Justiceman's grow: The quest for Resin

  • Thread starter justiceman
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Damn!!! Where'd you get that piece?? Shit is sick as fuck as D Loc would say lol



Quest Statistics

Alright guys so I finally got everything weighed and the total is 310.5g or 11.089oz.

Green Crack = 212.7g(7.6oz) so that averages about 70.9g(2.53oz) per plant.
Granddaddy = 97.8g(3.49oz) so that averages about 32.6g(1.16oz) per plant

600w HPS = .5175 Grams per watt

So I ended up getting roughly .5g per watt. It is not the best ratio out their but I would say that it is probably on the level of decent. I am most definitely happy with my yield and it will surely last me a long while since I don't smoke too heavily. I am aiming to improve my technique to the point where I can get at least 1g per watt consistently. Obviously all of these numbers depend on strain, conditions, ect.

It is obvious who the winner is in terms of yield. The Green Crack no hesitation. I do however have an affinity for the smell of the granddaddy and I definitely don't scoff at it for its lower yield. It still put out some quality nugs. I am loving both of them. Maybe I will grab these cuts again later down the road and try to really max them out as I know I have not truly potentialized them this time around.

All in all I had a great run this time around and I learned a lot of things. I can't wait to start my next quest and implement my knew found knowledge into it. I will be starting up the next quest quite soon here. I just have to get a few things in order(as in the right cuts)

Next Quest Changes
100% Canna coco
400w 6.4k Sun Pulse MH(replace 400w hortlix for veg)
PBP nutrients
Roots Excelurator
Active intake(Will purchase new booster fan for active intake instead of the current passive intake.


Hey bro excellent work very proud of your accomplishments cant wait for the next quest


who's this green society guy??? wat a loser! lol

Ya who is that guy anyway. He must be the biggest loser in the whole world. You might as well just leave my journal greensociety. Who wants a society full of green anyway.

Hahahaha Just kidding Greensociety you know I have much respect for ya. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my grow man! Your positive influence has definitely helped me along my quest!

Justiceman's BHO Instructional(Rough Draft)

On this BHO run I used Granddaddy purple sugar leaf trim. I am NEW(3 runs down) to making BHO and by no means am I claiming for my technique and knowledge to be 100% correct. Butane is a combustible pressurized gas and technically their will always be some type of risk involved. It is imperative that RISKS be MINIMIZED by following the correct procedure. I have done this to the best of my ability. I have Read a few other tutorials on the internet and I believe to have a fairly decent idea of how things work.

2 Pyrex dishes(One SMALLER and One LARGER)
1 Extraction tube(home made, O kief, Glass tube)
Butane(Vector, Lucienne, Colibri, king ect) 3-5x refined
1 Razor blade
1 Stove
1 Stove Mitten
1 Torch(optional)

Safety Procedures and Cautions:
ALWAYS read multiple instructionals and tutorials to get a good idea of what the right things to do are.
DO NOT Inhale massive quantity's of butane. I know it is tempting to stick your face into the Pyrex dish to see what's happening but I don't thing it's very healthy.
DO NOT smoke, or use any type of flame anywhere near the area you are making BHO.
ALWAYS make BHO preferably outside or in an extremely well ventilated area. Keep in mind that butane is heavier then air so it sinks to the ground.
ALWAYS inspect how many times your butane has been refined. 3-5x is acceptable. There exists many brands But I have personally tried Lucienne, Vector, and King. I have also heard that Colibri is good.
ALWAYS inspect your butane tube and make sure everything is tight and sealed. Air leaks can do weird things. I have heard of tubes propelling into the air from the pressure, or people getting face fulls of butane weed haha. Although it sounds funny it's not so It's important to stay SAFE. Also ensure that the inside of your tube is clean. If not just run a rag through it, or you can do the whole shebang and clean it with alcohol.
REMEMBER to not use too much butane. I have heard that it takes about 300ml of butane to extract 95% of the oil from around 20g, obviously depending on your packing technique. I beleive the packing technique to honestly be the most crucial part of the whole process. If you use TOO MUCH I have heard that you get green less potent oil and it obviously doesn't taste as good either. Remember you can ALWAYS do a second run to get the rest of the oil so make sure that first run has that PURITY! That's what BHO is all about!

Preparation Phase

First you are going to need your material. Many say that you have to use pure nug's to make the finest BHO and I do not doubt that pure nug's make really great BHO, however I would rather smoke them and just make BHO out of sugar leaf. IMHO sugar leaf makes really good BHO and I don't have to use any of my buds so I'm happy with that.

Now you may need a packing tool(I use the end of the spoon). I mostly just pack by hand, but a little assistance never hurt anyone. I have read that it is essential to stuff your material in fairly hard. Obviously not so much that their is no air flow, but the material should have a really snug fit. Mind you it should be a uniformly snug fit. That is why the packing tool is good because it usually insures an even pack. Uneven packs lead to BLOW OUTS because of uneven pressure build up and know one wants that. Remember SAFETY first with pressurized flammable gas. Don't be afraid to pack it in tight, just not ridiculously tight. Also make sure to have your OVEN MITT as your extraction tube will go below zero when the butane begins to evaporate and leave the can.

Now you have your tube all packed up and you have checked your seals, screens, filters, ect. to make sure they are all on tight and secure. Check all your equipment to make sure you have all you need. Good now you are ready! Also make sure to heat up some water almost to boiling point as you will need it shortly after you extract the butane into the first SMALL Pyrex dish.

Extraction Phase

Take your SMALL Pyrex dish and Butane along with your extractor(packed with material) outside. Place the dish onto a secure place(ground, table, ect). Put on your OVEN MITT so that your hand will be protected. Hold the extractor tube with the hand you have the OVEN MITT on. Place your extractor about 1-2" away from the dish(mine has a stand, some don't). Take your Butane into your free hand and press it down onto the Injection nozzle. Some people hold it for 20 seconds pause and then empty the rest of the can. I believe this is a method to get more. I do not understand it and so far I just empty the whole can with no pause. Take your pick. You will notice the can begins to change pitch and it feels as if it isn't letting much butane out anymore. It is Cashed. Set it aside grab a new bottle and Tane some more If you feel you can get more, or you have another tube packed(like me as I always have both packed). I have heard to just continue running Butane Until you start seeing green liquid come out(chlorophyll). I don't wait that long since I do second runs anyway. REMEMBER that OVEN MITT! The extraction tube gets below freezing during the release of the butane.
Damn that's cold!

Purge Phase

You may notice a slightly green/amber/clear liquid in your Pyrex dish. That is the Tane and Oil. Remember that Hot almost boiling water you set aside earlier? Now is the time for it to be used. Pour the very hot water into the LARGE Pyrex dish and take it OUTSIDE to the SMALL Pyrex dish with the Tane and Oil. Place the Small Pyrex dish on top of the Hot water in the LARGE Pyrex dish so that it is floating on top of hot water. Very soon you will start to see the Infamous Purge. It actually looks really cool. This is the Butane evaporating. You should Purge with this method OUTSIDE for at least 10-20 minutes depending on how much butane you used. You may have to get more hot water and re fill the larger Pyrex dish OUTSIDE if the first dish didn't evaporate most of the butane.

Second Purge Phase

Now After following the first Purge Phase correctly your Oil dish should look something like this.
Do you notice how no liquid is present anymore, and their just seems to be a very slight gloss of "something" and a few bubbles. Some say that the bubbles are butane that can't escape. At this point things are relatively safe since you evaporated most of the butane outside. You can safely and quickly apply a torch to pop the butane bubbles and let out the remaining gas(Do this at your own risk) After your Dish looks like the picture above you can safely take it inside. Make sure it is still sitting int he LARGE Pyrex dish with water. Place the Large Pyrex dish on the stove and turn it somewhere between medium and low.
This is the final purge that is supposed to get any small amounts of remaining butane out. Make sure the water is hot to the touch but You don't want it to boil and damage the precious BHO. Leave it in this "double boiler" method for at least 20-30 minutes although I have heard many leave it on low for 1 hour. After this is done your BHO is ready to harvest from the dish!

Harvest Phase

Now you will need your razor blade. I would clean it with iso alcohol just to keep everything nice and sterile. Take you oil dish out of the LARGE Pyrex dish, and set it on to a table where you can have a seat. Grab your razor blade and start scraping away. It is important to try and keep the razor level because as the oil cools it becomes very hard and it shatters. If the oil stays warm is is oily and plyable. Some people re warm their dish if it gets too cold and hard to scrape or others literally put their dish in the freezer so they can just get it all off in shard form. That is essentially pure preference. You can re mold the shards onto a ball if you like or you can keep them as shards. You can even just put the shards into a vial and melt it into oil with a little bit of heat. It's really potent stuff, and I love it. Here is what the dish looks like right before harvest. I realize it's hard to see the oil because of the wood table. I didn't think of it at the time.
Here are some Harvest shots for you guys! Once again thanks for reading and any comments critique or love are welcome!


Chillin' in the Shade...
Once again justiceman... That's an awesome oil tutorial!!! Makes me want to try it next run... How hard is it to clear all the used trim from those tubes? :wondering


That is some potey ass stuff!!! I would NOT have been able to drive after that session lol I felt hella bad for that man who's whole society is green. lol that fools a character. I got that one nug Jack Herer :) shit is FIRE!

Just a preview for yah :)




I JUST learned how to upload pictures using THCfarmer lol! I usually just use photobucket.
Jack Herer BPCC


Chillin' in the Shade...
I JUST learned how to upload pictures using THCfarmer lol! I usually just use photobucket.
Very nice quality and resolution Sup! I use Photobucket, but I can't figure out how to get the picture to open as a pop up window like the Farms...


Once again justiceman... That's an awesome oil tutorial!!! Makes me want to try it next run... How hard is it to clear all the used trim from those tubes? :wondering
Thanks man! It's pretty easy to clear out the used trim. I just get a long stick or rod and i push it all out in one motion.

dam very nice never knew how yall did that! lol
Well now you know! Glad I was able to inform someone that didn't already know how it was made.

That is some potey ass stuff!!! I would NOT have been able to drive after that session lol I felt hella bad for that man who's whole society is green. lol that fools a character. I got that one nug Jack Herer :) shit is FIRE!

Just a preview for yah :)
Hell ya man that jack looks super dank! Dude that Jack tastes damn good too. Excellent stuff! I would have no problem growing it at all!

Very nice quality and resolution Sup! I use Photobucket, but I can't figure out how to get the picture to open as a pop up window like the Farms...
Ya those pics are definitely high quality. I also use photobucket. I don't think the picture will ever pop up like the farm's unless you use the farm's feature though.


They have a new sticky up in the forum help area that shows an easy way to.

Yah this new camera is sick! Its just a point and shoot, but every picture comes out hella good. You don't even need to really try with it. It has this self correcting blur thing that helps reduce that a lot. You can zoom in to just the trichomes and it's still pretty clear.



Nice I like to see that The BPCC is doing real good with that Supreme Quality as always. Dont feel bad for me player I keep it rocking surrounded by green


Bro the name says it all. There is NOTHING in and or around your society that isn't green. Maybe some purple stuff. and some blue stuff. but that's it! lol



Society's engulfed in Green FTW! Good to see you poppin in here more often friend. Did you check out my BHO instructional on the last page? Stick around Geensociety I will soon be starting my next quest for resin. I believe I will be getting cuts on monday or tuesday.


Quest 2(Day 1)

Alright so with a little bit of lag time and relaxation I have finally started up my next quest! Their have been a few changes to the whole plan, but everything is running smoothly. So lets review and talk about the Equipment and Nutrients and other changes concerning Ventilation and Style.
note: I may have talking about certain changes concerning 100% coco and PBP earlier but that idea has been moved to the near future.

Equipment Change:
Cool Sun reflector 6"(replaces Super Sun 2 reflector 6")
Gives off an even spread where ass the super sun gave off a more rectangular spread.
Sun Pulse 6.4k 400w PSMH(replaces 400w Hortilux HPS)
Sun Pulse 3k 600w PSMH(replaces 600w Hortilux HPS)
note: I don't own the 3k yet but I am purchasing soon before I start flowering.

Medium Change:
Roots Organic's Soil-less(replaces Roots Organic's soil)
I notice that it has a lot more perlite in the mix. It also seems to drain a lot faster. I am liking it so far.

Nutrient Change:

Soul Synthetics Soul grow, Soul bloom, Infinity, Peak, Big swell, amino aide, grow-n(replaces Roots Organics)
It actually contains a lot of organic ingredients contrary to the misleading name. I do admit that It does have some mineral nutrients in it some of witch are synthetically derived, but a good part of it is organically derived. I figured I would try out most of Aurora's products before I tried out a different brand.

Humega(humic acid as well as bacterial inoculant) Great stuff. Used it once before in my September harvest and it is priced a lot better then ancient amber. However I still have ancient amber left so I will use that as well.

Ventilation Change:
At first I had my light cooled separately with a booster fan. Then I had a scrubber with an inline fan exhausting my room outside. I had my fan sitting on top of my tent. It was somewhat ghetto and didn't look as good as I wanted. I have changed the Ventilation configuration. I light cool with my exhaust now and use my booster fan for active intake. I find this adds a much better cooling affect because the inline fan sucks air faster then the booster and the booster supply's cool air since it is active air intake now.

Container Change:
Before I use to start in my final container. I have recently heard it is better to work them up. Plus it is easy to over water in a larger container. I am starting in 3.4l pots. Then I plan on moving to 2 gal smart pots for flower.

So that's it for the changes.

All those interested in the 100% Canna coco and PBP nutrient quest. Do not worry. I will do that next quest.

Strain: Hindu skunk(9)
Medium: Roots Organics Soil-less
Pot size: 3.4l(plan to put then in 2 gal smart pots)
Nutrients: Soul Synthetics(misleading name, partially mineral based though)
Space: 4x4x7 grow tent with 3x3 tray.
Light: 6.4k Sun Pulse PSMH 40wW(veg) 3k Sun Pulse PSMH 600w(flower)

Day 1

First Watering:
note: all measurements are per gallon
200ppm cal mag
Liquid Karma: 6ml
Humega: 15ml(humic/bacterial inoculant)
Roots Oregonisms XL(bacterial/fungi inoculant)

Total:400ppm or .8EC

So now for the pictures. Not much to show yet but here they are! hope you enjoy!
note: I have to add that all these photos are not taken with any white balance. This is the actual spectrum of the 6.4k Sun Pulse with out any editing or setting adjustment what so ever.

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