Search results for query: Male or female

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  1. J

    Male or female?

    Hej, czy to jest roślina męska, mam ją z nieznanego nasiona i mam z nimi w namiocie inne feminizowane, boję się, że to zniszczy cały mój plon, że okaże się, że to mężczyzna lub herma, może pomoże mi ktoś określić płeć?
  2. C

    Help Please Male or Female?

    pretty sure I have one female and one male can someone please confirm ? Plant 1. Female? VIDEO plant 2. Male ?
  3. C

    Please Help Male or Female ?

    Hi there, I have currently flipped my 3x plants to flower from indoors to outdoors. I’m pretty sure I have one definite female, one male and the third is too young to tell. If I’m correct when do I need to remove the male if it definitely is. They have been moved outside/ flipped to flower for...
  4. P

    Just another male or female thread

    So my plants are almost 2 months old. This seems to have boob's. Thoughts?
  5. B

    HELP!! MALE OR FEMALE wedding cake

    help can someone tell me if both of these are female or male
  6. TexasMade

    Male or female please help

    Can anyone help me tell if it's male or female?
  7. F

    Male or female? Or need to wait longer

    4 week some old seeds 2 plants is it male or female. Plant no.1 Plant no.2
  8. C

    Is this a male or female

    Does anyone know if these two are male or female could possibly be too young?? They are 4 weeks old. They look both female but I could be wildly wrong
  9. I

    What do you think, male or female?

    Haven't seen these before, seems male to me what do y'all think? It's hemp I'm looking to cross with Zkittlez auto
  10. D

    Male or female ? Help needed.

    Hey all, relatively new to this. Need your expertise in identifying one of my plants. Is this considered a male or a hermaphidite?
  11. B

    Female OR male Black Gorilla and Wedding cake!!!!!!

  12. O

    Male or Female, Please See Pic’s

    Can anyone tell by these pic’s if this is male or female? The plant is 4wks old. Or, is it too early? Thanks!!
  13. S

    Male or female? Is it too soon to tell?

    Good morning everyone! This plant is about 6 weeks old. I’ve read so much conflicting info as far as when to determine if a plant is male or female. I’ve read wait until you start to flower and you can’t possibly know for sure until then…and I’ve also read you can easily tell by preflowers and...
  14. LeeLee42

    Is this plant Male or Female.

    I'm a new grower - I have 3 plants, this one is growing faster than the other two and I suspect it may be male. All are grown from seeds that were supposedly 'feminized' - though I guess you take this on trust right? It's about 3 weeks old Here is an image of the plant in question - is it too...
  15. 420Buddha

    is this plant male or female plzzz help

  16. K

    Male or Female? Or hermaphrodite?

    Pretty sure its female but not sure as this seed I got from a random 8 ball. And I dont want it fertilizing my female seed I got from a dispensary. It looks like pistils are forming and then the balls look like future leaves/bud sites.
  17. D

    Is anyone able to see if these are male or female?

    I wear glasses for slight vision correction but I am still unable to tell if the gender is being displayed yet. Seedlings were started right after easter weekend. Thank you for your time I really appreciate it. Also if a picture is blurry I can take another one.
  18. C

    Male or Female?? Too early to tell?

    Hey Just a quick question. Male or female? Too early to tell? All help is appreciated Thanks
  19. M

    Male or female? Need help!

    New to growing and I need some advice. Need to know the sex of my plants or is it too soon? Thanks in advanced.
  20. A

    Is this male, female or hermaphrodite ?

    Hey guys! I'm completely new to this and I can't tell for sure if it's male, female or hermaphrodite. It's late in the season and the plant has been growing for a while now. Can any of you experts tell easily from this picture ?
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