washington and colorado approve recreational use

  • Thread starter kushtrees
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Trichome Engineer
Sucks to be a colorado or washington grower. Can u say 20 dollar ounces?

State regulation is not legalization. This is terrible news for our sacred plant.

Feds will have a field day with this. At least now here in california we can say "hey we are medical, go get those recreational dopers in Co and Wa."

Funny how ignorant voters are.
You would not believe everything in the bill in Washington going to be some lawyers making money

John Ditchweed

either way this just opens the door for more commercialized products.... yes the price of BS will go down the true top smoke prices wont drop much. I see the quality dropping considerably through out the state. As you said the demand for herb is far greater then tomatoes.... there for the high yielding strains will be pushed and chances are will be picked early like in canada to get on the market faster. I see it as a good thing but I see the overall quality of herbs taking a hit as well


either way this just opens the door for more commercialized products.... yes the price of BS will go down the true top smoke prices wont drop much. I see the quality dropping considerably through out the state. As you said the demand for herb is far greater then tomatoes.... there for the high yielding strains will be pushed and chances are will be picked early like in canada to get on the market faster. I see it as a good thing but I see the overall quality of herbs taking a hit as well

While I like the general direction of your comments, no strong argument can be built on a weak foundation of misinformation. Your assertion that demand is higher for weed than tomatoes is just flat WRONG. The only way herb surpasses tomatoes is in money made- not in transactions, pounds, or any other reasonable measure. This is an error based on perspective; you live around potheads who don't buy tomatoes, and that's fine. Just don't get the idea that King Soopers is handing out tomatoes for free, and don't assume that just because you don't eat tomatoes much, that others don't as well.

Yes, the price of cannabis will fall. A little. Legalization has already been priced in to a great degree due to the relaxed legal climate Colorado already enjoys. Cheap crap will always be around- and it will always be cheap crap.

I don't see everyone beating down the door to buy another Yugo, and when this sorts itself out, BRANDING will be king, since most consumers are already trained to look for brand names as a symbol of quality. That means that if you want to have a good brand, you best not sell ditchweed. Good brands will be backed by premium product, and there will always be a niche for that. The question in my mind today is, 'how big is that connoisseur market?'


Think prices are low now? wait.

Congrats to all who wanted this passed. I did not.

I wanted real legalization.


either way this just opens the door for more commercialized products.... yes the price of BS will go down the true top smoke prices wont drop much. I see the quality dropping considerably through out the state. As you said the demand for herb is far greater then tomatoes.... there for the high yielding strains will be pushed and chances are will be picked early like in canada to get on the market faster. I see it as a good thing but I see the overall quality of herbs taking a hit as well
I think true "connoisseur or medicinal quality" bud will get its price the same way "Blue Sky" vodka from San Francisco costs 5 times as much as say "McCormack' vodka from Missouri. Or how 6 bottles of Fat Tire costs twice or triple as a 12 pack of Blatz. Or how "Patron Gold" Tequila costs 50 dollars a fifth and McCormack tequila costs 5 bucks a fifth. Just a few examples of how I think the industry will pan out in quality and pricing.


While I like the general direction of your comments, no strong argument can be built on a weak foundation of misinformation. Your assertion that demand is higher for weed than tomatoes is just flat WRONG. The only way herb surpasses tomatoes is in money made- not in transactions, pounds, or any other reasonable measure. This is an error based on perspective; you live around potheads who don't buy tomatoes, and that's fine. Just don't get the idea that King Soopers is handing out tomatoes for free, and don't assume that just because you don't eat tomatoes much, that others don't as well.

Yes, the price of cannabis will fall. A little. Legalization has already been priced in to a great degree due to the relaxed legal climate Colorado already enjoys. Cheap crap will always be around- and it will always be cheap crap.

I don't see everyone beating down the door to buy another Yugo, and when this sorts itself out, BRANDING will be king, since most consumers are already trained to look for brand names as a symbol of quality. That means that if you want to have a good brand, you best not sell ditchweed. Good brands will be backed by premium product, and there will always be a niche for that. The question in my mind today is, 'how big is that connoisseur market?'
DittoTy! Hey, I am alive and kicking again buddy. Been very sick for about ten days but doing much better. Hope to pow wow with you soon. I was very ill and sleep deprived when you stopped by coming back from DIA. Have a great week!
The Bluzboy


the connoisseur beer market is big enough to support 1000s of microbreweries around the country. time will tell how it plays out for us, but imo the demand for quality products nationwide is increasing not decreasing, especially in the 21-35 age group.


Think prices are low now? wait.

Congrats to all who wanted this passed. I did not.

I wanted real legalization.

I value your input, but you are an extremist. Slouching away because you didn't get everything you want is frankly a bit childish. I will vote for as much legalization as I can get- and on this day, I am happy we are where we are. Whining about how it's not good enough isn't an appropriate response to the great news that progress has been made! Tomorrow, the fight begins again until we get to where we want to go. That's politics, and yes, it's slow... but I've seen the other option and I don't want it.


We shall see. I hope you're right and I am wrong. Honestly.

I have opinions and I post them. Call me what you want. I haven't attacked you personally for your position, have I, Ty? Don't get your panties all bunched up because people don't agree with you. just sayin'


the connoisseur beer market is big enough to support 1000s of microbreweries around the country. time will tell how it plays out for us, but imo the demand for quality products nationwide is increasing not decreasing, especially in the 21-35 age group.

Damned straight! Any herb smoker knows the difference between shit weed and prime goods- just like any beer drinker knows the difference between (insert shameless plug for my all-time favorite beer!) O'Dells Cutthroat Porter and Schaefer. O'Dells isn't going out of business anytime soon. If you told the exes at major brewers 40 years ago that beer would be selling for $10 a sixpack, they'd have laughed until they pissed their pants. And yet, here we are...


We shall see. I hope you're right and I am wrong. Honestly.

I have opinions and I post them. Call me what you want. I haven't attacked you personally for your position, have I, Ty? Don't get your panties all bunched up because people don't agree with you. just sayin'

Calling you an extremist wasn't meant as a personal attack, and I'm sorry you took it that way. For the record, I'm speaking about your opinions, not who you are as a person. Your views as written on this forum on many subjects tend toward the political extreme- that's an observation, not an attack. As I said, I value your opinions in part because they ARE so radical, they force people out of their comfortable ruts to confront the pictures you paint... and perhaps, maybe, to even think a little bit. One can hope!

We have both been part of this fight for a long time, brother- it's not over, but as far as I can tell, we're on the same side, we just use different tactics.

John Ditchweed

the connoisseur beer market is big enough to support 1000s of microbreweries around the country. time will tell how it plays out for us, but imo the demand for quality products nationwide is increasing not decreasing, especially in the 21-35 age group.

I agree and disagree... while there are a lot more people that take the time to get to know what they are smoking.... there are just as many that could care less as long as there is something there to smoke.. Im from austin Tx. We mostly see Cali outdoor commercial and no one seems to have a problem with it. Around here people brag that they have cali grade unknowning or caring that the people in cali keep the top shelf for themselves and send the BS to other parts of the country. I can assure you that people dont care as like as it is cheap and easy to find. It almost seems as if all they care about when it comes to smoking is that they didnt have to put much effort into finding it. Yes there are microbrewies making great handcrafted beers all over the country but how many of us still just drink budlight??


DittoTy! Hey, I am alive and kicking again buddy. Been very sick for about ten days but doing much better. Hope to pow wow with you soon. I was very ill and sleep deprived when you stopped by coming back from DIA. Have a great week!
The Bluzboy

Don't worry about it- and I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! Come on by the house- "show an ID and get a bong hit!"


Thanks Ty, no prob. :)

So, If I read things correctly, 64 decrims possession of 1 oz or less and rest will be decided by the courts. Lets hope they don't use 1284 as a model.

Smoking MJ in public is NOT allowed.

Correct me if I am wrong.


I agree and disagree... while there are a lot more people that take the time to get to know what they are smoking.... there are just as many that could care less as long as there is something there to smoke.. Im from austin Tx. We mostly see Cali outdoor commercial and no one seems to have a problem with it. Around here people brag that they have cali grade unknowning or caring that the people in cali keep the top shelf for themselves and send the BS to other parts of the country. I can assure you that people dont care as like as it is cheap and easy to find. It almost seems as if all they care about when it comes to smoking is that they didnt have to put much effort into finding it. Yes there are microbrewies making great handcrafted beers all over the country but how many of us still just drink budlight??

Several good points here, and I'll address them in no particular order:
1. people don't care about quality if the availability is low
2. people DO care about quality as soon as there is choice
3. people will choose where they want to be on the value scale- low cost high quantity, or higher cost and higher quality
4. there will always be more bud light drinkers than microbrew snobs
5. microbreweries are not exactly going out of business left and right, even though the industry has been around for 25 years or more. IF there is a shakeout coming, it's a long way off.
6. Marijuana marketers will do well to pay close and careful attention to the branding of microbrews, as these industries share a LOT more than the casual observer might think- including, but not limited to the fact that cannabis and hops are kissing cousins!


Thanks Ty, no prob. :)

So, If I read things correctly, 64 decrims possession of 1 oz or less and rest will be decided by the courts. Lets hope they don't use 1284 as a model.

Smoking MJ in public is NOT allowed.

Correct me if I am wrong.

You're correct on all counts as far as my understanding of current law goes. I too hope that HB1284 isn't used as a model, but I know better. I for one would like to BE the test case that tosses that pile of scrap paper into the circular file...


My biggest concern at this point beyond all the case law antics would be whatever Suthers may have up his sleeve as the dickhead has been rather quiet as of late.


My biggest concern at this point beyond all the case law antics would be whatever Suthers may have up his sleeve as the dickhead has been rather quiet as of late.

Yes, both him and that twerp Chris Romer, who was the chief champion of HB1284 in the first place.

John Ditchweed

Several good points here, and I'll address them in no particular order:
1. people don't care about quality if the availability is low
2. people DO care about quality as soon as there is choice
3. people will choose where they want to be on the value scale- low cost high quantity, or higher cost and higher quality
4. there will always be more bud light drinkers than microbrew snobs
5. microbreweries are not exactly going out of business left and right, even though the industry has been around for 25 years or more. IF there is a shakeout coming, it's a long way off.
6. Marijuana marketers will do well to pay close and careful attention to the branding of microbrews, as these industries share a LOT more than the casual observer might think- including, but not limited to the fact that cannabis and hops are kissing cousins!

I agree if there was a choice that more people would get the better quality I know I sure would but you wont catch me drinking a budlight either. Though people do have a choice when it comes to beer yet the majority picks the commercialized american beers(budlight,millerlight,coors etc).... same goes with music... and whats played on the radio. Most listen to the BS we have been forced to by it being played over and over. Regardless to if it is good music or not it comes down to who will be marketing what. If the commercial companies get a hold of this they will force so much BS down the public's throat it will become the norm. Similar to what the music industry has done... Or the Major Beer and Tobacco companies. Yes the quality will still be out there but will it be overwhelmed by corporate america.


Trichome Engineer
I have read the bill in Washington I am not sure how growers will get there money back the state is taking a huge share just like liquor they barely are letting you get the cost back . Atleast peeps can grow for themselves.
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