Hermaphrodite Genetics

  • Thread starter Sunbiz1
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Hey all!

2 years ago, I had a very nice outdoor girl produce almost 200 seeds during late flowering stages due to too many vehicle headlights@night. I really liked the final product(despite lowered yield),so I saved the beans. I was hesitant to ever use them b/c I assumed(apparently incorrectly)that the offspring would follow the genetics of the he/she parent and produce hermie plants. Last February I decided to try an experiment and grew 20 b/c I've been told/read that hermie seeds are usually 90% female. 10 of these plants are indoors, while the other 10 are in the ground. The first 2 I threw into 12/12 6 days ago, and today I noticed what appears to be early pistil development. I'll post pics in a couple of days when I have more definitive results.

My question is, has anyone ever tried this?...and if so what were your results?.

Any feedback would be much appreciated.




Living dead girl
It's how I got started, and my son is growing out some of the seeds I used to start with now, too and he's getting phenos that I NEVER saw. Anyway, what I grew out was better than the stock the seeds came from, but it was very hermie-prone. Got about equal male:female ratios, but the girls tended to switch, some very early on and others not as early. You ought to get something decent as far as smokability goes, assuming parent stock was also halfway decent.


if your just growin, im always trying different seeds and makeing new seeds and i hate finding unintentional seeds, especially amongst the intentional ones, fucks the game up-game over.you should move on from these, ive grown and have these types, not cause of headlights, they now stay in the suspect bag, till i have the will to throw them away,like i know i should.maybe it wont be a waste,but dont waste time with questionable seeds, even a fair share of the suposide good ones suck ass.keep a close eye on them, if they sketch out you know then what you must do.i do hope it turns out great for you


Hi Sea,

Thank you for posting your previous results. The only reason I even tried this was b/c I like this particular strain, I've named it "old-school skunk piss"(lol). It reminds me of the stuff from Hawaii I bought 25 years ago.

Were your results indoors or outdoors?. I ask b/c I intentionally did both to see if a controlled environment reduces hermie tendencies. There is a product called Dutch Masters Reverse I have heard good reviews about. A quick google search shows it's only about 15 bucks a gallon. Meanwhile, plant number 1 is definitely showing pistils. In fact, I think I have an old pic of the mother plant 2 years ago. I'll dig around for it and post if possible.

Have a good day!



if your just growin, im always trying different seeds and makeing new seeds and i hate finding unintentional seeds, especially amongst the intentional ones, fucks the game up-game over.you should move on from these, ive grown and have these types, not cause of headlights, they now stay in the suspect bag, till i have the will to throw them away,like i know i should.maybe it wont be a waste,but dont waste time with questionable seeds, even a fair share of the suposide good ones suck ass.keep a close eye on them, if they sketch out you know then what you must do.i do hope it turns out great for you

That's another issue I need to address, my overall seed stock(only have 3)...I need to expand it. I had another strain try and hermie indoors back in April. It made a bunch of nanners 8 weeks into flower. This plant I have a pic of, only I need to re-size or host to post it here. I let it go another week to finish up b/c it never produced a seed pod.
Dr. Detroit

Dr. Detroit

With enough patience, and plenty of diverse genetic sources, the possibilities of what you can accomplish are extraordinary.

I'd love to explore the world to find the perfect terroir for cannabis. Something near the equator, not too humid, at a fairly high elevation, with just the right soil. You could toss out a handful of bagseed at a place like that, and within a few generations miraculous things would occur.

Replicating such an environment indoors is expensive, and a terrible hassle...

Any trait can be culled, controlled, manipulated, or enhanced with time and careful forethought.


If your plant that produce seeds was a hermie plant then the seeds should all be girls,but i have never heard of a plant hermie outside because of headlights!More likely the clone was in flower and reversed back to veg that how most outdoor plant hermie!!And if the plant hermied outside get rid of those seeds becuase all the girls from it will hermie to.Or the plant could have been bred with some niehboring male ,so you could have a good cross.The only way to know is to grow them out.


If your plant that produce seeds was a hermie plant then the seeds should all be girls,but i have never heard of a plant hermie outside because of headlights!More likely the clone was in flower and reversed back to veg that how most outdoor plant hermie!!And if the plant hermied outside get rid of those seeds becuase all the girls from it will hermie to.Or the plant could have been bred with some niehboring male ,so you could have a good cross.The only way to know is to grow them out.

Hi Red,

Thinking back 2 years, you're right on the headlights. I've read(perhaps incorrectly)that interruptions in light cycle during flowering can encourage male characteristics. The plant was near a road side, so it was my best guess. However, I had another female there as well(a sativa strain as opposed to the hermie indica/sativa mixed gene). That one remained female despite being next to the hermie plant during the entire flowering process. I was hoping I would get a cross breed on the sativa at the time, didn't happen.

You confused me a bit w/your posting. How does an outdoor plant revert back to veg in September during rapidly decreasing daylight conditions?.



If your plant that produce seeds was a hermie plant then the seeds should all be girls,

i think you'll have a high percentage of girls without hermie issues,,,that is my experience,,but i am talkin about indoors only
good luck ,, gro em out n see


a clone that was taken from a flowering female has a high rate of turnig hermie,a plant would not revert back to veg in september.But if you grew from a clone and that clone was taken from a flowering plant than you chance of hermie is high


Thanks red, that clarifies. I grow as a hobby/personal use(and I smoke a LOT), so a few seeds doesn't deter me. I'm sure most, if not all here have purchased commercial weed at some point...almost all of which contain at least a few seeds. I would imagine many growers started as I did, digging through ounces of really good weed for those 2 or 3 beans. It should be interesting to see the results and post the percentages if they hermie. I guess my question would be, can hermie genetics be controlled or eliminated by changing the environment in which they are grown?. That's why I have some indoors, while others are in the ground.


most of the time a hermie plant from indoors will be less likely to hermi outside becuase there a less factors for it to stress and turn hermie,but plants that hermie outdoors I dont know what they will do.


most of the time a hermie plant from indoors will be less likely to hermi outside becuase there a less factors for it to stress and turn hermie,but plants that hermie outdoors I dont know what they will do.

Hi Red,

These are current indoor projects, will update as plants hopefully do as I will!.


Living dead girl
I apologize, but I'm really not sure if I should post or not, so here goes, but a lot of what's been posted is simply untrue. I don't mean to single anyone out, but in this instance it absolutely cannot be helped.

Seeds from a plant that either hermied or was pollinated by a hermie are NOT going to be all or mostly females simply because they are the progeny of hermaphroditic sexual reproduction. I speak from experience here and it didn't take long at all to gain that experience.

A clone taken from a flowering female has no more chance of turning hermie than a clone taken from a vegging female ASSUMING THE FEMALE IN QUESTION ISN'T ALREADY HERMIE PRONE. That one is boggling my mind, I keep saying to myself, "Oh... WHAT??"

If a plant is likely to go hermie indoors it is just as likely to hermie outdoors. Jesus Jumping Christ.

It's about genetics. If the plant in question already has a propensity to express phenotypically (physical expression) hermaphrodism, that's it, any little thing and no thing may 'cause' it to change sexual expression. But these other things that have been posted here are little more than uncommon fallacies.


I apologize, but I'm really not sure if I should post or not, so here goes, but a lot of what's been posted is simply untrue. I don't mean to single anyone out, but in this instance it absolutely cannot be helped.

Seeds from a plant that either hermied or was pollinated by a hermie are NOT going to be all or mostly females simply because they are the progeny of hermaphroditic sexual reproduction. I speak from experience here and it didn't take long at all to gain that experience.

A clone taken from a flowering female has no more chance of turning hermie than a clone taken from a vegging female ASSUMING THE FEMALE IN QUESTION ISN'T ALREADY HERMIE PRONE. That one is boggling my mind, I keep saying to myself, "Oh... WHAT??"

If a plant is likely to go hermie indoors it is just as likely to hermie outdoors. Jesus Jumping Christ.

It's about genetics. If the plant in question already has a propensity to express phenotypically (physical expression) hermaphrodism, that's it, any little thing and no thing may 'cause' it to change sexual expression. But these other things that have been posted here are little more than uncommon fallacies.

No need 4/apologies, this was the post I was waiting for...thank you!.


seamaiden that is not true ,any of it!!
1.a femal plant that hermies only has the "x" chromo and not the "y"chromo making the seeds female.think FEM seeds!!
2.a plant that hermi in will NOT always hermi outside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If there is a light on in a room females will hermie ,take that same seed outside it will not hermie!!
3.hermie plants are not in the genitics or all fem seeds would be hermies!!you can make any plant hermie by leaving a light on in room for couple of days!
4.a a clone takin from a flowering female does have more of a chance of hermi becuase of the extra stress of reverting back to veg.

Seamaiden sounds like you need to read a book on breeding!!!

I do think that plants that hermi outside will produce all hermi female plants


The nice thing is we will be able to separate the wheat from the chaff by Labor Day.

Here is plant number 1, 8 days into 12/12 cycle.

Have a good weekend all!


Living dead girl
seamaiden that is not true ,any of it!!
1.a femal plant that hermies only has the "x" chromo and not the "y"chromo making the seeds female.think FEM seeds!!
2.a plant that hermi in will NOT always hermi outside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If there is a light on in a room females will hermie ,take that same seed outside it will not hermie!!
3.hermie plants are not in the genitics or all fem seeds would be hermies!!you can make any plant hermie by leaving a light on in room for couple of days!
4.a a clone takin from a flowering female does have more of a chance of hermi becuase of the extra stress of reverting back to veg.

Seamaiden sounds like you need to read a book on breeding!!!

I do think that plants that hermi outside will produce all hermi female plants
Holler louder, that should make everything you say true.

How many hermie seeds have you grown out? It didn't take me very many at all to learn that Point 1 is untrue, with a fierceness. I will continue to assert what I know to be true, but you can continue to holler and say it ain't. Funny thing, that doesn't make what I'm saying to be untrue.

Point 2, I'm not getting what you're trying to say, mostly I see a bunch of exclamation points. If you're saying that *I* said a plant that... wait, I'm still not getting it.

Point 3, now, this shit's pretty hilarious because with Point 3 you just undid your Point 1. :giggle Are they in the genetics or not? What's a feminized seed got that a hermie seed doesn't? Let's keep going, using this here logic my momma gave me, along with this here experience I gave myself. If I hit you again with real life experience, would you holler it isn't true harder, or would you concede that perhaps there may be some merit to it?

Leave a light on with a flowering lady for several days, hell, make it a week, see what happens. I don't care at what point in flowering she's in, you can pick. I can tell you what happens, too--they reveg. Assuming, of course, that they're 'good' (non-hermie prone) genetics.

Point 4, I... seriously? Are you fucking serious? So ANYTIME anyone takes a clone from a flowering female it's just going to be more prone to go hermie simply because she was in flower? I can hit you again with direct experience, but honestly, I think it's you who needs to get some. It's one of my standard practices to take cuts from flowering girls, often very late in flower. I haven't had a hermaphrodite since I stopped running subcool genetics. D'oh!

How about *you* go read a book on breeding, and maybe some other things, eh? I currently am far too busy reading The New Organic Grower, Gaia's Garden, and Smart Permaculture Design to start reading yet another book. Of course, if you have a recommendation for a good book on breeding I'd be mildly curious.



Isn't it feasible to suppress unwanted genetic characteristics by changing mediums and other environmental conditions?. It would seem so b/c every bag seed I have grown has produced a better product. These plants were grown under the same conditions, and are showing a lot of variation in veg state, so every strain has for lack of a better term sub-genetics.

Also, does anyone know who I need to contact to turn on my PM system here?. I can only read my inbox, but cannot respond to my message. So, if you happen to read this SM, I had to save copy of my response until I can send....and thank you!.


sounds like what i just went through... only my first time but had males and females from a hermied out plant

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