% plant material? Mayyyybe lol.
Yeah when they say "25% THC", that's not 25% of the plant, that's 25% of the resin. ;)

10% seems right. It's all a little different but it's still about how many mg. of THC you ingest.


It's a bit over-blown. I have walked hundreds of miles through wetlands in the southeast for work, and while you have to watch not to step on water moccasins and rattlers, I have never had an unhappy snake-related incident and don't know anyone who was ever bitten by a snake or attacked by a gator. And all my ilk are environmental consultants, who are out in it all the time.

That said, the largest black bears on earth are in the eastern North Carolina peatlands. You would not believe how big they get. It seems like every year, some hunter or another gets an 800+ pounder.

I was once driving to a hunting lodge where I was staying while doing some work there. While driving down the long road to the lodge, about a hundred yards ahead of me was a huge bear. When I got too close, he'd run ahead, before finally jumping into a canal and swimming to a wildlife refuge. The locals knew this bear, and have been gunning for him for years, but he'd always disappear into the refuge during hunting season. He was estimated to be 650 pounds, but he was rather athletic. Most of the other giant bears there look fat from gorging on corn. (It's a big agricultural area.)
I saw one bounding across a field once, I was driving, I pulled over to watch him. He was booking it, running from a hunter probably. I didn't know they could go that fast. I had only ever seen mamas with babies or adolescents, they kind of just mosey along. The field was full of round bales and I swear he was as big as they were. He ran across the road and into the woods and stopped once he knew he was safe in the trees. He stood there heaving then walked off after a minute... aside from driving behind a moose with a giant rack that was looking for an opening he so could fit into the woods, that giant black bear has been my coolest wildlife experience in the Adirondacks... but I'm glad I was in cars for both of them lol.


Optical illusion 5x5 is full too but I'm using the front 1.5 ft for fans, humidifier and heater. so my square's a rectangle too..........
Directly behind me is the four by four, I have about a three foot space to get between them or walk through. Standing in the doorway to take the pic always makes it look way smaller than it is. Look at my four by pics, it looks like a two by! I would love to have a five by ten, just no more room ☹️


It's a bit over-blown. I have walked hundreds of miles through wetlands in the southeast for work, and while you have to watch not to step on water moccasins and rattlers, I have never had an unhappy snake-related incident and don't know anyone who was ever bitten by a snake or attacked by a gator. And all my ilk are environmental consultants, who are out in it all the time.
That's what everyone I know that lives n the south says lol... let me rationalize living in this Artic Hellscape.... mmmmk? 🤣 I kid, it's gorgeous for half the year and about 2 months of the remaining 6 before depression and lack of vitamin D set in. 😬


I saw one bounding across a field once, I was driving, I pulled over to watch him. He was booking it, running from a hunter probably. I didn't know they could go that fast. I had only ever seen mamas with babies or adolescents, they kind of just mosey along. The field was full of round bales and I swear he was as big as they were. He ran across the road and into the woods and stopped once he knew he was safe in the trees. He stood there heaving then walked off after a minute... aside from driving behind a moose with a giant rack that was looking for an opening he so could fit into the woods, that giant black bear has been my coolest wildlife experience in the Adirondacks... but I'm glad I was in cars for both of them lol.
Wow! The closest I've come to wildlife has been in the ocean. Had a pod of killer whales(Orcas) give me a gander as I floated around like a silly hor d'oeurvre waiting to be eaten just off the coast of western australia. After they left I had to paddle back in to shore to empty my wetsuit of the crap I took when I felt that first whoosh of something large swimming underneath me.


Here, it could be 28 below or 85 degrees mid winter. The summertime is at times extremely hot with horrible humidity. I’ll take it tho, the idea of half a year with cold snow and ice, I can live without.
We have rattlesnake, copperhead and water moccasins. Bear, cougar, panther and bobcats. You learn from an early age here to know where your next footsteps will fall and to be aware of your surroundings.
Once you get passed all of that, then you must be super careful driving to avoid collusions with bear, deer, elk and five different wild horse herds in our county.
Largest county in our state with the lowest population, I can live with that!


That's what everyone I know that lives n the south says lol... let me rationalize living in this Artic Hellscape.... mmmmk? 🤣 I kid, it's gorgeous for half the year and about 2 months of the remaining 6 before depression and lack of vitamin D set in. 😬
Living in New York City, I've had enough heat, humidity, and population......I'll take many nights below 0 in front of a warm fire to get cooler summer days and nights, fresh air and wilderness......the concept of going south is completely foreign to us. ;)


Directly behind me is the four by four, I have about a three foot space to get between them or walk through. Standing in the doorway to take the pic always makes it look way smaller than it is. Look at my four by pics, it looks like a two by! I would love to have a five by ten, just no more room ☹️
Ya bigger is better but I can't smoke all I'm growing now......I started growing 4 just to get me through to the next grow and I'd be scraping the bottoms of my jars before my next harvest.......

Then I found this place and all hells broken loose. To fit in I had to up my game and produce better weed more consistently......

So I'm now producing more than I can smoke and I'm caught in a stream of making more, bigger, thicker, sweeter, sparklier.........more more more.......when does it end? I just got a new time soon I guess.....😂
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