The effects and benefits of cannabis are constantly studied by researchers, as cannabis gains more popularity with its legalization in different countries and states. However, researchers are still unaware of many effects of cannabis on a person’s body. But researchers have substantial evidence that cannabis can help with relief from long-term pain. That is good news for patients suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis because pain is a major symptom.

There are over 100 chemicals present in the cannabis Sativa plant. These chemicals can affect a person’s body and mind. The two that scientists know of and focus on are THC and CBD.

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the chemical that gives the cannabis consumer, the “high” when the method of consumption is smoking, vaping, or eating. However, cannabidiol (CBD) does not affect the brain in the same way. This is one of the reasons why consumers prefer the oil form of CBD for medical conditions.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. This disease can cause stiffness in the joints of the paints, along with tenderness, and immense pain. Furthermore, Rheumatoid arthritis can also affect the lungs, eyes, skin, and other body parts, in patients.

The federal ban on cannabis and CBD has caused limitations for researchers to conduct their studies, which is why studies on humans have been few. Hence researchers are still unsure regarding whether cannabis can ease symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis. However, results from although several, but very small studies have suggested that in people suffering from rheumatic diseases, which includes Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, it may help with the curbing morning pain (but not the overall level of pain), along with improvement in sleep, and relief from lower inflammation in joints (but not joint stiffness).

A significant number of lab tests have suggested that the body’s immune response may be tamped down with the help of cannabinoids. However, the studies have been conducted on animals only, and not humans, which is why it causes a limitation

Consequently, more proof will be needed for doctors, before they can safely recommend cannabis products for the treatment of rheumatic diseases. One example would be the very little knowledge that is known about the effects of smoking cannabis or other forms of herbal cannabis, on Rheumatoid Arthritis.

As for any other medical condition, it is best and advisable to consult your doctor. A doctor will be able to educate the patient on the possible side effects along with the potential drug interactions, legal considerations, etc. The doctor will also help with finding the perfect dosage and determining which dosage will help the most or any other alternative treatments. Furthermore, patch tests are highly encouraged as some people may show an allergic reaction to CBD oil.

Cannabis has been legalized for use in medical conditions, in more than half of the states. Furthermore, more than a dozen other states have although limited but allowed the medical uses of Cannabidiol (CBD).

Small-scale studies have demonstrated that although good tolerance is generally shown by people with CBD, many individuals experience mild side effects that include fatigue, diarrhea, changes in appetite, and changes in weight.

FDA does not currently approve of the use of CBD oil as a medical treatment for arthritis. The only treatment that the FDA has approved CBD for is the treatment of two rare and severe types of epilepsy. This approval was received for this treatment in June 2018.

CBD does show incredible promise as a treatment for arthritis pain. This is because CBD oil affects receptors in the brain and immune system, which according to researchers may show a reduction in inflammation and pain. Furthermore, cannabis has been known to haveanti-inflammatory benefits and is hence used for inflammation.