Diagnosis Help Please. Lots of info & pics

  • Thread starter nickcapuano
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I acquired a clone supposedly called Apollo in January and have had problems with it from the start with yellowing of the leaves in flowering like i have never seen before.

The plants in question started flowering on 7/6
Growing in rockwool using Ionic nutrients - bloom, boost, bloom stimulator, fossil fuel, nitrozime, as per the feeding chart. Using a drip system and hand watering anything needing watered once a day or less. 5.8-6.0 ph.
Water is city/tap left out for the chlorine. From the tap is 120-140ppm. I use a little cal-mag to get to 200ppm then mix nutes.
CO2 generator @1500ppm with environmental controller - day temps - ~82 degrees 55-60RH. Night= 75 degrees 55-58RH.
Lights are 600W HPS and 8 bulb T5. (trying one under each but they are both doing the same thing)

So these things clone easy and in the veg stage grow easily and rapidly but when i get to flower things go downhill. The two plants in question were flowered at about 6 inches and i do dome LST to try to keep them from stretching so much. They are a little over 30" now.
You can see from the pics, the leaves seem to yellow from the outside in starting at the bottom and middle of the plant. The plant appears to stop growing and the yellowing turns to browning and you can see the pics of what happens to these in another month. If you look close at the leaves, you can see they turn a light brown and get what feels like paper thin before they totally dry out. One last thing - there are small black spots you can see on the leaves. I have looked at them under magnification- it just looks like a black mark on the top of the leaf. nothing on the bottom. it does not wipe off or smear. I have never seen any bugs in the garden.

I have done several runs since i acquired this strain and tried many things including increasing nutes, decreasing nutes, lowering the temps in the room. I used to grow at high 80's with no problems so made many adjustments and lowered the temps to where they start at about 78 and the max at end of day now is 83. I relocated the reservoirs i use to outside the room in case the temps were too high(never had a problem with that either.) I also moved the lights farther away thinking the bleaching on the leaves was from too much light but it happens at the top and bottom of the plant. I even have an 8 bulb T5 i use for flowering for the first two weeks with the blue/high K bulbs. i have one plant under that and one under the 600HPS but the leaves look the same on both.
With the yellowing from outside in from what seems to be from the bottom up on the plant i thought it may be a phosphorous deficiency so i tried separating two plants giving one more nutes and one less but leaves still yellowed and the one with more nutes got nute burn on leaf tips.
I thought my PBP nutrients were bad because they sat for a while so i bought brand new and a different brand but again- same problem.
On these current two in question i have not only separated under different lights to see if that helps but i am increasing the Boost which is phosphorous and potassium.
I must be wrong but i thought with yellowing/bleaching of the leaves and all visual symptoms it was either too much or intense light, too much heat, or phosphorous def.
Unless this strain is extremely sensitive to heat and i need to get down to around 78 even with CO2 i dont know.
So in the pics you can see the leaf and black spots and the same strain that is about a month farther along with all the leaf damage.
Please help me figure this out.
Thanks in advance


sorry pics did not work in the first post.

ppm is about 1200 with all nutes added.

i have increased the bloom nutrient slowly from 20ml/gal which is what is says on the bottle to about 32ml/gal and also the boost. At 20ml/gal and all supplements the ppm is about 1200. today with the increase, i mixed up a batch and it was about 1400.

thanks again
2010 07 24 134739
2010 07 24 135012
2010 07 24 134412
2010 07 24 134455
2010 07 24 134726
2010 07 24 134550
2010 07 24 134847
xX Kid Twist Xx

xX Kid Twist Xx

Premium Member
it looks like P to me as well along with Mg. you giving it any cal-mag?

i see you are adding cal-mag. the leaves will not recover that have been affected if you fixed the problem. i dont see any purple stems and the buds seem to be forming great. for the most part the plant seems fine. does your ph stay in the range you water or feed at?


when i use the reservoirs, the ph is very stable. Never out of the 5.8-6.0 range.

You are right - for the most part they seem fine but this is how the problem always progresses. They look fine like now with only minor symptoms but in a few weeks they will look like the damaged plants you see in the pics with all the dried out leaves.


The yellowing of leaves happens first in the lower and middle larger, older fan leaves.
this is definitely not light stress since its happening at lower parts of the plant. i dont think its heat stress either because since i have lowered the temps this is still happening.

So back to the phosphorous deficiency. I tried adjusting nutes a few months ago on two different plants. One plant fed stronger than where i was at and one weaker nutes. Both plants still yellowed the same so i looked for other problems.

When i saw a deficiency before, i added more nutes and all was good. this time it appears just the phosphorous is deficient so i am going to try adjusting that again.

What is the best way to do this? with the Ionic i am using, there is a Bloom Boost which is just potassium and phosphorous and is 0-4-5. I have increased this and will continue to do so hoping the yellowing stops. is this a good method to try?
Or increase the bloom nutrient? Or is there a way to just add phosphorous only?

What do you guys think? P Deficiency? Are these the right steps or do you think i have other problems i am not seeing?? Please help


not in regards to your problem, but if your user name is your real name you will want to change it asap. garunteed bad guys are watching.....whether you are legit med or not, not a good idea.


Cannobi Genetics
not in regards to your problem, but if your user name is your real name you will want to change it asap. guaranteed bad guys are watching.....whether you are legit med or not, not a good idea.

good point:fighting0040: Die bad guys!

lol would that be considered a "security deficiency"?


Yeah Make sure your meter is calibrated. I heard from Hanna Meters have been having issues . Check your roots. Are they coming out of the cube? Are the cubes still covered with plastic? Look into the plastic covered part (if its still covered) do you see any bugs? Have you noticed any flying bugs or crawling bugs? If so ... Get yellow sticky cards and place them all over your cubes and get some type of bug killer spray.. ask your local hydro or nursery for veg garden bug killer (natural or chemical whichever you want) and start spraying the fuckers if you see them. IF you have not allready flushed your cubes and your res DO IT! Flush Res and sanitize with Physan ,Chlorine, or H2o2. Be carefull when using either of these products. I would then make a solution with h202 lets say 2-4ml per gallon and add it to your water ph it and flush cubes. I would for the next feeding get fresh water Ph it, and add nutes . And feed as usual as usual.


tht same thing happened to me before on the lower leafs i am sure it was because they were not getting enough light on mine..


Ur right about Johnny Law, Chey, but using your real name here would be like a prostitute using her real name on an escort site! Why would ya do it? A quick search of Nick Capuno makes no mention of any pot growing hippies, anyway. Yeah, J L surfs sites like these, of that there is little doubt, but unless they have machines that can track thousands of sites & millions of site goers, they haven't the manpower or will power to do much more than look & maybe, just maybe target one or two poor schmucks who make themselves that by boasting of interstate seed sales or other such no-noish behavior.
Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

Throw me in with the P as well, but nothing major. A little weak on nutes when you flipped lights is all. Plant started drawing upon stored reserves is all, IMO.

Careful adding Cal/mag to tap. A good portion of that 150-200 ppm you are reading is Ca. Lot's 'o Ca in tap water depending upon where you live. Don't go apeshit pouring stuff into your pots, cause a real deal lock out and stress your plants.


make sure your meter is calibrated.

You got that right. Burned up my last set of clones due to dirty meter. PH was at 6.5! Great for soil. Bad for hydro!

Looks a bit like mag. def. too. Due to the use of tap, I would go w/ 1tsp/gal of epsom salt

Good Luck
Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

Someone's gotta clue me in on the cal/mag thing. Been off the site for a bit. Apparently that seems to be the hip advice rollin' 'round da net these days?


there are no bugs that i have seen anywhere in the room

stickyicky- you are right. i thought it was P but it is a Mg Def.
I have started adding epsom salts 1/2 then 1 tsp per gallon the last couple of days. things are looking better than ever since i started this strain but the yellowing is still progressing.

i put two plants side by side using all the same nutes except increased Cal-Mag for one and epsom salts for the other. the one with epsom salts is much greener. like someone above said-if there is too much Cal in the water, it may be locking out the magnesium. for the time being, i bought a zero water filter which took my tap water to 0 on the meter and will use that to see if the tap water is the problem. if so i will buy an RO system.

i am up to 1 tsp per gallon of epsom salt and the yellowing is still advancing. i am going to wait a few days to see how the filtered water reacts but if yellowing keeps advancing, how strong should i mix this stuff? it makes the ppm go way up when adding. anyone using epsom salts - what is the most you have had to add for a high Mg demanding plant?

forgot to add for those that asked-i calibrate the meters frequently so they should be right on


Hey, Nick. How are the plants? Did you ever try foliar feeding with epsom?

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