Justiceman's grow: The quest for Resin

  • Thread starter justiceman
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the next level has begun! :)

Indeed it has winta! I am extremely excited for this quest!:rofl I really like the idea of Sun Pulse. If everything is as I beleive it to be theoretically then the Sun Pulse should give off more usable light energy therefore it should produce faster growth and higher yield. We shall see although I have never grown Hindu Skunk.

I am also excited about my new medium, nutrients, and the idea of smart pots. I always like to try out new stuff haha. I am a new grower. a lot of people say new growers do that before they set into a specific nutrient. I try different things because I want to see what's out there before I say what's best for me.

So far I have used Pura vida, Roots Organics, and now I will try Soul Synthetics(misleading name)

Pura vida is very easy to use. It is a two part organic nutrient with everything necessary for good growth. It is readily available so it can easily be used for hydro. It comes with micro nutes in it already and the product is OMRI listed. Great stuff highly recommended. It is really strong so not a lot is needed. It does not have Cal Mag though. that is a separate additive. It has no value concerning micro biology. That must be added by either making an EWC tea, or using some type of spore inoculant like great white, oregonism xl. It is a decently priced nutrient especially since it contains all necessary micro nutrients as well as macro nutrients. It contains molasses as well to help nurture your existing microbiology.

Roots Organics, well you saw the last grow. It is a good nutrient line if you really want to go completely organic with raw materials. It is a proportioned compost tea in a bottle with excellent ingredients. It is also highly reccomended. Not to mention I found that it does not burn your plants as easily as say pura vida. I am assuming this is because some of the nutes were locked into the organic materials(guano, castings, kelp, ect) so it didn't put osmotic pressure on the roots like when too much readily available ions are present. Good stuff. It is necessary however to brew it in a bucket with a couple air stones for at least 24 hours to activate the dormant bacteria and fungi. That is the benefit of this nutrient line. Not only are you providing nutes, but you are also providing healthy soil building organic materials to further buffer your medium for a safe PH and you are ensuring a diverse amount of microbiology continues to exist with every tea therefore ensuring excellent nutrient uptake and increased resistance to disease, drought, unfavorable conditions, ect. I use it when the PH rises to 6.0 naturally from the increase in bacteria. So it might be inconvenient to those who want to give their plants nutrients immediately and don't want to plan in advance, but if you don't mind I would say its pretty damn good. Although you can probably just buy the raw ingredients for cheaper then the nutrient line lol.


Nice bro those clones look hella healthy. Some might even say..winners? and that light is hella bright. I cant wait to see the sunpulse in action. Shit is going to be hella tight. and all the hindu skunk in the end!! Good luck bro. I'll be seein you at the spot to be, if you know what I mean lol



Chillin' in the Shade...
note: I have to add that all these photos are not taken with any white balance. This is the actual spectrum of the 6.4k Sun Pulse with out any editing or setting adjustment what so ever.
Very nice setup justiceman! I love the beginning stage before the tray disappears behind a ceiling of buds... I'd like to hear more about that Sun Pulse and your tent... BTW, those shots are great! Perfect symmetry shows you took time to compose that shot or just got really lucky... :D LMAO, I guess you won't need that White Balance setting now.

I am also excited about my new medium, nutrients, and the idea of smart pots. I always like to try out new stuff haha. I am a new grower. a lot of people say new growers do that before they set into a specific nutrient. I try different things because I want to see what's out there before I say what's best for me.
x2 brah! I dig trying new things... On a side note, I've learned quite a bit about organics from your studies. :cool


Nice bro those clones look hella healthy. Some might even say..winners? and that light is hella bright. I cant wait to see the sunpulse in action. Shit is going to be hella tight. and all the hindu skunk in the end!! Good luck bro. I'll be seein you at the spot to be, if you know what I mean lol

Ya they definitely came in prime condition. Yes the Sun Pulse is quite bright. I really like the type of light it gives off. The fact I don't have to adjust my camera to it must mean something.

Very nice setup justiceman! I love the beginning stage before the tray disappears behind a ceiling of buds... I'd like to hear more about that Sun Pulse and your tent... BTW, those shots are great! Perfect symmetry shows you took time to compose that shot or just got really lucky... :D LMAO, I guess you won't need that White Balance setting now.

x2 brah! I dig trying new things... On a side note, I've learned quite a bit about organics from your studies. :cool

Right on Shady! Ya you don't really see the tray for too long after they get started haha. What would you like to here about the Sun Pulse?
I can tell you theoretically they give off much more usable light an an HPS. They last much longer in a digi ballast then an HPS does. They have little to no color shift during their 20,000 hour life span. They run slightly cooler then HPS. They run at a higher frequency closer to the sun. They give of UVA/UVB unlike HPS. They do however give off less lumens then an HPS but as a result they run cooler and this allows you to position the lamp closer to the plants so you still should be getting optimum lighting conditions. 6.4k is pretty unique in the fact that other MH are more like 7.2k so it's the closest MH to daylight basically. 10k lights are nothing new however. They are sold as aquarium lamps. The real jewl IMHO is the 3k. I haven't seen any other 3k MH in existence. The only thing close to it is a 4k Ceramic MH but they only go up to 400w.

If the 3k is really as good as it is claimed to be then it should stand as an excellent alternative to HPS.

What I like about Sun Pulse is if you don't want to use all of the different spectrum's, you can choose to just use a 3k the whole way through. It would be just like using an HPS all the way through except the 3k has even more blue then the 2.2k HPS and it gives of UVA/UVB. Sounds like some pretty good advantages to me especially since the lamp lasts longer then an HPS in a digital ballast.

Thanks for commenting about the picture. I did compost myself to take a decent picture. I thought to myself "Man this better be good since it's gonna start of the next quest."

As for talking about my tent. Well I switched my ventilation around to see whats up. Instead of cooling my light and having a separate exhaust I decided to try it all hooked up together. Carbon Filter>hood>Fan>outside. So now I use my booster fan for active intake instead of light cooling(I had passive intake before). I have recently heard it is better to push hot air out of the hood then to pull it. I am considering switching my config to Carbon Filter>Fan>hood>outside. It is also suppose to lengthen the life of your fan if you push cool air on the light instead of sucking hot air through the fan. Got any opinions?

Great to hear you learned some stuff about organics man! It really is quite interesting.


Sick post justiceman the last quest was awesome I cant wait to see what you do with does Hindus Skunks the Green Cush and The Granddaddy were epic. Justice the Sunpulse lamps is where its at. :character0180:


Sick post justiceman the last quest was awesome I cant wait to see what you do with does Hindus Skunks the Green Cush and The Granddaddy were epic. Justice the Sunpulse lamps is where its at. :character0180:

Who's this guy?



Sick post justiceman the last quest was awesome I cant wait to see what you do with does Hindus Skunks the Green Cush and The Granddaddy were epic. Justice the Sunpulse lamps is where its at. :character0180:

Thanks Cali. I am still loving my Green Cush and Granddaddy! My recent harvest of the two will certainly last me well over my next quest. I am also excited about sun pulse. I also just recently heard of another "digital" lamp from a brand called Digilux. I tried to find their website but I can't. I suppose maybe because it's relatively new. I saw the add on Urban Garden Mag. They make both HPS and MH that are designed for digital/electronic use

Who's this guy?

I know right? Never seen this guy in my whole life! Who is he?

Day 7
Alright guys So it has already been a week! Man does time fly. Wow when I look back at the day 1 picture compared to the day 7 picture I can really see how much I have been holding back on the nutrients. Apparently I am notorious for underfeeding. I even started right off the bat with 200ppm cal mag but apparently these Hindu Skunk are heavy eaters. I hate to say it but they seem to be lacking in NPK all around, and probably some cal/mag as well. I remember that on the last quest I didn't start feeding for at least 2 weeks, but I suppose the "soil" version is packed with more nutrients then the "soilless" version. I noticed my underfeeding in the past few days and so I recently administered a 650ppm nutrient solution to hopefully correct the deficiency's and jump start this vegetation. Here is a list of what I have been feeding them as of late. Let me know what you guys think! Any comments and constructive criticism are more then welcome.

200ppm cal mag
15ml humega
6ml Liquid Karma
(citric acid PH down)

200ppm cal mag
50ppm micro blast
(potassium bicarbonate PH up)
ppm =250

Foliar spray(3/15/10)
5ml LK
6ml seaplex
(potassium bicarbonate PH up)

5ml grow
5ml infinity
1ml grow-n
5ml amino aide
(potassium bicarbonate PH up)
ppm= 600

Family shot
best girl
Deficiencies(let me know what you think about them)


Chillin' in the Shade...
Deficiencies(let me know what you think about them)
Hmmm, 600 PPM seems low for HID, but then again it's only the 2nd week of veg... IMHO and I don't know coco, I'd say aim for 700 PPM on the next feeding... the clones should be able to handle it. Also I assume the pH is on point.... :cool Looks like there might be some moisture stress as well... how's the humidity?


Hmmm, 600 PPM seems low for HID, but then again it's only the 2nd week of veg... IMHO and I don't know coco, I'd say aim for 700 PPM on the next feeding... the clones should be able to handle it. Also I assume the pH is on point.... :cool Looks like there might be some moisture stress as well... how's the humidity?

Ya I am definitely thinking 600 is a little low. I will surely aim slightly higher. Thanks for your opinion on that. I wanted to know weather people thought that was too high or not for small clones, but they are obviously telling me they are hungry. I just gave them that 600ppm nute solution earlier today with a nice NPK boost and I can already see them greenin up slowly and perking up as well so I hope they recover as I increase the strength.

Ya PH is fine. It is 5.9. That specific picture is the worst of the bunch. It probably suffered moisture stress on a worse level then the others. as you stated earlier this week the humidity was at about 35-40% and it should be higher for veg. Now I have it stabilized at around 50%.

Thanks for the fast reply man. I hope they pull through just as long as I start feeding them more. I seriously need to stop underfeeding haha.


I think its just the plant getting rid of bigger leaves that are using too much energy. Notice the leaves arent cut in half...hella shitty i didnt get to see them yesterday. They are looking sweeeet though!



Day 14 Veg

Hey everyone! So It looks like I was able to bring the Hindu's back to acceptable health levels! I am really happy as I thought I screwed up and was heading to a downward spiral of failure:help: Fortunately that was not the case. This is what I have been feeding them since the last update. They have really greened up and are exploding with growth. If i play my cards right everything should go smoothly from here on out.

200ppm Calmag
5ml grow
5ml infinity
1ml grow-n
5mlamino aide
(potassium bicarbonate PH up)
(was 850, but I diluted it with R/O)
PH: 5.95
Temp: 21 Celsius

200ppm cal mag
5ml grow
10ml liquid karma
1ml Micro blast
1ml Roots Excelurator
Roots oregonism XL
PH: 5.85
Temp: 20 Celsius

Now lets see. I just picked up Nine 2 gallon smart pots! I will transplant into them before I flower. I am really excited about Smart Pots. I like the idea of the pots helping to keep the root zone cool during hot temperatures not to mention that it prevents root circling(indirectly causes denser root systems) as well as helps keep higher levels of oxygen in the root zone. Sounds excellent to me.

Another thing I recently did was purchase a wire shelving unit so that I can create my own "Shady Veg Station". I really like the idea, and thanks again Shady for putting the information out here! I was able to get a 54"H 18"D 48"W unit perfect for my closet. I won't be rushing its construction as I am not in dire need of it right now.. It is more like a fun side project that is until it really gets going and then It will obviously be incorporated into the whole Quest. I plan to use it for cuttings, seedlings, and a few small mother plants as well as small vegging plants. I aim to get a 4' 4bulb t5 fixture for the mothers and then either another 4' 4 bulb t5 fixture for the seedlings, and cuts or possibly just a 4' 2 bulb t5 fixture, but hell why not get the 4 bulb for both levels right?
(you probably see a 2 bulb t12 fixture. It is a piece of crap that makes new and old bulbs flicker so I won't be using it)

Alright so now that the updates to new items and ideas are over here are the girls! Let me know what you think guys. Any questions, commentary, LOVE, and constructive criticism are more then welcome.


Chillin' in the Shade...
Killer update brah!!! Looks like that veg station is a perfect fit... I'm also gonna pickup a few 2 gal Smart Pots when I attempt the coco ebb 'n flow for Round 5. Thx for the advice... :cool


gettin your upgrade on thats whats up! your babies are lookin real healthy!


Damn it looks like they are really taking off in that soilless. Super healthy too. I see you had to bust out THE HAMMER! lol Those smart pots are going to be sick. Im thinking that the Roots soilless is what I want to use also. How well does it retain waters?



Killer update brah!!! Looks like that veg station is a perfect fit... I'm also gonna pickup a few 2 gal Smart Pots when I attempt the coco ebb 'n flow for Round 5. Thx for the advice... :cool

Thanks man! ya I am happy I got my wire rack with the correct dimensions and all. It fits just perfect inside that space. Just gotta get the lights, some panda, fans, and some elbow greese. Then she will be up and running.

I like the 2 gal smart pots, but the only thing I don't like is they seem to be more on the short side then normal 2 gal pots. They are wider though.

gettin your upgrade on thats whats up! your babies are lookin real healthy!
Hell ya man! I love upgrades. Ya i am really happy that my girl's came back. I was stressin for a moment lol

Damn it looks like they are really taking off in that soilless. Super healthy too. I see you had to bust out THE HAMMER! lol Those smart pots are going to be sick. Im thinking that the Roots soilless is what I want to use also. How well does it retain waters?


Ya man they are starting to explode with growth. I am loving the soilless actually. It retains water quite well but not too much. At first I had to water once every 4 days, but as the plants got more established they began to suck up more water. Now I have to water Every other Day, and soon when they get bigger it will probably be once a day. Good stuff indeed. The Soil version was to moist for my taste. It is certainly more of an outdoor type.

One must always have the HAMMER close just in case.

Day 16 *update*
Alright guys so It seems my girls are starting to require more frequent watering. So I gave them another feeding today, but from here on out I plan to do Feed, Water, Feed, instead of just Feeding only.

200ppm cal mag
5ml grow
5ml amino aide
5ml infinity
1ml grow-n
15ml humega
PH: 5.92

I also decided to LST all of the Hindu Skunk so here they are. I love LST since I don't have to cut anything haha and yes because I'm a scaredy cat but LST still diffuses hormones from the top If I'm not mistaken.
note: Too all you beeline users out their I ended up using beeline twine for the LST. So I rep beeline for smoking and LST :tup:.


Now I get what you were saying lol. That shit looks official.:dance



Very nice... :cool Where can I get some bee line?

I almost forgot, c'mon... top those bitches! :D

Yo shady you can get beeline right here Beeline, or you might be able to find it at your local smoke shop.

I know I have to get over the fear of topping and just do it:whew I know that when my veg station is up and running topping will probably become a must haha.

Now I get what you were saying lol. That shit looks official.:dance


Ya man I got some pics to show you just how low they can go. The tops came back and are reaching towards the light now. I also have some pictures of the LST tie in action.


I don't know why topping is better than training. They both get you to the same conclusion except with training you don't cut off the top, which puts less stress on the plant. And most of the growth hormones are located at the top of the plant so you would be literally taking it away from the plant whereas with training you don't lose anything. I think that training is an all around healthier way to go. If you have space problems though i could see topping being the way to go. Maybe someone can add to my rather short pro con list lol



Chillin' in the Shade...
And most of the growth hormones are located at the top of the plant so you would be literally taking it away from the plant whereas with training you don't lose anything.
Sorry brah, but you are wrong in the sense that topping a plant takes away the growth hormones... it diverts it to the side shoots... it is not lost when you cut the plant. Sounds like you haven't topped either Supa? :itwasntme
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