Seems like a big MMJ story to me

  • Thread starter lino
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I dont think he realized it, he just felt it. Way back before the trial I had met Rob Corry (RC) and more crazy stuff happened , Rob and I are at starbuck and we run into Josh's dad, he is like this cool guy and just gives rob some cool Broncos tickets we’re all stoked about the tickets and we’re like just meeting each other moment before trial , and Rob says; dont worry, I'm going to see what I can do to get your seeds back just as we were parting and saying bye , SHOCK,,, I cant remember talking about my seeds to Rob at this point. I'm driving away thinking how the hell did he fucking know that! I wanted these seeds back bad !!!!!
next pic is something magical , lets hope that one of my MMJ Experts didnt RUIN them ! You'll have to get the ebook to see what happened. it was horrifying what the MMJ Expert did !

MY FRIENDS IN FT BRAGG CALI - - PARADISE ACRE'S, I DID IT ,,, THE SueMendo 4 is saved and I have at least one small handful of them, CRY! and I can see more treasures with the bags still intact in the evidence containers. There appears to be just a cpl seed containers that have leaks so I'm very meticulously saving the beginning of our USA rain forest eco-system and the forest mycological dirt is still alive also so this is a very good day for me. No not Psyco mushrooms mycology, the are RARE spots amongst the Cali Rain Forest that has magical , well for lack of word that will make sense to most people , a fungus, that I will never reveal the locations that we have found.


Sue , Guess what, we got 2 handfuls. Think back what I told you when you handed me these
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Cooky, why felony charges?

Lino, keep us posted. Do you have an attorney or are you reppin' yourself? Att. Robert Correy is cool and Dr Malamede MD is great on the stand. Remember to address the jury about Jury Nullification (if the judge allows it). Good Luck and kick ass.
kolah, pls be careful advise as the like with Jury Null . Many are confused with this term but by shear definition this is the right of the Jury Nullify some the judges rights. Null can go AGAINST you also ! As in my case the jury, HAD THEY NULL my case, it could have been that I was in prison 4yr cause the jury can convict and sentence and we had a unusual circumstances BUT you'll have to read the eBook because Rob pulled a Perry Mason , the whole trial , all the arrests, DEA, n metro task Force, you name it we've , my possie and I have been hammered from corruption, snitches, a set up like you'd would not believe and this is a story that goes the course of 41 years and RC saved me. It was crazy !

I promise you , I would have not wanted a jury null..... OMG, kolah you just wont believe what has happened , not just the trial it goes back many years !


Yes you may, but the case # is not in front of rite now, And yes Rob Corry is a Bad Ass !
this is public but it will not reveal what even happened in the court rm, more less the course of 41 yrs, so its misleading as well.


You may want to contact Attorney Robert Correy. He is a Public Defender and handled Bob Crouses' case and won hands down. Dr Malamede also will offer his services.
kolah, RC is not a Public D. for cases like mine.


I HAVE TO APOLOGIZE TO ALL ! I'm very, very sorry !
Rob and I were talking just a moment ago and I'm sorry, I didnt realize that I'm the only one he know's of ever that did what I did, especially the type of situation I was in. I'm referring to the comments I made
"pussies if you take plea's"
"comparing those who take plea's to snitches, "
thats fucked up , sorry . Rob said I'm like no other person he has never represented. I guess no has ever turned down a misdemeanor pist off and says give me freedom or give me 4 years, its on (much more quite), the jury probably heard. And the Rob throws out some Perry Mason lines to court after I say that, but NOT Recommended by me at all, talk to the expert.

when you read our Ebook , not the court case, which was nuts also you;ll understand why I did what I did.


No disrespect, but does anyone else feel like they're reading a 2nd graders book report? I am so confused.


No disrespect, but does anyone else feel like they're reading a 2nd graders book report? I am so confused.
A20Grower, that is why the story has been bought by a publisher who employs pro writers, you or I are not writer's, case in point, quote "2nd graders" , I think that would be capitalized but not sure in a blog and for a novel it might read as follows; "a children's book at a 2nd grade reading level". That is just so wrong to knock someone for the inability to blog a book when it obvious that we're not writers. And confused stimulation is all that I'm allowed to reveal under contract anyway. I'm allowed blips of facts and anything quoted direct from the WRITTEN story has to be pre-approved, .


I felt forced to take the witness stand, yes, I ended up taking the witness stand but I dont recommend it. Ask RC at your trial. I was double crossed at trial and a witness who was to testify didnt show and RC does it again and saves me like a saints hand from the heavens . Well this is an amazing story
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My father starting teaching me horticulture and animal husbandry when I was 9yo. He graduated from CSU. By the 80's I was not growing in anything but my own concocted agar's. Soil and hydro were like using a donkey compared to rocket ship for transportation. The government took my lab in the 80's. I've been force into the the cumbersome mediums of soil, H2O and the like. The beauty of this is I have improved my germination techniques. My downfalls are over estimating my abilities and 2nd guessing mother nature. My last lesson was mentored to several students who thesis pertained to Cannabis sativa L. AND Cannabis sativa L. ssp. indica (Lam.) E. Small & Cronquist AND encompasses some var Cannabis sativa L. ssp. ruderalis. We had a very successful outcome . Some of the participants felt the pressure but made it in the end. Research of the Plantea Cannabis sativa L. , plant cell and embryo cell structure, Sexuality, dicot exploratory function, embryo pathogen and hormone types and effects there of. Knowing what student would find, I had them identify pathogen on embryos from 100's of seed var's. and then confusion hit when they found almost 0% pathogens in hemp seed from a kmart bird feed. This is what I wanted, they had questions and when I was asked why does all the the embryos for "smoking" marijuana have abundant amounts of harmful pathogens ? My answer was to define that very question to me, theseis and give me your answer backed with research, starting with your experimental design in which I will guide, Your research will fail to answer the question if not how can you prove your answer.
We started with subcool Cannabis sativa L. ssp. ??? cv SpaceQueen, - 2006-2007....
Mission 1
BREAK DOWN pheno's; stabilize toward homogenous pheno . OUTCOME Tinybomb pheno, Romulan lookn, and another good pheno, YUM...
Mission 2
Remove pathogens , ovule facilitate the ovary hormone wash and embryo wash. We were at a 2% to 5% pathogen to embryonic fluid rate or I like to say; my seeds are 98% free of pathogens.

I found an 80% inert embryo rate in many hemp bird seed and some very interesting genetics also.

Our 3rd yr went sour. opps I got to stop talking someone bought the story.....
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G Cooky

G Cooky

My father starting teaching me horticulture and animal husbandry when I was 9yo. He graduated from CSU. By the 80's I was not growing in anything but my own concocted agar's. Soil and hydro were like using a donkey compared to rocket ship for transportation. The government took my lab in the 80's. I've been force into the the cumbersome mediums of soil, H2O and the like. The beauty of this is I have improved my germination techniques. My downfalls are over estimating my abilities and 2nd guessing mother nature. My last lesson was mentored to several students who thesis pertained to Cannabis sativa L. AND Cannabis sativa L. ssp. indica (Lam.) E. Small & Cronquist AND encompasses some var Cannabis sativa L. ssp. ruderalis. We had a very successful outcome . Some of the participants felt the pressure but made it in the end. Research of the Plantea Cannabis sativa L. , plant cell and embryo cell structure, Sexuality, dicot exploratory function, embryo pathogen and hormone types and effects there of. Knowing what student would find, I had them identify pathogen on embryos from 100's of seed var's. and then confusion hit when they found almost 0% pathogens in hemp seed from a kmart bird feed. This is what I wanted, they had questions and when I was asked why does all the the embryos for "smoking" marijuana have abundant amounts of harmful pathogens ? My answer was to define that very question to me, theseis and give me your answer backed with research, starting with your experimental design in which I will guide, Your research will fail to answer the question if not how can you prove your answer.
We started with subcool Cannabis sativa L. ssp. ??? cv SpaceQueen, - 2006-2007....
Mission 1
BREAK DOWN pheno's; stabilize toward homogenous pheno . OUTCOME Tinybomb pheno, Romulan lookn, and another good pheno, YUM...
Mission 2
Remove pathogens , ovule facilitate the ovary hormone wash and embryo wash. We were at a 2% to 5% pathogen to embryonic fluid rate or I like to say; my seeds are 98% free of pathogens.

I found an 80% inert embryo rate in many hemp bird seed and some very interesting genetics also.

Our 3rd yr went sour. opps I got to stop talking someone bought the story.....

Hey Lino, I would like to talk to you outside of this forum.


Premium Member
G Cooky....I deleted your email from open forum for your own security. Send him a conversation and give him your email that way. You just never know. Hope all is well...~smf~


My seed bank suffered server damage from the MMJ Expert and some damage from the cops also. I was able to re-assemble the seed bank but my heart hurts today as many hier looms are hidden in a giant bag of mixed seeds because the MMJ Expert mixed them.


row 1 is 70's - 80's seeds.
row 2 is 80's Sensi Afgani #1 IBL . cross back to 2000's Sensi Afgani #1 IBL.
WHt carpet is my equatorial sativa's.
row 3 is the original seeds of 70's "Cali Hash Plant" and further stabilized HP seeds also. SueMendo HP.
row 4 thru row 14 are old cultivars from reconized production breeders. KC Brains, SSSC, Sensi and others ol timers, NL's, G13, afy's, oldies.
PunkyLino's Pride survived. PurpaLino & Incredible Hulk made it but we have to produce seeds.
The plant I claim/hoping to be a new Subspecies and Land race made it with less than 100 seeds remaining, named Corry Bud. research not aval.
The far right is yellow bags with the Joint Drs Low Riders stabilized at a 6' var an 12" var. LR series hybreds-G13, PunkaLino's Pride, Pray2Lino etc.
LR6's are ssp ruderalis cv LowLino's.
LR12's are ssp ruderalis cv"Bandimere Burnout" or "ol skool Rubber Skunk".
Just to left of the LR program is the LinoLicous breeding program that 7 serious growers became breeders 3 of which are now horticulturist an 1 is a biologist, while 18 others have continued with our experiment going in to our 3rd year of work. The LinoLicous breeding program is getting intense quick. The complexities of stabilization towards what are deemed a "Breeder" seed is not for the recreational grower. La crew decided to go organic so this adds more work for me. So breeding for 3 pheno types for stability will cause animosity amongst every grower as to this day I have not met one grower who doesnt feel like one of their plants is a champion. Most growers get all butt hurt when I dont select their plant as the breeder but who doesnst want there plant to be seedless either? So the meds ease the grower frustration. :)
CorryLino's Pride is a easier project as I ran some test X's prior. This might be a F1 release. Corry Bud has many dominate characteristic that are not wanted in abundance. Also ; the F3 were all over the board. Corry Bud is like me in court it is "ALL In" or you dont see me at all. The trick is to find the F1 with Corry Bud multi harvest and toughness and the Prides stature and taste.


Just a word to caregivers..... be alert in jefferson county. I was raided for the smell with a warrant last week. I have 4 patients and myself that I farm for. My patients are severely I'll including AIDS and severe fibrmyalgia. I have not been charged yet but am facing felony cultivation and possession which will end up in a trial. I am under plant count but over on weight including all byproduct and oils. Wish my patients and Iuck. It just seems crazy that what they west metro task force left behind is legal but what they seized I can go to prison for.

Gcooky, since you are in a medical state I was under the impression that a warrant could not be issued on smell alone. If they had time to request a warrant they had time to check the registry.
have you heard any news?


Gcooky, since you are in a medical state I was under the impression that a warrant could not be issued on smell alone. If they had time to request a warrant they had time to check the registry.
have you heard any news?
Gcooky, since you are in a medical state I was under the impression that a warrant could not be issued on smell alone. If they had time to request a warrant they had time to check the registry.
have you heard any news?
and anyone else who might be interested,

I hope she is safe. If they dont get you in a day or at the most 2 you're going to be alright unless your big time or sold to an under cover. I guessing she is okay. They come to homes 1 of two ways. with a warrant, which is usually a no knock warrant or knocking to see what they can stumble in to. Ive played with the DEA, Sheriffs, N Metro Drug Task Force, local police from several Colorado county's with regards to marijuana in many felony cases against myself in separate cases dating back as far as the mid 80's. Each time I have been "Not GuiltyLino". I've been arrested over 80 times in the course of about 5 years. The police are the good guys and we're the bad guys. Its cat and mouse and they never go away.
Your court records can be sealed. THE TRUTH: sealed court records are never sealed. Judges, any border patrol officer (USA or otherwise) and several federal agencies have access to even your sealed arrest records. If you cross a border, (either side), if they run your passport all your sealed records will pull up.
The police will contact the Registry. THE TRUTH: Sometime they run Red Cards with DOH, but valid Red Cards are rarely checked before an arrest. In almost all cases police run expired Red Cards ANY time one is found and arrest is eminent. Expired Red Cards are lovely items to fulfill request to search, judges will always sign that search warrant.
cops cant search because of smell. THE TRUTH: Many marijuana cases are based on smell. My most recent case evolved a cop conducting any type of search he wanted based on smell alone. The local judge signed the warrant based on smell late in AM. In efforts to suppress evidence based on an illegal search based on smell we lost , motion denied ! The judge in his last case ever ruled against us at the motion trial, This judge had NEVER suppressed any evidence found in any search ever! And the cops in this county know this. Cops are now getting "DRE" certified , Drug Recognition Expert, in the masses to accommodate the new law that we might vote in. Cops are foaming at the mouth waiting for this because they have a hard time with marijuana DUID , but soon the new law will give them a threshold of THC in blood. This is what DRE is about. Traffic cops and as many other cops as they can get MEDICALLY certified to exam you at your home and along the road for 5 nanograms. Yes, "Medical Expert" testimony from cops who take your blood, blood pressure, eye exam, mouth saliva exam, yes there certifying these cops to nail your ass. Police are in a euphoric state with this , more overtime and finally the ability to nail your ass with a solid non defendable DUID.
See the next post, amendment 64 new law.


"64 ", the new law is game changer, mostly good in my un-knowledgeable opinion. I've been talking and taking in some new business conversations with a attorney and business strategies regarding "64" and WOW, this 64 thing appears to open new doors of opportunity that I had not contemplated. It will also close some doors tight. Your finest herb will be of no more value than some fine home brew or wine you offer friend who comes to visit, in other words, No One will come to you to buy herb, not at the price you want. Your only hope is to sell a huge retailer your strain but every grower has a good one. Without sharing exact business details and names, the big boys are coming to Denver and Colorado , its Big Business time to make the $$$ and small business opportunities getting harder to come by in the MMJ world. Its not legalization , Its regulation. The business plans rolling into town are out of our league, huge conglomerates of corporations wtih millions, billions forming and uniting in what appears to be more industry than the label of business per say. And I'm hearing of different distribution ideas that didnt come to mind, this is going to be interesting to say the least. The new GMO marijuana is the biggest game changer yet, the 99% of us and our techniques are not needed anymore. They want botanist, scientist , DNA research and Ag degree kids from CSU, not fucking plants that 20 different pheno's. A row of corn is the same height and feeds the world for a reason.


Can GMO ever be organic? I know the answer, but really? I prove in my book what is about to created is only replicated. We've , including myself, have done it before and will do it again The work is revealed by a well known university in our book.

Laughter for the professor, You told em not to fuck around in the GMO lab but they went ahead and did it anyway. Now the class has your grandsons face on bud, is it cannibalism if I smoke it , how bout if I eat it?
Well I ate it and the cops charged me with cannabis-alism.... LOL

GMO - OMG whats next?


Traffic cops and as many other cops as they can get MEDICALLY certified to exam you at your home and along the road for 5 nanograms.
5 ng is a joke, especially when the cutoff for most drug tests is at 15 ng. It would take a long time for me to get under 5 ng. Unless the levels are different in a blood versus urine test.
We're talking "Here's my keys bud, I'm hitting the dabber. Should be good to go in a few weeks."


5 ng is a joke, especially when the cutoff for most drug tests is at 15 ng. It would take a long time for me to get under 5 ng. Unless the levels are different in a blood versus urine test.
We're talking "Here's my keys bud, I'm hitting the dabber. Should be good to go in a few weeks."
Im not positive, but i thought it was 5ng not sure however. I know , I should be positive before a post something like that but I think its 5ng, regardless I've had 2 traffic incidents with DRE's and they testified against me but I beat their test , a secret that has enabled me to beat 33 drug tests since 1993, oops strike that 34 drug tests. I have never been hot, Not once, but I was smoken like mo fo.... To be a little more clear, I havnt beat a blood drug test, but that is as much as I can reveal about drug test without pissing off my book owner.

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