First UC grow!

  • Thread starter GeneticFreak
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Its low now but when they get into a hard flower stage they will transpire and it could get hi. I usually run two dehumidifiers to keep things in check. However I am going to try and keep rh around 45% to 50%. I think 35 is too low even though I haven't had problems. I just can't help but think that there might be some benefit from running it a bit higher as long as there are no pm problems. Thanks for the compliment GG!


Things are going pretty good. Im dealing with slime right now but its getting better. Im using a microbe tea. If it doesn't work out i'll go back to zone in a high dose. Getting good growth but its just a lil slow. Hows ur show going Hogan?


Its low now but when they get into a hard flower stage they will transpire and it could get hi. I usually run two dehumidifiers to keep things in check. However I am going to try and keep rh around 45% to 50%. I think 35 is too low even though I haven't had problems. I just can't help but think that there might be some benefit from running it a bit higher as long as there are no pm problems. Thanks for the compliment GG!

Vapor Pressure Differential. This is the driving concept behind what your relative humidity should be and why. I recommend you keep your humidity in the 65% range for most of flowering, as it will allow the plants to spend less of their energy just moving water and more of it actually growing. Only in the last week or so of flower- when you're trying to encourage them to finish- would I let the humidity drop to 55% or less.

There is a great article in Maximum Yield magazine about this:


I have read that article and I would try that. I have had my battles with pm and have been reluctant to go that high. But I have nipped that in the bud so why not. I'll give it a shot and see how it goes. Is it ok to burn sulfur in UC?
Im gonna need a humidifier soon because my babies have been living in 25% RH for the past week.


Hey GF,

Whats the scoop? hows temps, pump, airstones, manifold, the basics? check for any simple things overlooked.... aaaand for me, my first time in the uc I wanted to keep it simple and run sterile.

I know you went with a tea, Im not really sure if you can run zone with, or/on top of it? Zone would strip and kill the rhizo you were trying to create. I also think that switch may stress em, might be why they're slowing a little. I backed off nutes 40% and began spraying my room with water to raise humidity, mine responded quickly. Now im riding the rapid growth and ph swing. The growth is fucking ridiculous for 4-5 days now! They have more than doubled in size! Makes me nervous, im kinda pessimistic, that being said im just afraid the potential for failure could be "quick" ya know..

Soon as I backed off my nutes the roots exploded and they boomed! Something about that reset, and I see it a lot on here, they just dont word it that way... my parameters were perfect except r.h. (45%). My nutes I felt were already low. You could drain your uc and add fresh nutes at 250PPM with zone @ 2 ml a gallon,I bet ur roots would explode. I was hesitant to reset but the growth rate is so fast that its a non factor compared to my usual boogie....
Hope this helps and post a lil more detail. Look at my notes, if they can help cool, if you have ?'s hit me...good vibes GF


The scoop is that things are still just ok! BUT I think they are on th mend. My roots looked a lot better when I was using the microbe tea. I just can't keep making tea at the rate they need it. So I went back to sterile and yes they did dtress a bit. But I don't think its too bad. I flushed them with plain ro and zone for almost two days because they just didn't look quit right after tea and switching to reg nutes and zone. I think that was the stress. Last night I went back to a lower dose nutes and subdue maxx. The subdue is foamy but we'll see what happens. Some of my buddies are crazy about it and say it works great. I'm also running t5's right now because the 6k was too much for those stressed out lil babies. Ill post some pics tonight
Im also using a humidifier that is keeping them at about 60% rh.
Temps are about 73-75
Nutes are .6 ml/gal epsom salt
House and garden a&b 1ml/gal
Calmag 1ml/gal
.4 ec
6.0 ph
1000ppm co2


These Deathstars are struggling. I either have a deciciency or I'm burning them? They're clones cut from plants that were approximatly 2 weeks into flower. So they startted out under some stress.
Parts are 200
Ec is .4
Ph is 5.8 to 6
Rh 59%
Temp 76


Chillin' in the Shade...
Hang in there bud! I haven't run a sealed room with supplemental CO2, but I have read quite a few threads on the Farm that didn't do well when they were at this stage of veg and running CO2 at 1000 PPM or greater. I would adjust the levels down a bit until the girls are established and bushing out, especially since your nutrient PPM's are low... I think your RH is on point for proper transpiration and nutrient uptake... :nod


Thanks Shady! Yeah I'm having a tough time with this and lots of money in electricity. I will cut the co2 and go back to a passive system. What do you make of the rust burn on the tips downward curl ? Looks like copper toxicity but I want more opinions on this before I do another water change. Peace GF


Chillin' in the Shade...
IMHO It's only on one older leaf right now and those girls need a few days to get in the groove... If you notice any more leaves becoming affected in a similar manner then I would start to be concerned. BTW, I vegged with my 1kW HPS set at 500W and had the hood about 3 ft about my plants... If you have a dimmable digital ballast, you could see a slightly faster growth rate than the T5's... Also, please let us know how the pH and PPM's are changing over the course of the last week... :nod


GIve shady some rep if you havent, he has helped me VERY much! much respect to you shady and woods for helping me!! merry xmas to you all

listen to what he says man, shady, woods, and ttystikk, made a couple points in my help threads that made big impacts on my grow as well. They talked me off the ledge and I noticed Immediate impacts!several times i almost tossed my plants to start over and if I had, I woulda never solved the issues I had.

My rec is to create a daily morn and eve log....let them react and respond thru topoff rez. Like TEX always asks is what conditions exist to create your problem? Starting a new style is always tough. But uc is super responsive to even small differences. Not easy to learn but once dialed is a beast!


IMHO It's only on one older leaf right now and those girls need a few days to get in the groove... If you notice any more leaves becoming affected in a similar manner then I would start to be concerned. BTW, I vegged with my 1kW HPS set at 500W and had the hood about 3 ft about my plants... If you have a dimmable digital ballast, you could see a slightly faster growth rate than the T5's... Also, please let us know how the pH and PPM's are changing over the course of the last week... :nod

Ppm's have stayed about the same but the ph was dropping daily 5.8 down to 5.4. It seems the ph has stabilized at 6 since I've brought it up. The leaf burn is strange to me because it seems to only effect the last half inch of the leaf on some leaves. I will stay the course for a few more days and then I have to turn on the lights. I use nextgens and I don't think they're dimable. Thanks


GIve shady some rep if you havent, he has helped me VERY much! much respect to you shady and woods for helping me!! merry xmas to you all

listen to what he says man, shady, woods, and ttystikk, made a couple points in my help threads that made big impacts on my grow as well. They talked me off the ledge and I noticed Immediate impacts!several times i almost tossed my plants to start over and if I had, I woulda never solved the issues I had.

My rec is to create a daily morn and eve log....let them react and respond thru topoff rez. Like TEX always asks is what conditions exist to create your problem? Starting a new style is always tough. But uc is super responsive to even small differences. Not easy to learn but once dialed is a beast!

Will do! How do I give plus reps??
I don't have a top off res setup yet because I was waiting for them to have an appetite. I have been sick and not real motivated but I will get that top off setup tomorrow. Does it need a chiller or airstone? Thanks, GF


4 cinder blocks on end
30+ gallon brute. 44 gal works nice for me so far.
float valve
3/8 inline tubing
I used the spare uc rez adapter and a hole saw with the provided uniseal however I would recommend an aquarium bulkhead. You want a couple pics of mine?


Might want to try wrapping your buckets with an insulation like frost king. You can find it at any hd or lowe. Works great to keep light out and keep water temps down. I run 2 of the same systems you run. Works great.


I'll give that a shot. I have been looking at the holes thinking that could be a major problem and you just qualified it. I kind of assumed because I'm using zone that would kill any problems due to light hitting the water. Thanks for the tip!


Yea any time light hits water with nutes ull get alge buildup. Frostking insulation wrap will solve that. Like min.


Chillin' in the Shade...
Damn DreaminBig1207... That's a clean UC setup and happy girls you got there! Hope to see you post up a grow thread or at least some eye candy as things progress... :cool

hogan400 you are too kind! :blush

GeneticFreak, glad to hear that the pH is stabilizing around 6... That's where I like to be in veg. Thx again for the good karma as well... :damnhippie:

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