What do you think my deficiency is?

  • Thread starter Theknowledgeplague
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Look up sprouting seeds online but its pretty straight forward. Once your seeds get there your going to want to sprout them, soak over night and then rinse daily until the tails are about 1in long should only take a few days, i like to use jars with coffee filters over the top or use gallon jugs with small holes in the bottom. Once sprouted blend them up as well as you can, then toss the smoothie into your bubbler for a hour or so then water on! I use popcorn, barley, rye, mung beans, and alfalfa seeds for my SST. You can find mung beans and popcorn at your local health foods store. At your local brewing store they have malted barley which saves you the sprouting process and can be bubbled or top dressed, but for your system i would blend it as fine as possible and bubble for a few hours with a few tbs of molasses. Of course i like to use them separately.
Your new system sounds like the jam, and remember to water your top dressing in with a AACT or a SST.
Your thinking a cover crop, which wouldn't hurt but seems like not needed for a coco grow, a cover crop is really for no till systems and true soil.
So basically sprouts ground up, as for the other stuff like popcorn, barley, rye,mung beans same process? Sprout and grind?


Yessir thats the basics of SST right there. Clakamus Coot is the one i got this information from all credit to the folks before me! You should look him up he has a web site, went by lumberdawgz on ic and has a interview with tad hussey from KIS free on youtube. killer stuff. if you havent already you should read up on what real organics is. Coot, KIS organics, Blue mountain organics, Build a soil, the mendo dope boys and kaligrownbudz on youtube. Heck, reading thru some of sea maidens threads and talking to aqua, farthing and frankster has been a blessing. Great info from homesteader, mimed and many more of the old school cats on here.
oh yeah and master fricken CHO!!!

Want to talk about why a SST is a ideal addition to your organic feeding? Well ever tried plain flower, you know for baking? ever tasted malt? When a seed sprouts Enzymes convert the starches and carbs into simpler sugars that the seedling can then eat before its developed enough to start interacting with soils and lights. Malted barley or malt which comes from malted grain is sweet, if you eat some malted barley its sweet unlike plain barley seed. The simple process of the sugars being converted is same same for a huge amount of the reactions in your soils.

Your plant doesn't eat kelp, or alfalfa, or seed sprouts, or bird poop, it eats the elements that are converted in available nutrients mainly via enzymes. Enzymes secreted by bacteria, roots, fungi specifically to catalyze the reactions to create the substances required by the plants in a symbiotic relationship. This is all super connected, in our soils, in our bodys, in every living thing. Enzymes do not really die, so my theory with SST and AACT its really about bringing diversity. Compost teas and SST are NOT really a nutrient solution its more of a bio stimulator with each different tea having different effects point is adding different enzymes, and bacteria, pushing the total soil diversity even higher! Now this is what i rock outside in huge beds in the sunshine, pushing for bio diversity with soils that have been cultivated for years and completely feel thats its needed. Your in coco+pearlite that has no living soil component at all. No fungi, no bacteria, no protozoa, no nematodes, no ENZYMES, no rocks, no rocks dust, nothing that exists in nature!

Alfalfa has tricantonal that helps with your stretch during flower, mung beans are high in iron and are good during flower but you can use them all at anytime thru out your cycle, same with the falfa kelp tea.

sorry for the novel
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So basically sprouts ground up, as for the other stuff like popcorn, barley, rye,mung beans same process? Sprout and grind?
So you sprout all of
Yessir thats the basics of SST right there. Clakamus Coot is the one i got this information from all credit to the folks before me! You should look him up he has a web site, went by lumberdawgz on ic and has a interview with tad hussey from KIS free on youtube. killer stuff. if you havent already you should read up on what real organics is. Coot, KIS organics, Blue mountain organics, Build a soil, the mendo dope boys and kaligrownbudz on youtube. Heck, reading thru some of sea maidens threads and talking to aqua, farthing and frankster has been a blessing. Great info from homesteader, mimed and many more of the old school cats on here.
oh yeah and master fricken CHO!!!

Want to talk about why a SST is a ideal addition to your organic feeding? Well ever tried plain flower, you know for baking? ever tasted malt? When a seed sprouts Enzymes convert the starches and carbs into simpler sugars that the seedling can then eat before its developed enough to start interacting with soils and lights. Malted barley or malt which comes from malted grain is sweet, if you eat some malted barley its sweet unlike plain barley seed. The simple process of the sugars being converted is same same for a huge amount of the reactions in your soils.

Your plant doesn't eat kelp, or alfalfa, or seed sprouts, or bird poop, it eats the elements that are converted in available nutrients mainly via enzymes. Enzymes secreted by bacteria, roots, fungi specifically to catalyze the reactions to create the substances required by the plants in a symbiotic relationship. This is all super connected, in our soils, in our bodys, in every living thing. Enzymes do not really die, so my theory with SST and AACT its really about bringing diversity. Compost teas and SST are NOT really a nutrient solution its more of a bio stimulator with each different tea having different effects point is adding different enzymes, and bacteria, pushing the total soil diversity even higher! Now this is what i rock outside in huge beds in the sunshine, pushing for bio diversity with soils that have been cultivated for years and completely feel thats its needed. Your in coco+pearlite that has no living soil component at all. No fungi, no bacteria, no protozoa, no nematodes, no ENZYMES, no rocks, no rocks dust, nothing that exists in nature!

Alfalfa has tricantonal that helps with your stretch during flower, mung beans are high in iron and are good during flower but you can use them all at anytime thru out your cycle, same with the falfa kelp tea.

sorry for the novel
No problem will definitely look into all the details, my question is do you sprout them all at once and shred it all together?


So you sprout all of

No problem will definitely look into all the details, my question is do you sprout them all at once and shred it all together?
And correction I do use Gaia amendments it's not like I just packed coco/perlite and castings together and said it's good to go y'know hahaha! But now that I know this stuff it pushes me to do it and see why it's good to be organic


You do em separate its crazy to start that many different seeds, and they enzymes you make stick round for a while, i mean i would only really put some rock dusts in my coco, i have a hankerin to run a outdoor 200g pot with coco pearlite and see how it does in a system similar to what i have described, with the use of EM fish and compost tea and only rock dusts in it, basalt, calcium carbonate and gypsum


You do em separate its crazy to start that many different seeds, and they enzymes you make stick round for a while, i mean i would only really put some rock dusts in my coco, i have a hankerin to run a outdoor 200g pot with coco pearlite and see how it does in a system similar to what i have described, with the use of EM fish and compost tea and only rock dusts in it, basalt, calcium carbonate and gypsum
Soo it's only been a couple days I've been following strictly the new regiments and check this baby's colour out! Leaves don't look pale anymore that kelp/falfa tea did some good but I noticed some white spots (not bugs) I upped the cal/mag but also I have a feeling the plants had a day of heat cuz my hygrometer reads that at some point during the day I got a reading of 30°C and my new air conditioner isn't arriving till end of March!!
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Well they definitely showed me that they are enjoying the nutrient boost, I monitored the compost tea I gave them and brought the ppm up to 800 (alot better than last time) I brewed it in less water because I don't think my airstone is strong enough for my teas to be effective I ordered a secondary airstone


Today is week 3 and I dunno if they are getting any better I know 2 of them threw a curve ball at me and didn't get greener after all I did but man they get bigger everyday! Oddly the ones that are doing good are the ones i bufferd with calmag I don't know how that's relevant but 3 definitely got a healthy green colour!
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Also the gypsum didn't bring down my ph my ph jumps a whole value every day I'd literally would have to water more often to keep it down I'm ordering some aluminum sulfate I hate to throw that in there but that's the only thing that could actually bring it down and keep it down


The moment I corrected the ph once and for all.. they doubled in size and also got some toxicity going kinda funny how ph can lock them out this much but on a good note they are putting on some size!

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