MPB's are takin over. Bossman converting.

  • Thread starter BOSSMAN88188
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yo boss! your setup is HYPE! whats up with the maximum security cages, you think you can keep those girls contained? haha, good luck bro!

They have been put in segrigation.
I am hoping they are very naughty girls.

hey boss the cages are ever get your def. fixed? they didn't look too bad,i could see the yellowing in the vid,just had a x18 and urkel do the same thing..i lowered the nutes added a little cal mag and all is well..

Burnalot, I added some cal mag and they loved it.
I am going to pick up some more Cal/mag.
Thanks bro.

Now that is some multi-tasking replying there, I tell ya! :rofl

That MQ button is my best friend.

Its been a week, I need a HIT!!

Hits a comin bro,

Damn nice setup Bossman!! Very impressive. What strain are you running this time?

Thanks Coxie,
They are Purple kush from Oaksterdamn.
They are some tight noded biatches.

looking good :D

Thanx LB,
I was glad to see you made it to the farm.
Your knowledge and help will be well appreciated here.


So 3 of 4 are doing great.
One of them the closest to the door.
Has only a couple scraggly root's in the mini rez.
And is growing real slowly. They all seem to have some issues still. On sunday I did a rez change. It should have been done friday but I was a bit busy.
Let me just say that after following DD's flushing direction's. They were the happiest I have ever seen them. They grew 8 inches in that one night.

I am still waiting on the fan brackets.
I just got the hydro fungicide. And am wondering if it will add PPM's. And at what rate you guy's are using at.
100 1130
100 1131
100 1132


Thanx LB,
I was glad to see you made it to the farm.
Your knowledge and help will be well appreciated here.

yea you know i had to check you out after you leaving crumb trails to find didnt know you was on here

and i've been on for a while just not as active. always nice to refresh around on the new forums

and as far as my knowledge and help will be appreciated...lets not count our chickens before they hatch ;) already had one asshat try to jump down my throat about a suggestion of

damn bro its been about a good 1-1.5 years since we've spoke huh?

when did you make the switch to this system? just now? just this thread? everything looks good bra for real. you know i aint gon pick on you about the rust damage...okay i may prod you a lil but only outta fun you know how we do :party0022:

im thinking about getting a couple buckets (uc) myself... i want some mpb, but cant figure out how to run 2 independent systems in my small space.

So imma just load up some 4x8 with some buckets or something


Premium Member
They look so good Bossman. It looks like the buds are tight as hell on that bush. I can't wait to see how big they are at finish. Where that rep button...



Hey Bossman looking good. You figure out what your defeciency was? I've got the same signs on some of my plants so if ya got any info that b great.


wow those at rockin it in those buckets huh... fuckman you are gonna have some big'ole bushes on your hands.. good shit I like the attention you pay to your grows.


Hey bossman after watching an urbangrower episode, it got me thinking about running the outside lights with an adjustable batwing reflector on them. I think it would have to be a batwing because you would need to open it up pretty wide to spread the light out, but Im thinking that it would blast a lot lumens back at the garden and up the light intensity.


Now I have some questions,
I bought all of these and would like to know how you guys are using them.
Physan 20 is for between cycles?
I also have the hydro fungiside and SM 90.
I would like to know what you are mixing in the res weekly with the nutes and at what mixture rate.
Thank you


Hommie, im not using any of that stuff. If your using enzymes and myco's, you should be fine without it..

My philospphy is only when I need it which is almost never.. And your op is 5x's cleaner than mine. I would steer clear of that stuff untill you need it. I don't want smoke the chems that are in that stuff. Hell, Agent Orange killed my father so I'll pass :)


Lolipop Genetics
hey boss,dizzle,lost..this is off topic but i guess not really..i am sorry to hear about your father lost,as i have many in my family who were subjected to that poison suffering the same fate...what i would like to point out to all if not known already is that the same company that made agent orange(herbicide) is now making new poisons such as round-up,rGBH and gmo's...this is the same company that stood by agent orange and claimed it to be safe years back..they are now trying to control the majority of the worlds food supply. the newest poison being pumped out to the masses is the gmo's(genetically modified organism)..just like with agent orange they claim these are safe...BUT..when the gmos were first being introduced they had to be certified to be g.r.a.s(generally recognized as order for them to be certified as g.r.a.s there needed to be peer reviewed studies published and an overwhelming consensus among the scientific community...THEY HAD NEITHER..during the time that these were being introduced a man named Mike Taylor was a lawyer to which his main client was Monsanto and other affiliates..he left the firm and went over to the FDA to become the chief of policy and magically the gmos were passed..this was around the time of the Regulatory Relief initiative...Bush sr. did a great job as vice pres to get past the bureaucratic hurdles involving big business and regulation,unfortunately for us the people..those hurdles were environmental and human safety......Burn


dude... dont ever use that physan 20.... dont get me wrong, i always have a bottle....but what i meant by dont that is the last option aka the nuke !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i would only use it for extreme pathogen and pythium cases. that shit is a serious 'cide. algacide, bactercide, vircide aka ALL the 'cides LMAO!!!

its a nice weapon in the garden, but pick your battles. and know what you are using as thas the end all type of deal.

if you are looking for a rooting stimulant i would go either with H&G Roots excellurator or canna's rhizotonic. Either or works... combining both, imho would only be a waste of money. If you had to pick one, i would go with the Roots Excellurator over the Rhizotonic for the simple fact of RE has the ability to rid root rot.

SM90 is a root maintenance nutrient supplement as well and it also handles small bugs something like a light fungus gnat infection...

however i would stir clear from the sm90. most of these products are just bandaids and snake oil. A bandaid will just hold the problem and not fix it.

You have a 1/2 hp chiller bro. Use that bad boy. Those are the only strong points for those type of nutrients, with the exception of H&G RE and/or Canna's Rhizotonic. There is nothing i love more than a rooting stimulant.

If you are worried about pathogens, and your chiller is still keeping your water chilled...then it is more often than not light leaks somewhere and it will be algae blooms or something algae-ish instead of pythium perse. Pythium isnt as strong in 65F water however, it can still grow in those temps.

furthermore, you have one of the best, natural ways to give roots all they need. you have a 1/2 hp chiller and you have a massive air pump. D.O. (dissolved oxygen) is relative to the temperature of your water. No matter how much air you pump into your reservoir it wont matter unless the temperature of your water allows you to dissolve the gas (oxygen)

hope that helps :D


Thanks burn,
Great info bro.

Loud blunts.
Much appreciated. I am going to stay away from using any of it.
I dont have a problem I was just wanting to be pre emptive.
The Physan DD recommends to run through the system in between cycles.
I am loving the chiller even more.

Thanks dude,
I got a vid to upload.For you guys.Just been lagging.
I just finished making 120 stoney peanut butter cups.


*Pounds knife and fork on table* UPDATES! UPDATES! UPDATE!!

We need our fix here!


oh yea, using physan between cycles is a good recommendation. just be cautious using it with plants in if you use, go low!!!

and what Lost said!!!!


Looking good. Every run so far my leafes closest to the lights get yellow and rust a little bit. Does not seem to effect anything. Mine are a little more yellow than yours are, but my lights are within 12 inches of the plant. I got overgrown...

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