24k Gold - My 2nd Grow Ever - Cfl Stealth Indoor (cheaply)

  • Thread starter PurplePlants
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Hey everyone,

I am relatively new (less than a week) and from South Africa.
Our weather at the moment is cold and cloudy. That is the start of our winter. Night time temps get around 0-6 degrees Celsius at the moment and at around 5am its about 4 degrees.
That's why I'm doing a stealth indoor grow.

I germinated 4 seeds at the same time and only one was big enough to plant today.
Germinated in a seal-able plastic container placed above my computer box to stay warm.
The remaining 3 are slower starters.

2 pictures of the 3 ladies: (with flash)
The other 3 ladies with flash

(without flash)
The other 3 ladies

Here is the one that basically threw her shell off and so i planted her asap:
24k gold   my 2nd grow ever   cfl stealth indoor cheaply

She is still bent inwards so not sure if i should cover her a bit.

Seeds are from a grower (Swaziland) here in Pretoria on a farm somewhere. (his crop are all females except the one or 2 that hermie from the cold temps (i assume))
This leads me to believe they are fem seeds. (a plus for me as my previous batch were all female (x5) and only one hermied on me out of 6 seeds planted.

What i plan to do:
LST them with style. (pic to illustrate + from 1st grow ever)
8may17 lst lizma3

Can't wait for this grow as i have learned so much from so many places. Most crucial answers came from here. (which is why i subbed :))

My plan is to germinate 2-4 seeds every week till 1st week of August.
Start every Friday and hopefully plant them by each Monday.

The list:
1) 24k Gold x4 (not sure if all will germinate yet)
2) White Rhino x2
3) AK-47 x2-4 (not sure as i hear they grow quite big)
4) Northern Lights x2-4
5) (Purple) Silver Haze x2 (only have 4 seeds but i do have colloidal silver so who knows for the future and i am moving to a farm in December)
Is it Silver Haze or Purple Haze? My guy said its purple haze but google says Silver.

So i am really hoping for the best.


I have a few questions if someone does not mind answering for me.
Things to know:
Are my seeds auto? Answer: no they are not.
Are they fem seeds? Answer: yes they are.
What are you feeding them? Answer: just SEAGRO organic nutes.
What are they in? Answer: Soil... landscapers choice lol!!! (cheap grow, indoor CFL)

1) Can i let my plants veg under 24/0 till i want to flower them?
1.1) Do they need sleep during veg? (If so how much can i give them? Minimum?)
1.2) If they do need sleep, what can 24/0 do to them in the long run till flower? (just asking as i heard they move to flower 12/12 easier than 18/6 (could be BS))

I hope my questions make sense.

Updated info for my grow (The List):
1) 24k Gold x4 (not sure if all will germinate yet) (Flowering time: 9-10weeks)
2) White Rhino x2 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks)
3) AK-47 x2-4 (not sure as i hear they grow quite big) (Flowering time: 7-9weeks)
4) Northern Lights x2-4 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks)
5) (Purple) Silver Haze x2 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks)

So seems like by pure luck i have chosen correctly...
If anyone has info that differs from mine please can you correct me. Thanks in advance.
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Threw 2x White Rhino in water/carton roll inside a plastic container.

Is it faster to place them in water first, then the paper towel (carton roll)?
Or can i place it directly into the carton roll?

Just asking as i have tried to germinate before this and none of them took (before the 24k Gold seeds.)
I assume the temp had a lot to do with it.
Have them inside the indoor germination box inside their container sealed.
24/0 lights:
3x 6500k 20w
2x 2700k 20w
1x 4000k 18w

Updated info for my grow (The List):
1) 24k Gold x4 (not sure if all will germinate yet) (Flowering time: 9-10weeks) - Planted 3 July 2017
2) White Rhino x2 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks) - In water/carton roll 4 July 2017
3) AK-47 x2 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks) - coming soon
4) Northern Lights x2 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks) - coming soon
5) (Purple) Silver Haze x2 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks) - coming soon


if your plants are photo you want them on 18/6 (iv read some sativas you can change the time to fit there geographic time schedule so iv read ) they need some down time just like the human body ie sleep if you will.

so they can distribute auxin, hormones.



if your plants are photo you want them on 18/6 (iv read some sativas you can change the time to fit there geographic time schedule so iv read ) they need some down time just like the human body ie sleep if you will.

so they can distribute auxin, hormones.

Ok then i will allow some downtime. 18/6 from planting i will do that...
Thank you for taking the time to respond.


Ok so today i decided to check on my 24k Gold baby... and she was bent over still but i noticed she had something on her tips...

Upon further inspection i noticed it was the "sack" from inside the seed. Her seed shell popped off when she was in carton roll/water because she was so fat :)

So after some surgery the sack was removed which allowed her to open up if needed.
Within 10 minutes she started to open up.... Here she is:
Day 1   Popped out

Day 1   Popped out   side

Still has a tiny spot left that i am going to leave alone... as long as she can open up im happy.
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My baby has finally opened.... not sure when but it was during today...
24k 1   5 July 2017

Glad i spotted the membrane...
Here is the rest of the family...

24k gold x1 (3x seeds still trying to germ since the 3rd July....)
White Rhino x2 (placed in water last night 4 July...)
AK-47 x2 (placed in water about 10 min ago...)
Northern Lights x2 (placed in water 10 min ago)
Purple/Silver Haze x2 (placed in water 10 min ago...)
The family in water

Pretty excited... I chose the darkest/biggest seeds... Some i chose because they looked badass... Spots/stripes so on...


Alright.... so today i looked at all my seeds in the water... 1 of each basically has a tap root... but have put them in carton roll this morning.

Here is an update on my 24k:
Taken 6 July 2017 @ 11:35am
20170706 113511

Here she is 7 July 2017 @ 11:34am:
20170707 113414

Not a bad 24hr growth for her i assume....
Just hope the rest pop soon...

Been busy working the passed couple days but still found time to snap a pic here and there...

Her indoor time:
On from 6am till 12am
Off from 12am till 6am

Not going to chance missing time with her/them during the day


Alrighty.... i opened the germination plastic thingy....
only 4 of them had a tiny tap root.... so i got plastic cups... and here they are... lets all hope they pop up now...
1x Silver Haze, 2x AK-47, 1x Northern Lights in plastic and 24k in pot:
20170708 230937

Need to buy more pots lol... Didn't even cross my mind to be honest....
Here is the baby....:
20170708 230910

She is progressing nicely....


20170709 104114

Check that colour...
She popped out the soil on Wednesday 5th July 2017.
So technically she is 4 days old? semantics...
Anyway... The others haven't popped out yet... *holding thumbs*

Updated info for my grow (The List):
1) 24k Gold x1 (Flowering time: 9-10weeks) - Planted 3 July 2017 / popped out on 5 July 2017
2) AK-47 x2 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks) - In water/carton roll 4 July 2017 / Planted 8 July 2017
3) Northern Lights x1 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks) - In water/carton roll 4 July 2017 / Planted 8 July 2017
4) (Purple) Silver Haze x1 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks) - In water/carton roll 4 July 2017 / Planted 8 July 2017

Gone) White Rhino x0 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks) - None made it... hmmm just noticed lol
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Alright, so this morning (10:42am, i am so sick... body is sore but my weed helps with the pain somehow... kinda cool.)
I noticed she might be a bit sick or something... Maybe nutes were to strong? but her leaf seems a bit weird... Doesn't feel dry or anything.
20170711 104248

She is getting bigger though.
Just hope she is alright.

Could it be the low humidity?
Just thought of that.... the box she is in... basically 100% of that air is extracted but not sure in how much time... Maybe i should spray her leaves with a bit of water/nutes as SEAGRO says on the label:
SEAGRO contains macro as well as micro elements for healthy soil and plant nutrition and can be used as a soil drench or a foliar feed.
Application does not have to be precise because there is no chance of overdose or burning of plants.

What you think i should do? Maybe just monitor?
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Updated info for my grow (The List):
1) 24k Gold x1 (Flowering time: 9-10weeks) - Planted 3 July 2017 / popped out on 5 July 2017
2) AK-47 x2 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks) - In water/carton roll 4 July 2017 / Planted 8 July 2017
3) Northern Lights x1 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks) - In water/carton roll 4 July 2017 / Planted 8 July 2017 / Replanted 11 July 2017

Gone) White Rhino x0 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks) - None made it...
Gone) (Purple) Silver Haze x1 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks) - None made it...

The Northern Lights seed... i replanted today into a bigger pot... the tap root was long but didn't pop out the small cup.
I lost the Silver Haze seed...

Will try a new method to pop seeds. Think i will use a Zip lock bag with a piece of carton roll.


Hey hey hey.... (Been sick in bed but i am alive!!!!)

So my indoor was suffering from what i can only describe as nutrient burn... even though the bottle says its not possible...
But she has bounced back nicely...
20170715 104329

As you can see her first pair of leaves suffered some burns... but the one basically burnt the whole tip off.
Woke up today feeling alright... and decided to take a picture of her and water her with only purified water.


Alright.... so my 24k baby has been growing nicely. Even though i burnt her with nutes...
20170716 131341

@jipp she is progressing nicely after i noobed again lol.
Here is the updated list:

Updated info for my grow (The List):
1) 24k Gold x1 (Flowering time: 9-10weeks) - Planted 3 July 2017 / popped out on 5 July 2017
2) Northern Lights x1 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks) - In water/carton roll 4 July 2017 / Planted 8 July 2017 / Replanted 11 July 2017 / Popped 13 July 2017

Gone) White Rhino x0 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks) - None made it... (Got many many seeds left)
Gone) (Purple) Silver Haze x0 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks) - None made it... (Got 2 seeds left)
Gone) AK-47 x0 (Flowering time: 7-9weeks) - None made it... (Got many many seeds left)

This is the Northern Lights before i topped the soil:
20170716 131416

20170716 131433

hard to focus on her...

On a side note.... I don't give them nutes just yet anymore... Only giving them pure filtered water with maybe some left over nutes after i feed the outside girls. I just add some water and feed the ones inside...


Nice start @PurplePlants. You shouldn't need to give them nutrients quite yet. The soil usually has enough nutrients to sustain for a couple of weeks. Being patient is a big factor when growing and some of us know how hard it is when you're first starting. Keep up the good work


Nice start @PurplePlants. You shouldn't need to give them nutrients quite yet. The soil usually has enough nutrients to sustain for a couple of weeks. Being patient is a big factor when growing and some of us know how hard it is when you're first starting. Keep up the good work
Thank you so much for the compliment...
The only part i am really struggling with now is getting my seeds to pop.
The temps here are cold all the time. I don't really have a spot that is warm enough to keep my seeds happy.
These 2 that did pop... i had to manually help them both in different ways. Just glad they both pulled through.

My indoor grow lights I'm using are all CFL's.
3x 20w 6500k
2x 20w 2700k
1x 20w 4000k

Box dimensions (roughly):
40cm wide the one way.
51cm wide the other way.
85cm high.

Cubic feet calculation result
Width: 40 cm.
Length: 51 cm.
Height: 85 cm.
6.124 ft3

That is what i have 2 plants in now.
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Hey all.... (lol as if anyone reads this)

Anyway... i was comparing 2 images right now of my 24k... one i took yesterday (18 July 17) and one today (19 July 17)...
The growth seems.... wow.. just check this...
18 July 2017 @ 18:47:
20170718 184718

19 July 2017 @ 20:37:
20170719 203716

I was shocked... this is for a CFL grow... lol... is it a normal amount? am i just to happy for no reason?
well... lets not forget the Northern Lights baby that popped out into the box with CFL's on the 13th July 2017....
20170719 203744

well that's it from me... (i might have saved a seed without knowing it... she was an AK-47... so hold thumbs all...)
if she makes it... i will add her images soon enough... i can already tell she will have a hard time getting out her shell... but her tap root grew so so so much.... so who knows...


My lips are so dry... decided to check out my weather on the windows 10 weather app... (not sure how correct they are but they can't be 2 far off)
check my temps and humidity... lol
Hope the plants will be alright...


Dabbling in Oil
Plants dont need fertilized pHed water until after the first set of round leaves dies off.

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