Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Broken branches, trees are snapping hopefully we don’t loose power
Yeah that is definitely the worst part. I actually had 2 trees come down recently, ripped the lines plum off my house, then the very next day, another came down on my race cars trailer……I hope you don’t end up like that….1 sec
Took out my shed and alllllmost got my car….
IMG 9671
IMG 9670
IMG 9668
IMG 9672
IMG 9678


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
When I was a teenager we had a freak storm that covered everything in a layer of ice. It started when I was working a shitty retail job. On the way home there were cars in ditches all along the road. I tried to turn into the driveway and the car kept going straight.

The power was out for about a week. We all sat on the back porch listening to trees cracking and falling in the woods from all the layers of ice. It was some freaky shit.
I don’t miss that at all. Though snow is beautiful sometimes…..


Wife is home and I'm feelin' motivated again. Just filled and prepped 2 fabric pots for planting. Going to pop a white rhino and a northern lights. Giving it a couple days for the mycorrhizae and bacteria to colonize the promix. Should be seeded in a couple days.


Glad to hear she is home!!!
Yeah that is definitely the worst part. I actually had 2 trees come down recently, ripped the lines plum off my house, then the very next day, another came down on my race cars trailer……I hope you don’t end up like that….1 sec
Took out my shed and alllllmost got my car….

Had a tree fall on our car trailer also. Why are they tree magnets??!!?!


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
So, thoughts on reusing soil/coco?

I'm thinking next grow I may try it. It's such a pain in the ass hydrating, rinsing, and buffering these bricks.
Idk about soil per-se but coco or peat like Promix, yeah I reuse it all the time. Been doing it for years. I never throw it away. I keep a pile pretty much at all times.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
How do you store extra?

I have 6 bricks buffering now for the transplant. Won't need that much but thought I'd do overkill just in case.

Do you add anything to help the old roots break down?
I remove them. If you are in grow bags, take a bin set open side in the bin, then literally punch the crap out of the rootball. All over It will loosen the dirt a bunch, then dump that out and hold the rootball in the bag while you dump it. Then remove roots.
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