2000 plant bust, San Isabel national forest

  • Thread starter kuz
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Feds bust a big outdoor grow, barely makes the news these days. They are blaming mexican cartel, that close to Cuchara Im guessing Texans had something to do with it, lol.


I would agree. there are many of us that grow in these tropical pockets. Feds made that bust with local police just before the Gov shut down. People have tons of bud down there and are trying to figure out how to get to it out of there now. Arkansas Valley is for the 1st time since late 80's able to harvest with out Military raids i think, I'll check today to see if there flying that area.

This is a very productive area and they're not experiencing Hemp Mites as bad as North Colo. The aqua duct in this area has warm water Oasis (hot springs) everywhere down there this year. South of Alamosa and into south east Pueblo area is producing outdoor bud that is at Colo records this year. New springs are poppen this year, The forest service is unable to use warm water spring maps this year because old cold water springs have warmed or went hot also this is year due to elevated aqua duct levels. Its incredible down there this year , the under growth is so thick. My friends get so stoned and say they seen monkeys in these little hidden paradises, big foot sighting are off the chart down there to. There seeing black squirrels on good herb. I got some video these grows this year but dont want to post it until I've removed the meta geo tags and these guys are done with harvest.

Not to contradict you but there are other growers also in those parts of the country that use the term pronounced Motta for MMJ . And my nick name is pronounce Lenyo to them, that means fire stick or joint. You might want speak a little spanish if you run into spanish speaking people in these parts of the woods or hope its a fellow texan... If anyone goes down there be careful if you run into grows, if you do,, dont let them find your cell phone/. Spanish or Texan's, they dont play with bush wackers.


Living dead girl
If y'allz got monkeys, you're in for some TROUBLE. Monkey fuck you UP.

I mean, look at what happened in Puerto Rico! Researchers thought, "Oh! Monkey can't swim." Well fuck if monkey didn't swim.


Seamaiden, Primates are very dangerous. Look at all of us hack on each other on this site. A chimp with the mentality of 5 year old and muscles like king kong that hangs out at grows, wow, that sounds like me. lol.. They aint seeing monkey, that neck of the wood has flying squirrels and black squirrels and good herb and you'll see Big Foot if you let you imagination get ya, it scary in that rain forest,.


Shssss Seamaiden , were trying to scare people from our grows down there, We got monkeys, big foot, texans and flying squirrels and conquistadors that will attack your ass.


Living dead girl
We've got some Squatch out here, too. ;) No monkeys, mountain lion. They are why I have pepper spray anytime I go on a trail. My dog runs a lot faster'n I do and I already know just how useless that bitch is. LMAO!


Are you sure your using your Pepper spray correctly. Its best used to keep deer from certain plants when sparyed in close proximity to plants... :)

Get a Presa Canario if want Lion protection, no one will mess with property of Presa owners, but Home Owner Insurance will cancel you if they find out that you got the Dog of dogs! Mine is the most playful dog ever but when he bust out of his horse trailer, when I take him to dog parks every body take their dogs home.


Its really sad when you got a nice one, in public or at your house people freak and animal nor humans will play with him and are creatures are completely intimidated by Dominate Male Presa's. Mine is trained like Gladiador to protect plants and a certain grinder. No one will touch my plants or grinder. Our blood lines are taught cannabis protection for 7 generation the Day their born. There are 2 other breeders in Colo. Good bloodline starts at $5000 and I truly have none for sale . I would get booted for sure if I tried to sell em here.


lino, didnt realize you were around the area. I was just making a joke about Cuchara and I kind of doubt the cartel was involved. Nobody has been charged yet. Some motta growers around I'm sure, but mostly old hippies and their kids and grand kids. 2000 plants is a bit ambitious for the locals.


Graduated from Alamosa HS. . I took flight lesson this year so I could watch our property. Long story sht but if your from around that area you've heard of Forbes/Cuchara ranch/ It used to be the back side of mtn Blanca and many parts of your neighbor hood and down in to Tx... My cousin married One of the brothers of these land owners (Hiers to the property) . The lady who just died a few years ago owned all this property and loved my cousin. She (landowner) was a majority owner of all the land . mineral, cattle and water rights. She willed my cousin the property, The brothers are bankers and lawyers down there. My cousin didnt deserve it but she did ended up with a little chunk of money, no land , no cattle or mineral rites after estate settlements, BUT I got full rights to manage and access to all of our property cause the family trusted me. The forest service gave my cousin in laws forest service badges to help them manage land. It went to thier heads . They carry guns and run people off the property, but there not supposed to be carry guns and pulling what crap they are pulling. If they catch you growing they'll tax you hard. He's a 5'6" cowboy with rare 45 cal rifle , he'll take his/your fish and game and tax you hard. Hes an asshole if you dont know him and dont fuck with them guys. I truly believe they'd shoot' , especially if they been drinking. we have some very dangerous Mexico gangs in those woods that pay there tax ...its a luv/hate relationship with everyone holding a gun to their heads. they;re very dangerous , Mexican neck ties , severed heads and pretty other scary pics that everyone gets on there phones showing you thier handy work, your grand kids and loved ones and every one in your email and ph get these photos showing off thier handy work, You pray to god they dont get busted and think we had anything to do with it.

Your quote," 2000 plants is a bit ambitious for the locals. "
Your locals have been low key for years. Back in 1977-1978 Some local growers from your hood along with Mexican breeders grew the Famous "Red Bud". It was an awesome year just like this. But your right you rarely hear about you guys and large grow... I think you local outdoor large growers are some of the best unkown in the USA.

Do you guys still have that big party every summer down there on the River? I forget the name of it, we would come down from Alamosa to kick you guys ass'es and take your women. and at least one of our HS punk ass's got our ass kicked bad by some biker gang or the Locals every year, oh those were the days.


More Primate comments? , but Actually this part of Colo doesnt have big bust to often. You dont hear of the Cartel down there much. But in reality there is a lot of growing and rangers, land owners, po po, locals and lot of deals to keep things quiet in that neck of the woods.
Biggest Dick, honestly neither you or I will win this contest. This guys got us both beat, bro, I saw this eralier and been laughing ever since.



Well, I escaped Ned in 99-00 to the Arkansas Valley for several years. The sign in front of my driveway said, "251 A ends here" @ the foot Shavano. I lived in Swissvale too. I poked around SoCo a lot. I really liked Gardner and the Wet Mtn Valley. Plenty of places to disappear or be disappeared to. I never saw "Military styled raids". I don't doubt the brothers and the sisters have been working it out for decades down there. I just never saw anything more than nosey state patrol down there.
sky high

sky high

We are digging it down this way. Have't seen a cop/Sheriff in 2 months though the dog did get sprayed by a skunk.

Someone needs to resurrect the warm springs at Wellsville and make it a pot-friendly resort.

First ya gotta get rid of the elephants though.... damn things are all over down here. Heading for a snack at the coconut grove, no doubt.


I love how the locals say Wellsville like they have a mouth full of marbles. Wull'vull.


Up and down the Ark valley river down by Lamar to La Junta is military base south of there,,, cant remember the name of the base, I think is the (stop pinion canyon bunch), that base, . But anyway,,, that base fly's that River heavy this time of year. They do practice runs spotting grows. they'll Stop flying, hoover, then call in a cpl different authorities, there in white vans with tinted window and hang out along the railroad facilities along hiway 50 trying to blend in. They were heavy last summer. I flew in La Junta airport quite a few times for my trial for the last 4 years, I monitored military air radio chatter for fellow growers, thats where my big bust went down. I grew up there also." Armtitch " Armetech however you spell it, is the main bad ass DEA down there. Noga leads the State Patrol along high way 50, dont fuck with him, he's going to search you weather you like it or not. The rail yard employee's are composed of about 30%( local cop and Feds). If you play down there know the people , know the cops and know Rob Corry , La Junta's jail is 3rd worst jail in the nation. its National acclaim to fame is its label, "The Hell Hole" the some meal and same jail since General Custer. You dont see the lite of day, you dont know the time, you dont see anyone, for trial you go down a Dirt Shaft , walk a dirt tunnel , take a steal elevator, the doors open and you'll see your first Bright artificial lite and life forms . Oh you're in Black and white prison garments and leg irons from the early 1900 , looks like they came from Bents Fort. You have to fight guards, inmates if you ever want to see any sun shine and be the most disruptive SOB to get out of "The Hell Hole". You'll get moved to the glorious Hotel Pueblo, Extended Stay, .. Fortunately for me , I escaped via Rob Corry. I have grown on this river for over 4 decades. The cops, Feds, Judges, bondsman, no offense Felix he cool , there all connected,,, Bondsman is going to be your Savior if you get into trouble down there, dont Fuck with Felix, He and his hunter are 2 of the best and, no, its not me.

The Chinese varieties of herb grow well in certain areas of the bottoms , 30-4o footers... what we local call the "River Bottoms", as a kids growing herb along the Purgatory to avoid my fellow growers on the Ark River I found some amazing places and on an on. Many cold and hot springs popping this year and probably next, South Ark valley River Bottom - south of river and just East of Pueblo. Nice hot springs are the treasured oasis for ourdoor growers in Colo, what FREEZE? :)


I just gave this some thought and my best friend in the world passed away not long ago from the Ark Valley and would be honored for this post. Bert owned La Junta Manciple Airport Charter Services and the city paid for it, lol . He contracted with the DEA to fly the River and corn fields. Think about that a second. Me and Bert made some good friends down south and a NOT GUILTY verdict, in the end but its never over until your dead!


I really was just making a joke about Cuchara. October fest in La Veta today, no doubt some of the primates from Alamosa and burg going to crash the party. lol. just joking. I dont know anything thats going on in forbes/trinchera, I hear a lot of rumors but pretty much stay clear. Lino there is a place in there I want to go if you can hook me up.

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