USA is not a democracy

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Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

I just have to say this again, i think this kinda stuff on here is truly rude towards the veterans who are actively on this board. Regardless of any of our views, they actually served, did time, spent part of their life involved in what we bitch about. Even my comments are stupid and ignorant, compared to someone who actually served does or did FIGHT for our freedoms regardless if we agree with or disagree with those methods or what they have done for us. Their blood has been spilled, not ours. If you disagree with that then tell a military veteran yourself that what they did or are doing is not standing up for us and democracy. Do it i dare ya.


nothings perfect, the greek guys who prattled on about democracy, all seam to ignore the fact that they owned slaves, just like the founding fathers who beleived all men to be equal as long as you were a WASP


Do people even understand how our fractional reserve banking system works? In our financial system; money is debt. The only way money can come into existence as part of our money supply is through loans. These loans are based on a bank's reserves and reserves are derived from bank deposits. Under this fractional reserve system, any 1 deposit can create 9 times its original value. Then when u add interest rates into the equation, its very easy to see that our banking system is nothing but a huge PONZI scheme. The current economic system is falling apart at an accelerating rate, with the prospect of worldwide unemployment occurring on the largest scale ever seen. Simultaneously, we are courting the “point of no return” in regard to the destruction of the environment.
Just because things are, the way they are, doesnt mean there isnt room for improvement. While some people are satisfied eating the scraps off the table hoping on "trickle-down economics" to work; others are actually showing people a better way. I choose to be part of the latter. -Keepz

"None are more helplessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Profound from the ground down...

Do people even understand how our fractional reserve banking system works? In our financial system; money is debt. The only way money can come into existence as part of our money supply is through loans. These loans are based on a bank's reserves and reserves are derived from bank deposits. Under this fractional reserve system, any 1 deposit can create 9 times its original value. Then when u add interest rates into the equation, its very easy to see that our banking system is nothing but a huge PONZI scheme. The current economic system is falling apart at an accelerating rate, with the prospect of worldwide unemployment occurring on the largest scale ever seen. Simultaneously, we are courting the “point of no return” in regard to the destruction of the environment.
Just because things are, the way they are, doesnt mean there isnt room for improvement. While some people are satisfied eating the scraps off the table hoping on "trickle-down economics" to work; others are actually showing people a better way. I choose to be part of the latter. -Keepz

"None are more helplessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Sounds like a spot on take on things.....that Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quote couldn't be more true. Thanks for the wake up call IP4K
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Nothing is worse than active ignorance.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Wether you wanted to be part of the system or not you are. Your on a computer talking on a forum about growing pot. You CLEARLY are part of this system. You gotta just deal with that. Thinking that you can live outside of that is.... Do you think all wealthy people are bad people. Have you ever heard keep your friends close and your enemies closer. How can you possibly on ANY level fight the systems in place right now, without being part of them. Thats like saying i hate this president but im not gunna vote. Or im gunna change my local government, but im not actually gunna run for anything or you know go to any meetings, or really know whats going on. And im also gunna do it with no funding, or place to live, or clothes. Ill just go protest naked. You gotta have a plan, just saying "shit is broke your screwed dont be part of it" isnt a plan.

Beware of dissipating your powers; strive constantly to concentrate them. Genius thinks it can do whatever it sees others doing, but is sure to repent of every ill-judged outlay.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The wake up call should be, that we better get our fucking asses involved in whats going on and put the damn bong down for two freaking seconds, before we miss our chance. Peaceful protest does shit, anarchy fucks everyone, revolution takes ALL the people of the land to unite and lead. But a hostile financial take over takes a few smart business men with views like ours to get to the top, people dont live forever,these ceo's do step down, and BIG BIG business does startup and fail constantly everyday.

Whatever you can do or dream, begin it.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Following up on IPlay4Keepz' criticism of money systems, check out this video if you have a few minutes, only 5 minutes long.

"The government debt that is sold overseas is not money, it is YOU".

This is exactly my point... I didnt post so it can be misconstrued as me saying "shit is fucked up, we're screwed". Study your history people and follow what has happened to those who spoke the truth. There is nothing federal about the federal reserve; its a private entity. Yet they determine our financial direction as a country.
All we have to do is look at the fed govt reaction to medical cannabis. For over 10 years they have been fighting the will of the people concerning the medical efficacy of cannabis by persecuting the sick. Dont worry though, the federal govt knows better and they're only protecting us from ourselves!
If any of you believe i am just bitching and am going to do nothing... you my friend are sadly mistaken. Yes i will have to play by certain rules as we all do, but to ignore the obvious and glaring facts about our dire circumstances is suicidal. Therefore i can only do whats within my power. I cant do anything about the banking system yet, other than letting people know its a well devised plan of enslaving us to debt. But i can grow beneficial medicine and give it away to as many cancer patients as i can. All in the hopes that maybe the extracts from this plant can change someones life for the better. I dont plan on debating how the government is wrong; i plan on showing them -Keepz
"The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered." -Thomas Jefferson

Jack Griffin

America has never been a democracy.

America is a republic. We elect people to represent us and our wishes to the Federal Government.

If all those people in all those states JOINED TOGETHER and started DEMANDING the laws be changed, the laws would be changed.

It's up to THE PEOPLE!!!

Look, it took us here in Michigan 8 years to get our medical marijuana act passed. Our bill got defeated the first time it went up for the voters to say yes or no, but we kept working and the second time it went up for a vote it passed with over 63% voting yes!

Now another thing about this country, you are free to move to a state where medical marijuana is legal.
If We were still a democracy then what is with all the pre-poll stats showing over half of voters saying yes to the legalization of medicinal marijuana? I say we can call dictatorship on this one for sure......Frukin government:character0110:
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

"But i can grow beneficial medicine and give it away to as many cancer patients as i can. All in the hopes that maybe the extracts from this plant can change someones life for the better. I dont plan on debating how the government is wrong; i plan on showing them"

Well shoot, looks like basically what we want is the exact same, we prolly wouldn't even be arguing if this was real life. We both have our goals and dreams, we might not have the same blueprint to reach our goals, but we have the same passion and eventual goal none the less. Thanks for the lively debate. Im done. "Viva la whatever you think is right!"

Jack Griffin

Beezie nailed it we are not free to do anything unless it gives the government our money they think they desrve it.
Well, they sure act like they deserve it. But really, I'm free to do just about anything i damn well please without giving the government any of my money.

look at how fast the government can do things that they want. Did it take everyones vote to engage in our enitre country in a war against terorrisim?
Congress voted for it.

Hell no they just went ahead and started sending "us" to fight for their beliefs and reasonings.
Or was it a fight against dictators (Sadam) and EXTREMELY dangerous terror groups?

Did they even gain anything by starting a war?
20 Arab/Islamist nutjobs started the war on 9-11 when THEY murdered three-thousand innocent people at work.

Nothing i know of they just kept shouting terorrist!terorrisim! We need money to keep us safe!Blah freakin blah.
Nothing you know is right. You need to do more reading and less parroting.

I mean they spent all the money that Clinton had worked so hard to earn something like 3 trillion when he left and put "us" in debt.
If you read more you would know that Clinton didn't work hard on anything but scoring pussy. All that money you are talking about? The economy was riding the internet bubble man! That's where all that new money can be traced to, NOT Mr. Clinton.

They caused us to lose many jobs...
Who is THEY? Don't use indefinate pronouns!
The internet bubble had to burst sometime, and when it finally happened the economy suffered and people lost jobs. allowed the fat cats to sell "what was left" to anyone with the cash as way of ensuring their own wealth with no cares of what would happen to our country and us the people.
What the heck do you mean? I do not understand.

Then they bail out all the fat cat car manufactuers after telling us that our country is in debt. How the hell you giving money to people when we have none? The government has been hiding be hind lies since the begining. Why people allow this kind of deception to continue is beyond me.

Obama and the liberal Democrats bailed out the auto industry, banks, and all the rest. I didn't vote for him, did you?

ALL governments hide behind lies... the deceptions continue because the politicians keep saying ANYTHING to get re-elected and the people want to believe the lies...what makes it really bad is when the mainstream media takes sides with the government, which is what we have now.


When people see how far the rabbit hole really goes... the matrix will start looking more like a work of non-fiction. There are a lot of proverbial monsters to be slayed out there, but i'm guessin i'll have to start with the one within. Peace, love n respect -Keepz


Or maybe every1 should just spew out the shit they hear on FOX news as fact!! Instead of understanding how geopolitics is affecting them and maybe forget to look at who benefited the most from this war. -Keepz


Or maybe every1 should just spew out the shit they hear on FOX news as fact!! Instead of understanding how geopolitics is affecting them and maybe forget to look at who benefited the most from this war. -Keepz

Winnar! :party0042:


For the record Revolution does not mean anarchy in the streets (why everyone thinks of the violent French Revolution when the word is used is beyond me), it can take place using a variety of methods.

Chopping heads is perfectly acceptable. In the USA it has gone so far, any other measure would be lacking.

People talk about peaceful revolution, that is impossible to change the situation we are in. The reason is, the politicians we have subscribe to mao's tenent that "POLITICAL POWER COMES FROM A GUN BARREL." Like it or not, that is how THEY operate. Then they tell us, to change the system from within and we take that to mean politics. . . What it really means is that to change things the people need to have the gun barrels.

Political leeches do not fear anything but their lives being taken from them, because they live for nothing but this world and its material wealth and power.


J 20 Arab/Islamist nutjobs started the war on 9-11 when THEY murdered three-thousand innocent people at work. [/QUOTE said:
WTF are you seriously still believing the official story?

3000 people small price to pay for catapulting forward the new world order's goals. Bin Laden had nothing to do with it, he was either playing his part or being crucified in the media for not working with us anymore...

Why is Rambo 3 never shown on network TV anymore?? The answer to that question will shed a lot of light on what I just said.


since when did terrorism start on 9/11???????????????? what about the ira the irish are still at it, the problem is that a lot of us feel that the us is hypocritical and have a missguided soft spot for Irish and Israeli people, ask anyone from london, manchester, birmingham, warrington, omagh, belfast, derry, the list goes on and on, we have a one sided extradition treaty with the us, why???? why is it ok to take me to the us fro trial but my govt cant get you lot to the uk, because your constitution protects you. ira murderers can live in boston , but a kid with asbergers syndrome from the uk who hacked into the pentagons computer is handed over just like that. why dont some seed companies in europe ship to the us??? because the DEA might just kidnap them and smuggle them out of their country to the us to stand trial even theough the offence isnt an offence in the country they live. Why is it ok for israelis to behave like nazis,??? do they think they have a special permit from God???
"blessed are you Hashem (interesting name) king of the universe for not having made me a gentile,
"blessed are you Hashem king of the universe for not having made me a slave,
"blessed are you Hashem king of the universe for not having made me a woman"
FFS what kind of cranks are these people, fuck me it would be funny if these twats didnt have so much power, like the man said power corrupts and absoloute power corrupts absoloutly. Arthur Koestler's (who also was blessed for not having been made a woman)
13th Tribe, completely fucks off all the bullshit about jews being a race of people, its a fucking religion, just like budhism, so why not a homeland for the budhists, or what about one for the methodists, its shit. the reason why muslims get fucked off with the USA and UK is because we prop up the fascists in palestine. why do half the israelis we see on tv have us accents??? , why are zionists disproportionately represented in parliament, half maggie thatchers cabinet in the 1980's were jews, yet most people in the uk call themselves Christian, the wankers dont get it, i doubt jesus would piss on most of them even if they were on fire. i feel embarresed to say i am british sometimes.
mind you i would rather be here than any other place in the universe. its a shame that these bastards in control are fucking up the world.

Jack Griffin

Or maybe every1 should just spew out the shit they hear on FOX news as fact!!

It is quite apparent that you have never watched Fox news.

You are probably just another one of those haters whose simply parrot whatever the far left says without actually looking into the facts yourself. Too bad.

Let me tell you something about Fox News that you don't know because you don't watch Fox News...
Whenever a Republican guest is on, a Democrat is also on so that the interviews will be FAIR and BALANCED! Your mainstream media NEVER does that. Whatever you get from the mainstrean media, and i doubt you watch or listen to them either, is ONE-SIDED, therefore biased and unfair.

As far as reporting goes, Fox News is probably the only news outlet we can depend on nowdays to get the facts straight.

Instead of understanding how geopolitics is affecting them and maybe forget to look at who benefited the most from this war. -Keepz
Dude, the same groups of people who benefit from this war will be the same group of people who ALWAYS benefit from wars. Don't get me wrong, i appreciate your righteous indignation; it's a gift of youth. You'll mellow out after a few more decades of seeing and experiencing what's going on. So how do YOU see Geopolitics involved?

Jack Griffin

WTF are you seriously still believing the official story?
Oh no! You're one of those conspiracy nuts, LOL! :spacecraft:

3000 people small price to pay for catapulting forward the new world order's goals. Bin Laden had nothing to do with it, he was either playing his part or being crucified in the media for not working with us anymore...
You dope, bin Laden has already admitted his part in the plot.

Why is Rambo 3 never shown on network TV anymore?? The answer to that question will shed a lot of light on what I just said.
I really doubt it, but you conspiracy nuts believe what you want to believe no matter what. Like steel doesn't melt, or it was a missle that hit the Pentagon, LOL!

Well, everything's good. I find you people to be incredibly gullible and EXTREMELY entertaining......

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