Newbie used neem oil on big buds, still has caterpillars

  • Thread starter werifesteria
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I hear you! I don’t use it or any of that crap. I doubt if spraying it is any worse for you than smoking it later! But 3/4 of the people on this forum don’t seem to mind. Depends on how bad you want to get a loaded!


@Madbud @MisterHelix is BT as hazardous as the label makes it out to be? I got some on my finger and some blowback misting when the sprayer came undone under pressure, and I ran to take a long hot shower. Do I need to Walter White-up to use this stuff or are the printed warnings out of an abundance of caution?
I used to watch an organic garden show where the guy made a point by spraying BT directly in his mouth. It’s pretty safe and is available organically. But it is a biological control and has to be eaten after mixed and applied to the plant. But it works like a champ. I had a bad year with the little bud worms and after that, I used BTK at first sight of a worm and haven’t had any issues since.


I used to watch an organic garden show where the guy made a point by spraying BT directly in his mouth. It’s pretty safe and is available organically. But it is a biological control and has to be eaten after mixed and applied to the plant. But it works like a champ. I had a bad year with the little bud worms and after that, I used BTK at first sight of a worm and haven’t had any issues since.
I did get about half the plant sprayed before paranoia set it (Thuracide's label is intended to frighten) and so today I found both black, shriveled up, dead caterpillars, some lively greens, and one tiny white baby.

I'll mix a new batch and spray in the AM.


I hear you! I don’t use it or any of that crap. I doubt if spraying it is any worse for you than smoking it later! But 3/4 of the people on this forum don’t seem to mind. Depends on how bad you want to get a loaded!
How do you keep spider mites and caterpillars away?


I’ve never gotten caterpillars. And I spray my outdoor plants with water on a regular basis, and it seems to keep the other stuff in check. And if the plant was small enough, I would flip it upside down and submerge it in a garbage can full of water and drowned all the little fuckers! But I seem to be in a relatively pest free area. A few years ago I had mites and tried spraying several different things, and it was futile. So I just trashed them. I have an unreasonable distrust of manufacturers claims! After that, I decided to get imaginative with just using water and so far it has worked out very well. One other thing that bothers me, is that certain things that when heated go from benign to harmful. A lot of these manufacturers claims only refer to ingesting it. If you have to use it, use it life is a calculated risk! Good luck.


Just for shits and giggles, you might want to email product support for Monterey, lost coast, plant therapy, the various manufacturers, and ask them if their product is safe to smoke.


I mean I went through about 1/3 of the plant and picked out bugs, webs, poop, and any kind of rot or drying or just anything weird.

Also a 50 year old here but with fibro, lumbar herniations, arthritis, and both knees are f*cked. Some days it's all I can do to stand up. I'll see what I can do w her. Thanks mate.
The spider mites happen to me this year. But I got the best recipe and it's 100% okay for your plant. You need one of those sprayers because the regular pump sprayers going to have your hand hurting really quick because you have to spray both the top and the bottom of the leaves with this. It's 1/4 cup peppermint Castile soap one quarter cup tea tree oil Castile soap one cup of rubbing alcohol and one tablespoon of peroxide. Mix with 2 quarts of warm water. This to me was miraculous! Everything dead! The first time I did this I ordered the Soaps from online and it was kind of expensive. I went to the local store here, Meijers, and they had both of those in the store, on hand, generic brand, for 10 bucks (32 oz) each.


How do you keep spider mites and caterpillars away?
Here's the best recipe. It works every time period and it's a 100% okay for your plant. I am a big grower and this is the only thing I will use. It kills on contact and it kills everything! 1/4 cup peppermint Castile soap
1/4 cup tea tree oil Castile soap
One cup alcohol (rubbing, 70%)
One tablespoon hydrogen peroxide
2 quarts warm water. That is it! Mix it up and kill them! I use a sprayer and I do a quadruple batch. Make sure you get the whole plant top of the leaves and the bottom of the leaves and also I spray around the dirt at the bottom so the bugs can't get to the plants, (well at least the ones that crawl)! Happy Farming!


Can you out GRAV The Gravmaster???
For caterpillars slugs and other crawlies like that... WRAP THE BASE OF YOUR STALK WITH COPPER FLASHING... those types of bugs will get shocked!!!!


@Madbud @MisterHelix is BT as hazardous as the label makes it out to be? I got some on my finger and some blowback misting when the sprayer came undone under pressure, and I ran to take a long hot shower. Do I need to Walter White-up to use this stuff or are the printed warnings out of an abundance of caution?
Guy i don’t mix soil without gloves and a mask. This is nasty stuff we use. Madcow from bonemeal has been suspected. I wouldn’t want to spray anything in my eyes either so wear glasses at least.


For caterpillars slugs and other crawlies like that... WRAP THE BASE OF YOUR STALK WITH COPPER FLASHING... those types of bugs will get shocked!!!!
I would love to but I'm broke af and trying to figure out how to pay for castile soap lol. Where can I get that cheap af?


aww bud that totally sucks

Buds sprayed with neem oil taste awful in my opinion

( I read here someone didn’t mind the taste that I must admit is a first for me still we ain’t all the same I guess and no Ill will intended just a opposite opinion).

Am disabled as well so i get needing it

I done it once before the net was about to tell me better and did what you did ; spray the buds they tasted really foul
I turned it all into bubble hash to try to get something that I could smoke

I can’t remember how that turned out to long ago however I guess it was less foul tasting am sure it was going by memory albeit you can’t wash it off

If you want cheep make your own it’s easier than you’d think and there’s loads of recipes on various sites.

personally I’d look into other ways next time like companion plants and I think there’s a bark you can lay around bug’s don’t like there are various things you can plant ect

Either way good luck
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Just a after thought actually tbh it was seeing the milk thing that reminded me that said think milks maybe a more of powdery mildew thing either way if you use milk dont use fatty milk.

It’s pretty common to wash outside buds in a mix of water,baking soada and lemon to remove dust,bug poop and bugs that got stuck to the buds and dies, ect that might help you clean the neem oil of the buds at a guess either way it’s not harmful and is pretty common thing to do with a outside grow after it’s been chopped esp if you live near a busy road some will go the extra mile and add hydrogen peroxide to kill mould however if your just cleaning the contaminants the Baking soda/lemon thing will do the trick.
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