WoW! Osama Bin Ladin Killed By USA!!

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All I Can Say Is, " Who Woulda Thought. " Gonna Roll Up A Chocolate Thai Blunt In Honor Of The Occasion :rollj: :party
Feel Free To Post Your Feelings Here On The Thread Fellow Farmers.

- Golden_Child :smiley_joint:


Yeah Aussie! United We Stand, United We Fall!!

a happy day having worked at wtc and knowing many who lost there lifes it is a proud day for me and our country and the world this guy was bottom of the barrel low

Yeah, Everything Aussie Said.

I Feel You, It Is A Very Proud Day For Us. Much Respect Goes Out To You
Aussie. < passed the bong to Homie Aussie > :bong2: Thanks For Posting Here In Remembrance Of All Those Fallen To The Evil Of The World. This Great Day Goes Out To You.

- Golden_Child


strain hoarder
good news for shure but all i seen was obamas speech not bin ladens body fishy


True, But....

good news for shure but all i seen was obamas speech not bin ladens body fishy

... We Shall Let Time Tell pimp :movie
We Are All Waiting To See That Snapshot. :makeup Lets Give Em A Little Time.
Thanks For Your Input pimpin. See Ya Around. Everyone Feel Free To Post Here What You Got On Your Mind. I Don't Hate Or Discriminate. :pimp:

- Golden_Child


Gotta Agree

don't believe the hype.
He's Right Everyone. Never Believe The Hype. But IMHO Never Disregard It, Because It Does Always Have An Aspect Of Truth To It. :mmm Maybe They Killed Osama, Maybe They Didn't. It Could Be Debated Forever Until Proven One Way or Another.:evilgrin0040: But What I Do Know For Sure Is What Happened. I Do Know I Saw The President Come On And Tell The World The USA Killed Osama. Time Will Tell. Thanks for Your Posts altitudefarmer Even Tho That Link Was Like:sign0065: LoL. Stay High Alt.:cool0044:

- Golden_Child

true blue

Good day for the familys who have lost loved ones.I dont thnk he was worthy of smoking anything afgani.


Crazy I found out about this event not on facebook, not on the TV ('cause I don't own one), but here on the farm. HA! Thanks for the worldly update.


Totally worth losing thousands of young American men and adding billions(trillions?) of dollars to out national debt over 10 years! At least all of that got us one guy, we should be so proud of ourselves. Now that we've pissed all that money away and American lives what do we have to show for it?


One Guy?

Totally worth losing thousands of young American men and adding billions(trillions?) of dollars to out national debt over 10 years! At least all of that got us one guy, we should be so proud of ourselves. Now that we've pissed all that money away and American lives what do we have to show for it?

We have killed thousands of them,war is not about one guy,he was just the mastermind behind it and needed to die.


yo swiss dont be so harsh on yourselfs lol all i can say is that AL Qaeda just got ten times stronger bro just my 2 pence lol
peace ts


We have killed thousands of them,war is not about one guy,he was just the mastermind behind it and needed to die.

Maybe I don't think properly by some standards but what did that really accomplish? He's dead after way too much money was spent on getting revenge and you're right we're killing thousands of "them" so it's ok if we spare a few thousand of our American brothers and an insane amount of money to kill one man and fight a war for nothing except the benefit of a few big private companies. The wars we are currently involved in do not benefit us as Americans in any way, the thinking is poor, and we're going bankrupt doing it.


Well-Known Farmer
My good buddy in Homeland (US Army Intel) confermed they got Osama before the Presidents speach. He couldn`t tell me the details but said he was in charge of part of the mission and saw Bin Laden`s body! He is dead! Now lets hope the rest of those scum fight each other in a power vacuume for awhile and we get a breather! Osama got his just compusation for his actions! I`m proud to be American today! We got him!


Great!!! we got our body and they got their Martyr.
Everyone is happy.
Can we bring our troops home now?


I can't wait to see the last pics - I bet he looks really pissed!;):sign0005:


BS....Osama has been dead for a few years now. I wonder why they are saying he is dead now? Osama was very sick & was hooked up to a dialysis machine before the whole invasion into Afghanistan. But yeah DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE. Osama has been dead for years
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

The very first news story I saw last night was a report where 2 high ranking people let the story out and it said he was killed last week. Now the president is saying it was last night. I still believe he is dead I am just wondering why not one major news network is talking about this.

I also am wondering why the news people are being so accepting of the fact he was quickly buried at sea. The islamic customs explanation is not flying with me because even though burial has to be within 24 hrs the body has to be ceremoniously shrouded and prayed over and then buried.

They needed to release a picture of the dead body and then they could do what needed to be done.

Why worry about islamic tradition to a killer who didn't care about islamic tradition when he blew other muslims to pieces. Their blown to bits bodies didn't get shrouded, prayed over and buried within 24 hours.

I don't know how the US government can mess something like this up. I mean they hit a home run but now it is going to be over shawdowed with lies, trickery and deceit. Plus they don't give anyone the satisfaction of seeing this killers dead body.

It isn't like Saddam where we had him alive and showed pictures of him but then decided we would not show pictures of his death. We only had a dead osama bin laden.

Watch it come out that it was last week but they delayed reporting it because of the royal wedding. There is going to be a firestorm of reaction if that is the case.

There is going to be a lot of conspiracy theory people saying we didn't get him now too. The BS is just starting.

I find it hard to understand how the news stations are not talking about any of this. Like they have been instructed not to raise questions. I find that hard to believe but what is a good explanation for the lack of questions on these subjects.

I am really mystified that in this day and age when the news questions every little detail that nobody is talking about it was first reported osama was killed last week and not questioning no pics and a quick burial.


Usa! Usa! Usa!

I Wanna Thank You All OF You Farmers Who Stopped By And Expressed Your Feelings and Thoughts Here On The Thread. :) I am Loving The Way We Can All Come Together As Fellow Farmers and Share All The Different Feelings And Views On This Subject Here. :party I Am Celebrating For Those Those Who Were Innocent Victims In All The Osama Mess, Not Just The Killing Of A Man. I Wanna Send Out Much Love To All Our Troops Around The World! We GREATLY THANK YOU!! :cake Lets Never Forget About Our Boys Fighting For Us.

- Golden_Child
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