22 gallon tub

  • Thread starter kuz
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Its one of those big white Igloo coolers, filled almost to top, i figure 22 gallons. 10" netpot with lava rock, 6" rockwool cube. Netpot sets into rigid foam, other half of cooler covered with reflectix. In the tub I buried a 4" air disk in lava rock, below the plant, makes a decent current in the tub, roots are always moving around. And there is a second air diffuser in there.

One plant
5x6 tent.
Two 4'x3' t5 fixtures (12 bulbs total). One on top, one on side.
No water pump, no chiller, no AC., no Co2, no scrubber, no extra 100 amp panel.
Its a real low budget grow. Somehow still have about $1000 into it.

There is negative pressure in the tent, it exhausts into another small tent that isnt sealed, pulls air from there back into tent.

lights on temp 82', RH 70, water temp 71'. Humidity get up to about 75 light out, temp drops to about 75, water cools down to about 68', the cooler sitting on concrete floors gets pretty cool.

Changed the nute solution at day 20 and will change again day 40, and adding muriate of potash every other day for the next week or so.

This is day 25, so far roots are good and no pm. How big and dense will buds get, I'm hoping close to a hid grow. 645 watts and much of the light is close to the plant.
22 gallon tub
22 gallon tub 2


wait did you say your exchanging air back and forth between 2 tents?

sorry for the confusion

Jalisco Kid

I would plan on changing your nutes more then that. Once they get going they are going to drink a lot. JK


wait did you say your exchanging air back and forth between 2 tents?

sorry for the confusion

Yes, doesnt make much sense huh, I'm wondering what I was thinking too. trying to intake fresh air into the flower area, and keep neg pressure by circulating air through the other space. It will be a good humid dark space to cure in if nothing else.

Jalisco, I changed nutes four days ago and top off with about 1.5 gallons 150 ppm tap every day. And the ppms been holding about 1300 so far, kind of flying blind with whats left in there, esp with the tap going in. Maybe better start topping off with r/o. Maybe i'll make two more changes instead of one.


Is this one of the Dawgz?
ya, couldnt really explain the grow system in a pm. You cant see the stems very well, day 12 of flower I bent it over to the right, main stem ends at the far right. Trying to keep the top and the far side as close to the light as I can.


Fresh res ppm, 6 days ago (day 20 flower). 11.4 ml per gallon floranova bloom
120-105-175-60-120 N-P-K-Mg-Ca
increased K 50ppm then another 50, and 100 last night. (muriate of potash)
topped off with a total of about 6 gallons 150ppm tap.

After topping and KCI boost last night. 5.4 ph and 1540 ppm, (EC 3)

Its taken about 4T of phdn to keep ph down, like to see ph stabilize here.
Will see tonight if I pushed ppm too hard. Lights on at 8pm.

Just going to top with r/o and watch ppm's for a few days.

Fulvic acid and aquashield are the only other supplements so far. Debating hygrozyme, I did get the white slime on the airstone with it once, that was in a dead res, weekly flush. Changed the airstone, flushed and never did see it on the roots. And waiting for Mycogrow to get here from fungiperfecti.

I want the bennies to flourish thats why I wanted to only make two res changes. With the air disk under the lava rock, pushing water and air up through the rocks, I hope thats a good environment for them and the roots will grow into it.


Day 34 flower

Res change, 14 days since last one. Might be something bad starting on the roots, time to start adding hygrozyme for sure now.


are you flowering with a metal halide ?

T5's, one 4'x3' fixture on top and one on the side. 12 54 watt bulbs total, half 6500K and half 3000K. Last night I cut out a bunch of stems from low down on the side that doesnt have a light on it, should have done it sooner but it's really obvious now they just werent going to get enough light.


personally, i WOULD NOT try hygrozyme on a dirty rez.

use in a fersh rez with clean roots, sure.
use in soil after a week of feeding carbs, why not?

imo, i would use h202 every week to keeps the roots looking white vs. anything biological in dwc (closed system).

hygrozyme is better used as a preventative.


Day 34 flower

Res change, 14 days since last one. Might be something bad starting on the roots, time to start adding hygrozyme for sure now.

hygrozyme will just funk shit up more actually in rdwc

what you need is some hydro sparkle


I'll check out the hydro sparkle, first time I heard of it. Also heard good things about hydro fungicide.

I dont know what to think about hygrozyme, some say it will coexist with good bacteria, fungi and stuff. I actually heard a fizzing noise when i dumped it in, never noticed that before.

The roots are secured in the lava rock at the bottom of the tub, that was the goal, not sure if a good idea or not though, I'll be pulling them up to get a better look now anyway.

Dropped the EC from 3 to 1.8 on last change, plan to keep lowering to 1.4 or so, leave it there until next change. Less salinity, more dissolved oxygen, how much difference it makes I dont know, but every little bit will help.

Left the fulvic out so I can try to see roots better.


hydro fungacide = hydro sparkle - the name changed

hyrgrozyme and a lot of moving water don't get along to well, that stuff smells like beer yeast to me, makes you water foamy and sludgy


botanicare aquashield is a great product too.

i have had good & bad results with hygrozyme.

if you have a problem with "nasties" in your rezzy you're better off with h202 to do a clean sweep.

since it's not a cure all, hygrozyme is best used on a clean, fresh, rez.

enzymes (hygrozyme) are food for bacteria... if you already have issues in your rez and drop some hygrozyme in all you are doing feeding the nasties.

if you have a clean rez & clean roots hygrozyme will be the food for beneficial bactieria. the idea is to start clean, establish beneficial bacteria, and feed them so they displace or stave out the nasties.


Let the hygrozyme work for 5 days, then it finally sunk in, dont mess around with the rot, I know you guys been telling me. I added 3.4 ml h2o2 (3%) per liter, let that soak for 6 hours then changed the res. Sprayed the roots with a concentrated h2o2 wash, and watched the brown slide away. It wasnt that bad only a few spots. This was meant to be a live res so gonna put the bennies to the test and not use more h2o2.

ph 5.4, 800 ppm, aqua shield and fungi.

Still not sure what hygrozyme does, whatever is going on it seems to really raise ppms.

Plants looking good, the buds look like babies on day 39, compared to what easypleasie did in the chow mix. Thats okay, didnt expect huge buds with the flouro's.

Buds are bigger on top, but a lot of bud sites on the side facing the light.


Day 50

Two days after the last flush ph went from 5.2 to 4.2. Could that be the bennies at work, idk, could be rot taking over so I added bleach. That stabilized the ph, added h2o2 just to make sure.

Flushed yesterday, 11 days from last res change, and noticed a lot of gnats, maybe the chlorine killed them?

Just aquashield and tap and bennies from here, maybe molasses and hygrozyme to help flush. Guessing they will finish on day 56.

Too close to the light the buds are real skinny on top, 10-14 inches away they are not as long but look good, too far and they are fairly puny. pics in that order
Day50 01bud
Day50 bud02
Day50 bud03
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