Hey Granny do or have you ever used Azomite or gypsom in a grow?..........I get info all over the place and who knows where I got some info on Azomite saying good stuff........so I needed to make up an order for free shipping an I added a bag...wtf ...lol.....my grey matter says good stuff......same deal with gypsom.......they've been sitting taking up space.......so with new soil I thought wtf....I added 1tbs/gal to my soil mix of each..............I then transplanted 2 clones into 3/4 gal pots using that mix.......I'd transplanted 2 other same aged clones into my previos mix without the az or gy 3 days earlier.........
Okay so if you got that.......I now have 4 in 3/4 gal pots 2 from 1 mix with the stuff 2 without.......3 days later my stalks in the new mix have swollen or enlarged at the base......to me that says great bigger means better right....but if that's so then wtf have I been missing all this time?.....these pics were taken of the plants yesterday.
Both of the 2 in the new mix did the same thing....that's why I noticed it otherwise it wouldn't stand out.
knee pokes ouch i'm out