Does Anyone Use Regeneration........

  • Thread starter Reefer Franklin
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Reefer Franklin

0 start a new grow ? I ask because I'm thinking of doing it when I cut down my ebb and grow crop next week. Any thoughts ? And how long does it take for the plants to go back into veg ?


The Reef


I am on my 8th crop from regenerated clones/plants. It works but does take about 3weeks to get back into veg growth. But when you do it, every hair becomes a shoot!! I have had increased yeilds from my reveg everytime.

i tried attaching some photos but it wont let me upload.

Reefer Franklin


Would love to see some pics. Is the Farm saying something like "your token has expired" ? I have had this happen a couple of times. Just try again.

Let's see, three weeks to re-veg. The alternative is to clean the whole 48 bucket system out, get rid of the coco fiber, steralize the Hydroton clean out all the buckets and the reservoir and put everything back. That'll take a week with all the curing and drying I also need to do.

My starts will be 4". So by the time they get to about 18" the regenerative system is rolling - AND I'm going to get a bigger yield. It's a no brainer.

How much of the cut stem do you leave ? How many lower bud sites are needed ? Do you just do a very thorough system flush before putting your nutes in ? Do you use something like Verde to help the plants reveg ? Light cycle 18/6 ? Have you done all 8 regens in the same system and how are you growing ? How much larger of a yield are you getting each time ?

I'm excited about this. Thanks for any info.

The Reef
Imported Photos 00760
Imported Photos 00761


Let me start by saying that I'm not a regenerator...but my limited knowledge on the topic says that you will have LESS yield each time you do it, not more.


I too am interested as I am wanting to re-veg some of mine also. Good question reef.
Sup laz.


I too am interested as I am wanting to re-veg some of mine also. Good question reef.
Sup laz.

Hey, how's it going Dex? Time to hit the books again and figure this one out...

Reefer Franklin

The only information I could find on it was on "the other" forum

From the info and pictures from darkdestruction420 he claims to be increasing his yield each time. I just wanted to see if any farmers had tried this. I'm guessing that if the yield was reduced each time ReDLuBE would also have stopped before 8 regens - unless he is a complete loony. And we don't have any loonies on the farm, do we ?

The Reef

All plants are equal. But some are more equal than others. Apologies to George Orwell - Animal Farm


Reef I have tried to reveg but did it to a bonsai that I eventually killed. I really do think that root size to leaf ratio is important, but when Ive tried root trimming (as advised for bonsai plants/mothers) they dont recover. I want to try again but IDK if they will thrive or what. I am going to do one or two plants, leave as much foliage as i can on bottom parts and work with my plants from there. I be reading up more also and post some findings if its ok. Luck.



I'm guessing that if the yield was reduced each time ReDLuBE would also have stopped before 8 regens - unless he is a complete loony. And we don't have any loonies on the farm, do we ?

The Reef

All plants are equal. But some are more equal than others. Apologies to George Orwell - Animal Farm

Nah, this farm, not this farm...I've heard that it is strain dependent as far as yields are concerned. I would guess that if you found that needle in the haystack it would be possible to increase yield each time. I'm a positive thinker so I would like to think it can happen I just haven't been privy to any solid proof and I haven't tried it myself because I have too many beans lying around.


Bro you got that banger room and you don't feel like cleaning out the buckets? Don't reveg and clean the buckets

Reefer Franklin


It's not that I don't feel like cleaning the buckets and the outer buckets (although it's no fun).

I'm looking at the advantages:

1. Continuing a strain that I have no starts for.

2. Re-starting in about the same time as it's going to take me from cuttings.

3. Increasing the yield of this already bushy triple Indica hybrid. (I have a feeling it will explode.)

4. You guessed it; not having to clean out the buckets.

Where's the vap ?

The Reef

Trichome Forecast: Cloudy with some clear areas.

Reefer Franklin

Reef I have tried to reveg but did it to a bonsai that I eventually killed. I really do think that root size to leaf ratio is important, but when Ive tried root trimming (as advised for bonsai plants/mothers) they dont recover. I want to try again but IDK if they will thrive or what. I am going to do one or two plants, leave as much foliage as i can on bottom parts and work with my plants from there. I be reading up more also and post some findings if its ok. Luck.


Hi DextrO,

Do you think it's necessary to touch the roots ? I'd rather not have Bonsai Marijuana plants - unless I'm selling in Japan.

I haven't read that anywhere. I think with a healthy root ball so long as you are keeping everything clean the plant could go on for quite some time. I'm really practicing pseudo-hydroponics with 40% Hydroton and the rest coco fiber
with 4" rockwool blocks. There's no light getting to the nutes under the plant, and I check every few days for the residue in the bottom pot.

I've decided to go with it and I have a friend with some back up Kush cuttings that he is going to hold in case everything goes tits up.

Please post as much info as you can. I will do the same as I cut down the plants next week. I'm going to do all 48, following the motto of Britain's Elite Special Air Services Commandoes: "Who Dares Wins". Or I may just be shot down in flames like a Spitfire.

This could be a well kept secret of marijuana growing, practiced only by a few carefully chosen initiates, commanded to reveal their secrets to no-one on pain of......... a hash oil enema.

But I'll save that story for another time.

The Reef

Down on the farm with the hoes.

Reefer Franklin

Just found this on "the other" forum from 2004:

I have succsefuly attempted this experiment. I'm smokin bud off a 2yo bitch (outdoor). just cut plant back at end of cycle to those bottom shitty lil buds not worth smokin. They will grow a lil coarse and dry as plant enz first season. BUT keep watering etc and plant will go through growth stage once more-even starting off with single leaf then three leaf etc. It will come back hard making great cloning ma's. the clones will bee same age as the ma.
This is great coz you know you have a female every season and potency increases and plant gets bushier every season increasing yeild. IMPORTANT to keep males well away- but if you do get polination next year be more careful with males and that bitch will throw out some excelent bud.
use the force

Thanks to zsmoka

The Reef

Why do 99% of farmers spell yield yeild ? It's because we know it's i before e
except after bong.


I guess if its some sort of experiment, go for it. It just seems like a waste of time if you don't get the yield you want

Reefer Franklin


Don't know that I will get improved yields initially. But unless we experiment we are going to be stuck with what we have. It's never a waste of time. Might be a waste of money, but I'm willing to risk it.

Is it possible that a few other people on the farm could find little about it and wouldn't risk it. I think that's true. There aren't many risk-takers in this field, mainly because a failed crop is a $20,000 - $50,000 loss.

Edison, after inventing the light bulb with about 1,000 failed attempts was asked
don't you feel like an idiot after all those failures. His response was:

"Not at all. Now I know 1,000 ways not to make a light bulb."

I have faith.

The Reef



Don't know that I will get improved yields initially. But unless we experiment we are going to be stuck with what we have. It's never a waste of time. Might be a waste of money, but I'm willing to risk it.

Is it possible that a few other people on the farm could find little about it and wouldn't risk it. I think that's true. There aren't many risk-takers in this field, mainly because a failed crop is a $20,000 - $50,000 loss.

Edison, after inventing the light bulb with about 1,000 failed attempts was asked
don't you feel like an idiot after all those failures. His response was:

"Not at all. Now I know 1,000 ways not to make a light bulb."

I have faith.

The Reef
I wouldn't call an experiment gone wrong a "failed crop" because the only thing you will spend on it besides time is electricity, nutes, and water. Not really a $20k-$50k loss if you are just doing it as a hobby and not a lifestyle. If you're willing to give it a go, I'm willing to hang out and see where you get. I know some plants do some weird shit (weird not wierd) when they are regen'd so I'm in for the show.

Reefer Franklin

Nice one Laz,

At the moment I am doing this as a lifestyle. And yes if I don't make and sell the crop it's a $20,000 - $50,000 loss depending on what's happening in the growing room.

The Reef


I've always wanted to try this but been afraid that the yields would reduce or that the plant would take a shape undesirable for my lighting layout. I've also never seen a documented grow log that involved revegging. Perhaps when I hang up this room on my final grow I'll try it only to wish I did it on my first grow...Dohhhh!


I would definitely try and reveg any fire that i see. This grow i have a bubblegumXmango, almost white with trics but shes a lime green real smelly; imma work her hard.

Farmer Jon

Premium Member
Regeneration is great if your attempting to save a pheno, but when it comes to Regen for the purpose of elevating yield I would have to say this is not very likely.
It is however possible (in my experience) to achieve a higher than typical yield by removing the top cola's and buds that are up to par, and giving the plants 4-5 days of 24 hours of light and then re-introducing the proper photoperiod (12/12). This practice allows the flowers that were receiving less than optimal light to regain momentum and achieve full bloom. This may or may not improve yield, as it is very strain dependent some may start to stress and in response develop all sorts of deformations, while other strain will thrive and reward you with a much more desirable harvest.
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