Could this be the end of prohibition....east meets west

  • Thread starter sanvanalona
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At its inception, marijuana prohibition was a concept aimed at minorities in an era when open discrimination was accepted and supported officially. It quickly gained the support of industries who realized what they stood to gain from outlawing it, from big timber to food interests.

The fact that alcohol was outlawed for only a few years and then re-legalized after the rise of organized crime should be a clear lesson to those who insist on trying to use our nation's legal structure to enforce morality, but sadly, it's been long enough that the outcry over the St. Valentine's Day massacre has been forgotten.

Laws against alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, street drugs, prostitution, abortion- these are all about the misguided attempt to force one set of values- almost always Judeo-Christian ones- on everyone in the county, state or country. If the judeo-christians want to live like that, fine! But they have no right to deny me my right to liberty- which includes the liberty to do things they may not approve of, but can't reasonably prove they are harmed by.

This is DIFFERENT from the reasonable application of regulation, such as closure of liquor stores after midnight (not Sundays) due to concerns over public drunkenness and safety. Our industry needs to be fully legalized- and then regulated. As one exmaple we need quality and purity standards- and an enforcement mechanism to stop those who would sell bad or dangerous product.

I tend to vote against republican candidates because even while they scream 'liberty' at the top of their lungs when talking aobut gun laws, they seem to consistently miss the boat on nearly every other issue involving individual liberties, from protection from police harassment to protection from unlawful search and seizure to the issues I listed above.

I see the very same Orwellian dichotomy when republicans talk about balancing the budget- but driving the deficit and the national debt to record levels when they are in office. Sadly, the democratic party has lots of ammunition to run against the republican record on spending, they just for some reason can't seem to use it.
very insightful - I agree my only issue is why does there need to be dem's - rep's instead of just one gov't with the interest of the people at hand, me for one am tired of hearing dem this , rep that - IMho it should just be a judicial body instead of elected official constantly fighting with each other.... and we the people suffer
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy


I didn't know there were so many tuff guys on the

How much medication do you have stockpiled?
How much food?
How much water?

How often do you rotate your dry food stock?

Where are you getting your dry rations? Mine are pretty cheap...and not so bad to eat.

Guns aint shit without ammo. AMMO is the shit to stockpile...

How are you gonna garden when the shit hits the fan? Think you can fend off all the zombies by yourself? They like cucumbers too!!!

Know what cosmoline is?

Just because a man is READY....doesn't mean the end is

Ok now your losing me, zombies......the day i have to fend off zombies ill just shoot the pigs out of the sky to stay full. What makes you think that everyone everywhere would close themselves out from help from others. Youd see rural folks working collectively same way we all have to now. If it wasnt for small farmers and ranchers helping each other helping set up farmers markets etc etc all small farms would be dead. You think im dull enough to think im gunna fight off the world? Does soil stop growing food when/if our economy collapses im losing ya there as well. People guerrilla grow pot, doing the same with veggies wouldn't be hard in the least. . The hard part is getting seeds.

I do know what cosmoline but im also a life long hunter, im sure alot of people on here would have no clue.

And ya know what people can prepare themselves however they want. Who the fuck are people to call others sheeple for staying optimistic and positive keeping money in a bank sending there kids to public schools supporting public health care so for once in there life they can go to a doctor. Do you somehow live your life without using any of these conveniences?

Ill say this if you were my neighbor and something as epic as your describing happened, I wouldn't close my door to you or your family. Id gladly feed you if you needed, clothe you if somehow you lost your clothes I deff. wouldnt shoot you in your face and burn your house down cause ITS THE END.......

It takes huge blinders to think that everyone with money is a dick who just locks away there cash and hates people.


why do conversations about politic's always end up with arguing , not just here but in every conversation about politic's I ever heard ALWAYS ends in an argument. The bottom line should be that we will never agree on all polictical issues but all that aside we still live in the greatest country in the world. Yes we should have more freedom and more of this and less of that..... but I for one have never had to duck a bomb to get in my house, I live well - yes I have good times and bad times but always have the oppurtunity to make things better. The world didn't end in 1999 and it is not gonna end in 2012 ... I am just glad to be here - happy to be alive - Just take pleasure in your life your family and enjoy it while it last life is to short ... does not mean you can not voice your opioion and things could always be better... but i for one am happy to be an american and live in the greatest country in the closing i would like to thank all the american soldiers that have fought or given there lives for me to have these far as my mmj opionion - I would love to just be able to grow in my own home freely and keep the gov't out of the pot business.....peace soser


Ok now your losing me, zombies......the day i have to fend off zombies ill just shoot the pigs out of the sky to stay full. What makes you think that everyone everywhere would close themselves out from help from others. Youd see rural folks working collectively same way we all have to now. If it wasnt for small farmers and ranchers helping each other helping set up farmers markets etc etc all small farms would be dead. You think im dull enough to think im gunna fight off the world? Does soil stop growing food when/if our economy collapses im losing ya there as well. People guerrilla grow pot, doing the same with veggies wouldn't be hard in the least. . The hard part is getting seeds.

I do know what cosmoline but im also a life long hunter, im sure alot of people on here would have no clue.

And ya know what people can prepare themselves however they want. Who the fuck are people to call others sheeple for staying optimistic and positive keeping money in a bank sending there kids to public schools supporting public health care so for once in there life they can go to a doctor. Do you somehow live your life without using any of these conveniences?

Ill say this if you were my neighbor and something as epic as your describing happened, I wouldn't close my door to you or your family. Id gladly feed you if you needed, clothe you if somehow you lost your clothes I deff. wouldnt shoot you in your face and burn your house down cause ITS THE END.......

It takes huge blinders to think that everyone with money is a dick who just locks away there cash and hates people.

if there wasnt zombies then why do they make zombie bullets huh ? haha
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

LMFAO!!!! good one. touche'. Dont forget the silver bullets for vampires and werewolves. The real question is what bullet to use against the aliens.........and the dolphins and whales.......fugg u dolphin fug u whale!
Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip

Ok now your losing me, zombies......the day i have to fend off zombies ill just shoot the pigs out of the sky to stay full. What makes you think that everyone everywhere would close themselves out from help from others. Youd see rural folks working collectively same way we all have to now. If it wasnt for small farmers and ranchers helping each other helping set up farmers markets etc etc all small farms would be dead. You think im dull enough to think im gunna fight off the world? Does soil stop growing food when/if our economy collapses im losing ya there as well. People guerrilla grow pot, doing the same with veggies wouldn't be hard in the least. . The hard part is getting seeds.

I do know what cosmoline but im also a life long hunter, im sure alot of people on here would have no clue.

And ya know what people can prepare themselves however they want. Who the fuck are people to call others sheeple for staying optimistic and positive keeping money in a bank sending there kids to public schools supporting public health care so for once in there life they can go to a doctor. Do you somehow live your life without using any of these conveniences?

Ill say this if you were my neighbor and something as epic as your describing happened, I wouldn't close my door to you or your family. Id gladly feed you if you needed, clothe you if somehow you lost your clothes I deff. wouldnt shoot you in your face and burn your house down cause ITS THE END.......

It takes huge blinders to think that everyone with money is a dick who just locks away there cash and hates people.

Where did you get your crystal ball? Maybe things would happen the way you say.....who knows.

Sure people can prepare themselves however they want. How does that relate to "public health care"?

If something this epic happened and we were neighbors....YOU would be the first one knocking. Not me. I wouldn't need your help. And if you had not prepared yourself I would not share. You aren't my child.

Did you say you are supporting public health care so one day you can go to a doctor? (you really lost me on the public health care thing!)

Who said people with money are dicks?
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

The healthcare comment and and preparing yourself were separate comments. It is a little confusing when i read it back myself.

Before I have to pull out a ruler to play the measure your wee wee game, Ill stop the back and forth I dont need your help im more prepared than you yada yada crap. I was making a point that your thoughts on how reactions would be after an catastrophe are prolly not right, certainly not in my case and im sure im not the only person in the world who would help others. But hey I could be wrong too, kinda one of those things you dont find out till after.

We clearly have majorly differing views, dosnt seem there is any middle ground here on this topic.

But thinking that your somehow more prepared for anything than anyone else is naive.
Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip

So you dont wanna argue but the last comment you make is inferring that I am naive.


If I have a knife...and you dont.....I am more prepared. How does that make me naive?


those are sheeple words right there.......lmao no im just kdding.
I tend to not worry about things I can not control - And my days of being a 9-5 sheep ended three years ago - now I work for myself and enjoy every day to the fullest , am not worried about the end of the world, dont vote - cause it don't matter who you vote for - bottom line is all politions care about is them selfs.... and I have never been on welfare - "I am what I am most mother #$% ers don't give a damn".......peace
Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip

I didnt say I wouldnt help others.... Just somebody who obviously hadn't thought of their future.

Thats called natural selection. It really doesn't have anything to do with


The healthcare comment and and preparing yourself were separate comments. It is a little confusing when i read it back myself.

Before I have to pull out a ruler to play the measure your wee wee game, Ill stop the back and forth I dont need your help im more prepared than you yada yada crap. I was making a point that your thoughts on how reactions would be after an catastrophe are prolly not right, certainly not in my case and im sure im not the only person in the world who would help others. But hey I could be wrong too, kinda one of those things you dont find out till after.

We clearly have majorly differing views, dosnt seem there is any middle ground here on this topic.

But thinking that your somehow more prepared for anything than anyone else is naive.
measure your wee wee game - classic lmao .......peace
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very insightful - I agree my only issue is why does there need to be dem's - rep's instead of just one gov't with the interest of the people at hand, me for one am tired of hearing dem this , rep that - IMho it should just be a judicial body instead of elected official constantly fighting with each other.... and we the people suffer

This is a good question, deserving of my best stab at an answer. First, we DO have one government. That it doesn't work very well is a consequence directly attributable to the electorate who puts divisive people in office and then rewards them for being obstructionist instead of accomodating. Whoops, I just said that you and I are the problem, didn't I? That's another part of this; everyone wants to point fingers, play the blame game (along with the measuring your pee pee game) and/or play the victim, instead of getting down to brass tacks and figuring out how to solve our nation's problems in ways that make the most sense for the most people.

We have two parties because of long standing institutional habit, and many built-in perks the two sides have voted for themselves over the years. We need more than one political party as a check on runaway abuse of power, and because the right way forward isn't clear and we need more than one perspective. In fact, I think the fact that we have only two (meaningfully sized) parties IS a lot of the problem. It's easy, after all, to sit on the sidelines and toss bombs until they let you back in the game. The concept of parliament may be reviled by many, but it is clear they do a better job of representing the breadth of the people's political interests than our two party oligopoly does.

Judges don't have any corner on wisdom, not individually and certainly not collectively. Want proof? Have a look at some of the silly excuses for 'law' our Supreme Court has ruled on in just the last few years! The Founding Fathers knew very well that no one individual had all the answers, and no one individual should have all the power. If they did, they would have been called 'monarchists' and would have happily remained under the rule of King George III. Many did feel this way, and were called 'loyalists' during the Revolutionary Era.

If you're as tired of politicians making hay instead of law, then I invite you and all those reading this to write your representatives- ALL of them!- and politely remind them that you didn't vote for them to go behave like children and make a career of political rancor. Tell them you voted for them to get shit done, in your best interest. Tell them if they fail, you'll be happy to vote for someone who will. If enough people did this, political games would dramatically diminish and maybe, just maybe, they'd get something done. If we the people kept the heat on, that something might even be helpful...

So, to end this essay where it began, we the people are responsible for our government and to the extent it doesn't work and politicians make the calculation that no progress is preferable to compromise, then it is we the people who bear the blame, and the responsibility for change.
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

So you dont wanna argue but the last comment you make is inferring that I am naive.


If I have a knife...and you dont.....I am more prepared. How does that make me naive?

whaaaaa? who the hell said I was done debating/arguing/pissing with you. Say what you want. I was just pointing out the obvious. Me and You prolly arnt going to agree, we could agree to co-exist but I dont see that happening ither.

There are different way of surviving, alot of people would consider there life's right now just surviving. What good is a knife if your too inept to use it. What is your plan for after the collapse? You came back at me calling me a tough guy for speaking my mind. You might think im ignorant for taking part in our society and economy and investing in my future and my familys future, but I think your rather dim when it comes to your views of others. Im totally willing to admit and accept my mistakes and faults you dont seem to be that seem damn sure of yourself.....kinda like a tough guy......dont worry I have confidence in myself as well.....

To address my comment made about not agreeing again, if you cant see the vast and obvious difference's in our views than I really cant help you...but to break it down really simple.....we have COMPLETELY different views on what preparing for the future is. awaiting your rebuttle.

And Id like to add I dont care how heated these arguements get thats how the world works. At some point we will see the obsurdidity of our arguements and begin scheming and working together on a plan using all of our individualitys and view as perks and not as faults and argueing points. But before that plan or idea can ever be reached people are gunna have to butt heads argue bitch piss moan and scream eventually things will be condensed into an Idea. That is what the Occupy movement trys to be, but fail.

But alas this argument isnt one of ideals its just a WEE WEE MEASURING CONTEST!
Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip

whaaaaa? who the hell said I was done debating/arguing/pissing with you. Say what you want. I was just pointing out the obvious. Me and You prolly arnt going to agree, we could agree to co-exist but I dont see that happening ither.

There are different way of surviving, alot of people would consider there life's right now just surviving. What good is a knife if your too inept to use it. What is your plan for after the collapse? You came back at me calling me a tough guy for speaking my mind. You might think im ignorant for taking part in our society and economy and investing in my future and my familys future, but I think your rather dim when it comes to your views of others. Im totally willing to admit and accept my mistakes and faults you dont seem to be that seem damn sure of yourself.....kinda like a tough guy......dont worry I have confidence in myself as well.....

To address my comment made about not agreeing again, if you cant see the vast and obvious difference's in our views than I really cant help you...but to break it down really simple.....we have COMPLETELY different views on what preparing for the future is. awaiting your rebuttle.

And Id like to add I dont care how heated these arguements get thats how the world works. At some point we will see the obsurdidity of our arguements and begin scheming and working together on a plan using all of our individualitys and view as perks and not as faults and argueing points. But before that plan or idea can ever be reached people are gunna have to butt heads argue bitch piss moan and scream eventually things will be condensed into an Idea. That is what the Occupy movement trys to be, but fail.

But alas this argument isnt one of ideals its just a WEE WEE MEASURING CONTEST!

Its a dog eat dog man! Make sure you get full!!
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

Well its better to have a grin on your face than a clinch in your hand I suppose. It was my analogy comparing your me myself and I end of the world plan. Zoom right over the head.......
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