BP British Petroleum Disaster...

  • Thread starter TheCoolestMan
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the jones act is limited to 5 mill for clean up if the govnmt steps in from what i read.. thats why obama wont do it..


Thank you

Just to read that others question this authority we live under gives me peace! Thank you so much for this article.

I don't want to add or detract from this post as I only know what I can find online. I am just thankful for others here at THCF globally, who think for themselves.

Europeans in my travels have often remarked, "You are different than most Americans". :sign0065:
After 20 years, I understand why they say this. Simply, it's because I think on my own, and don't immediately buy in to the big agenda. Funny, but this comment puzzled me for years...

Some enlightening quotes:

"They may find it difficult... Those who accept authority as truth, rather than the truth as authority. "
Gerald Massey

"I believe the banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies".
Thomas Jefferson

"Give me control over a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws".
Amshed Rothchild




If I were your president, I would have been reporting from a SubMarine at 5,000 feet down with my thumb on or at least near the leak! Not kicking sand on the shores of the Gulf.

It's so stupid that our President never thinks Big!

Shit, I would have had Alvin (deep water sub) there and the Navy Nuclear subs right next to me if I were on land. Dumb A$$ politicians, but what do you expect when you get paid for your opinions.



If I were your president, I would have been reporting from a SubMarine at 5,000 feet down with my thumb on or at least near the leak! Not kicking sand on the shores of the Gulf.

It's so stupid that our President never thinks Big!

Shit, I would have had Alvin (deep water sub) there and the Navy Nuclear subs right next to me if I were on land. Dumb A$$ politicians, but what do you expect when you get paid for your opinions.


Funny visual. How about one of those submersible moonsuit thingys. Put a big ass rubber thumb on it and have Obama sit there plugging the leak. Damn this weed is good..


Premium Member
And this is just the begining! Wait till infos start to flood the world. If u know some people living around those coast please send the video link. We at least can't leave people with out knowledge of what they are going to face up very soon.

We coud blame anyone of those antagonist that participate to that catastrofy, yet none of them ca bring a solution! Remember there is no Technology to solve this and we barely know about those organic, chemical, highly toxic conpounds that soon contaminate the water, air, animals, fuits, veggies and people living around those coast!

Not to mention the butterfly effect here, this is the new worst catastrofy we could ever creat in this time of high polution and climat unstability, well done BP.

I think whats going in the world its because of us the people!!! We need toreact and use our most powerfull arm!



Damages are going to be impossible to project ...

crude = dead plankton = dead shrimp and crustaceans = no commercial fishing industry = no canning/processing = no transport/shipping = no retailers etc. etc.

Environmental issues are only the beginning, hunger is a real possibility here.


those bp execs need to be tried like the criminals that they are. fucking scum of the earth


Projecting Panic - Not productive

There are so many reasons to project panic, I do not wish to add to this through speculation. The reality of the situation is bad enough.


You might wanna stock up on shrimp now if you dont wanna pay in excess of 20 bucks a pound


There prolly wont be acid rain from this, thats completely impossible, :

Damn that's a bold statement to make. Where does acid rain come from? You must be one of those people who are convinced that acid rain comes from methane gas produced by cow farts.

Actually it comes from sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide which are both being expelled in large quantities by this disaster. They form with water vapor to create acid, just an FYI. This isnt IC Mag or RIU where you can run off at the mouth and not have anyone call you out bro. Your statement is ludacris to say the least.


Abiotic Oil, an earth manufactured natural gas... no such thing as "Peak Oil"?

40,000+ ft deep oil wells, with 20,000 psi + of oil spewing outta the earth?

Nuclear Bomb possibly being used to stop the well?

Are they saying that it is humanly IMPOSSIBLE to stop that leak?

Heavy shiznit if it's true.


WOw, check this one, it's from a science site.

BP Disaster link:


The Dwarves dug too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dum... shadow and flame.

— Saruman, The Lord of the Rings


Premium Member
The Dwarves dug too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dum... shadow and flame.

— Saruman, The Lord of the Rings

LOL!!! Bro, that was awesome..How tru you are!! I love the scene where they fight on the bridge and when Gandalf falls.
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

The Dwarves dug too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dum... shadow and flame.

— Saruman, The Lord of the Rings

The Balrog woke up.

Oh and "They have a cave troll!"


this shit is simple.....the reason this has happened is because we(ALL OF US,ALL AMERICANS,YES THIS MEANS YOU)have allowed this to happen.just one more example of corporations dragging mother earth into a back alley and rapping her only to tell the rest of us she had it coming because she dresses slutty.

just because the oil is there dosn't mean we have the right to it at all cost.situations that effect the entire population of the planet require the input of the entire planet.this disaster was set in motion by a very small group of me hiding in a boardroom.THESE MEN ARE THE ENEMY OF GOOD PEOPLE EVERYWHERE and are not done yet.they feel their right to turn a profit is inalienable,and our right to a healthy planet is negotiable.when will we rise to our calling as americans and put a stop to this?

to many of us react to the hard facts by hiding our heads in the sand,we just do not want to deal with big boy stuff.ultimately those of us who do nothing are the ones to blame!!

don't be distracted,look at the entire story, not just the one you are being force fed by the media,.....they are not on our side.

individual actions are the answer,.........for example,.........i have completely boycotted BP products.if everyone else did it would not only shut them down,it would also send a much needed message to the rest of the wolfpack.:character0110:


Fuck BP... they have ruined the whole state coast of florida, and several people who depend on the fishing to make a living.


fucked thats what happened hear we as a whole society just got ass raped with no vasoline this truly is a catastrophic event with world wide implications the web bot prediction was correct summer of 2010 cat event the nuke just scared the ever loving shit out of me for the fear of my 2 children as well as your children out there who will have to grow up with atomic waters that will rain down upon the gulf and east coasts i fear for us all i blaim bp for the spill and lack of clean up effort and i blaim our fed govt for not allowing our southern states to protect their waters ive heard/seen on fox news mayors governors town councils begging to be allowed to help and because he is the COMMANDER AND CHIEF OF THIS HEAR U.S. OF A. SHOULD GRAB HIS NUT SACK AND TELL BP TO GO FUCK THEMSELVES AND START CLEANING THIS CATASTROPHY UP BOTTOM FUCKIN LINE


Even a baby quickly learns that touching a candle will burn you - when will we learn??

Grand Coulee Damn that effectively killed the largest native salmon migration through the Can/Am PNW.
The governments of the day promptly poo-poo'd any notion of including fish ladders at the dams, and continue to do so to this day.

James Bay project that displaced native peoples, destroyed migration routes and decimated bear populations. James Bay 2 is slated to destroy additional migration areas.

Arctic pipeline through nature preserves with an 'acceptable' loss factor to wildlife.

Extended off shore programs with loopholes to allow foriegn registration to circumvent national standards.

Shoreline. wetland and urban forest destruction for residential development.

Tailings dumping in freshwater lakes.

Heavy water discharge into waterways.

Anyone remember Three Mile Island? Love Canal? Silkwood?


Who is to blame? Bush is a good start it was his administration that gave the ok to drill this experimental well. The MMS that did not supervise this "night mare well". Obama for not cleaning house when he took office. But.... ultimately it is you an I as fuel burning americans, our addiction to petroleum drives these money hungry corporate scum bags to do any thing for the almighty dollar. Let me digress "the love of money is the root of all evil"!!!!!!! Ultimately as americans we have to take back our country from the corporations. They have too much power too many rights backed up by the US Supreme court. Its not only the gulf residents losing their way of life its every american except the right wing cooks that like it this way. FUCK DRILL BABY DRILL. And fuck all the short sighted people who buy into this shit and call me un american. I love this country but I don't trust the corporations that are running (ruining) it. Enjoy a big fatty while you can there might not be much time left. PEACE

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