OBAMA! we been lied to...

  • Thread starter SRHninja
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Well guys I'm glad were catching on faster then we did with bush.. heres a video im sure alot of you have seen its called THE OBAMA DECEPTION...


their is alot of real good information in their...

Obama makes EX FED RESERVE PRESIDENT our Natl. Treasurer. That alone is enough to know :sign0065:

I want to spread this information around as fast and mass as possible.. If we are headed for a revolutionary war again I'm recruiting now...

The time will come when we as AMERICANS will have to stand up and fullfill the oath of Protecting our consitution from both Foreign and DOMESTIC ENEMIES...

We can not be passive this new decade as we have been in the past..


The time will come when we as AMERICANS will have to stand up and fullfill the oath of Protecting our consitution from both Foreign and DOMESTIC ENEMIES...

We can not be passive this new decade as we have been in the past..[/QUOTE]

NO SHIT!! TIME TO WAKE UP... We will have another civil war type thing happen here in USA...

We MUST stand up for the constitution.....

It is not that the constitution is outdated or wont work in our modern society, It is that we dont live by it anymore..... It will work for anyone at anytime... It is an inspired document and the best the world has had to date....


agreed... we need a organization for the people.. something like Norml to bring all our voices as one.. like a activist network or something


lol well you have to understand easyrasta its not bush, its not clintion and its obviously not OBAMA.... Its the private banks that own the FEDERAL RESERVE that calls the shots for this nation...

MONEY IS POWER and if the Federal reserve (NOT A FEDERAL AGENCY) is in control of AMERICAS ECONOMY you tell me who the hell is running things! it sure as hell is not the president or congresss!

This is bigger then one man and we need to learn that these presidents are just like Entertainment tv... its just something to keep us unfocused while they run a muck right under our noses!


SRH - Its seems to me that you are a sheeple of Rupert Murdock. Don't let a news agency that has always tried to distort the truth, feed you with bullshit. Most of their slogans are to cover up their own slant. Fair and Ballanced? Bullshit, watch Outfoxed and see the wool that has been pulled over your eyes.

And as people try to block health care while people like me can't get insurance (black listed due to condition).

Not the site for this IMO.. :)


lol well you have to understand easyrasta its not bush, its not clintion and its obviously not OBAMA.... Its the private banks that own the FEDERAL RESERVE that calls the shots for this nation...

MONEY IS POWER and if the Federal reserve (NOT A FEDERAL AGENCY) is in control of AMERICAS ECONOMY you tell me who the hell is running things! it sure as hell is not the president or congresss!

This is bigger then one man and we need to learn that these presidents are just like Entertainment tv... its just something to keep us unfocused while they run a muck right under our noses!

Here is the problem with your arguement:

The banks (and big corp) have the republicans lobbying for them. This whole thing is cyclical, look at the banking disasters of the 80's and 90's. Yes, this has happened before.

What happens is that banks and any large corperation will look to bend the rules in any way they can, there is no reason for them not to and a huge bonus for them if they do. What people do not seem to understand is that the large corperations are not out for the good of the people but the good of a few rich people getting richer and fucking over the rest of us. Im sure you remember record oil profits while americans were paying over 5 bucks a gallon. No companies will push and push and push, untill some puts an end it it.

Its not even 10 years since the last banking crisis, my how short our memory is? 10 years before that it was the same thing.

The bottom line is that if government does not come in from time to time and regulate, people go bat shit crazy and will fuck everyone else at he expanse of their bonus/promotion, etc.

The republicans did not want to make sure that businesses are conducting business properly. They generally are the old money grubbing type that think, "If it all goes to hell, i have my money in gold and tapes of all of Glenn Beck's lunitical raving in the bomb shelter in the basement."

Your federal reserve rant.. I don't think i'll even get started. I think im done here. Its not like someone is going to read my post and suddenly come to jesus..


Sorry if im a bit pissy about this but to see so many Americans lied to and believe it as truth really upsets me :)


come on people,
are we really going to let a youtube video influence like this?
its youtube, its YOUTUBE! you wanna know the real truth? there is a market for shit like this. guess what, someone got paid to make that video. they got paid to make it fuck with you as much as possible, and lets just say its working.


Sounds like your agreeing with me... or im agreeing with you.. what do you think i meant??

i simply meant

What i mean is The Federal Reserve is wrong and should be abolished.
Our consitution has never been treaded on more then now.
And our president is not in control its private bankers... with the interest of a small group not us as americans...

Big brother is trying to take our rights away right infront of our face while putting these puppets out here with the media to keep us unfocused on whats really going on...

Lost never be passive you will be suprised what a rant can do.. it was a rant that opened my eyes and my rants have opened a few others eyes... they may not believe the every theory..


our constitution is in danger our president is a fraud and private banks run our economy!

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their father conquered.”
-Thomas Jefferson


come on people,
are we really going to let a youtube video influence like this?
its youtube, its YOUTUBE! you wanna know the real truth? there is a market for shit like this. guess what, someone got paid to make that video. they got paid to make it fuck with you as much as possible, and lets just say its working.

OBAMA made ex ny federal reserve president our national treasurer and your going to undermine that?

YOUTUBE is a host site dont undermine the info because of the site that has the vid uploaded....i get paid to grow weed does that mean thats the only reason i stand up for legalization FUCK NO....

i'm not agreeing with everything just the facts that obama is a liar based upon his decisions and what he said..

but their are facts within the vid....


The Federal Reserve is a parasite.No Government can give you freedom.Democrats and Republicans were once the SAME party..they split and now dominate by forcing an artificial dichotomy down our throats at every turn.or so it seems to me.


Thomas Jefferson also reniged on his promises to indians that faught shoulder to shoulder with him. Years later he stole their land and forced them to move out west, so name recognition does little here, he was a great and also terrible man.. Ideas 250 years old have no or little bering today, part of the problem we have today relating to our forefathers, but thats another rant :)

That being said, your quote says not to let currency fall into the hands of private banking, and then you want to abolish the fed which would put the currency control in the hands of.... private banks?


The fed is private bankers... nothing federal about that shit...

Ideas meaning our constitution? you really think that document is out of date? that it has no bering?



our constitution is in danger our president is a fraud and private banks run our economy!

Not a fact but an opinion and an flawed one at that. If it were not for Obama and his reform, I would be out on the streets months ago. Because of Obama I was able to get thru a rough spot (the additional unemployment), and now I am on my way to being an American that is contributing to the economy. Because of Obama, hopefully I will be able to get health care.

Private banks are run by laws and if we could get proper laws on the books to keep things like this from happening in the first place that would be a start. The fact that we are so reliant on banks shows us a little about where we are today and where as a country we need to go. Are any of the bank COE's in jail right now because of their actions? Nope, they just got paid the biggest bonuses in years.

The Higher ups at the banks, are the ones that largely caused this (and the Iraq war, but what? Pull out and let 100's of thousands be murdered in ethnic genocide? No we made our bed there, now we gotta sleep in it.)


The fed is private bankers... nothing federal about that shit...

Ideas meaning our constitution? you really think that document is out of date? that it has no bering?

Would you rather have non-bankers run the fed? Where are they going to get their experience from? How will they know what o do?

Parts of our constitution are out of date. Thats why there are ammendments. You don't believe in slavery do you?


Man you praising Obama for giving extentions lol all that is, is to give our broke asses money so we can spend it that way the economy looks good...

Im on Unemployment as well.... and your right it has saved my ass but just because i benefit off of it does it mean its right?

OBAMA has said all this shit and done the opposite...

He says NO more secret meetings and what the hell is going on?

He said the patriot act was against our constitution and he was going to throw it out

You said PROPER LAWS.. hahaha well you think obama is going to set up proper laws? fuck no.. no ones done shit since kennedy to reform the Federal Reserve Act...

and he got killed....

also obama wants health care to be mandatory... sounds like a good thing for the companies...

All your doing is making us go in dept more by contributing to the economy with unemployment sure it looks good now but that money isnt yours. Wheres that money coming from?

It may look good now but when people realize wait a minute all he was doing was spending money that didnt exist!

(NO I BELIEVE ALL MEN WERE CREATED EQUAL) like the constitution says..

i dont understand why you would call spending money you didnt earn or that exist contributing to the economy...

You act like the federal reserve is a Government agency or something... when reality is some group of private bankers own the federal reserve..

I DO NOT THINK THESE PEOPLE should dictate our currency!


Hommie, you and me paid into unemployment for years. That is our money. We have a government in power to aid the people in a time of need. I guarntee you that I have paid more in then I will ever get out. I have no problem with that.

I know it hard to grasp, but if money would not have been spent, we would be in the 2nd great depression.

I see all this Obama rage.. Where is the Congress rage? Where is the rage against the obstructionists?

So easy to jump on the bandwagon and bash Obama. If the recession would have happend one year earlier, everyone's views would be totally different, and they would see that Obama has pulled us out of the biggest hole in American history. The shame is that because of media, he will only be acknoledged as a great president after he is out of office. Such a sad state human nature is..


informative video the movie has been out for 2 years i believe but its mainly to get the people scared not to inform :( the best tactic is to make us feel we have no hope so we either get gung ho and try to "shut them down" sort of speak so they can impose martial law or we just give in and continue to be the sheep! The phrase i keep hearing in my head is from oddly enough Kat Williams "control the shit u can control" which is u and you family make sure yall are informed,safe and secure cuz the other people out there will have to do the same for themselves! anyone can find the truth u just have to look for its always been there waitin for u to find it! my 2cents :)


NO im not bashing obama i said this was bigger then obama its bigger then congress.. its just a show they get on their and battle each other tooth and nail bad mouthing and behind closed doors its dinner and all laughs..

And your right about us paying in WAAAY MORE.. but thats taxation with out representation...

My congress is stepping up and speaking against what is happening they have been threatened several times as far as my representitives (im not givin location away) so maybe you should get on the ass of yours lol...

(also its not the congress who promised all this bullshit and then turns around and does the opposite.. you know what to expect out of those assholes but here u got OBAMA CHANGE THIS CHANGE THAT NO MORE SECRETS A PRESIDENT FOR THE PEOPLE!!! ) ERRRRR WRONG! OBAMA made alot of claims and were wanting to hold him accountable

I'm saying Obama is just another suit... another puppet.. just another president in this time and day that is not working for the people...

Neither is the congress as a whole...

They take millions from lobbiest, and you think their isnt a price to pay for that? theirs always a catch...


Made Natl. Treasurer a guy who was Ex president for NY FEDERAL RESERVE

WINTA: we have to help inform those... alot of people dont even know what the hell the federal reserve is... or the presidents in the past that have fought against it or why....

I rather get gun ho and make the inevitable happen quick rather then be a sheep and it eventually happen anyways...

Educating your family and preparing is very smart how ever just sittin at your house with your family waiting on the inevitable isnt good... EXERCISE your rights...

im sure when america broke away from the old country people thought the same way CONTROL WHAT U CAN... but thank god some people were willing to die trying...
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