Search results for query: training plants

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  1. Grow4fun420

    Low Stress Training my Autoflower plants

    Here is the before and after on my first time low stress training autoflower, and lst in general. I used some florawire to bend the stems gently and taped them to the sides. Strains are Northern Lights Autoflower, and Purple Punch Autoflower. Both by Royal Queen Seeds The soil just dried up...
  2. Stokes

    What the hell is FIM

    No, it would not. No training leads to a number of concerns. Adequate lighting and airflow especially. I have never advocated for not training plants. LST is a very effective method of training, im not sure where the confusion lies.
  3. LoveGrowingIt

    Second Week growing NL auto and PP autoflower

    Your plants look nice and healthy. I think I'd start training the lower branches on the taller plant, though.
  4. jdog22

    New Guy - Never Tried This Before

    i like to try and keep those cotyledons alive as long as i can haha. plants look amazing, nice green and not much seems overdone/underdone :D can i ask if your planning to use a stress training method?
  5. T

    Growing my first multiple strains Tips and tricks for my little indoor garden would really be appreaciated

    Your setup sounds awesome, man! Thanks for sharing your techniques. I'll definitely consider using Photo Bio par meter and LST training to even out the canopy. 👀
  6. MajinZeke

    How many pots for a 3x2 tent?

    How many plants in a 2 gal container can I grow? This tent isn't for flowering it's for veg/germination. So far I have 4, 2 gal containers. I will be training them too.
  7. ArtfulCodger

    How many tops should a well trained plant have?

    It's a matter of preference, training style, and plant count. I keep my plants low and wide, and aim for a top in each 6 inch square in my trellis.
  8. JimfromA2

    2 1/2 gallon pots and I have to water them every day

    These three plants were grown from seeds from this grow. I am going to be doing training experiments on them. I don't plan on finishing these. I will grow them outside and try different pest control too.
  9. P

    First grow attempt- 4 Runtz Photos

    Day 155, 58 of flower: Looks like the plants in veg tent are recovering, will keep training them. Flower tent is looking hungry, might give them one more feeding.
  10. jadins_journey

    1st time grower please help

    There's been 49 folks look but no thoughts? Here's some things I notice, take that extra bucket out from under the plants. PPM seems high and the plants show it. Too much light and nutrients = burns There's signs of early veg training, how old were they when they got flipped? Lastly, the only...
  11. 1

    New Guy - Never Tried This Before

    I'm so new to this I don't even know what a stress training method is!!
  12. T

    What the hell is FIM

    let’s assume just one in a indoor grow tent Hypotheses: an unencumbered plant with no training grown to its max potential would yield the same as a trained plant when grown to its max potential Would this prove true?
  13. P

    Is there any way to maintain multiple plants at once?

    Living soil beds. Only issue I had with running multiple strains is some plants completely outgrowing and dominating the others. Nothing a little training won’t fix.
  14. E

    Smaller square scrog netting needed

    Does anybody have a good option for scrog netting with smaller squares? The net I bought is far to big of squares at 4" to make it a viable option for training plants.
  15. T

    Overtraining Turns into Success Story?

    I really thought I screwed up from over training this Aurora India too early into the grow. See Photo: 5 I took her WAY back when topping and pruning, and slowed the grow down so much that all the other plants blew past her for over a month - felt like an idiot. These plants are so much more...
  16. Hawk518

    Flying High w . Hawk - 2024 Grow Journal

    4/25/24 Added some CalMag to the water. Watered the two Photos. Will set up some LST (Low Stress Training) for all 4 plants tomorrow.
  17. C

    Aloha Limone Colorado Seed Company

    Moved the smaller plants into their own space so I could continue training the bigger ladies. Its gonna be a pain in the ass to contain these plants in this small space while the others flower. Im gonna be doing a lot of topping. One of the phenos looks completely different. They also stretched...
  18. F


    ...grow, I want to perfect tie-downs. I want to train my plants to grow horizontally. I have seen pictures of successful tie-downs, but I have never put in the effort to do it myself, but this year I am going for it. Does anyone have any experience/knowledge of training plants to grow horizontally?
  19. Bilber

    Should I start flowering these ladies

    Hey photos....fems regs..... Some don't top their plants... Some lst their plants... Some top and lst their plants..... It is a preference you have to choose..... I like to top my plants most of the time....I have to keep my plants small so lots of training involved..... If...
  20. Stokes

    When to start topping your plants?

    When i top i wait for 5 nodes. Lop off the top 2 and clean up the extreme lowers. I only recommend it when you have several plants and are trying to maximize your canopy. If thats the only plant i think you should just lst it and focus on training, you’d be surprised at what just lst can do
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