32 Light Flip-Flop

  • Thread starter KUSHPILES
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Well I am new to the farm, it's about time I show what im working with. Its our second run at the new location and figured we should start a thread. This location has 2 Medical Marijunna Personal Production licences with a max plant count of 74. Not many pics yet but definitely more to come! Heres whats inside:

Two Mostly sealed rooms and a small lung room. The first room is 14x15x8.5 with 16 vert 1000 watt bulbs in 3 foot parabolic shades. The Second room is 10x12 and has a 7 foot ceiling. It has 12 3 food shades and 4 vert bulbs all 1000 watt hps.

The lung room is through a closed door in the second room, into a hallway with a wall built towards the end. When you enter the hallway through the door from the small room, on the right was a closet door underneath a staircase. All was gutted out and our 5 ton heat pump (water chiller) was placed in there, along with 2 12 inch return ducts from each room, and an 8 burner CO2 Generator. ( A little tight)

The AC has 3 take offs, the main leads into 12" duct work with valves, that flip flop to whichever room has the lights on. 2 other take offs from the AC's hood lead to each of the rooms for more cooling power!

This is our first time running all 16 in each of the rooms and suspect it may be tough for the 5 ton AC, but our light/flip-flip relay board is custom made and any lights can be turned off if needed.

Last run we ran a few strains, all in 9 gallon grow bags on 4x8 (and a couple other sizes to fill remaining space) trays on wheels. Both rooms were scrogged and we had issues with different stretch. This time running 2 Phenos of Elephant. We built BC farmers and Hort-Hogs "smart troughs" in the bigger room, and are using grow bags in the small room. All will be SCROGGED.

Real excited about this run, unfortunately with some hold ups that were out of our control, the plants in the troughs are too tall and will need to be screened down which sucks..but less veg time will fix that for next time..much more pics to come!

32 light flip flop
The Smart Troughs

32 light flip flop 2
The plants inside them, way to big..this will be a PITA. Waiting on the screen to come in.. also the duct was being re-done in this picture..

32 light flip flop 3
OG Kush and Mystery Strain pheno saving being done at another location

Sorry about the shitty pics, will have better ones in the future. I hope you all enjoy, I have learned so much from the farm already and look forward to learning so much more !


Funk Master!
Welcome to the Farm, KP! I like the looks of things. Keep up the good work. Pics get better over time, bro. Dont sweat the small things. See ya in the threads and best of luck with ur grow!


Here's an older picture of the light board, theres a few changes. Il have updated pics soon..
IMG 0835

We currently have it set up in Vegetative mode so there are 6 lights on in each room. All valves are open from the AC unit so there is cool air flowing to both rooms, and returning to the lung room. When we SCROG both rooms ASAP and are ready to start flowering, we flip that tiny switch to the right of the timer and BOOM 12/12 action and dank on the way.


Time for an update.

We are now at day 5 of 12/12, and room 1 (bigger room) has been completely screened, coming along nicely. Issues with fiber glass resining the plant trays has slowed us down in room 2, although that is taken care of now and it will be screened out within the next 2 days.

Here is what has recently been done:
-2 new can 150's installed and 1 new 125 to complement the old one, for a total of 275 pounds of carbon cleaning the air in each room, all exhausting into the AC room 24/7.
-All plants in room 2 have been transplanted into 9 gallon grow bags with Pro-mix HP, perlight, worm castings, pyro clay, and are now awaiting being scrogged.
-all plants sprayed with a neem/safer's as well as caps tea a couple days apart, will repeat.
-OGBIOWAR tea watered all around, here's the recipe:
-4 gallons dechlorinated water
-100ml unsulfured molasses
-3 handfulls of worm castings
-60ml each of the OGBIOWAR trifecta
-16 light flip and AC setup working properly(we were having problems with room 1 thermostat kicking out when it called for cool and heat pump would ice up) fixed.
-LED green lights installed on timers in each room.

Tons of work to be done screening for the next couple weeks, pictures coming soon! Any comments/suggestions encouraged, thanks for tuning in!

Burned Haze

This setup is amazing !!

Def what I want to upgrade to or even 18 (600w) and 12 (1000w) on movers flip ballast setups

Keep it up and I'm def going to keep an eye on this one!


This setup is amazing !!

Def what I want to upgrade to or even 18 (600w) and 12 (1000w) on movers flip ballast setups

Keep it up and I'm def going to keep an eye on this one!

Hey Burned Haze-thanks for stopping in! We are also very interested in movers and may be adding them in the larger room for next run.
Theoneandonly Z

Theoneandonly Z

Great set up man, major kudos! Keep rocking that flip. Feel free to drop some knowledge on your experience in constructing and managing that nice little ;) garden u got there.Z


Great set up man, major kudos! Keep rocking that flip. Feel free to drop some knowledge on your experience in constructing and managing that nice little ;) garden u got there.Z
Welcome to the thread Theoneandonly Z, and thanks for the words of encouragement! Here is a little about our construction and plant management experience, feel free to ask about anything in particular.

Construction of this place took longer than expected, as there were several hiccups. The biggest problemwhich was out of our control, was the service upgrade to the house when we first got the place. There was a 150 amp service when we rolled in, and we upgraded to 300. It took about 3 months from when we started looking into it to get BC hydro to finally make an appointment with us to come kill the power so our cable guy (our electrician) can do what he does. As this new location happens to be in a sub devision, we try to be discrete as possible. The day the service upgrade got completed was not so stealthy. Our power service comes from the sidewalk, ran through a pipe underground, and then right up to the power main outside the house. After pulling out the old cable, it turns our that roots from an adjacent tree had grown into (possibly cracked) the pipe and the new cable could not be ran. BC hydro then had to call in a company to dig it all up, who then called a gas company so they can OK the dig, making sure there are no gas lines underground in that particular location. So there are like 6 contractor vehicles outside, people everywhere- not to mention 6 other houses are lights out as well because the street was built long ago, and could not handle the 300 amps. A couple of the BC hydro people working on the power main talking through a whole in the wall asked my electrician to pass them a couple buds- NOT idea.. haha- there were about 40, 8 foot plants in there waiting to be flowered at that time. Anyway that was a stressful PITA day but thats all done with, and there has been no problems since.

Other than the electrical issues, construction was fairly easy, we had to build walls around a fire place, sealing it from outside. We used black/white poly in both rooms covering all the dry wall, not ideal but as we are only at this location for another year there is no point going all out.

Plant management

We feed with a custom blend of salts, about 250 bucks worth of rock salts, micros, and superthrive has lasted us almost a year now. We haven't even used half. Water is pumped from a 55 gallon reservoir to each room through 1" pvc. A reducing T brings it down to half inch quick connects which are 16" off the cement floors. We currently hand water, but are moving towards installing some type of soaker hose with quick connects on each trough, so you just have to plug a hose into the end of each trough and BOOM. No more ninja trickery around under the canopy just to water, now we can tend plants as we water more efficiently.

We are looking at cutting down hours per week at the garden, and I think we will be starting with more efficient watering methods. Hope this is what ya had in mind, thanks for the interesest.



In general, the better your automation, the better and more consistent your results. Taking the out of who fed what and when made a big difference here!


In general, the better your automation, the better and more consistent your results. Taking the out of who fed what and when made a big difference here!

Exactly why were moving towards that. Furthermore, since switching to the smart trough design we can no longer pick up the plant a bit to see the weight which was essential to how much water they got before. Drip emitters or something similar with valves at each plant will help control exactly what we want them to get every watering.
Theoneandonly Z

Theoneandonly Z

Damn i would have been pulling my hair out during that construction fiasco! i ran a grow similar in size with the same watering methods... by hand and weight. fun times! switched it up after a couple of months and ran drip lines. saved alot of time, but ran into usual drip line issues as time progressed. moved to a mobile reservoir (55 gal on wheels!) and used a sub pump and wand. worked tits but didnt like the idea for addressing teas to the medium. the sub pump did damage to microbe populations and really defeated our purpose. any how, thanks for chiming in and much luck with ur current op.Z

oh and how are heat issues with parabolics? when i ran them i found that the hood entrapped heat which made temps higher closer to my canopy. ended up running bare bulb verts and lowering them closer to the plant. heat problems eased up a bit. that was just my experience, curious to see how heat is treating you. I like your idea with a main ac lead that flips with the schedule with the two supports. are you able to keep both room temps ideal? thanks again. Z


Its been a while, time for an update!

This has been quite a tough run, personal reasons have prevented us from caring for our plants as much as they need. We are right at the start of week 6, and our first flush 2 weeks ago was done too late, and most plants in small room B suffered major lock-out, and one drought-not cool. They have recovered now after a flush and are growing strong, but we will have to live with the damage that salt build up left behind until we cut them down. We feed,feed,water,feed,feed,ACT.
IMG 0895
This is week 1 of flower in the smart troughs. Since our turn around took longer than expected, the plants were way to big for these screens, but we made it happen. Lots of bending and training for about a week turned the plants into what they look like in the above picture. It took another 2 weeks of training to get them down lower where we wanted them. LOTS of cutting was done under the canopy, staying away from any larf is huge !

IMG 0904IMG 0905
Same room week three. I can't upload recent pics as they are too large too upload. Even though the buds aren't quite the size of the other room right now, the plants are much healthier in the smart troughs. I associate that with the better run off we have been achieving with the troughs, so the late flush didn't effect them as bad as the other room, where the plants are in grow bags.

IMG 0885
Here is the smaller room at the start of weed 6, enjoying the enriched CO2. Problems with our controller forced us to have CO2 in only the small room for the first month of flower, and the difference is clear. The flowers in the room with CO2 look as if they are 2 weeks ahead of the other room, with buds double the size.

Temps have been great in both rooms, room A sits pretty at 81 all day long, and room B swings from 77 up to 84 which is a little high for me (paranoid of spiders) but the plants are loving it. We changed our cooling a bit, there is only 2 take offs from the Ac, both with valves switching from one room to the other with the lights. Having a 12" duct cooling the floor of each room has made a major difference. I have noticed that where that air is pointing in the room will change the temp up to 10 degrees, so its important I position them in the right spot, blowing on a floor fan to disperse the cold air.

Since our small room does not have too high of a ceiling, we are considering changing out the vertical parabolic's in that room, and replacing them with horizontal adjust-a-wings. I would appreciate anybody's input and experience with these, as I have never used them. There will be 16 packed in that small room, and we are unsure whether we want to use the big or small ones.


Damn i would have been pulling my hair out during that construction fiasco! i ran a grow similar in size with the same watering methods... by hand and weight. fun times! switched it up after a couple of months and ran drip lines. saved alot of time, but ran into usual drip line issues as time progressed. moved to a mobile reservoir (55 gal on wheels!) and used a sub pump and wand. worked tits but didnt like the idea for addressing teas to the medium. the sub pump did damage to microbe populations and really defeated our purpose. any how, thanks for chiming in and much luck with ur current op.Z

oh and how are heat issues with parabolics? when i ran them i found that the hood entrapped heat which made temps higher closer to my canopy. ended up running bare bulb verts and lowering them closer to the plant. heat problems eased up a bit. that was just my experience, curious to see how heat is treating you. I like your idea with a main ac lead that flips with the schedule with the two supports. are you able to keep both room temps ideal? thanks again. Z

Temps have been good! Humidity is our problem, with lights on it rarely gets to 45, so we need a humidifier for early-mid flower. There is one plant that is showing the stress, with a few fan leaves doing the taco.

Burned Haze

Amazing so far!!!

I'm def down to watch this one since I thought my 8 switcher was the shit, lol
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