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Otto Bonn

Otto Bonn

The folks at Burpee Seed finally responded..."yes, we're sorry but we had a vendor mixup"
Obviously these are not Beefsteak Tomatoes but they would't tell me what kind they are. They just said "It's not a variety we stock"
I'm just calling it Jerry Garcia, the striping on some was really wild. Flavor is amazing too.
The best they would do is offer me any one seed packet for 'free'. Seems pretty lame when I invested 4 Months and ended up with yellow/orange salsa!😄
71200384871  A5DB4275 07F9 42E0 AFC8 A2A805C25C7C 1


The folks at Burpee Seed finally responded..."yes, we're sorry but we had a vendor mixup"
Obviously these are not Beefsteak Tomatoes but they would't tell me what kind they are. They just said "It's not a variety we stock"
I'm just calling it Jerry Garcia, the striping on some was really wild. Flavor is amazing too.
The best they would do is offer me any one seed packet for 'free'. Seems pretty lame when I invested 4 Months and ended up with yellow/orange salsa!😄
I had some striped tomatos this year (intentionally) later on I’ll see if I can find the seed packet I probably still have some left, they looked exactly like that pretty cool looking actually 😁
Otto Bonn

Otto Bonn

I had some striped tomatos this year (intentionally) later on I’ll see if I can find the seed packet I probably still have some left, they looked exactly like that pretty cool looking actually 😁
I saw a variety recently that I believe was called Mr. Stripey maybe? I dunno, I like the name 'Jerry Garcia' better than Mr. Stripey


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
The folks at Burpee Seed finally responded..."yes, we're sorry but we had a vendor mixup"
Obviously these are not Beefsteak Tomatoes but they would't tell me what kind they are. They just said "It's not a variety we stock"
I'm just calling it Jerry Garcia, the striping on some was really wild. Flavor is amazing too.
The best they would do is offer me any one seed packet for 'free'. Seems pretty lame when I invested 4 Months and ended up with yellow/orange salsa!😄
Man I’ve had a ton of trouble this year with burpee seeds. Granted I live on scorched earth but still, germination rates were god awful. Everything we tried except Romaine lettuce failed…..and some peppers.


tired of junk flashlights as i need a good one for working nights at golf course as it’s literally pitch black at night and this one is incredible!..
i can easily golf in the middle of the night and see where my drives land with this baby!.,
IMG 6623
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