12 Keepers In 12 Months

  • Thread starter GT21
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i dunno, not read about that. hah. but i do not think times have change that much in that aspect.

but then i dunno, i do not even know what a hipster is.. or whats up with super skinny pants.. no clue what is hip or not hah.

i know we had girls who wanted to be on MTV for some teen preggie show i mean they wanted to get preggie for teh show in the 90s i think. good thing MTV is not cool anymore, even i know that. hah.


good times, good memories. music sure helps ease my fucked up head hah.

i broke my ipod. so im a nut case with out music. but im not wearing them big ass head phones now hha. everyone has ear buds these days it seems, they must have gotten better in sound quality over the last few years.. instead of having big ear muffs (head phones )on my head all the time. more i think about it. hah snow birds who see me all bundle up, must be like wtf dude hah.. its 70F hah.

it will be 80 and ill be in a fucking parka hah.
i cant hear threw ear buds,even highest volume on computer,mama went and got me a pair of head phones and crap i got the volume almost off hahah


Personally i loved all my electives... I chose what i liked... All sciences. One of my most basic classes taught me how to talk science to a 6th grader. My law and ethics classes...well... Look at this dirt bag country... Everyone should have to take ethics classes. Especially cops
in texas it is a requirment to take spanish or german ,only choices,both of these boys dont remember a word of it,lmao


hahah right,i been into the 60's horror films ,reminds me of being a kid,,i watch them today and wonder how the hell they skairt me then lmao,all in all vincent price,alfred hitchok,lon channy,belo degosi they were the shit and still are to me,lmao

Love the classics. Wife and I can watch old movies for days.... notice I said OLD movies... when Men were Men and sheep were scared.

i cant hear threw ear buds,even highest volume on computer,mama went and got me a pair of head phones and crap i got the volume almost off hahah

I cant hear OR wear those fucking things!

im taking clones i guess. trying to take my mind off pain.

i do not remember homec that much i know i made a aprin, and a big ass teddy bear.
do not remember who i gave them away too.

It's what we do.....
Try to forget that pain.
Doesn't always work....
But those moments pain free are so much sweeter....


Love the classics. Wife and I can watch old movies for days.... notice I said OLD movies... when Men were Men and sheep were scared.

I cant hear OR wear those fucking things!

It's what we do.....
Try to forget that pain.
Doesn't always work....
But those moments pain free are so much sweeter....
yeah, just need more of them pain free moments hha.

im gonna try to make fresh frozen hash tomorrow maybe. i need to freeze the buds tonight. not sure how im suppose to do that yet.. wet trim id imagine, then freeze in jar.
i wish my parents were stoners, i would already have meds hah. such is life. i keep telling them to get a card. i hope i can do it. we will see if i fuck up and ruin the bud. im sure it will happen.


Personally i loved all my electives... I chose what i liked... All sciences. One of my most basic classes taught me how to talk science to a 6th grader. My law and ethics classes...well... Look at this dirt bag country... Everyone should have to take ethics classes. Especially cops
Me too. I took 4 years of woodshop and cabinetry. Ex marine that lost his legs was the teacher. Hard ass mofo but that dude knew his shit. I made just about all my family's furniture from oak and walnut.


Here's one of the oak dressers I made 38 years ago . My old hound sleeps next to it
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